组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:74 题号:13984495

I stood in my father’s garden one late summer evening, watching my three kids dig in the dirt with toy bulldozers (推土机). I had driven up to my parents’ house that afternoon in a fit of desperation. My husband was working a double shift, my twins hadn’t napped, and I was one misstep away from a complete breakdown.

“Come up,” my mom said, “Let’s rest for a while.”

As the day of temporary relaxation drew to a close, I wandered along Dad’s once-neat garden rows and noticed the tomato plants Dad had planted.

“Roma tomatoes, the kind for sauce. Remember when your mom used to make sauce?” my father said.

I hadn’t thought of it in years actually. It was a recipe passed from my Italian immigrant great-grandmother down to my grandmother and then my mother. And that’s where it had stopped. Though I liked cooking, I didn’t want to waste much time on the dish. Why should I simmer tomato sauce all day when I could make different kinds of dishes?

Dad gave me an idea. “I’m going to make sauce,” I said. My father raised a skeptical eyebrow but grabbed some boxes and told the kids to start picking. The twins threw tomatoes like softballs to each other as the youngest begged to join me. Everyone was crying at one point, and I almost gave up on my grand scheme. Yet something inside me fought back, a deep-seated fancy for finding the link between the recipe’s owner and me.

As last, I successfully finished my sauce and it was approved by my parents. The efforts I made with those boxes of tomatoes gave me a sense of accomplishment. Each crank of the handle each slice of the knife, each stir of the stockpot was a prayer for comfort and confidence. Like most things that are worthwhile, the mess was part of the process.

1. The author went to her parents house that afternoon to_____________.
A.pick up her childrenB.visit her father’s garden
C.learn to cook tomato sauceD.relieve herself from daily chores
2. What did the author think of tomato sauce cooking before?
A.It was hard to grasp.B.It was troublesome.
C.It stood for her culture.D.It deserved to be promoted.
3. What made the author continue her grand scheme?
A.Her children’s requirement.B.The encouragement from her father.
C.Her desire to follow a family tradition.D.The expectation from the recipe’s owner.
4. What message does the story convey?
A.Ups and downs make one strong.
B.A strong-willed soul can reach his goal.
C.Experience helps to promote excellence.
D.Life is most beautiful when it is imperfect.


阅读理解-阅读表达(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

I was sitting in a chemistry class when I and six other kids were called down to the counselor’s (顾问) office. It was pretty strange because none of us were “ problem ” students. We were all curious about what she wanted to say.

This was when she told us she would be choosing one of us to be nominated (提名) for the largest scholarship in Canada. It was a very strange moment; I never realized I was that excellent. She said, since we all had a similar high average, she would talk to our teachers to see who was the most deserving.

A week later, I got an email from the counselor; it was addressed to me and another student at the meeting. I was shocked; this must have meant we were the two people she would be choosing from. We were required to write about where we see ourselves in ten years; I knew I had to make this count. I spoke from the heart, depicting my perfect life: living in the big city, having finished my degree, doing what I loved every day.

About a week later, I got called back to her office, only me. I didn’t want to be overexcited because maybe she was being personal, telling me I wasn’t chosen. She told me I was the one picked. Nobody could have controlled my smile, what a moment.

She told me about all the nice things my teachers said about me; I never realized I was held in such high-regard to them. Over 350,000 students graduate from high school every year and I was one of the only 1,500 kids nominated for this scholarship across all of Canada.

Unfortunately, I didn’t win but I’d still like to thank everyone who helped me get to where I am today.

1. Why did the author feel surprised when he was called to the office? ( no more than 10 words )
2. Why did the school went to choose from the six students? ( no more than 5 words )
3. What does he underlined word “ depicting ” in the third paragraph probably men? ( 1 word )
4. What was the purpose of the counselor calling the author to her office again? ( no more than 10 words )
5. What do you want to say to those who ever have given you recognition and help? ( no more than 20 words )
2022-05-26更新 | 195次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When it comes to earning wealth, some people admire wealth to an extreme level, overlooking spiritual values. One of the most significant and incomparable spiritual values is wisdom.     1     However, a huge number of people believe that wealth surpasses wisdom.

The invaluable qualities wisdom inherits(继承)in a person cannot be bought by wealth. A wealthy individual may experience the most luxury and comfort on the Earth.     2    

Albert Einstein once said. “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” One needs to develop a positive mindset and the willingness to be polite and should possess a sense of sympathy.     3    

You can consider wisdom as the person’s capability to make correct decisions and choices.     4     It keeps on enhancing with time. If a person is wealthy but lacks wisdom, he can certainly lose his wealth because there is a lack of knowledge and intelligence to hold that wealth for a long time.

    5     Wisdom is in fact the key to wealth. Through wisdom come great wealth and ultimately the success. The violent pursuit of wealth could lead to failure and disappointment. However, the pursuit of wisdom guarantees you success and instills plenty of useful spiritual qualities within you. You can treat wisdom as the practical application of knowledge.

A.How is wisdom superior to wealth?
B.Wisdom is comprehensive and timeless.
C.All such qualities can contribute to wisdom.
D.No worldly possession can compare to wisdom.
E.However, if he lacks wisdom, all his wealth is fruitless.
F.In personal and professional life, wisdom conveys admiration.
G.How can your wisdom enhance your ability to influence others?
2023-11-04更新 | 109次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My neighbor Mrs. Gargan first told me about it; " Have you seen the tree? she asked as was sitting in the backyard enjoying the October twilight.

"The one down at the corner," she explained. "It's a beautiful- all kinds of colors. You ought to see it."

I told her I would. But I soon forgot about the tree. Three days later,   I was jogging down the street, my mind swimming with worries, when a splash of bright orange caught my eye. For an instant, I thought someone’s house had caught fire. Then I remembered the tree.

As I approached it, I slowed down. There was nothing remarkable about the shape of the tree, a medium-sized maple. But Mrs. Gargan had been right about its colors. With its varied nation of color, this tree seemed to become a globe, embracing (拥抱) in its broad branches all seasons and continents: the spring and summer of the Southern hemisphere in the light-and dark greens, the autumn and winter of the Northern in the bunting yellows and bare branches.

As I wondered at this beauty, I thought of Ralph Waldo Emerson's words about the stars. If the stars appeared only once in a thousand years, he observed in Nature, imagine what an exciting event it would be. But because they're up there every night, we barely give them a look.

I felt the same way about the tree. And I had almost missed it.

Once when Emily Dickenson's father noticed a brilliant display of northern lights in the sky over Massachusetls, he lolled (鸣钟)a church bell to alert town's people. That’s what I felt like doing about the tree. I wanted to become a messenger of autumn, awakening the countryside to its wonder. I didn’t have a church bell, but as I walked home, I did ask each neighbor I passed the same simple question "Have you seen the tree?"

1. Why did the author forget about the tree?
A.He had a lot of worries.B.He was engaged in work.
C.He didn't take it seriously.D.He never passed by the corner.
2. What's special about the tree?
A.Its sinking size.B.Its rich colours.
C.Its amazing shape.D.Its broad branches.
3. What does the underlined word "observed" in paragraph 5 mean?
4. What did the author finally decide to do?
A.Ring the church bell.B.Awaken the town's people.
C.Deliver the message of wonder.D.Check the answer to the question.
2021-03-29更新 | 127次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般