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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:120 题号:15982327

In need of some encouragement, kind words or smile? Try calling “Peptoc”, a free hotline created by students at West Side Elementary in Healdsburg, California, to offer advice and uplifting messages to those going through a difficult time.

Martin, together with other teachers at West Side Elementary, is behind the program. “There are depressing periods when we really needed to hear from the children — their extraordinary advice and their continual joy,” Martin told NPR.

They spoke to their students, aged 6 to 11, about the idea and asked them to think of how they’ve stayed positive throughout the pandemic. They also asked them to recall moments when they received helpful advice. “So all of the responses are really coming from the kids and their own life experiences, and the advice they’ve gleaned (搜集) over their short years on this planet,” Martin told The Guardian. The teachers and their students also hung posters and fliers (传单) throughout town spreading positive messages.

The hotline, launched in less than a week, went viral, receiving 500 calls per hour in just two days. It currently receives up to 9,000 calls per hour. After dialing, you’ll be prompted (提示) with a menu of options, such as words for encouragement and life advice, inspiring talks from kindergartners, kids’ laughing with delight. “The world is a better place with you in it”, “If you re frustrated, you can always go to your bedroom, punch (拳打) a pillow or cry on it and just go to scream outside” are such uplifting tips, voiced by excited, optimistic children.

According to Martin, the children’s creativity and resourcefulness is something that is amazing, because that level of joy and love and imagination is what’s going to warm and save us in the end.

Amy McWilliams, who has suffered from cancer, says she’s called the hotline several times for encouragement and has even shared it with fellow cancer patients. “It’s joy straight from the literal mouths of babies,” she told CNN. “We adults forget that spreading kindness and positive thinking can really be that simple.”

1. What do we know about “Peptoc”?
A.It offers service for a fee.B.It is intended for students.
C.It can help us feel relieved.D.It assists us to leave messages.
2. How do the kids do their jobs according to the text?
A.By offering the callers pillows to punch.B.By collecting the callers’ suggestions.
C.By chatting with those calling for help.D.By putting up posters across the state.
3. What does Amy McWilliams think of the act of the kids?
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Students launched a hotline to spread encouragement.
B.A teacher gave her students a special calling training.
C.A teacher told her students an inspiring story.
D.Students were taught tips on getting rid of frustration.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Rolland and Adeline are proud parents to nine beautiful children. Their youngest two, daughter Lanto, and son, Rindra, were both born with cleft lip (唇裂) conditions. In Madagascar, many families have never seen a cleft lip before, so it’s a condition often greeted with fear and misfortune in some rural communities.

However, the news of Lanto and Rindra’s cleft lip wasn’t much of a shock for Rolland and Adeline because Rolland’s cousin—a man in his fifties — had lived his entire adult life with an untreated cleft lip. Although seeing a relative with a cleft lip meant the family weren’t fearful of the condition, they knew the negative impact an untreated cleft lip can have on a person’s health and life. As all loving parents would, Rolland and Adeline wanted a better future for their children.

Rolland heard an advertisement on the radio about an Operation Smile surgical programme in Antsirabe, Madagascar. Finding out that Rindra and Lanto could have the cleft lip surgery they needed, for free, was a dream for the family. Unlike here in the UK, health services aren’t free in many parts of the world, and the costs of treatment — or even travelling to reach medical facilities — are out of reach for most families.

When Rolland and his children arrived at the patient village, they were surprised to see so many other families in the same position. After a thorough medical evaluation by medical volunteers, Lanto was found to be fit enough for surgery, and later got the new smile her parents had dreamed of for her. But, for younger brother Rindra, the journey to a new smile would take a little longer.

Operation Smile has provided hundreds of thousands of safe surgeries for children with cleft lip conditions worldwide. For more information about our work or to find out how you can help, visit www.operationsmile.org.

1. What do most people think of cleft lip in Madagascar?
A.It is incurable.B.It is normal.C.It is unavoidable.D.It is unlucky.
2. What kept the couple from being scared of their children’s situation?
A.Their relative’s experience.B.Their children’s smile.
C.Their love for their children.D.The advertisement they saw.
3. What should be done just before deciding on the surgery according to the text?
A.Paying for the surgery.B.Staying in hospital.
C.Having a health check.D.Seeking for a doctor.
4. What is the main purpose of the information in the last paragraph?
A.For donations.B.For copyright.C.For commitment.D.For clarification.
2024-06-11更新 | 93次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Some mothers and daughters like to go shopping or walking together or picnicking as part of their bonding experience. Others become firefighters together. That’s the route that Montgomery County mother Betsy Gekonge took with her 17-year-old daughter Mokeira. The pair recently graduated from the Montgomery County Fire Academy together and received their Firefighter certificate.

The rising high school senior says she thought she’d be going to the fire academy alone. She never expected to have company. “This is quite out of my expectation because I never expected her to do it with me,” said Mokeira.

“Taking classes with my mom was fun because we could study together but also joke around. We share a lot of funny stories at family events,” Mokeira told the Montgomery County Fire Chiefs Association. “Montgomery County is a great place for new volunteers because you learn a lot from knowledgeable, professional firefighters in a positive environment. It teaches you a lot.”

Mokeira is one of the first individuals to gain her Firefighter certificate at age 17 since Pennsylvania’s law changed, making 17 —the youngest legal age to become certified instead of 18.

The pair will work as volunteer firefighters for Barren Hill Fire Company in Lafayette Hill. According to the Pennsylvania Fire and Emergency Services Institute, there were 300,000 volunteer firefighters across the state in the 1970s. That number dwindled (减少) to 38,000 in 2018.

“It’s really fulfilling to volunteer and learn about fire safety that helps us and others in our daily life,” Betsy added. “I’ve built a lot of relationships in our community through volunteering.” “Our decision was primarily motivated by this, and now I have gained great satisfaction from it. It gives me a sense of purpose and I’m helping to contribute to the solution,” said Mokiera.

1. What did Betsy and Mokeira decide to do bond with each other?
A.Go shopping.B.Take a walk.
C.Become firefighters.D.Have a picnic.
2. How does Mokeira feel about her mother’s choice?
3. Why did Betsy and Mokeira volunteer to work for their community?
A.To learn fire safety skills.B.To work as career firefighters.
C.To address the shortage of employees.D.To strengthen ties with their community.
4. What does the author intend to highlight about the story?
A.The importance of fire safety education.
B.A serious challenge faced by firefighters.
C.An inspiring example of mother-daughter job relation.
D.The potential for family members to volunteer together.
2024-06-03更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】More than a decade after they first met on Mount Bamian in western Hunan province, a photographer from Shenzhen, has kept his promise of finding funding for a young woman whose arms were amputated(截肢) as a child.

Chen Yongheng has taken about 5,000 photos of Xiang Liping, who he first met when she was 13 in December 2002. She appeared on a hillside as he was coming down the mountain, followed by two other children, carrying large bundles(捆) of straw on their backs. Intrigued by the sight, Chen raised his camera to take a picture of the three — but it was then that he noticed the sleeves of the girl in red blowing in the wind. He approached and touched the girl's sleeves, only to discover there were no arms inside.

After returning home and reviewing his photographs, Chen decided he had to find the girl again. Chen finally found the girl one year later. He learned that she touched an exposed electrical wire when she was only 4 and had to have both her arms amputated. It was then that an idea occurred to him — hand in his pictures of Xiang to the World Press Photo Contest, which offers a 10,000 euro ($11,080) top prize. From 2003 to 2013, Chen visited the family and took photos of Xiang every year. He entered the contest every year, but every time he failed to win the top prize. That was until December last year, when his pictures caught the attention of journalists at a photo exhibition. After the photos were published online in June, 2016, they were viewed more than 100 million times and attracted more than 80,000 comments. With the support of the China Social Assistance Foundation, more than 300,000 yuan was donated to Xiang. "She now has more confidence and told me over phone that she wants to open an online store," Chen said.

1. Chen Yongheng first met with Xiang Liping when she      .
A.was taking part in a contest
B.was being treated in hospital
C.was traveling with her family
D.had already had her arms amputated
2. The underlined word "Intrigued" can be replaced by “     ”.
3. What can we know about Xiang Liping?
A.She lost her arms because of a car accident.
B.She will use the donated money to help others.
C.Her photos caught great attention of online viewers.
D.She opened an online store together with Chen Yongheng.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.A photographer helps a disabled girl by recording her life.
B.A photographer won the top prize by his strong will.
C.A girl who lost her arms lives a hard life.
D.One will be rewarded by helping others.
2017-05-22更新 | 52次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般