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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:14935389
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

For vanity or medical necessity? To enhance or to correct? Clients or patients? Plastic surgery has traditionally been divided into two separate camps: the cosmetic and the reconstructive.

Cosmetic procedures are broadly about the quest for beauty,    1     reconstructive ones restore functions lost or impaired. The two may share history, expertise and technology, but when it comes to our attitudes toward going under the knife, the dichotomy matters.

Netflix's new reality show "Skin Decision: Before and After" demonstrates, however, the distinction     2     what is considered cosmetic and reconstructive isn't always so clear.

Across the first season's eight episodes, Dr. Sheila Nazarian and nurse Jamie Sherrill consult patients     3     (carry) the scars, irregularities and deformities of personal trauma. Some have suffered violent attacks or road accidents;     4     bear painful reminders of lifelong acne or the physical damage of alcoholism.

But it could be argued that all of the participants stand to gain psychologically from undergoing some form of surgical or non-surgical cosmetic procedure,     5     it isn't strictly necessary. Using their field's latest technologies, Nazarian and Sherrill eliminate scar tissue, smooth damaged skin and restore patients' smiles (quite literally in the case of one man,     6     facial injuries caused pain every time he smiled).

They use tucks, fillers and lasers - treatments that are, on paper, cosmetic rather than reconstructive. Yet, their patients aren't searching for perfection.

Unlike other plastic surgery reality shows, which routinely document wealthy participants' efforts to remove wrinkles, enlarge breasts or lift buttocks, those appearing on "Skin Decision" often just want to return to their former selves. As a patient with large amounts excess skin, following a dramatic weight loss,     7     (explain) in one episode: "I don't have to look like Barbie. I just want to look normal."

Few participants better exemplify surgery's potential to transform people's lives than Katrina Goodwin, who appeared on the show following a horrific 2017 attack in which she was shot nine times by her then-husband, who went on     8     (kill) the pair's two young daughters. Nazarian and Sherrill helped to remove scar tissue on Goodwin's abdomen, reconstruct cavernous bullet wounds and remove a tattoo bearing her ex-husband's name     9    (use) advanced laser equipment.

"Every time I took a shower I was reminded (of the tragedy)," she said. "Now, when I take a shower I'm reminded ... that this is phase two. This is my new beginning.

"Before appearing on the show, I didn't realize how defeated I was - defeated in my whole body language," she added. "Now friends and family say, 'You walk taller, you walk prouder, you seem happier.' So it was a transformation, and a way for me to reclaim     10     and feel complete, like a normal woman."

【知识点】 医疗 科学技术


语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

This year marks the 50th anniversary (周年) of the discovery of qinghaosu,     1     is used as the main part for the most common and effective antimalarial treatment today. According to the World Health Organization, qinghaosu is     2     (benefit) to about millions of people in the world.

Until now, China     3     (train) thousands of anti-malaria workers for developing countries     4     built malaria prevention and control centers for 30 countries. During the 1940s, China was attacked by malaria, with nearly 30 million cases each year. In June 2021, the WHO announced China had finished the     5     (remove) of this disease within its borders.

Tu Youyou was excited to hear the WHO’s announcement. But a sense of responsibility quickly followed,     6     (inspire) Tu to ask her workmates how many countries had not destroyed malaria and how Chinese researchers could help.

Last month, during a meeting    7     (organize) by some officials, Tu said     8     number of cases and death rates of malaria has increased in some parts of the world. The disease     9     (remain) a serious public health challenge, and it is important for the international society to work together to achieve a malaria-free world, she added.

At the age of 92, Tu may not be able to work as hard as she did decades ago, but she reads monthly news on her team’s research and often offers her advice     10     key projects.

2024-06-10更新 | 39次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约60词) | 适中 (0.65)

The first successful organ transplant using a pig’s heart to a living human patient has taken place, leading to hopes that one day “xenotransplantation”(异种器官移植)     1     (become) a game-changer. In a world     2     many desperately sick people die each day waiting on the organ donor list, technology that can provide them with kidneys(肾脏) and hearts     3     (grow) from animal sources would be a huge breakthrough.

2023-07-20更新 | 124次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

Dr Jian Zhou was a molecular biologist and virologist who worked with Professor Ian Frazer     1     (develop) the technology toward the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines (疫苗),     2     protect against viruses that cause cervical cancer.

Born in Hangzhou, China, Dr Zhou graduated from Wenzhou Medical College and went on to obtain a Master’s degree from Zhejiang Medical University. He studied for a PhD at Henan Medical University,     3     (complete) this in 1987. He received a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Queensland in 1994. Dr Zhou’s interest in human papillomavirus (HPV)     4     (bring) him to Australia in 1990 to join Professor Ian Frazer’s Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research at the University of Queensland. Nearly all cervical cancers were caused by HPV and it     5     (believe) that a vaccine     6     HPV might work.     7     vaccine required a particle that would stimulate an immune (免疫的) response to the virus, but without causing an infection. This was a     8     (significance) focus of Dr Zhou’s work with Professor Frazer and in 1990, working also with his wife, he succeeded in creating a virus-like particle that was now the basis for the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines.

    9     (fortunate), Dr Zhou died in 1999, at the age of 42. His work has had a huge impact on human health globally. The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences is therefore delighted to establish an award in     10     (recognize) of Dr Zhou. The Jian Zhou Medal was made possible by a generous donation from the Frazer Family Foundation.

2024-07-19更新 | 39次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般