组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:913 题号:12183558

The average bear, it seems, is getting ever smarter. First, it turned out that at least one can use a comb. Now it appears that some can count, too.

Jennifer Vonk, of Oakland University, in Michigan, and Michael Beran, from Georgia State University, set three American black bears the task of distinguishing between numerically larger and smaller groups of dots(点)on a computer screen. In return for a food reward one bear, Brutus, would touch the more heavily dotted pattern with his nose. The others, Bella and Dusty, would touch the screen with their claws(爪子).

As the researchers report in Animal Behavior, the bears did best with patterns where the coloured dots did not move and where more of them also took up a larger coloured area. This could be explained by the bears' distinguishing the different areas of colour rather than truly counting the dots. However, the three bears managed to pick out the bigger number of dots even in pairs of patterns where fewer dots took up a larger area.

Moving patterns, where each dot followed its own path around the screen, were more of a challenge. But Brutus, at least, was not defeated. He seemed to be counting mobile dots even when the scientists tried to mislead him by moving the total coloured area of the dots at the same time.

It is not entirely surprising that bears should have a high degree of intelligence. They face a lot of challenges when trying to get food. They are, however, always alone, and so do not have the complex social systems that contribute to animal smarts. Perhaps, then, their maths skill developed because they cannot count on their friends for help.

1. What task did the scientists set for the three bears?
A.Distinguishing different dot patterns.
B.Figuring out different colours of dots.
C.Putting the dots into differently coloured groups.
D.Picking out the group with a larger number of dots.
2. For the bears, the task was easier when__________.
A.the coloured dots were moving slowly
B.the dot patterns were regular in shape
C.the dots followed a path on the screen
D.more dots covered a larger coloured area
3. What may explain the bears' high degree of intelligence?
A.They learn skills from other animals.
B.They face life challenges on their own.
C.They feed on a diverse range of food.
D.They have complex social networks.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Bears Taught to Distinguish Colours
B.New Evidence of Bear Intelligence Found
C.Three Bears Learned How to Count
D.The Smartest American Black Bear Brutus


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Only humans speak using words. But all animals can communicate in one way or another. Maybe you have heard about the way bees dance around to send messages to each other and the way dogs make loud noises in different ways to give warnings.

Do you know that animals can communicate through infrasonic (次声的) sounds? This is how it works:

Humans hear low sounds like thunder rumbling (雷声轰鸣) in the sky. But we don’t hear sounds lower than these. However, elephants can hear many lower sounds, and they use them to communicate with each other. This is known as infrasound.

Another surprising thing about infrasound is that it travels over several kilometres. Sounds which have a higher pitch(音调), like the ones people can hear, don’t travel through walls, leaves, trees and so on. And that is why we can’t hear sounds from more than 100 metres away. But infrasound is much ‘stronger’, and things like grass and trees have no effect on it. Because of that it can travel much farther. Elephants can hear infrasonic calls from four kilometres away!

There have been reports that people were watching elephants feeding or resting when the elephants all ran away for no reason at all. It is clear that they heard a warning call from a long way away, but the people didn’t hear the sound. In places like a zoo where you can get nearer to animals, it is a bit easier to sense when infrasonic sounds are made. When you stand near mother elephants with their babies in a zoo you may notice a weak rumbling in the air every few minutes — not loud or strong, but clearly noticeable. They are infrasonic calls — the mother elephants “talking” to their babies.

1. Why does the author mention bees and dogs in Paragraph 1?
A.To show humans are special.
B.To introduce animal communication.
C.To compare different kinds of animals.
D.To tell us an interesting story about animals.
2. We can learn from the passage that infrasound ________.
A.belongs to high sounds
B.can travel longer distances
C.is higher than the sound of thunder
D.gets weaker when traveling through walls
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The people watching also heard the warning call.
B.The people could hear lower sounds than elephants.
C.The elephants were frightened by the people nearby.
D.The elephants communicated through infrasonic sounds.
4. It is easier for people to notice infrasound if they ________.
A.live in the wildB.go to the park
C.stay closer to animalsD.watch elephants feeding
5. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Wild ElephantsB.The Animal World
C.Talking Through InfrasoundD.Dog Communication
2022-03-03更新 | 156次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A saw-whet owl (猫头鹰) is recovering at a wildlife refuge in New York state after it was discovered glued to the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. The bird was found by workers helping to transport the tree 170 miles from Oneonta to New York City.

“It’s just a story out of a movie,” said Ravensbeard Wildlife Center director Ellen Kalish, who is caring for the owl.

After the owl-now named Rockefeller-was dropped off with Ms Kalish and taken to the wildlife centre, her team began giving him fluids and “all the mice he will eat”. Rockefeller had not had anything to eat or drink during his three-day road trip. “It’s amazing he didn’t get hurt,” Ms Kalish said.

Rockefeller was taken to the vet on Wednesday night for a check-up and some X-rays, but Ms Kalish said he appears to be in great condition considering his adventurous week.

Diminutive as Rockefeller is, he is a full-grown adult. Saw-whet owls are the smallest owls in the US north-east, Ms Kalish said, typically growing to no more than 8.3 in (17-21cm) tall.

“They’re a very interesting species,” Ms Kalish said.They are “very” nocturnal, meaning they’re typically not seen unless someone is looking for them. Some migrate south for the winter, and some don’t migrate at all.

Once Rockefeller has a clean bill of health, Ms Kalish and the Ravensbeard team will release him back into the wild.” Our goal is to release any bird that can be released,” she said.

There are about two million saw-whet owls across the US, so Rockefeller will be OK if he doesn’t make it all the way back to Oneonta. “They find a new mate each year and go on with their lives,”she said.

With all the bad news of 2020, this little owl’s rescue “was a story that needed to be shared”, Ms Kalish said.

1. Where was the owl stuck?
A.On a tree.B.On a truck.
C.In New York City.D.At the wildlife centre.
2. What was the owl first offered after arriving at the wildlife centre?
A.A medical examination.B.Food and drink.
C.Christmas gifts.D.A three-day road trip.
3. What does the underlined word “diminutive” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
4. What will be done to the owl if it is confirmed in good condition?
A.Be sent to a zoo.B.Be kept at the center.
C.Be sent back to nature.D.Be sent back to Oneonta.
2021-05-15更新 | 113次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Before bringing a dog into your family, it is important to know how to take care of it.     1     Caring for a dog is a big responsibility, and dog ownership is not something to enter into lightly, however this work will help you to successfully build a bond of love and trust with an important new member of your family.

Knowing how to take care of a dog involves proper attention to your dog's diet.    2    So it's strongly recommended that you feed your dog a high-quality, nutrient-rich dog food formula that is balanced enough to ensure proper digestion.

    3    . Dogs that are properly trained are much easier to manage, and can adapt more easily to new training programs. Proper dog training should ideally be started as soon as you bring a dog into your home.

Knowing how to take care of a dog also involves an adequate level of exercise.    4    . If you truly care about how to take care of dog, it' s important that you incorporate exercise into your dog's' daily routine. Exercise can be a brisk 30 minute walk, or an extended session of playtime.

Proper veterinary(兽医的) care is extremely important when understanding how to take care of dog. It's best if you bring your dog in for veterinary checkups at least once year.     5     Pet insurance can cover some or all of your veterinary bills, and will usually also cover emergency procedures.

A.Dogs are very expensive to keep if you want them happy.
B.You need to provide for its needs, both physical and emotional.
C.You should know training is very important for a domestic animal.
D.Each year, thousands of dogs experience obesity-related health problems.
E.Inexpensive low-quality dog food can negatively affect your dog's health.
F.Part of knowing how to take care of a dog involves knowing how to train a dog.
G.If you're worried about costs, you may want to invest in pet insurance for your dog.
2020-11-20更新 | 390次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般