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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:92 题号:15021760

“Don’t let him get away,” shouted Hassan to Moiz as they were chasing their neighbor Usman.

Moiz and Hassan were the hateful bullies (欺凌者) in their neighborhood. Usman was a sweet guy who loved reading. He didn’t have many friends, but he had his books with him all the time.

That day he was coming back from the bookshop around the comer with a few new interesting books and an old notebook in hand. The two bullies were impatiently waiting to tease someone in the street.

As Usman crossed them without paying much attention, they made him their target. They started to chase him, pulling his shirt and calling him names. Usman kept walking without looking back at them. He just wanted to get home.

While Usman was focused on just getting home, he didn’t realize how close they had come to him. In his hurry, he dropped his notebook. Hassan leaned to pick up the notebook for the sake of teasing him. Usman couldn’t let his notebook be in someone else’s possession. So, he pushed Hassan back, picked up the notebook and ran as fast as he could, but Hassan was not going to let this go. He ran after him and Moiz followed him.

They caught him near his house. Hassan grabbed the notebook from him. When he opened the notebook, he saw that Usman had written something in it. Thinking that it was Usman’s diary and he would learn a few secrets, Hassan started reading with interest.

After a few minutes, Hassan had tears in his eyes. He felt terribly sorry and hugged Usman apologetically, and then he walked away with Moiz.

“Hassan, what did you do? We chased him for nothing.” Moiz was angry. Hassan’s softness confused him. “Say something, what was in that notebook?”

“What I read just now is beyond your understanding.” Hassan sighed with a heavy heart.

In fact, there was a story about a bully in Usman’s notebook.
After that day, the once troublesome and upsetting Hassan and Moiz disappeared.
【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Meet Hagen, a 6-year-old boy who recently celebrated his sixth birthday. Hagen is traveling with his family to Dallas with his amazing Buzz Lightyear(巴斯光年) toy. Traveling with kids is always busy, and the family had other things on their minds, so the tiny toy was unfortunately left behind.

Hagen’s mother said that when they landed, they thought they had gathered all their things and they headed to the taxi. It wasn’t until they were in the taxi that Hagen started crazily asking for his Buzz and his mother quickly realized that they did not have Buzz and he was still on the plane. Hagen was upset because he saw the toy as his best friend.

When the family understood this, it was too late to turn around their car heading for the family gathering as the plane had already departed(启程) for Little Rock, Arkansas. Hagen’s mother knows that losing a toy is never a pleasant feeling, especially for a 6-year-old and the toy is a big talking Buzz Lightyear action figure. So she had to lie that Buzz was on an awesome space task, and Hagen would get reunited with Buzz some day.

Well, LIT Ramp Agent Jason noticed Buzz all alone on the plane and his first idea was that he was probably here on a mission—and a mission did actually happen. Together with another colleague, Beth, Jason found out whose Buzz this was—there was a name on the foot and the airline’s contact information, so it wasn’t too hard—and they took Buzz on an adventure before sending him back.

Jason located Hagen according to name printed on the bottom of Buzz’s boot, ‘Hagen’. Only one passenger had flown on the plane with that name. That allowed them to locate the email of Hagen’s mother from their reservations. Then they posted the amazing pictures that Jason had taken with Buzz on his personal Facebook. The address of Hagen’s mother was given to Jason and he let Hagen’s mother know he’d be mailing him back to them.

Para. 1: Hagen got the package some days later.
Para. 2: Hagen wrote a thank-you letter to Jason to express his feelings.
2023-10-17更新 | 38次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I’ve always had a super skill for growing big fruit and vegetables, and my tomatoes, pumpkins (南瓜)and peppers regularly win prizes in Syracuse, Nebraska. The one thing I struggled with was pumpkins. For the first few years, I did not pay much attention to my pumpkins. But it wasn’t until I attended a pumpkin-growing meeting six years ago in Portland, Oregon that my interest developed into a favorite hobby.

I got talking to a woman called Charity who held the world record for the longest river journey by pumpkin boat. I’d never heard of anyone paddling(划桨)in a pumpkin before, but once the idea was in my head, I had to try it. Within a few weeks, Charity’s 15.09-mile record was beaten by a man who completed a 25.5-mile voyage. If there’s one thing I’ve never lacked, it’s optimism, and I decided that with the right pumpkin, I could do better.

I spent thousands of dollars on special pumpkin seeds. But the pumpkins that had won the river-paddling records were more than huge. This year I noticed one particular pumpkin. My wife called it Berta, and we watched with excitement over the next few weeks as Berta put on 12 to 15 pounds a day. I finally cut it off when it reached 846 pounds. It was a tough decision, but I wanted it to be big enough for me to fit inside. I had to test Berta on water. I lowered it into a pond to see how it was going to float, marked the water level and then cut it open.

On 27 August this year, right after my 60th birthday we set out early for the Missouri River with Berta tied to the back of a truck. I had a paddle and was wearing a lifejacket. Berta was eased into the river and I carefully climbed in. It was like sitting in a huge bottle every move I made caused Berta to tilt (倾斜), so I had to lean to get it back to keep balance.


Paragraph 1: Much of the trip passed safely, but there were occasional troubles and many curious onlookers.


Paragraph 2: But I was determined to set a new record.

2023-06-05更新 | 67次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

One day, Sam was on his way to a nearby town when his car broke down in the middle of nowhere. He tried to fix it but couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Just then, a middle-aged woman passing by saw him struggling and approached him. She asked if he needed help, and Sam felt relieved.

The woman inspected the car and found out that the engine had blown up. She told Sam that she knew a mechanic in the nearby town who could repair the car.

The woman took Sam to the mechanic, and he got his car repaired. When Sam asked for the bill, he found that he left his wallet at home and didn’t know what to do. The mechanic told him that the middle-aged woman had already paid for it. Sam was surprised and didn’t know how to repay her.

However, the woman refused to accept any payment from him, simply smiling and saying, “You don’t have to pay me back. Just promise me that you’ll pay it forward to someone else in need when you can.” Sam was touched by her kindness and accepted her help.

Feeling grateful and inspired, Sam continued his trip to the town. Going through all these things, he felt a bit tired and stopped at a nearby cafe to have a rest. When he was about to leave, he noticed that the waitress was pregnant (怀孕的) and struggling to carry a tray of food to a table. He sympathized with her very much and went to help her carry the food without hesitation.

The waitress was surprised and thanked Sam for his friendliness. She asked him why he was being so kind to her, and he told her about the middle-aged woman who had helped him earlier and how he wanted to pay it forward.

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When he arrived home, his wife asked him how his trip went.


Sam felt proud of the chain of love that he had started, which had spread far and wide.

2023-10-23更新 | 182次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般