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I’m May. high school seniors all around the U. S. scramble (争抢) to get ready for prom. Prom. short for promenade, is a formal dance held by a high school before graduation. It’s an important aspect of American school culture because it’s the last high-school dance seniors will ever attend.

Prom entails (牵涉) countless traditions. First a guy must ask a girl to go to prom with him. Most guys choose to do special prom proposals in hopes of winning the girl’s heart with their creativity. Then he will rent a tuxedo (燕尾服), and the girl will often get their hair, nails and makeup done professionally. That night couples will take pictures, and then they will often take a limousine (豪华轿车) to dinner and to the dance. Several reports state that parents can spend upward of $ 2,000 to give their kids the perfect prom experience.

The history of prom can be traced back to the last half of the 1800s. At that time, American universities and colleges organized dances each year for their graduating students. The purpose was not only to entertain the students but also to prepare them for the wider world by teaching them proper manners for men and women.

Later, high schools took over the prom tradition. In the 1950s, high schools began moving the dance from their gyms to beautiful hotels or country clubs to make the event even more special. Perhaps the most amazing prom took place in 1975, when Susan Ford, the daughter of the country’s president, received permission to hold her high school’s prom at the White House. So far, no other prom has managed to top that.

1. According to this article, what do the participants in prom mainly pay attention to?
A.Their appearance.B.Their possessions.C.Their transportation.D.Their supervisors.
2. What were people supposed to learn from prom at one time?
A.What marketing plan to use.B.How to behave around others.
C.Which food was best to eat.D.When to earn a great degree.
3. According to this article, where was a special event held more than four decades ago?
A.In an official residence.B.In an international court.
C.In a motion picture studio.D.In a modern gallery.
21-22高三下·全国·假期作业 查看更多[1]


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【推荐1】When the winds begin to rise over Bali Island, the sky will be decorated with colors that announce the arrival of kite season.

It’s a summer activity that brings back joyful memories of childhood to Balinese photographer Putu Sayoga. As a young boy, he’d watch elder kids pull kites through rice fields near his village after harvest season. When the winds didn’t come, the boys would whistle loudly, acting out stories of Rare Angon, the name of a character in Balinese epic story respected by kite flyers. According to the legend, his magical flute beckoned (召唤) the winds. Kites that dance in those sudden strong winds are said to help farmers keep harmful insects away from their harvests.

In the early 1970s, foreign visitors began flooding into Bali’s white sand beaches and in 1978 the island launched an annual kite festival that quickly grew into a large competition. Three styles of kite take flight at the festival: the long-tailed bird; the fish, perhaps the most popular; and the leaf, considered the toughest to fly because of earlier preparation.

The COVID-19 pandemic put off the kite festival in Bali Island. But in the absence of tourists, Sayoya rediscovered the beauty of kite flying without earlier preparation. One day, Sayoga spotted a colorful gathering overhead. Down a small side road, he found an illegal festival. The police had forced the kite flyers to leave the beach, so they had to remove to a rice field. Sayoga asked if he could film it and they agreed — so long as he focused his camera on the kites and not their faces.

This year, the official kite festival has returned to Bali’s beaches, but informal festivals, like the one Sayoga photographed, have also stuck around again. For Sayoga, who had long avoided the overcrowded pre-pandemic festivals, these gatherings have helped him rediscover the entertainment he loved as a child. Now when he goes to see the kites fly, he may intentionally leave his camera at home.

1. Why do people fly kites in the festival in Bali’s legend?
A.To protect crops from harmful insects.B.To celebrate Balinese harvests.
C.To act out stories of Rare Angon.D.To leave good memories to children.
2. What can we know about flying kites in the passage?
A.Foreign tourists flood into Bali for the kite festival.
B.The competition is based on the three styles of kite.
C.The pandemic did not reduce people’s love for flying kites.
D.The police in Bali had the right to stop people flying kites.
3. What does the underlined “stuck around” mean in Paragraph 5?
4. Which sentence does Soyaga agree with according to the text?
A.Illegal kite festivals should also be encouraged.
B.Crowded festivals could bring in more entertainment.
C.Cameras should be placed on the kites instead of faces.
D.Recording kites gives way to watching them flying.
2023-05-04更新 | 75次组卷
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【推荐2】       American parents generally can choose any name they want for their children. They may choose a name because it honors a family member. Or they may choose a name just because they like it.

A website called Baby Center lists some unusual names given to American babies born last year. Some were named for characters in old stories, such as Hero, Thor and Ulysses. Other people named their babies after kinds of food, like actress Gwyneth Paltrow. She named her daughter Apple. Other people named their babies Banana, Pumpkin and Cookie.

Still some babies were named for places. These included Brazil, India and Rome. Some parents used names of famous people from history such as Newton and Hannibal. Other parents named their babies after flowers or the weather. These babies were named Buttercup, Iris, Sunshine and Thunder.

Recording artists and movie actors influence some parents’ choices of names. Babies were named Beyonce, Charlize, Reda, Pierce, Shajira and Whitney. Movie actors themselves often give their babies unusual names. For example, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt named their baby daughter Shiloh. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes named their little girl Suri.

Some American parents do not want unusual names. They want their baby’s name to honor their religious faith. Such names include Abraham for boys or Sarah for girls. And many people give their babies the same name as a family member or good friend.

The United States Social Security Administration once published a list of the most popular names for American girls and boys born. Many of the top ten boys, names are from the Jewish and Christian Bibles.

1. How did American parents usually name their children?
A.In a way they please.B.In a scientific way.
C.In a careless way.D.In a common way
2. From the second paragraph, we can infer that _______.
A.Ulysses is a main person in an old story book.
B.the meaning of Gwyneth Paltrow is a kind of fruit
C.American parents expect their children to be a hero.
D.a girl was named Apple because she liked eating apples.
3. What can we know from American children’s name?
A.American children’s names express American history.
B.A foreign place may become a name of an American child.
C.American parents’ favorite names are those of famous actors.
D.American parents expect their children to be different from others.
4. If a girl is named Sarah, the name reflects her parents’ _______.
2016-11-26更新 | 91次组卷
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了阿根廷的三个节日:探戈节、马球公开赛和Semana Musical Llao Llao古典音乐节。

【推荐3】Argentina lies in South America. There are many festivals in Argentina during the year. Therefore, you can enjoy the different interesting festivals when traveling there. First of all, we should talk about the Tango Festival in Argentina, which is held in the capital of this country—Buenos Aires, from February to March. You ought to know that Argentina is the home of tango, so Argentineans admire this dance very much. Even if you cannot dance perfectly, you should join the people and try to perform this dance.

The next festival in Argentina is Open Polo(马球) Tournament. You should go to Palermo to see this festival in Argentina. This festival is held every year and is the most important polo tournament in Argentina. This kind of sport is considered the most important in Argentina. Attending this festival in Argentina, you will be able to communicate with different people, admire the fascinating competition between the teams of different countries, such as Argentina, England, Australia, as well as the US. This festival in Argentina is usually held between November and December every year. So don’t miss the opportunity if you travel to Argentina at this time.

Another festival in Argentina is the Semana Musical Llao Llao. This is a festival of classical music. The festival was created in 1993 and is held at the Llao Llao Hotel, near Bariloche. The festival is held yearly in October. So if you admire this kind of music, you should travel to Argentina in October. There are also many carnivals in October.

There are also many carnivals in Argentina in summer. Of course, it’s impossible to put everything about festivals in Argentina into just one article. We hope that you have found this article interesting and eye-catching.

1. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Festivals in Argentina
B.Entertainments in Argentina
C.Travel to Argentina
D.A brief introduction to Argentina
2. From the passage, we know that the Tango Festival ________.
A.is organized by the government
B.is held in summer
C.welcomes everyone to take part
D.holds parties for different dances
3. Which of the following is a sport festival?
A.The Semana Musical Llao Llao.
B.Carnivals in October.
C.The Tango Festival.
D.Open Polo Tournament.
4. If Tom wants to enjoy a classical music event in Argentina, he should visit ________.
A.Buenos Aires in spring
B.Palermo in April
C.Bariloche in October
D.Palermo in winter
2022-07-22更新 | 85次组卷
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