组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:101 题号:10522265

Communication roadblocks are very common. They occur when two people talk in such a way that neither one feels understood.    1    However, there are several ways to help individuals overcome roadblocks.

Soften the startup. One of the skills to overcome communication roadblocks is to begin a conversation by starting with something positive, expressing appreciation and taking responsibility for thoughts and feelings.    2    For example, ''I want to stay more involved in making decisions about money'' rather than ''You never include me in financial decisions. ''

Make and receive repair attempts. Another important skill in overcoming communication roadblocks is learning to make and receive repair attempts. They are efforts to prevent an increasingly negative interaction from going any further.    3    This is important because when conflicts appear, we often experience stress that can affect our ability to think and reason, which can lead to communication roadblocks. Taking time away from the conflict to calm down can help us be more prepared to discuss the issue.

    4    Overcoming communication roadblocks requires each partner to take turns being the speaker and the listener so that each has a chance to express themselves effectively. The goal is not to solve a particular problem, but rather to have a safe and meaningful discussion and to understand each other's point of view, which may lead to more effective communication.

Dealing with communication roadblocks can take large amounts of mental, emotional, and physical energy. But learning and using a few simple skills can increase positive communication with others.    5    

A.Use effective speaking and listening skills.
B.Deal with roadblocks in communicating with partners.
C.Sometimes we can take a break or make efforts to calm the situation.
D.They are not good for effective communication and often deepen the conflicts.
E.The opportunities for personal and relationship growth are well worth the effort.
F.In addition, starting the message in the first person can promote positive communication.
G.Recognizing roadblocks and trying to communicate effectively help positive interactions.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A psychologist once said,“If you’ve overcome every one of your fears,congratulations—you’re dead.” This humorous saying points to a simple truth—no one can escape fear completely.

However, fear can be a good thing. It is a natural, healthy reaction to danger. In fact, sometimes we are afraid of things that aren’t dangerous,such as public speaking,failing a test,or being rejected. These unhealthy fears can keep us from achieving our dreams.     1    

First, admit what you fear and then share it with someone you trust. Perhaps you worry that others would look down on you if they know what you fear, but you might be surprised at how many other people share the same fears.     2    

Second, ask yourself, “What is the worst-case scenario?”     3     If you think about it, the worst might not be that bad after all. Compared with the fear of losing a competition or being turned down,the regret of having missed opportunities can be even harder to bear. Even worse, you will never know what you might have accomplished.

Finally, take small steps toward overcoming your fear.     4     If your talk doesn’t go well, try again. Each small success will increase your confidence and persistence, which is one of the keys to success.

You might never completely overcome your fear of certain things, but what is important is that you can bring yourself to do what you fear.     5     It’s also true that you struggle with fear and don’t let your fears stop you from getting the most out of life.

A.You will succeed, never fear.
B.So how can we successfully face our fears?
C.This question can help you gain understanding.
D.So we should overcome these fears completely.
E.If you fear public speaking, start by giving a small talk to a few people.
F.True bravery is that you feel afraid but still do what you have to do anyway.
G.Learning you are not the only one who fears something will give your self-esteem a push.
2020-09-18更新 | 73次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】We all often deal with people who complain about the failures and troubles of their daily lives. Life seems to be full of problems for them.     1    . If there were no problems in your job, then your employer would hire a much less capable (能干的) person than you to do the things that don’t need much thought. In the business world, those who are able to solve difficult problems are the ones who are the most valuable to the employer.

    2    . The runner who trains for the mile run in the Olympics by running downhill will have no chance of winning the medal at all. The runner who trains by running uphill is far more likely to develop the speed and endurance(耐力)needed to win the medal.

Boxer Gene Tunney broke both hands in the ring.     3    . But at that time his manager felt that he could never again punch(重击)hard enough to be the heavyweight champion. Instead, Tunney determined to become a scientific boxer and win the title as a boxer.     4    . As a puncher, he would not have had a chance against Jack Dempsey, who was considered by many to be the hardest hitter in heavyweight history. Tunney would never have been a champion, if he had not had the problem of his broken hands.

    5    , you should smile and say, “Here’s my chance to win.”

A.Every time you are feeling down
B.It turned out to be the best thing to him
C.The next time you meet with a difficult climb
D.I would like to think such a life nothing unusual
E.He was lucky to be trained by an experienced coach
F.He proved to be one of the best boxers who had ever fought
G.Many times the problems we face force us to grow and become abler
2020-01-16更新 | 200次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Good presentation skills are important for having an impact on your audience and getting your message across. Some presentation skills in particular—like listening to your audience, using humor and maintaining eye contact—can help a lot.     1    

●Know what the needs of your audience are.     2     Thoroughly understand your material, and then put it in a logical order. Make sure your speech keeps your audience's attention.

    3     During the presentation, you will want to highlight your strengths. Dress appropriately, and make sure you look relaxed and calm. Speak at an appropriate speed, and show appropriate emotion. This can help you to establish a good relationship with the audience.

●Remember your body language.     4     How you walk, move and stand can all be seen by your audience, and can help convey your message. Thus, you should pay attention to your body language during the presentation.

●Speak as if you believe what you are saying. When you speak with confidence, your audience is much more likely to believe what you have to say. You should speak loudly and clearly, and address your audience directly.     5    

These presentation tips will help you make a good presentation.

A.You should sound confident, and if you make an error, just apologize and move on.
B.Here are some other good tips for improving presentation skills.
C.During the presentation, you can match your presentation's content to those needs.
D.Try to make eye contact with several audience members.
E.Know your strong and weak points.
F.Body language is important, yet often overlooked.
G.Know when to stop talking.
2018-02-10更新 | 342次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般