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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:50 题号:16283666

Pay a visit to the Chicago River and you’ll find that it has a wonderful new addition to the local wildlife. Among the birds and fish, visitors may spot a small robot moving up and down the busy waterway. This is Trashbot, the creation of a startup called Urban Rivers, using cutting-edge technology to clean up trash in the area.

In some ways, Trashbot is like the vacuum cleaners (真空吸收器) found in American homes. But it isn’t. While its free movement and lack of onsite handlers may give the impression that this is a self-driving machine, this could not be further from the truth. At any point in time, Trashbot might be controlled by one of the Internet users.

Anyone with a web connection can get into Urban River’s website and take a two-minute turn at piloting Trashbot. The company’s goal is to use this time to direct Trashbot to pick up trash, and then carry this to a collection point on the river bank, where it can be later removed.

The idea for Trashbot started a few years ago when Urban Rivers’ project the “floating gardens” on the Chicago River got clogged up (被堵塞) with trash. To solve this, they started employing old-fashioned human litter pickers to collect trash from the river. However, this turned out to be ineffective.

The idea of a robot boat was born then, but the team wasn’t sure how to pilot it. Teaching a computer to understand what trash is isn’t easy, Trash is a somewhat abstract concept (概念) . We know it when we see it. At this point they decided to turn to the Internet for help.

“We figured that we could put out a call so that this boat could be controlled by people around the world,” says Nick Wesley, one of the brains behind the project. “Letting people take control of a robot to clean up trash makes for a really cool experience.”

1. What do we know about Trashbot?
A.It is a vacuum cleanerB.It is harmful to local wildlife.
C.It is a trash clearing machine.D.It has been widely used in homes.
2. How does Trashbot work?
A.It is operated by Internet users.
B.It works for two hours at a time.
C.It is handled by human litter pickers.
D.It recognizes trash and reports it to users.
3. Where can we find the reason for building Trashbot?
A.In Paragraph 3.B.In Paragraph 4.C.In Paragraph 5.D.In Paragraph 6.
4. What does Nick Wesley say about piloting Trashbot?
A.It is a risky practice.
B.It may cause a network crash.
C.It fails to meet online users needs.
D.It offers online users a special experience.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】As a child, Paolo Fanciulli was attracted by underwater abandoned ships , particularly the fish and seagrass that lived in them. But in the past decade , his job as a fisherman has grown harder, as trawling ( 用拖网捕鱼) near the coast has been destroying the Mediterranean ecosystem.“The nets are weighed down with heavy chains to be dragged on the sea bottom, so they uproot the seagrass that is key to the Mediterranean ecosystem" he said.

While Italian law bans trawling within 5.5km of the coast, it's so profitable that it's not uncommon for boats to carry on illegally at night.

In 2006, a desperate Tuscan government dropped concrete blocks into the sea to interrupt the trawlers. Fanciulli said they didn't work as they were too far apart and the nets simply dragged between them. He then began to wonder: what if, instead of dropping concrete blocks into the water, he dropped art? He asked a mine in nearby Carrara to donate two marble (大理石) blocks to make sculptures. They donated 100 instead.

Through word of mouth , contributions and online crowdfunding, Fanciulli persuaded artists including Giorgio Butini and Beverly Pepper to carve sculptures from the marble.Then he took them to sea and lowered them in. The underwater sculptures create both a physical brier for nets and a unique underwater museum.

The“museum”appears to be having some effects gradually. Although 10 years ago the seagrass was disappearing, it is now growing back. The statues also deserve credit for helping to preserve the fishing industry by protecting the fish resources because the nursery areas of various commercial fish species are below the coast. All kinds of undersea life appears to be returning. Seagrass covers the statues, shellfish has taken up residence, and more dolphins have been seen.

Fanciulli hopes to build on the museum's success.“We put in the first statues in 2007 but our goal is to reach 100,”he said, sensing an opportunity.

1. What has made Fanciulli's job grow harder?
A.An illegal fishing practice.
B.The declining fishing industry.
C.The concrete blocks underwater.
D.The increasing number of fishermen.
2. What does Fancilli mean by“dropped art”in paragraph 3?
A.Establishing an art museum.
B.Removing the concrete blocks.
C.Appealing for artists' donation.
D.Laying sculptures under the sea.
3. Which of the following can best describe Fanciulli's measure?
4. What's the text mainly about?
A.Benefits brought by fine arts.
B.Harm trawling does to marine life.
C.Efforts by a fisherman to protect sea life.
D.Attempts by artists to preserve biodiversity.
2021-05-23更新 | 156次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】California researchers developed a glove embedded with electronic sensors that can translate American Sign Language (ASL) into English in real time through an app on your smartphone.

Unlike its past counterparts, the new glove is lightweight, inexpensive and long-lasting. The device could help remove communication barriers between signers and non- signers. Hopefully, this may open up an easy way for people who use sign language to communicate directly with non- signers without needing someone else to translate for them.

The team worked with four people who are deaf and use ASL and had them repeat gestures up to 15 times while wearing the glove-like device, simultaneously teaching a machine how to recognize them.

The glove has thin, stretchable sensors made from“ electrically conducting yarns” that run up each finger and convert the movements into signals. These signals are sent to a “dollar-coin-sized” circuit board placed on the person’s wrist, which then wirelessly transfers them over to a smartphone.

The system was able to recognize 660 hand motions and finger placements that stand for each letter in the English alphabet, different phrases and each number. The algorithm (计算程序) recognized the correct signs about 99% of the time, and in less than one second — or about a tone word per second.

The researchers also placed sensors in between the participants eyebrows and on the sides of their mouths to “capture facial expressions that are a part of ASL”. The same exact hand-shape and movement can totally change meaning because of the facial expression that is used to accompany it. Take the word MUCH. The degree of how much can totally be determined by the facial expression alone while the sign stays the same.

Researchers said the glove would need to learn more vocabulary and be able to translate signs faster in order to get a commercial version of it in stores.

1. Who are the main target users of the new glove?
A.Translators.B.Foreign teachers.
C.Sign language users.D.English learners.
2. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.Where the new glove was used.B.Why the new glove was invented.
C.What makes the new glove popular.D.How the new glove works.
3. How do researchers improve the glove’s correctness of recognition?
A.By catching facial expressions of the participants.
B.By lengthening the time of catching gestures.
C.By updating the algorithm of the smartphone.
D.By inputting more lectern and words of different languages.
4. What will researchers do with the glove in the future according to the last paragraph?
A.Make it useful for everyone.B.Improve its performance.
C.Extend its service life.D.Beautify its outlook.
7日内更新 | 193次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了AI网红Alba Renai将主持西班牙真人秀,引发关注,讲述了人工智能网红Alba Renai的现状以及人们对于AI新闻主播的看法,虽未实质夺走人类工作,却也映射出AI技术快速发展下,人工智能虚拟形象或成趋势。

【推荐3】Alba Renai, an attractive digital influencer (网红) powered by artificial intelligence, has recently announced that she will be hosting a special section on Spain’s popular reality show “Survivor”.

Created in the fall of last year by Be a Lion, Alba Renai quickly became a superstar online, attracting over 10,000 fans. She is a beautiful young woman, but she is not actually real.

Most people started speaking highly of Alba about her looks, wishing her luck in her new position, and most likely not even realizing she was an AI-powered avatar (化身), and some expressed their concern about such digital avatars occupying human jobs. In Asia, for example, several countries have been experimenting with Al newscasters.

Be a Lion, the company that created and trained: Alba Renai, recently claimed that their avatar didn’t steal any human jobs. On the contrary, it actually created more jobs. A team of 32 people works directly on the Alba project, including Al experts, engineers, producers, filmmakers, and community managers. “Alba is a collaborative (协作的) work between humans and machines,” Luis Movilla, a director at Be a Lion, said. “Now humans must have certain skills to be able to operate technological advances. We have had to redevelop the educational plan of our own employees and in the labor market.”

Alba Renai is one of several virtual influencers to attract international attention in the last few months, alongside Aitana Lopez and Lexi Love, to name just a couple of the most popular ones, but there is an entire wave of AI-powered avatars being developed as a way to cut costs. They may not be mainstream yet, but with technology evolving at such a rapid pace, who knows where we’ll be in a couple of years?

1. What can we know about Alba Renai?
A.She is a popular Spanish woman.
B.She has a great influence on young people.
C.She was designed and made by Be a Lion.
D.She is the chief hostess of the show “Survivor”.
2. What is some people’s concern over Al newscasters?
A.They are costly to develop and maintain.
B.They may take away jobs from people.
C.They distract fans’ attention from work.
D.They are not as natural as real newscasters.
3. What is Luis Movilla’s attitude toward Alba?
4. What message does the author intend to convey in the last paragraph?
A.Alba is currently the most popular virtual influencer.
B.AI-powered avatars will never take the place of humans:
C.There are likely to be more AI-powered avatars in the future.
D.Technology shouldn’t have been evolving at such a rapid pace,
2024-05-22更新 | 71次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般