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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:1272 题号:12183556

In my everyday life, I am on an ongoing journey to figure out different ways to reduce my carbon footprint on the planet. A carbon footprint is the measure of influence our activities have on the environment, in particular climate change. It is calculated by the amount of greenhouse gas we produce in our daily lives. Fortunately, nowadays it is much easier to make eco-friendly lifestyle choices than, let's say, 20 years ago. But one question has been on my mind a lot lately: is it better to buy new eco-friendly products or used traditionally produced goods?

After doing some research, I have decided that some things are better new and others are better used. Let me try to explain.

A carbon footprint is made up of two parts, the primary footprint and the secondary footprint. The primary footprint is a measure of our direct emissions(排放)of carbon dioxide(CO2)from the burning of fuels, including household energy consumption and transportation. The secondary footprint is a measure of the indirect CO2 emissions from the whole lifecycle of products we use-those related to their production and breakdown.

Based on this understanding, we have a good deal of control and responsibility over our carbon footprint. Things like dishes, clothes and furniture fall into the “secondary footprint” group, so less is more and we can focus on finding used goods to avoid the added production. However, for the car and the other appliances(设备)that we need we can go with new, energy-saving models. I heard somewhere that electronics and appliances give off 90% of their carbon footprint after they leave the factory. So it seems most reasonable to go for the energy-saving models. The main concern here is the amount of energy that goes into the making of new products and whether or not that extra carbon is worth the footprint the product will make once it gets to you.

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.What appliances to buy to save energy.
B.What a carbon footprint means in our life.
C.How to identify different carbon footprints.
D.How to make eco-friendly lifestyle choices.
2. What do we know about the secondary carbon footprint?
A.It is related to our consumption of fuels.
B.It is made when we are buying the products.
C.It is less harmful than the primary carbon footprint.
D.It is counted as ours though not directly made by us.
3. Which of the following helps reduce our carbon footprint according to the author?
A.Using second-hand textbooks.B.Using old and expensive cars.
C.Buying new but cheap clothes.D.Buying new wooden furniture.
4. "The footprint" underlined in the last sentence refers to the CO2 produced in _________.
A.using the productB.recycling the product
C.making the productD.transporting the product


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章以没有塑料袋的商店Earth. Food. Love为例,说明了政府和个人都在关注塑料污染问题,提倡减少使用塑料。

【推荐1】In the past few weeks, Richard Eckersley has noticed a change in the type of people who come into his shop. In 2017, the former Manchester United footballer set up Earth. Food. Love in Tones, Devon, with his wife, Nicola. It’s the UK’s first “zero waste” store—the food is in big jars and boxes and people bring their own containers. “A lot of new people are coming in-people who have not necessarily been interested in environmental issues before”, he says.

Recently, the government called for supermarkets to introduce plastic-free passageways. But Eckersley says many customers are already way ahead of politicians. He and Nicola have helped people set up similar stores in Wales, Birmingham, and Bristol. Ingrid Caldironi had a similar idea. She set up a plastic-free shop in London last year, which has been so popular that it is soon moving to a bigger site.

Eckersley and Caldironi are members of an anti-plastics movement in the UK that has been growing as a result of the BBC’s Blue Planet series and a general worry about the damage plastic is doing to the environment. But big supermarkets have so far not tried very hard to reduce their plastic waste. Sian Sutherland, founder of the movement “A Plastic Planet”, says, “The most exciting thing is that politicians and industry are no longer saying that recycling will solve the problem. Banning the use of plastic packaging for food and drink products is the only answer.” Walking down the passageways of the supermarket where everything from pizza to fresh fruit and vegetables is covered in plastic. Sutherland says immediate action is needed.

Plastic pollution is causing widespread global damage. More than one million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute, and most end up in landfill or the sea. The contamination is so wide that tap water around the world also contains plastic.

1. What is special about Earth. Food. Love?
A.It gives away boxes of food.B.It is a store without plastic bags.
C.It has few new customers.D.It is the UK’s first supermarket.
2. What caused Caldironi’s shop to be relocated to a larger place?
A.Its popularity.B.Its products.C.Its profits.D.Its similarity.
3. What does the underlined word “contamination” in last paragraph mean?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The impact of BBC’s Blue Planet series on anti-plastics movements.
B.Rising anti-plastics movement alongside increasing environmental concerns.
C.A guide to setting up plastic-free stores to promote recycling in the whole UK.
D.Richard Eckersley’s personal journey in waste reduction and pollution prevention.
2024-02-19更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-六选四 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Imagine living on the edge of a vast desert, which is moving quietly closer to your village every day and covering your fields. The desert is on the move. This is called desertification.

Desertification occurs in regions close to an already existing desert.     1    . The first is over-use of water in the area. There is not enough water in any case, and if it is not carefully used, disaster can follow. As time goes on, water shortages make farming more and more difficult. In some places, locals can remember local lakes and marshes which were once the homes for all kinds of fish and birds. They ave been completely buried by the stand now. Farmers leave the land, and fields are replaced by deserts.

The second cause is misuse or over-use of the land.     2     Ploughing large fields and removing bushes and trees means that the wind will blow away the soil. Once the soil is lost, it is hard to replace, and if there is rain, it has nowhere to go, and brings no benefit.

    3     Every spring, the skies over some of eastern cities, thousands of kilometers away from the deserts, can be darkened by sandstorms. Dust from deserts can have a great effect on weather systems. While desertification is perhaps being partly caused by global warming., these sandstorms can make global warming worse by adding ti what is known as the greenhouse effect.

What can be done to slow down or stop the process of desertification? A great deal of work is already under way. Obviously the first steps are to find new water sources.     4     Some types of grass also hold the soil together, and stop the wind taking it. Without these efforts, it will be harder and harder to stop the world’s deserts in their tracks, and more and more farmers will give up and head for cities. The lesson to be learnt lies beneath the sand.

A.It generally arises from two related causes.
B.It is not only the farmers and villagers who suffer.
C.Scientists are doing the research on the cause of desertification.
D.They destroy the land, as the oil dries out and is then blown away.
E.Tree planting can help, by providing barriers between desert and rich field.
F.This means that the wrong crops are planted, and need more water than is available.
2023-10-13更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to limit your environmental impact while travelling

Travelling unlocks a world of endless possibilities and adventures, allowing us to hike through breathtaking landscapes, encounter kangaroos and deer in their natural habitat, and witness the power of volcanoes.     1     Increased plastic waste and noise pollution can damage ecosystems. Thankfully, there are ways to limit our impact on the environment.

Try to travel by land instead of air. While air travel can often be quicker, it is typically one of the most polluting forms of transport.     2     For example, if you’re heading to Las Vegas from Los Angeles, driving for around four hours emits (排放) around 75% less CO2 compared to the one-hour flight (provided you have several friends with you).

    3     A typical hotel uses about 73,000 gallons of water per year. As laundering towels (洗熨毛巾) is an energy-and-water-consuming process, many hotels often put up signs asking you to re-use your towels. By doing so, you’ll reduce your environmental impact.

Make the most of safe tap water (自来水). Drinking tap water may come as a shock to many travelers. But when you’re in countries where tap water is safe to consume, avoid bottled options. Not only are they more expensive, but they have a higher level of pollution compared to treated tap water.     4    

Respect the local environment. When visiting different destinations, we should recognize the importance of protecting the natural beauty. We mustn’t throw rubbish everywhere.     5     Additionally, supporting local conservation (保护) efforts, such as participating in community-led clean-up projects, can make a positive impact on the local environment.

A.Be a responsible hotel guest.
B.Explore with green tour companies.
C.Instead, carry a bottle and refill it wherever you can
D.And we should avoid activities that may harm wildlife.
E.However, tourism can also be harmful to the environment.
F.Low-cost airlines have made it much more affordable to travel.
G.Taking the train or driving in some countries may be better options.
2024-04-10更新 | 90次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般