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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:221 题号:16105572

The student arrived early, sat front and center, and stood out in my classroom in more ways than one. I’d say that he was about 40 years older than his classmates in my undergraduate communications class. He eagerly jumped into class discussions, with his humor and wisdom of experience. And he was always respectful of the other students’ perspectives, as if each of them were a teacher. Jerry Valencia walked in with a smile — and he left with one too.

“These students gave me the confidence that I didn’t need to feel bad about my age,” Valencia says.

One day, I spotted Valencia on campus. He said he would have to stop taking classes that semester and reapply for next year. By then, he hoped to have earned enough money from construction jobs and have his student-loan papers in order. But he said he was still coming to campus to attend events or see friends. He asked seriously whether he could still sit in on my communications class.

Sure, I said. But he wouldn’t get any credit.

No problem, he said.

Soon there he was again, back at his old desk, front and center, jumping into our discussions on how to find and tell stories in Los Angeles — a 63-year-old man with as much energy and curiosity as any of the youngsters in class. For an assignment on changing neighborhoods, Valencia wrote about a favorite local chain restaurant that was “unceremoniously closed.” He called it a theft of childhood. “It is almost as if someone has stolen that childhood and rudely replaced it with a slippery hill where everything they treasure will slide away,” he wrote.

A lot of Valencia’s classmates apparently knew he couldn’t afford that semester’s tuition but was still doing the homework. “Here he is, willingly taking a class for the delight of it and benefit of learning,” says Jessica Espinosa, a 25-year-old junior. Afterward, I overheard Valencia wanted to stay in school until he earned a master’s degree, but it had taken him 12 years to finish community college, so he had a long way to go. He had earned his associate of arts degree over the summer, then transferred to LA to start on his bachelor’s.

There is something splendidly unreasonable about Valencia’s determination to get a four-year degree and then a master’s. At his current pace, he’ll be 90 when he finally hangs all that paper on the wall. But that doesn’t seem especially relevant. He’s found all the youthful energy and academic opportunity stimulating. Valencia’s grade in my class this semester will not show up on his transcripts (成绩单). But I’m giving him an A — and in the most important ways, it counts.

1. What made Valencia different from his classmates according to Para. 1?
A.He was an early bird to attract other students’ attention.
B.He took pride in his age, for he often wore a smile on his face.
C.He was eager to draw his conclusion in the communications class.
D.He may often share his wise and humorous ideas in the discussion.
2. According to the author, Valencia continued to attend classes because ________.
A.he got enjoyment and treasured the chance of learning
B.he needed the credits to further study a bachelor’s degree
C.he desired to attend events and have an A on his transcripts
D.he wanted to keep up with his classmates by learning hard
3. Which of the following best describes Valencia?
A.Modest and independent.B.Energetic and generous.
C.Considerate and intelligent.D.Enthusiastic and motivated.
4. The passage mainly tells us that ________.
A.teachers like diligent and highly-motivated students
B.efforts will be paid off as long as we are determined
C.it is never too late to learn even though we start a little late
D.getting an A counts when it comes to learning at a higher level
【知识点】 学习 记叙文 励志故事


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We particularly recommend the books below. Some of them are the sort of books that are used in class by the teachers, but all of them are widely available. And all of them contain references, examples and models that may help you to write better English.

Bailey, S.2015.Academic Writing: A handbook for international students.

This is the book that we recommend for the Warwick pre-sessional course in English. It has a lot of useful practice exercises covering all aspects of academic English, and it has answers so that the book can be used as a self-study tool.

Craswell, G. 2004.Writing for Academic Success.

This book provides some very useful suggestions on the process of writing, such as time management techniques, and also provides hints on writing theses (毕业论文) and examination answers.

Creme, P.and M. Lea.2008.Writing at University: A guide for students.

This book is particularly helpful for familiarising students with what tutors are looking for In writing at university, and what is meant by “critical” writing.

Jordan, R.R.1999.Academic Writing Course.

This book has been well used over the years but it is still very useful because it contains helpful appendices (PH) which students can be directed to out-of-class study (for example, spelling, punctuation, irregular verbs, etc).There is a particularly useful section on linking words and connectors.

Oshima, A& Hogue, A 2005.Writing Academic English.

This book is a very popular classroom textbook for teachers, but it also has useful exercises that can be undertaken at home. It is particularly useful for looking at the structure of paragraphs, essays and longer texts.

1. All the books recommended in the text are meant to________.
A.show the books’ popularity.
B.offer the teachers for reference in teaching.
C.help the teachers teach English well in class.
D.help the students to develop their writing skills.
2. Which book was published much earlier than the others?
A.Academic Writing Course.
B.Writing for Academic Success.
C.Writing at University: A guide for students.
D.Academic Writing: A handbook for international students.
3. What does the book Writing Academic English focus on?
A.Students’ social experience.B.Test preparation.
C.Linking words and connectors.D.The writing structure.
2021-11-26更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】My cellphone rang while I was working on my computer. I looked at the phone and saw it was my 17-year-old son, Tom. I quickly picked it up. “Mom, I got a 71 on the test. I did it.” With those few words, I could feel my heart start to pound.

Living in New York State, students cannot graduate from high school unless they pass at least five exams: one in English, one in science, two in history and one in math. For most students, who work hard, attend class, and do their homework, it isn’t that hard. But for Tom, who is dyslexic(朗读困难的), it is such a real challenge that some teachers have feared he would never be able to even attempt, never mind achieve.

We were honest with him about his trouble, letting him know that there was nothing to be ashamed of. Some people learn differently. If he was willing to work, we would help him find a way to do as much as he could in his academic career. All that was standing in his way was this math test. He had taken it three times and did better each time, but he continued to fail. He was starting to get a bit tired of me saying this was a marathon not a sprint(冲刺). My heart broke each time we would get the failing results.

“Mom, thanks. I love you. Thanks for believing I could do this.”

For one of the few times in my life, I really had nothing left to say. For that one brief moment I knew, really, really, knew that everything we did to help our son achieve what he wanted was worth it.

1. What does the underlined word “pound” in Paragraph l probably mean?
A.Sink suddenly.B.Beat wildly.
C.Ache violently.D.Break totally.
2. What do we know from the second paragraph?
A.Students in New York State can graduate from high school if they pass four exams.
B.Students in New York State needn’t to learn math even if they want to graduate.
C.It is very hard for students in New York State to graduate from high school.   
D.It is a challenge for Tom to graduate from high school.
3. According to the text, Tom was weak in________.
4. How did the writer feel when she wrote this text?
A.She felt grateful and relaxed.B.She felt surprised and bitter.
C.She felt proud and satisfied.D.She felt worried and anxious.
2022-02-25更新 | 156次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】According to a study by the U. S. Department of Education, families choose homeschooling over public schools for three primary reasons. Nearly half of homeschooling parents said they could give their children a better education at home. Thirty-eight percent cited religious reasons.    1    

Like many homeschool parents, Certain and her husband, Randy, are college graduates. They said they did not have the money to send their children to private school in the Los Angeles area where they lived.    2     And Certain also wanted her children to learn to read using phonics (拼读法).

    3    She began homeschooling her three children because she felt they weren’t learning what she thought they should learn. “I remember helping our daughter, Danielle, with her homework when I realized that she wasn’t reading any of the classics in literature,” said Certain. “It was breaking my heart to see that she was missing out on some very important elements that should have been in her education.”

Certain said it takes more than good intentions to homeschool. “Homeschooling is a    4    For Certain’s family, homeschooling meant Certain had spiritual calling,” she said, to quit her job.

In addition to teaching her children at home, Certain joined other parents in a homeschooling support group and attended conferences and other homeschooling events. “People say that homeschooled children are not learning how to relate socially with their peers (同龄人) but that is just not true,” she said. “    5    

A.Randy shared the same idea as Certain.
B.Certain believed she could do a better job.
C.It is a big sacrifice both of yourself and financially for your family.
D.Others considered their local schools’ learning environments poor.
E.They were also concerned about the safety of their children at public school.
F.My children are as active in dance, soccer and other activities as those at public schools.
G.A small number of parents were still considering whether to teach their children at home.
2023-04-02更新 | 152次组卷
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