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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:61 题号:11051442

What annoys you most in life? A new survey on annoying things has some interesting findings. The report     1     (divide) into a number of categories. Transport comes fairly high up in the list, with buses, planes and trains all capable     2     driving us mad. Some of the things we find most irritating (令人恼火的) about buses include missing a bus,     3    (particular) after running to the bus stop, and people in buses who crowd near the entrance     4    (refuse) to move down to the end of the bus. 

The airport is also a place that can really wind us up. Being hit by out-of-control luggage carts, or being caught on the ankles by someone who can’t control them properly is enough to make us see red. Getting in     5     slow-moving queue to check in our baggage when our flight is about to leave     6     (be) also enough to make our blood pressure soar.     7     (delay) flights are obviously annoying, but airlines that refuse to keep us up to date with the latest travel information make us even     8     (angry). 

The train     9     (cause) bother as well. Blocked toilets, buffet cars with no sandwiches and passengers     10     make loud mobile phone calls all appear on the list.

20-21高三上·浙江·开学考试 查看更多[3]
【知识点】 交通方式


语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

Chinese high-speed railways are a very     1    (comfort) way to travel. They are clean, quiet and efficient. China has led other developing countries and even some developed ones     2       this field since the first high-speed train     3    (come) into use in 2008.

The stations are     4    (main) built outside the town center, but local transport has been lengthened     5    (connect) the high-speed network. The facilities on the train are new and the staff are well trained. Even the second class     6    (chair) provide plenty of space. The passages are so wide     7     you can move without disturbing anyone. You can use your mobile phone, access to Internet or work on your laptop. There is also a restaurant car, though the kinds of food     8    (be) limited. The toilets are large, clean and user-friendly too. The train almost doesn’t rock. Even when the train brakes, you can hardly feel it shake.

What’s more, with a faster check-in, the high-speed trains are also     9    (little) affected by weather than planes. Seldom are     10     delayed or cancelled for weather condition. Therefore, they have become the first choice for many passengers.

2023-05-27更新 | 43次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

Think of travel in Greece, and your mind may wander to images of ferries cruising(巡航)across the Aegean Sea. Taking to the water is essential if you plan to travel between the Greek islands, but there     1     (be) plenty of other ways to enjoy Greece’s amazing landscapes, including planes, trains, buses     2     bicycles.

Cycling in Greece is growing in     3     (popular), best done in spring and fall rather than high summer. Strong leg muscles are     4     must to tackle the mountains, or you can stick to some of the     5     (flat) coast roads than the mountain roads. Some are bicycle-friendly, but others have such steep roads     6     cycling is not recommended.

Overall, cycling infrastructure around Greece leaves something to be desired. Bicycle lanes are rare to nonexistent, and there is a real danger from speeding cars —     7     (drive) by locals and tourists alike.

Bicycles may be carried for free on some ferries, while on others, there may be a fee, or they may not be allowed at all because of a lack of space on board.

You can rent bicycles in most tourist hangouts, but they are not as     8     (wide) available as cars and motorcycles. Prices range     9     €10 to €20 per day,     10     (depend) on the type of bicycle. Always make sure the rental cost includes the use of a helmet.

2023-12-25更新 | 316次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,主要讲述了丹麦希望到2030年所有国内航班都不使用化石燃料。总理Mette Frederiksen在新年讲话中宣布了这一目标。

Denmark wants to make all domestic flights fossil fuel-free by 2030. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced the goal in a New Year speech. Denmark    1         (be) known for its green qualification. It is famous as a heaven for cyclists and a huge destination for eco-minded food experts, and now it even has    2       waste-to-energy plant complete with its own ski spot.

Most impressively of all, though, the country aims to reduce its carbon emissions    3       70 percent by 2030. In the speech,Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said such changes were necessary     4     “to travel is to live and therefore we fly”. Researchers are already working on    5         (find) alternative fuels for those flights, and hydrogen(氢) is the     6    (likely) competitor.

    7    (fortunate), the Scandinavian country isn’t the only nation trying to make flying a greener travel option. By 2030, Sweden wants all airlines to have switched to bio-fuels. To make this happen, they    8    (tax) on the emissions of their fossil fuel-powered flights soon. In   France, meanwhile, flights which could be replaced by a train trip that takes under two and a half hours are likely    9    (ban). That’s all great news,and hopefully a sign of even greater things to come. Could a big    10    (play) like the USA or China be next?

2022-10-30更新 | 486次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般