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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:97 题号:15349219

On Saturday night, a team named EDward Gaming, won     1     2021 League of Legends (LoL) World Championship in Reykjavik, Iceland. Over 209 million viewers     2    (occupy) in watching the Championship that day, with the number still rising.     3     other words, about one in 30 people on the planet     4     (witness) the success of the Chinese e-sports team by Sunday morning.

The team has employed this opportunity to share Chinese culture with the world. In early October, they displayed tai chi, martial arts and traditional Chinese costumes in Reykjavik,     5    (launch) a “Chinese hurricane” in the Icelandic capital. With the popularity of digital technology, e-sports have been emerging,     6    are of the hottest among new forms of cultural exchanges. Unlike texts and videos, e-sports transcend the barriers of language and are understandable around the world. More     7     (essential), the e-sports industry is sustainable in spreading Chinese culture, as the large audiences mean huge commercial potential. In 2020 alone, the sales revenue of the domestic e-sports industry exceeded 278.69 billion ($43.56 billion), and involved 280,000 enterprises, which in turn improved the     8     (employ) rate.

    9    more Chinese star gaming clubs and teams emerging, the industry is expected to further prosper and continue     10    (expand) Chinese culture to the world.


语法填空-短文语填(约90词) | 适中 (0.65)

The skeleton is one of the strangest-named    1    (sport) of the Olympics. The skeleton is named    2    the shape of the metal sleds used in the 1890s, when the sport first started. The skeleton is a downhill sled race    3    (usual) on ice. This sport looks a little like the luge(雪橇), where a person sits on the back of the sled with his or her feet forward. But the skeleton is a lot    4    (exciting) and dangerous than that. In the skeleton, a person lies on his or her stomach on the sled, with his or her head pointing downhill!

2023-02-27更新 | 83次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

It’s time to stop talking and get walking. As a popular and    1    (grow) format of the game, walking football is aimed at encouraging older adults to play football again on a regular basis.

As simple as the name suggests, walking football is    2    (definite) just playing football at a walking pace. But don' t let that fool you. It carries all the emotion, passion and excitement of a regular game and still    3    (require) skills such as accurate passing, the good positional play and strong tactical(战术上的)knowledge.

The game is small-sided,    4    no running on or off the hall, very little contact and kick-ins instead of throw-ins. With less stress on the body and no real sudden change of direction or cutting movements, the game allows every    5    (participate)to play without anxiety.

It has become increasingly popular and is designed to help people keep    6    active lifestyle, as well as to support people who have stopped playing due to age    7    injury getting back to football.

Since Middlesex FA launched walking football in 2014, we    8    (have) over 300 players take part in the sport and now run over 20 sessions on a    9    (week) basis.

Ready to play?    10    (find) your nearest session using the map below.

2020-07-17更新 | 66次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

What makes something a sport? Traditional definitions usually included several physical activities    1    show athletic ability or strength. But some sports can take the form of mental competitions. For instance, chess     2    (recognize) as a sport by the International Olympic Committee in 1999. Now, some people wonder    3    eSports should also be considered sports.

The word eSports is short for electronic sports. It is     4     form of competition in which professional players or gamers play video games either in teams or individually.     5    (typical), the winners receive prize money at the end of the competition.

The first eSports event was the one     6    (hold) by Stanford University in the 1970s, for the game Spacewar! Over the next 30 years, video games     7    (explode) in popularity. More and more countries, such as South Korea, China and the United States, started to develop eSports into an industry. In the 2000s, television broadcasts of the competitions,     8    (feature) games like Street Fighter III, StarCraft, and Counter-strike, became popular. In the 2010s, thanks    9    online streaming services, eSports grew rapidly with more worldwide tournaments, more viewers, and larger    10    (prize). In 2020, the industry made more than US$1 billion for the first time ever.

2022-12-30更新 | 341次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般