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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:67 题号:15922352

Created from natural materials such as mulberry leaves and bamboo, the earliest umbrella in China was used to protect themselves from dangers. Sometime in 1st century BC, first paper umbrellas appeared and they very quickly found their way to the hands of wealthy females who by then accepted the sun-shade umbrella as a necessary part of their fashion accessory (配件) like animals’ skin and fur. Even though carefully produced and delicate umbrellas from paper and silk weighed only few hundred grams, they were capable of protecting their bearers from the rain because of the special process of applying oil on their cover.

Because of their shortage and high cost, umbrellas quickly became a symbol of power in China and surrounding Asian countries. To differentiate themselves from the rest of the population, Chinese royal members carried only red or yellow umbrellas, while the rest used blue ones. As the centuries went on, the cost of Chinese umbrellas went down, which enabled them to be used by general population and even males. Personal use was not the only application for umbrellas, and many creative designs were introduced even as early as 3rd century AD.

Surrounding countries adopted the umbrella into their tradition, often showing beautiful designs and artwork with great pride, especially by royal members in Korea, Burma and Siam. Travelers from the West soon carried Chinese umbrellas to continental Europe which was just exiting Dark Ages and was eager to adopt new fashion from distant lands. Umbrellas soon took over the female nobility (贵族) in Italy, France and England, where they managed to slowly evolve umbrellas into the general accessory that is used by everyone today.

Even though modern plastic umbrellas represent the majority of worldwide sales, traditional Chinese umbrellas are still respected by many. They are always in great demand. Fujian and Hunan Provinces are still making millions of them every year and the most respected Hangzhou-style umbrellas are now known for their quality and beauty.

1. Why did people carry different umbrellas in China?
A.To follow new fashion then.
B.To indicate their social positon.
C.To show inequality of different sexes.
D.To advertise various styles of umbrellas.
2. What do we know about traditional Chinese umbrellas?
A.They lack practical functions.
B.They have declined in sales for years.
C.They remain popular among people.
D.They will replace plastic umbrellas.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.The history of umbrellas.
B.The popularity of umbrellas.
C.The various designs of umbrellas.
D.The major functions of umbrellas.
21-22高一下·山西太原·阶段练习 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 说明文 过去与未来


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Hiking is tricky when you’re carrying a threatened species. Ally Whitbread carefully walked through the wilds while carrying a cooler full of small, rare snails —the Chittenango ovate amber snails.

“I feel like I’ve got 500 babies to take care of—just like a very crazy mother hen,” she said. Whitbread is part of a team transporting a lab-grown population to a new, remote home. The snails are facing extinction —only dozens are estimated to remain at one waterfall in upstate New York. “Such a recovery process can take years to decades. There are several things remaining to be unlocked during the process —what the action is going to bring, what role that species might play, and whether they might live well. We are just racing to better understand our planet’s biodiversity before the species die out.”

It took the scientists years to raise this population in the lab. The hike to a hidden waterfall is a chance to examine what makes them grow well in the wild, or what doesn’t. The snails don’t have any known unique features critical to humans, and it’s been a long journey just to attempt to save them. These efforts could figure out their hidden benefits.

Specialist Cody Gilbertson said the drive to save them can go deeper, not just the love for science. The creatures are no bigger than a fingertip and look up at their caregivers. “You know their big eyes are staring at you, like —there’s no way that you’re not going to kind of fall in love,” Gilbertson said.

Dropping them off at their new waterfall home wasn’t even the end —it’ll be another 5 years before the team knows whether the snails can survive there. They’ll go for a hike twice a month to track their progress.

1. How does Whitbread feel about the snails’ future?
2. Why do the scientists bring the lab-raised snails to the new habitat?
A.To figure out their hidden benefits.
B.To observe their reproducing process.
C.To preserve the planet’s biodiversity.
D.To identify factors in their survival.
3. What does the underlined word “unlock” mean?
4. What motivated Gilbertson to save the snails?
A.Their lovable appearance.B.Their endangered state.
C.Their potential role.D.Their growing conditions.
2024-03-27更新 | 100次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Vegetable displays have become surprisingly similar in markets around the world, which offer primarily commercial vegetables such as tomato, eggplant, onion, carrot, beet, lettuce and broccoli. In other words, world diets are actually becoming more similar and based on fewer crops.

A much greater diversity of vegetables exist in traditional food systems, but many of these crops are poorly integrated in current markets and diets. A total of 1,097 vegetable species, with a great variety of uses and growth forms, are cultivated worldwide. Still, we only seem to be familiar with less than 7% of these species.

The diversity of vegetables is more than a local preference. It could play an important role in ensuring adequate levels of nutrition and in meeting the challenges of agricultural production posed by climate change and soil degradation (退化). Many traditional vegetables are known to have higher nutritional value than commercial vegetables, and are well-adapted to local conditions, exhibiting resistance to drought, pests, diseases and poor soil conditions. For example, the Mayan spinach (玛雅菠菜) contains exceptional levels of protein, vitamin C and iron, and provides leaves year-round with little water and in poor soil conditions. Traditional crops like this could be strategic in helping more people meet the recommended levels of fruit and vegetable consumption, which is currently n global health concern.

Lack of information on traditional vegetables is a major barrier to their use and promotion because it prevents a wider recognition of their values and understanding of how best to grow, process and market them. Organizations around the world are placing increasing efforts on promoting these so called “forgotten foods”, because of their value and potential in bringing nutrition and income benefits to consumers and producers, as well as in strengthening local food traditions. This could be the beginning of a great transformation towards more diverse, vegetable-rich food systems around the world.

1. Why are world diets becoming more similar?
A.People prefer vegetables rich in nutrition.
B.Fewer kinds of vegetables are planted worldwide.
C.7% of vegetable crops lost their chances to survive.
D.A limited variety of vegetables are available to people.
2. What does the underlined word “cultivated” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. What can be learned from the example of the Mayan spinach?
A.Climate change is a great threat to humans.
B.Soil degradation affects vegetable diversity.
C.Commercial vegetables are highly profitable.
D.Many traditional vegetables have great values to us.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of traditional vegetables?
2022-04-23更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Celebrate Thanksgiving

Celebrated yearly on the fourth Thursday in November, the holiday of Thanksgiving was first observed (庆祝) in 1621 and continues to be an American tradition today.     1    .

(1) Make the table merry.    2    . If not, lay out the food somewhere readily reachable on the day. Get the kids to help set the table, which is regarded as part of their contribution to the preparations.

(2)    3    . There are a few traditions connected with Thanksgiving that are enjoyed in many families, such as gathering around the TV and watching football games or watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV with the kids.

(3) Spend a little time thinking the meaning of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a chance for many families to spend time together after being apart for much of the year.    4    . Think of your family’s own ways to express your appreciation (感激) on this day and in the following year.

(4)    5    . Offer to help prepare meals at a homeless shelter, and start food or clothing donation (捐赠). This can be an important part of teaching your children about gratitude in action.

A.Take a long nap after the meal if you’re feeling sleepy
B.Consider helping the less fortunate during Thanksgiving
C.Enjoy some traditional activities in Thanksgiving holiday
D.It is a good time to think the love that you have for one another
E.If you want to know how to celebrate Thanksgiving, just follow these steps
F.Here are some things you’ll have to do to prepare the food for your holiday
G.Arrange the table decorations the day before Thanksgiving if you have a separate dining table
2018-03-17更新 | 240次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般