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四川 高三 三模 2023-11-18 469次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

一、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65)

Traveling to a new country you have little knowledge about can be a recipe for awkwardness. However, if you do your homework before you travel, you prepare yourself for the unknown, spend less, and enjoy more.

Put your health and safety first

Traveling to areas where civil unrest (骚乱) or natural disasters are occurring can put you at risk, so research current events in your destination. Set an alert on Google Alerts for your destination at least two weeks before your trip. This will provide you with relevant news stories about your destination on a daily basis. You can also:

√ Check your government's travel advisory website.

√ Ask local residents via social media or online forums.

√ Contact the hotel's manager or the owner of the place where you are staying.

Don't let foul weather ruin a trip

Before traveling, know the weather you’ll encounter there. Poor weather upsets travel plans every day. For international trips, that impact can be more far-reaching. Take this situation for instance. A thunderstorm delays your international flight. That delay causes you to miss your connecting flight to your destination city. Now, you won’t be able to arrive until a day later, which means all of your reservations, hotel, rental car, event tickets, etc., must be changed or cancelled. However, since these reservations are often non-refundable (不可退款的), you could be stuck paying for things you cannot use.

Luckily, a travel insurance plan can allow you to be compensated for covered expenses you are not able to use, protecting your wallet from the uncertainties of international travel.

Take care of your travel documents

Tourists are easy targets for thieves. Carrying originals of your important documents can allow them to get stolen or lost. Keep scanned versions of these documents handy: photocopy of your passport, proof of financial support for your trip, your plane tickets, details of the purpose of your trip, application fee and travel insurance.

1. What may be the function of Google Alerts?
A.It helps you check travel advisory website.
B.It helps you communicate with local residents.
C.It prevents you from getting involved in the civil unrest.
D.It informs you of the latest happenings in your destination.
2. How can you recover part of the money you’ve paid for things you cannot use?
A.By avoiding paying online in advance.B.By making complaints to the managers.
C.By buying relevant insurance beforehand.D.By checking the weather forecast carefully.
3. You should make copies of your important travel documents ________.
A.in case of emergencyB.to keep the originals safe
C.so that they will not get stolenD.because they are needed in many situations
2023-11-17更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省成都市四七九名校高考适应性模拟考试(三)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65)

I was traveling with my husband and three teenage sons in the United States. We ordered our food at a fast-food place, and with my meal I also wanted a blueberry pie. My husband is the chatty one in the family and likes to socialize, so he started a conversation about the place where blueberries grow with the waitress. She answered, with some anxiety, “They grow on trees.”

The whole family’s jaws dropped! How could this girl not know where blueberries grow? We tried not to embarrass her, and just took the opportunity to teach her a little about how blueberries grow, on small shrubs (灌木) on the ground. She seemed to appreciate learning something new. We can’t know all the same things, as you'll see from the next thing I'm going to tell you.

In 2002 our family made a short trip to a coffee plantation. The road to the plantation was narrow, filled with sharp bends. I worried about hitting another car. We didn’t, lucky us! When we finally got to our destination, we learned a lot about the plantation and coffee production, but we didn’t see any coffee plants. Where were they? We decided to ask one of the people working there. “So where are the coffee plants? We can’t see them anywhere.”

She reached out her arm and caught a twig (细枝) right next to us and explained, “This is the coffee plant and these little things will be coffee beans.” I looked around in embarrassment, as we were surrounded by coffee plants! She explained that coffee plants aren’t big and that they have to grow in the shade of other bigger plants. I appreciated her lesson.

We love our coffee, but I’m sure most of my countrymen would not be able to recognize a coffee plant among other tropical plants if asked. Our jaws can drop at different things, depending on geographical locations, at what we know and don’t know. Never take anything for granted!

4. By saying “The whole family’s jaws dropped!”, the author means that ________.
A.the waitress was extremely ignorantB.the waitress gave the strangest answer
C.the whole family was greatly surprisedD.the whole family had problems with their mouths
5. Which of the following best describes the waitress?
6. What can we learn about the blueberry plant and the coffee plant?
A.They produce the same beans.B.They grow in the tropical areas.
C.They look very similar to each other.D.They are shrubs growing on the ground.
7. What message does the author want to convey in the passage?
A.The pot calls the kettle black.B.Two heads are better than one.
C.Don't judge a book by its cover.D.There are spots even on the sun.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4)

In America’s retirement crisis, women get the short end of the stick. While women have a lifetime to build up their wealth, there are several factors that impact their ability to achieve economic security into retirement.

Retirement is a gender (性别) issue. Wealth is accumulated by saving and long-term investing, but women are at a disadvantage compared with men. A TIAA report found that if two recent college graduates, a man and a woman, want to have the same amount saved for retirement, it would take about 18% of the woman’s salary to equal 10% of the man’s salary. The reasons are simple. Women are usually paid less and tend to receive fewer salary increases. And women usually retire relatively earlier, so this gives them less time to accumulate wealth. Women have longer life expectancy. As a result, they often face financial instability in retirement.

Investing is another issue. While the investing industry would tell you we’re gender-neutral, 99% of investment dollars are managed at companies owned by white men, 98% of mutual (互助) fund dollars are managed by men, 90% of traders are men, and 86% of financial advisors are men. Maybe the reason women aren’t investing as much is that it is dominated by men.

The pandemic has a greater impact on women. Women who are privileged enough to work from home have lost productivity by double-digit percent, while men have gained productivity, like gains of 50%. The promotions that have occurred during the pandemic had gone something like 3-to-1 to men. A large number of women work in industries that have been deeply affected by the pandemic, including hospitality, retail, restaurants and caregiving, occupations that require in-person work. With these businesses having to either lay off employees or temporarily shut down, and with domestic and caretaker responsibilities, many women have opted to leave the workforce altogether.

How can the retirement risks women face be relieved? That’s what the government should take into consideration.

8. All the following factors contribute to women’s financial risks in retirement EXCEPT ________.
A.women are generally paid less than men
B.women live longer than men on average
C.women save more of their salaries than men
D.women may retire a few years earlier than men
9. How does the pandemic especially affect women?
A.Women happily choose to work at home.
B.Their income is reduced more than ever before.
C.Women’s productivity has been reduced to 50% online.
D.Only one third of women get the chance to be promoted.
10. What does the underlined part “get the short end of the stick" in Paragraph I mean?
A.Be at a disadvantage.B.Be in a great dilemma.
C.Travel a short distance.D.Become unable to reach one’s goal.
11. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Whether women are still being discriminated.
B.Why women face more retirement risks than men.
C.How the government can handle the retirement risks.
D.Why women should take measures to solve their retirement problems.
2023-11-17更新 | 183次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省成都市四七九名校高考适应性模拟考试(三)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65)

A draft of a new bill aimed at fighting food waste was approved by a country’s Council of Ministers in Spain, and will now proceed to Parliament. Once approved, the law could take effect in early 2023.

The goal is to reduce the amount of food that goes to waste, which is currently estimated to be around 1,300 tonnes (公吨) annually. That works out to roughly 68 pounds per Spaniard, valued around €250. While more than half of that waste (54%) takes place at home, the bill is aimed more at the retail and hospitality sectors.

The law is the first of its kind in the country, modeled on similar laws in Italy and France. It would allow the government to deal with inefficiencies in the food chain.

Medium-scale and large-scale retailers and restaurants will be required to present plans for food waste prevention and disposal, outlining what happens to surplus (过剩) food. Donating to food banks is encouraged, as long as the food is still safe for consumption. If it’s starting to go bad, the bill suggests changing it slightly in safe ways, such as making juice or jam. If it’s not good for human consumption, then the item can be used for animal feed or in the production of biofuel or fertilizers.

Bars and restaurants must provide free packaging for guests to take food home if they have not finished it. While it is a standard practice in North America, this is not common in Spain for cultural reasons.

When supermarkets have food nearing expiry (到期), they must sell it at discount or donate it before it goes bad. All companies in the food chain are required to encourage sales and use of in-season, local and organic produce as much as possible.

There will be serious financial fines for businesses that fail to obey, ranging from €6,000 to €150,000. Second offenses cost even more, as much as half a million Euros.

It is impossible to outline a perfect approach, but any measures to inform and encourage to action are an improvement. Reducing the waste could go a long way toward checking emissions and fighting the climate crisis.

12. The draft of a new bill was approved ________.
A.to prevent food from going bad
B.to make full use of food that may go to waste
C.to mainly stop food from being wasted at home
D.to follow Italian and French examples to save resources
13. What should be done according to the new law?
A.Food going bad is encouraged to be donated to food banks.
B.All leftovers should be used to produce biofuel or fertilizers.
C.Retailers and restaurants must make plans about surplus food.
D.Consumers have to pay for plastic packaging in bars and restaurants.
14. The underlined word “offenses” in Paragraph 7 can be replaced by ________.
15. Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.How to deal with our surplus foodB.A plan to handle food waste in Spain
C.Serious food problems we are still facingD.The importance of conserving food resources
2023-11-24更新 | 117次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省成都市四七九名校高考适应性模拟考试(三)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65)

Math causes anxiety for kids. It is worsened by the pressure of knowing that math is the gatekeeper to science and technology that drive our society.

When our kids ask why they need to know algebra, we tell them that it will be useful.     16     Humans like the practical, but we know that there is much more to life. As Aristotle said, knowledge begins with wonder. but what wonder is there in algebra or calculus (微积分)? Not much. No wonder math creates boredom (无聊). Yet they are the cornerstone of math education. Therefore, math causes anxiety.

    17     Do what mathematicians do and seek out unexplored, unknown, undiscovered math.

Regrettably, the mathematical journey is imagined as a terrifying mountain: The wide base is arithmetic, accessible to everyone. Climbing higher brings us to algebra, geometry, and eventually calculus and beyond.     18    

In reality, math is alive and still advancing, and most of it remains a vast and unexplored countryside.     19     Many of them are accessible for our kids.

Here’s one: Can every even number be written as a sum of two prime numbers (质数)? Even numbers such as 8 and 30 can be written as 3+5 and 7+23.     20     No one has proved it yet.

As our kids try to solve this kind of problems, an encouraging truth will appear in their anxious hearts: It’s OK to struggle with math since everyone does. These unsolved puzzles make us realize that we are on the same level as the great mathematicians, all of us staring over the unknown abyss (深渊), looking for a way down into the mystery.

A.Girls can do as well as boys in math.
B.But can this be done for every even number?
C.But do we listen to jazz because it is useful?
D.Happily, unlocking the pleasure of math is simple.
E.But do they really understand the importance of math?
F.We believe that new math ideas have been nearly exhausted.
G.Fresh ideas are constantly being discovered, opening up new and fascinating puzzles.
2023-11-17更新 | 127次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省成都市四七九名校高考适应性模拟考试(三)英语试题

二、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65)

When Dr. Henderson was assigning project mates for his psychology class, I never expected he would assign me to work with the fiercely competitive, extremely serious fellow who always wore _________ clothes and apparently had a _________ to match.

When I went up to him, he looked at me _________ I weren’t there. He wasn’t _________, but he just gave me the impression that he could do better whatever project we dreamed up if he did it _________.

The project required each team to develop a hypothesis (假说), set up an experiment to _________ the hypothesis, do the statistical analysis and _________ the findings. Whatever grade the team received would be _________ by both students.

When we met to discuss our project, I felt _________. He had a reputation for single-mindedness and __________ grades-the exact opposite of me. I was outmatched. I even considered dropping out, but __________ because I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of my __________ out.

After long discussions we somehow agreed to do a study on the __________ well-being of teenagers. We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans. He kept his brain __________ in the project, leaving me standing by as if I were a __________. “What a dull project it is!” I murmured to myself. However, something changed gradually as I knew more. Thanks to the serious fellow, the project went close to the final stage __________.

One day he was __________ to hospital for a disease. Without delay, I packed up my school bag, took all the statistics and __________ to the hospital. Seeing the pale fellow wearing pure white clothes instead of the annoying dark clothes, I felt a sense of __________. With his guidance, I finished the project and presented the findings. It turned out to be such an amazing and persuasive study that we won the best grade. Now, we have been the most reliable cooperative __________ ever since!

A.even ifB.untilC.becauseD.as though
A.ran shortB.checked outC.stopped shortD.checked in
2023-11-17更新 | 137次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省成都市四七九名校高考适应性模拟考试(三)英语试题

三、语法填空 添加题型下试题

语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中(0.65)

China’s third aircraft carrier, the Fujian, has been launched. Having a displacement (排水量) of more than 80,000 tons, the Fujian is the country’s first carrier     41     (equip) with electromagnetic catapults (弹射器) and arresting devices. It is believed to be     42     (significant) more powerful than the country’s first two aircraft carriers.

From a technology development point of view, China should aim for world-class equipment     43     can defend itself and safeguard peace. It should also have more aircraft carriers. While the US has 11 aircraft carriers, China will not have an     44     (arm) race in terms of aircraft carriers with the US. China will develop aircraft carriers     45     its own proper pace.

China’s development and improvement of weapons and equipment are not aimed at any country or specific target, and will not pose     46     threat to any country or region, as they only serve the purpose of safeguarding national sovereignty (主权),     47     (secure) and development interests. History     48     (prove) and will continue to prove that China is a constructor of world peace and a contributor to global development, a protector of international order and a provider of public goods.

If China is to build another aircraft carrier, it would likely be based on the design of the Fujian. A 100,000 ton-class, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier like those of the US would be more powerful, but also more expensive, so a choice must be made     49     (regard) whether     50     (have) more but inexpensive carriers, or have less but expensive ones.

2023-11-17更新 | 192次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省成都市四七九名校高考适应性模拟考试(三)英语试题

四、改错 添加题型下试题

改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65)
51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I’m more than delightedly to tell you something about the Chinese painting exhibition, which will start in November 18 in our school lecture hall and last for a week. The exhibition is a collection of works creating by some famous artists in China. In the exhibitions, the guide will interpret each piece in detail and the backgrounds of their painters, such as Xu Beihong or Qi Baishi. You are suppose to benefit a lot from the activity. Not only could you cultivate your ability to appreciating Chinese art, but also you can gain access to Chinese history and culture, which can enrich your experiences in China. Would you like to attend to the exhibition with me? I’d appreciate if you could accept my invitation. I’m looking forward to your reply as soon as possible.

2023-11-17更新 | 134次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省成都市四七九名校高考适应性模拟考试(三)英语试题

五、书信写作 添加题型下试题

书信写作-邀请信 | 适中(0.65)
52. 假如你是李华,你校英国交换生James希望体验你们骑游俱乐部的活动,请你写一封电子邮件邀请他参加。要点如下:
1. 邀请他参加本周末的骑游活动;
2. 活动的具体安排,包括时间、地点和路线等。
1. 词数:100左右(邮件的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:骑游俱乐部 the cycling club
Dear James,

How is everything going?


Looking forward to seeing you.


Li Hua



试卷题型(共 9题)






题号 难度系数 详细知识点 备注
1-30.65方法/策略  旅游观光  应用文阅读单选
4-70.65哲理感悟  记叙文  生活故事阅读单选
8-110.4社会问题与社会现象  说明文阅读单选
12-150.65政治政策  新闻报道阅读单选
16-200.65学习  社会问题与社会现象七选五
21-400.65记叙文  生活故事
41-500.65发明与创造 短文语填
510.65美术与摄影  邀请短文改错
520.65学校活动  邀请邀请信
共计 平均难度:一般