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江西 高三 模拟预测 2024-05-27 137次 整体难度: 容易 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

一、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85)
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了Advanced Placement ® Program(AP)的相关信息。

AP at a Glance

Get an Overview of the AP Program

The Advanced Placement ® Program (AP) enables willing and academically-prepared students to pursue college-level studies while they are still in high school. The program develops college-level courses that high schools can choose to offer and corresponding AP exams that are administered once a year.

Fast Facts

·AP courses are available in seven subject categories.

·Each AP course is modeled on a comparable introductory college course in the subject.

·Each course comes to an end in a standardized college-level assessment or an AP exam.

·AP exams are given in May each year at testing locations all over the world.

·Schools must be authorized by the AP Course Audit to offer approved AP courses and use the “AP” designation (名称).


Taking AP courses and exams can help students:

·Stand out on college applications. AP courses on a student’s transcript (学生成绩报告单) show that they’ve challenged themselves with the strictest courses available to them. And success on an AP exam shows that they’re ready for college-level coursework.

·Earn college credits and skip introductory courses in college. Most four-year colleges and universities in the United States, as well as many institutions in more than 100 other countries, grant students’ credit, placement, or both for qualifying AP exam scores.

1. Who are suitable to apply for the program?
A.Middle school teachers.
B.High school students.
C.Program designers.
D.Company administrators.
2. What should the students do to finish a course?
A.Study seven reports.
B.Earn enough credits.
C.Take a relevant exam.
D.Use the “AP” designation.
3. What benefit can the qualified students get from the program?
A.Getting a high school transcript sooner.
B.More foreign universities to be chosen from.
C.Studying more introductory courses in college.
D.Higher possibility of being admitted to a university.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者参加了一个由Rosemarie Rossetti组织的活动,这个活动让普通人体验坐轮椅的残疾人的感受。

The saying “You need to walk a mile in their shoes” couldn’t be truer. It goes for a person in a wheelchair to attend an event. You can’t fully grasp what it would be like for your attendees who use a wheelchair to experience your event until you’ve sat in their seat.

With that in mind, Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) offered participants an opportunity to attend the “Event Mobility & Accessible Design — An Immersive Tour” in a wheelchair. The event was led by accessibility advocate Rosemarie Rossetti, who has been in a wheelchair since an accident paralyzed (使瘫痪) her from the waist down 25 years ago. Rossetti took us for a test run of the wheelchair tour, which opened our eyes to the challenges those in a wheelchair face when attending events and gave us a better understanding of how to make those events more welcoming for them.

After we started pushing ourselves around, I was immediately reminded of a recent article on how San Diego Comic-Con attendees were disappointed except for those in a wheelchair. The exhibit hall of the event was not carpeted. The first thing you realize when pushing yourself in a wheelchair is that it’s far less physically taxing on cement (水泥) than on carpeting. You should know the truth that it takes more energy and time to navigate in a wheelchair.

I hope that my temporary experience in a wheelchair won’t fade from memory and that I will look at every event with fresh eyes. In the registration form, it’s not enough to ask whether the attendees need wheelchair access but what convenience they need.

What can be especially helpful to those in wheelchairs, Rossetti shared, was to feature an accessible navigation map in the app to highlight a wheelchair-only access route. Rossetti accompanied planners on their site visits to make sure the attendees would be fully accessible, but she also suggested proactive use of a wheelchair on the next site visit.

4. Why were the wheelchairs offered to the attendees at the event led by Rossetti?
A.To make disabled people know the event’s challenges.
B.To help them get used to disabled persons’ daily life.
C.To make the event understood better by the organizers.
D.To help them experience the event from disabled persons’ view.
5. What does the underlined word “taxing” in paragraph 3 mean?
6. What does the experience inspire the author to do?
A.Organize more events.
B.Care for many attendees.
C.Make events more accessible.
D.Design advanced wheelchairs.
7. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The achievements Rossetti made in the past.
B.The feelings Rossetti had during the previous events.
C.Rossetti’s suggestions on helping disabled attendees.
D.Rossetti’s opinions on setting up accesses for disabled people.
2024-05-30更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省多市多校高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65)

Plants may tell us when they are in trouble. Researchers have found thirsty tomatoes and tobacco plants make ultrasonic (超声的) clicking sounds, which are too high-pitched for human ears to hear. But when the sounds are changed to lower pitches, they sound like popping (爆裂的) bubble wrap. Plants also make clicks when their stems are cut.

“It doesn’t mean the plants are screaming,” says Lilach Hadany, an evolutionary biologist at Tel Aviv University. “Plants may not mean to make these sounds,” she says. “We’ve only shown that plants send out informative sounds.”

Hadany first realized the clicks when she and her teammates set microphones next to plants on tables in a lab. The microphones caught some sounds. But the scientists needed to make sure that the clicking was coming from the plants. So the scientists placed plants inside soundproof boxes in the basement, far from the noise of the lab. There, the microphones picked up ultrasonic pops from thirsty tomato plants. Though it was outside humans’ hearing range, the sound made by the plants was about as loud as a normal conversation.

Dry or cut tomato plants and tobacco plants clicked, too. But plants that had enough water or hadn’t been snipped stayed quiet. Wheat and corn also made sounds when stressed out. These findings appeared in Cell.

The scientists don’t yet know why plants click. Bubbles forming and then popping inside plant tissues that transport water might make the sounds. But however they happen, pops from crops could help farmers, the researchers suggest. Microphones, for instance, could monitor fields to detect when plants need water.

Hadany wonders whether other plants and insects already tune in to the sounds. Other studies have suggested that plants respond to sounds. And animals from moths to mice can hear in the range of the ultrasonic clicks. Sounds made by plants could be heard from around five meters away. Hadany and the team are now investigating how plants’ neighbors respond to the sounds.

8. What can we know about the ultrasonic clicking sounds?
A.People cannot hear them.
B.They sound like screams
C.Creatures can make the sounds
D.They are as loud as other noises.
9. Which can best describe the discovery of the clicks according to Hadany?
10. Who will get benefits from the research according to the text?
11. What does Hadany focus on?
A.Why the plants can make the sounds.
B.The exact distance the sounds can travel.
C.Whether animals can hear the sounds or not.
D.Other plants’ and insects’ reaction to the sounds.
2024-05-27更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省多市多校高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65)

In a world driven by technological advancements, project leaders are embracing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to push the boundaries of what is possible in the area of project planning and execution (实施). From appealing designs and personalized experiences to streamlined operations and data-driven insights, AI is emerging as an innovative force, allowing project leaders to create extraordinary moments that leave cooperators astonished.

Actually, nobody wrote the introduction paragraph, but AI did it, in response to the prompt (提示): Can you help me write an introduction to an article that features different ways leaders use AI for projects? If you’re using a generative AI tool to help you write session descriptions, marketing messages or social-media posts, you may recognize the special over-the-top tone. Some experts don’t think that taking a particular approach will leave cooperators astonished.

But the hype (促销广告) about AI itself is not overblown. An AI company’s recent economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier report estimates that generative AI has the potential to generate $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually in value across industries.

We could cite all kinds of statistics about generative AI’s impact on knowledge work, explore its dark side, like the moral influences of the technology on society, or go the other way and publish mind-blowing predictions of its future use. Anyway, experts advise us to focus on how the tool can be used in practical ways.

Not all of us are quick to accept AI, but we can’t afford to ignore it either. And when it comes to its potential in the business world, Bill Wilson, a senior consultant in the AI industry, seems to be speaking directly to the heart of our industry, “In general, workers can spend more time on the human connection and interaction aspects of their roles, which is something AI can’t take away.”

12. How does the author start the text?
A.By citing a part of an article.
B.By drawing a conclusion.
C.By giving some examples.
D.By explaining unique phenomena
13. What is the author’s attitude to Al?
14. What do Bill Wilson’s words mean?
A.AI has big side effects.
B.Workers need to learn AI.
C.AI can’t completely replace workers.
D.Workers have to change roles
15. What may be the best title for the text?
A.AI is one of the greatest innovations
B.Exploring the potential and impact of AI
C.AI has made a huge difference in our lives
D.Transforming project management with AI
2024-05-30更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省多市多校高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85)

A blister (水疱) is a small bag of fluid that forms in an area of the body.     16     They may develop after a skin burn,   infection with bacteria, insect bites, bumps or scratches.

Depending on its location, a blister can interfere with our day-to-day tasks. For example, if we have one on our feet, we may have difficulty walking, exercising or standing for a long period of time.     17     Fortunately, there are some home treatments that can reduce our discomfort and decrease the risk of suffering them

    18     In many cases, they are the result of poorly fitted, too tight, or too loose shoes that can cause a graze (擦伤) of the skin. This causes friction and, as a result, fluid collects under the outer layer of the skin.

A blister on feet caused by a graze usually heals in a few days with home treatments.     19     A doctor should be consulted if the blister causes severe pain or prevents us from walking. If we have a fever, nausea or chills, it may be a sign of infection.

Blisters are usually drained with a sterile needle. If there are signs of infection, a sample of fluid may be examined to determine the cause.Moreover,antibiotics (抗生素) will be prescribed to treat the existing infection and prevent an additional infection from occurring.       20    

A.Dampness or too much sweat can cause these blisters.
B.In fact,blisters on feet may be the most common ones.
C.Blisters can vary in size and occur for different reasons.
D.However,not all who walk or stand for long develop blisters.
E.Preventing foot blisters involves addressing the fundamental cause
F.If they turn yellow,they may have been infected and you need medical attention.
G.However, some blisters do not respond to these treatments and get worse over time.
2024-05-30更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省多市多校高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试题

二、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约230词) | 较易(0.85)

Last Monday, when I walked into a supermarket, my daughter, Charlotte, said she would buy me some flowers. I came home with a beautiful bouquet (花束), a(n)_______gift I enjoyed. That reminded me of the old days.

When my kids were younger, sometimes I noticed them_______something on a shop shelf, and I asked what they wanted to take home. Or I saw something while shopping by myself and thought which child would love that. I’d buy it and gave it to the_______child. We may be apprehensive about buying_______for our children. Should we be careful about what we give them because they might_______something every time we go shopping? What if we have several_______? If we buy something for one of them, will we have to buy something for everyone to be_______?

Despite the_______, I still bought gifts just to spread joy. After careful teaching, nothing terrible happened. My kids didn’t_______more when we went shopping. They always appreciated whatever I gave them. The child__________a gift would smile with delight, and the other children were pleased too. They shared the joy__________.

Now they do the same for me__________. Yesterday, I was too unwell to__________my son, James, to the mall. He said he would bring home something nice to cheer me up. He returned with some beautiful sunflowers. Sometimes, I stop my writing and glance up at my flowers, and__________fills my heart.I truly feel __________.

A.putting upB.looking atC.paying forD.bringing back
A.in advanceB.in returnC.in placeD.in time
2024-05-23更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省多市多校高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试题

三、语法填空 添加题型下试题

语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 较易(0.85)

Wearing traditional Chinese dress,some foreigners in Shanghai    36    (show)up at a Chinese-style market at the River Mall in the Pudong New Area on Thursday,    37    (express)their love for Chinese culture and traditional clothing.

A series of activities including    38    market as well as traditional Chinese culture displays and parades of traditional Chinese fine clothing are rolling out in the city between Thursday and Sunday    39    (promote)traditional Chinese culture among young people.

The market drew some foreign Hanfu    40    (love).Zerin Moirang them,a university student from India,arrived in Shanghai last July.He used to participate in a lot of Hanfu activities during his stay in Kunming,Yunnan Province,and he joined a Hanfu society.“I have around 15 collections of Hanfu,and I took friends to the parks,wearing Hanfu,”hetold Shanghai Daily.“I am crazy    41    Hanfu and I really love it,”he said.“In the future,I want to bring Hanfu culture to my country,showing    42    (it)beauty.”

It was the first time for Katrina Andrushkevich from Belarus to wear Hanfu.“I am     43    (interest)in Chinese culture and history,”she said.“I feel    44     (incredible) special today and cherish this moment a lot.”

There is an interactive experience area    45    visitors can enjoy the fun of chess playing, calligraphy,tea ceremony,and riddle guessing to experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture

2024-05-27更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省多市多校高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试题

四、书信写作 添加题型下试题

书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65)
46. 假定你是李华,你校英语俱乐部将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以“建设美好家乡”为主题写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:

Hello everyone!


Thank you!

2024-05-27更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省多市多校高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试题

五、书面表达 添加题型下试题

书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Last summer, my team and I traveled to a reserve in Indiana for field work. After five hours, we finally arrived. We had been looking forward to this trip for over a year. We decided to stay at a local hotel and walk into the reserve the next day

Upon the information we received at the visitor center the next morning, we ultimately decided to hike on a canyon trail. It was supposed to be a calm day and it was supposed to bean easy job in the reserve. Little did I know that day would become one of the scariest in my life.

To be prepared for our journey, we brought along plenty of water and snacks. We kept moving and were on our way. With the purpose of studying different species, I tried to identify various types of trees and animals. I noticed an unknown creature running away

“Ill catch up with you guys,” I told my teammates. They continued on the path while imindlessly followed the creature. It had a short tail and its coat was a shade of beige (米色) with spots on it, unlike anything I had seen before. After following it fora while, I was able to get a close-up view, and determined it to be a bobcat (短尾猫), which was not friendly to me. When I realized it,it was too late, because I had wandered off the trail.

Never having been in this situation before, I was completely confused. What should I do? Since there was no cell phone reception, I knew calling for help was out of the picture. At this point, I realized I would have to be responsible and get back to the trail. I had to abandon all fears and go in “survival mode” to get to safety. “Help! Help!” I screamed, but the high wind was the only response. Trying to backtrack to my route, I only got deeper into the wilderness


Suddenly, I heard a sound come from behind me.


I had to take action to ensure safety.

2024-05-27更新 | 56次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届江西省多市多校高三下学期5月联考模拟预测英语试题



试卷题型(共 9题)






题号 难度系数 详细知识点 备注
1-30.85学习  课程  应用文阅读单选
4-70.65社会问题与社会现象  记叙文阅读单选
8-110.65科普知识   说明文  植物阅读单选
12-150.65说明文  人工智能阅读单选
16-200.85方法/策略  医疗 七选五
21-350.85记叙文  生活故事
36-450.85服饰穿戴  中国文化与节日短文语填
共计 平均难度:一般