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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:260 题号:1409313
A study shows that about two-thirds of typical Chinese Internet users use the computer for news,often entertainment-related, or for online games, music or movies, all of which can be downladed for free. Most people prefer messages to e-mails, and seldom do online shopping at all.
Although they are now depending on the Internet more often than before to communicate with others who have the same professions, hobbies and interests, online shopping still remains unpopular in China. Three-quarters of users surveyed have never bought anything over the Internet, and 10 percent do shopping even once a month.Among those who do buy online.most pay for entertainment while others buy phone cards, or computer hardwares or so of iwares.
"Many people don't trust the quality of goods bought online," the researcher said. "If they buy something in a store and don't like it, they can easily bring it back."
The survey was done in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Changsha. There-
sults do not necessarily show the situation countrywide because internet use in the countryside is lower than in cities. The study showed that the typical netizensc网民) in the five cities are richer and more highly educated. Males make up two-thirds of the group, and more than 80 percent of users are under 24. As the age increases, the percentage of netizens decreases.
China has more than 20 million people online, however, forty-two percent say they do not use search engines.Others seek entertainment news, as well as information useful for work or study online. Baidu.com is used by half of those surveyed, compared with a quarter forGo-ogle, the leading search engine in the United States.
1. The passage is mainly about        
A.shopping onlineB.Internet use in China
C.the typical Chinese netizensD.popular search engines
2. A typical Chinese lnternet user will be the one who        
A.likes to send e-mailsB.likes to buy goods online
C.likes to pay for entertainmentD.likes the games sites
3. Online purchases still remain unpopular in China mainly because        
A.it is more difficult to return the goods
B.most people haven't got computers
C.people can't have a look at the goods
D.goods bought online are of good quality
4. Which is NOT the character of most typical "netizens" in the five cities?
A.Well educated.B.Richer.C.Female.D.Young.
5. Which picrure shows the right relation between online people and their ages?
12-13高一上·四川成都·期中 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Teenagers who spend more than three hours a day on social media may have doubled the risk of mental health problems compared with those who avoid it, research suggests.

The study of more than 6,000 children aged 12 to 15 found those who used social media more heavily were more likely to report situations such as sadness, anxiety and loneliness, as well as aggression (攻击性) and anti-social actions, than teenagers who did not use social media. The findings held true even when researchers took into account mental health problems experienced by young persons in the year before they were asked about social media use.

The research, from a team at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland, was published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry(精神病学).

Some previous studies have suggested no connection between poorer mental health and screen time. Dr Rina Dutta, senior medical lecturer at Kings College London, said, “A main strength of this study compared to previous research is that the researchers took into account mental health problems the young people already had a year before the measurement of social media use. This largely overcomes the ‘what came first-mental health problem or high social media use? ’question.”

The study looked at two types of actions that can show mental health problems: internalising(内化行为)and externalising(外化行为). Internalising can include social disconnection or difficulty dealing with anxiety or sadness. Externalising can include aggression or breaking instructions.

The study found that the use of social media for at least three hours a day was connected with around twice the risk of mental health problems, compared with those who avoided it.

Lead author Kira Riehm said, “Many present studies have found a connection between digital or social media use and the health of teens, but few look at this connection across time. We cannot say that social media causes mental health problems, but we do think that less time on social media may be better for the health of teens.

The study found that fewer than 17 percent of teenagers did not use social media. Of those who did, 32 percent spent less than 30 minutes a day; 31 percent spent 30 minutes to three hours; 12 percent spent three to six hours and 8 percent spent more than six hours per day.

Ms Riehm said, “Social media has the ability to connect teenagers who may be excluded(排除在外) in their daily life. We need to find a better way to balance the benefits of social media with possible harmful health results.”

1. The research published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry aims to prove________
A.the advantages and disadvantages of social media.
B.the mental health problems experienced by teenagers.
C.the connection between mental health and screen time
D.the sadness, anxiety and loneliness caused by social media
2. Compared to previous researches, an advantage of the research published in JAMA Psychiatry is that________
A.it supports the less use of social media
B.it reports the health risks caused by the screen time
C.it includes more than 6,000 children aged 12 to 15
D.it considers mental health problems the young people already had
3. Which of the following might be one of the internalising actions?
B.Following instructions.
C.Skillfully dealing with anxiety.
D.Being afraid of talking to people.
4. What was Kira Riehm’s view on social media?
A.It would play a balanced role.
B.It might disconnect teenagers.
C.It caused mental health problems.
D.It might be better for the health of teens.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Social media is capable of connecting teenagers.
B.Teenagers have mental health problems before using social media.
C.Social media connects to increased risk of mental health problems
D.Teenagers with less time on social media do better than those with more time.
2023-07-23更新 | 113次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】While Google, Bing and Yahoo dominate (居……之首) adult search engine choices, they are not always the best choice for students. The sites on this list are good search engines that students can rely on.

Fact Monster

Homework help is always on hand with Fact Monster (www.factmonster.com). It is mainly fit for students aged from 7 to 12. There are also all kinds of games, spelling tests and more for kids to improve their study and have some fun.

Ask Kids

Ask Kids (www.askkids.com) is a great site for students to safely find the information they need from the web. Besides being a useful and safe search engine, Ask Kids also has a useful picture and video search function that allows students to find pictures or videos that may be useful to their information search.


SortFix (www.sortfix.com) is one of the useful search engines for students because it provides relevant, organized search results. It does this by analyzing the keywords in the search results, and giving the searcher the ability to focus on, or remove, certain keywords. It is a useful search engine if you are not sure what information you want to find, or if you are tired of finding irrelevant (不相关的) results in your searches.

Wolfram Alpha

Created Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram Alpha (www.wolframalpha.com) can calculate things that it would take a hundred or more individual websites to do. It uses a set of ways to answer questions directly that you type into the search box, which is different from other websites. You can find everything from the nutritional value of an apple to the real-time position of the International Space Station. An Apple app is offered so that you can add it to any iPod Touch devices. It is best suited for older students.

1. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To recommend four useful apps.
B.To advertise four interesting websites.
C.To list the top four popular websites in the US.
D.To introduce four student-friendly search engines.
2. If you keep getting the results you don’t want, which will you probably use?
A.Fast Monster.B.Ask Kids.C.SortFix.D.Wolfram Alpha.
3. What’s special about Wolfram Alpha?
A.It offers answers directly.B.It provides games for kids.
C.It focuses on solving maths problems.D.It is intended for astronomy enthusiasts.
2020-07-23更新 | 141次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Everyone has a phone in their pocket nowadays, but how often do we really use them for their original purpose—to make a call? Telephone culture is disappearing. What brought us to this moment, and what are its effects?

“No one picks up the phone anymore,” wrote Alex C. Madrigal on The Atlantic. “The reflex (习惯性动作)of answering—20th-century telephonic culture—is gone.”

The shift is of course due in large part to more communication options: texting with photos, videos, emojis, reaction gifs, links and even voice messages can be a more attractive option.

Texting is light and fun, not nearly as demanding of your attention as a phone call. It can also be done with multiple people at the same time. Social media, email and video calls have also eaten away at traditional phone calls.

In recent years, another reason has caused people to ignore phone calls completely: robocalls. Robocalls are automate(自动化的) messages from organizations verifying (核实)your phone number or telemarketers trying to sell something. Americans received 22.8 billion robocalls halfway through 2020, equaling an annual rate of 45.6 billion, slightly below 2018 numbers, according to YouMail, a robocall protection service and blocking app.

As telephone culture disappears, what is the loss of a singular family phone doing to the family unit? Early landline phones unified family members, whereas mobile phones isolate(隔离) them.

“The shared family phone served as an anchor(精神支柱)for home,” said Luke Fernandez, a Weber State University computer-science professor and co-author of Bored, Lonely, Angry, Stupid: Feelings About Technology, From the Telegraph to Twitter. “With smart phones, we have gained mobility and privacy. But the value of the home has been diminished, as has its ability to guide and monitor family behavior and perhaps connect families more closely,” Fernandez said.

Of course, as technology progresses, lives always change for better or for worse. With the loss of telephone culture, families will need to find other ways to unite.

1. What has caused the traditional telephone to lose its attraction according to the text?
A.People’s wide range of communication choices.
B.People’s addiction to social media.
C.People’s growing need for privacy.
D.People’s preference for robocalls.
2. What can we infer from Fernandez’s remark?
A.Smart phones make families closer.
B.Smart phones help people monitor family behavior.
C.The use of mobile phone has affected family bonds.
D.The value of home depends on how phones are used.
3. What’s the author’s attitude to the effects of the disappearing telephone culture? ______
4. What does the article mainly talk about?
A.The past and future of telephone.
B.The development of communication tools.
C.The downfall of traditional telephone culture.
D.The relation between phone use and family bonds.
2022-11-27更新 | 115次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般