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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:207 题号:15052317

Drinking more water is an excellent goal for your health. Water is also a calorie-free choice, so drinking more water can help you to lose weight or keep a healthy weight.     1    

Always having water on hand makes it easier to remember to drink it. It’s important to drink more water any time you’ve been sweating, such as when you’re exercising or after spending time in a hot environment.     2    

Drinking water before your meals and while you eat can help to reduce your appetite since thirst is often confused with hunger.     3     This will save your money when you eat out and help you cut calories.

    4     Try filling up a water bottle and adding a few simple fruit slices such as orange, lemon or some fresh berries such as blueberries, strawberries. Then, let the water sit in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours while it absorbs the flavors.

Tracking the amount of water you drink each day also works. This will help you to determine how much water you’re drinking and figure out if you might need to increase your intake. Remember to set a goal for how much water you want to drink each day.     5     The amount of water you need depends on your weight, sex, activity level, environment, and other factors. Consider how much of your daily fluid intake is water and identify how much of it you’d like to be water.

A.After meals, drinking water is a good choice.
B.The more water you drink, the healthier you are.
C.Here are some tips that can help you drink more water.
D.There’s no “right” amount of water for everyone to drink.
E.Replace your typical drink before and during meals with water.
F.Adding flavor to your water is a simple way to make it more tasty.
G.Always keep a water bottle into your bag or car and refill it regularly.
【知识点】 个人保健


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Most of us, at some point in our lives, have looked in the mirror and decided we need a thorough image transformation.     1     But is there a way to set realistic, useful fitness goals that will keep you motivated in a workout? Follow the steps below.

    2     Keep in mind that exercise alone won’t change your body shape. If you are looking for major fat loss, you will have to look at diet, too. “People underestimate the amount of effort physical transformations take,” says Helen Davis, sports psychologist. She advises focusing on positive fitness goals instead rather than aesthetic (美学的) goals that require extreme lifestyle changes.

Next, start small and build up. According to Davis, something straightforward, such as a press-up, is a better bet than aiming for a triathlon right off the bat.     3     When you have mastered a perfect press-up, set a new goal of five press-ups in a row, then 10, then 20. “Focusing just on that end goal can be problematic.” she added.

Choose something you enjoy. If you don’t like something, you won’t give 100%,     4     Keeping score can also be a good idea. “When I set goals with athletes, I look at three types of goals,” says Davis. Outcome goals are big-ticket achievements. A performance goal helps you assess whether you are on your way. Progress goals are day-to-day activities.     5    

Always reward yourself for achieving your goals, however small. “Even if just walking through the door of your gym is your first goal, you’ve achieved it - so well done,” says Davis.

A.Think about the goals not to make.
B.Consider what is important to you.
C.She also suggests having a series of goals.
D.Monitor these goals you’ve set to keep on track day to day.
E.The main reason people fail is that they just focus on the final they want.
F.Training with a good friend can keep you on track, when the motivation slips.
G.If we don’t achieve a desired six-pack stomach in weeks, we fall off the intended track.
2022-04-23更新 | 103次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Improve Your Mental Health

Your mental health is an important aspect of your overall health. No matter what your situation is, you can take steps to improve your mental health.

Take a self-assessment(评估). Everyone has what is known as “emotional intelligence” or EQ. EQ refers to how well you understand your emotions and actions. Figuring out your EQ is important if you want to improve your mental well-being.     1     A mental health expert can also help you determine your EQ.

Set goals. After you have completed your self-assessment, you can clearly identify the areas you would like to focus on improving. Take time to set some clear and achievable goals. These can be both long term and short term goals. Write down your goals.     2    

Handle your emotions. An important part of improving your mental well-being is learning to admit your emotions.     3     However, it is important to handle your emotions. Handling your emotions is a multi-step process. It includes sensing, naming, attributing, evaluating and acting.

Learn how to identify and deal with your triggers (诱因) . Everyone has different triggers.     4     To deal with your triggers, take some time to figure out what they are and develop plans for how to deal with them.

Gather information. Avoid the bad name that mental health issues are somehow not “real” problems. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Take some time to learn about the importance of your mental health.     5     For example, you might visit a yoga studio to ask them about the mental benefits of practicing yoga.

A.Take some time to look at the big picture.
B.This is when you apply a name to the emotion.
C.Yours might be certain people, situations, or places.
D.Research different ways to improve your mental health.
E.This will help you keep them and make your dream come true.
F.Sometimes it might feel simple r to set aside an uncomfortable emotion.
G.You can find online assessment tools to help you figure out your results.
2023-12-26更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Travel Is Good for Your Health

Travel means lots of opportunities to force yourself to be active.     1     So you’re more likely to attempt a new extreme sport, a walk on sand, or a real hike to get the best views of your surroundings. So you see that travel is really good for your health.

    2     This one might not come as a big surprise to you, but it’s been scientifically proven that travel will increase your happiness, decrease your depression, and remove your pressure. A study found that after vacation,travelers felt well rested, less anxious, and in a better mood.

Travel improves your brain health. Travel expands your mind. You meet new people all over the world. You adapt to new cultures and situations.     3    This is all good for your mental health because new experiences increase cognitive flexibility, keeping your mind sharp.

Travel will decrease your risk of heart disease. That’s because people who wander away from their homes for a little vacation are generally less stressed and anxious, or at least they’re willing to take a break from their stressors (压力源).     4    

Travel will let you live longer. It’s true.     5    Whether local or global, all forms of travel improve our life and can actually increase our life expectancy. Research shows that travel reduces stress, keeps your body healthy inside and out,and improves brain health. This adds to the chance of living longer and having fun.

A.Travel can lower stress levels.
B.Pay attention to your health during your trip.
C.Those who travel often tend to increase the length of their lives.
D.As a result, you become more globally and culturally aware.
E.Don’t make more specific plans or you will feel stressed.
F.When you travel, you want to try a new form of exercise and see all worth seeing.
G.It’s proved that people who travel annually are less likely to suffer from a heart attack.
2024-01-08更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般