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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:144 题号:16674001

Emissions Trading Systems—carbon pricing policy instruments for carbon emissions reduction—have become very popular in recent years. Under a typical ETS, a central authority allocates emissions permits to enterprises and requires them to submit permits equal to their emissions for compliance at the end of a “compliance cycle”. Enterprises that are short of permits can purchase them from the permit market, creating a carbon price signal that is crucial to reducing emissions cost-effectively.

Unlike a typical ETS in the developed countries that imposes a hard emissions cap, the main feature of China’s national ETS is its permit allocation rules that guarantee carbon policy stringency without introducing strong adverse shocks to economic growth. China’s national ETS is so far a rate-based system—the permit allocation in each sector is based on the companies’ actual output levels and a corresponding “benchmark” (emissions-output ratio) that matches an appropriate emissions intensity reduction target in that sector. For example, if a plant’s emissions intensity exceeds its predetermined benchmark, it will face an allowance deficit and need to buy permits for compliance. Conversely, a plant with relatively low emissions intensity can sell surplus permits.

China’s national ETS has been in operation for a year now. It has made progress on multiple fronts.

First, the institutional framework has been formed. The National Measures for the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading (Trial), released in December 2020, has provided a regulatory basis. It has been supplemented by additional technical documents for permit registration, trading, settlement, permit allocation, and emissions reporting for the power generation sector. All these directives have gradually formed a “1+N emissions trading policy system”.

Second, infrastructure for the system has been established. The National Carbon Emissions Permits Registry in Wuhan (responsible for recording permit holdings, modifications, payments, and retirements) and the National Carbon Emissions Exchange in Shanghai (serving as a permit exchange) have been operating smoothly.

Lastly, for the monitoring, reporting, and verification of emissions, enterprises have been encouraged to take “on-site” measurements of their coal consumption, significantly improving the integrity of China’s carbon emissions data.

Although there have been important milestones for China’s national ETS in its first year, several challenges were also encountered. There is still no official roadmap for future sectoral coverage. Trading was very much concentrated just ahead of the compliance date, which reveals a less active market which limits price discovery. Risk control regarding data quality still needs to be improved, given that some data manipulation cases were detected.

A medium-and long-term development roadmap is very much needed for China’s ETS. Higher-level legislative support to strengthen market supervision and penalties for non-compliance are also necessary. With regard to the permit allocation, China’s national ETS needs to continuously tighten the benchmarks under a rate-based design and carefully plan a transition to a mass-based system to introduce a clear cap for covered emissions. Moreover, auctioning needs to be introduced to reduce free permit allocation and facilitate price discovery. In the next few years, China’s national ETS is expected to expand from the power sector to multiple industries and eventually to cover more than 8,000 companies, whose emissions account for 70 percent of China’s energy-related emissions. We are confident that a full-fledged national ETS can help China achieve its “dual-carbon” goals and lead the development of a global carbon pricing regime in the near future.

1. Which of the following statements best describes ETS?
A.A market providing stage for emissions permits trade.
B.An approach encouraging alleviation of carbon emissions.
C.An implement marking the innovation of China’s ecological administration.
D.A system confining industries’ carbon emissions.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A.The ETS was first raised by China all around the world.
B.Industries cannot release carbon exceeding the allocated permits under the ETS.
C.In China the ETS is only adopted within the power sector for now.
D.The permit allocation for each company depends on its producing capability under the ETS.
3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of China’s ETS?
A.It possesses more flexibility as opposed to western ones.
B.It shows great resilience before economic shocks.
C.It complies with the market principles.
D.It may bring more incomes to the companies.
4. What is the best title of this article?
A.The ETS: Insight And Outlook
B.The ETS: Reduce Carbon Emissions
C.The ETS: A Milestone Of Ecological Administration
D.The ETS: Permits Can Be Bought


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】A new study shows that rising levels of planet-warming gases may reduce important nutrients in food crops.

Researchers studied the effects of one such gas—carbon dioxide—on rice. The researchers grew rice plants in a controlled environment. They set carbon dioxide levels to what scientists are predicting for our planet by the end of the century. They found that the resulting rice crops had lower than normal levels of vitamins, minerals and protein. The researchers said the effects of planet-warming gases would be most severe for the poorest citizens in some of the least developed countries. These people generally eat the most rice and have the least complex diets, they noted.

In the experiment, scientists grew 18 kinds of rice in fields in China and Japan. They pumped carbon dioxide gas over the plants in an effort to create the atmosphere of the future. Rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions had, on average, 13 to 30 percent lower levels of four B vitamins and 10 percent less protein. The crops also had 8 percent less iron and 5 percent less zinc(锌)an rice grown under normal conditions. However, vitamin E levels increased by about 13 percent on average.

The results are bad news, “especially for the nutrition of the poorer population in less-developed countries,” said the University of Tokyo’s Kazuhiko Kobayashi, who helped to write the report. That includes about 600 million people in Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Laos and other nations, mainly in Southeast Asia, the report said.

One of the scientists is Sam Myers of Harvard University in the American state of Massachusetts. He said that findings like this are an example of the surprises climate change create. “My concern is there are many more surprises to come,” he said.

Myers noted that pollution, loss of some species, destruction of forests, and other human activities are likely to produce unexpected problems. He said that you cannot completely change all the natural systems that living organisms have grown to depend on over millions of years without having effects come back to affect our own health.

The new study suggests a way to lower the nutritional harm of climate change. One way, Kobayashi said, is grow different forms of rice that have shown to be more resistant to higher carbon dioxide levels.

1. Which county would be influenced most by planet-warming gases according to the text?
2. How is Paragraph 3 mainly developed?
A.By comparison.B.By giving examples.
C.By analyzing causes.D.By describing a process.
3. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?
A.Climate change will be difficult to predict.
B.Climate change will lead to more good effects.
C.Climate change will be harmful to environment.
D.Climate change will cause more unexpected problems.
4. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
A.Myers said we could change all the natural systems for the sake of our health.
B.The poorest people in all the least developed countries would be influenced most.
C.The researchers grew 18 kinds of rice in China and Japan in a controlled environment.
D.Protein in rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions is increased by 10 percent.
2018-08-14更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】When you walk on a sandy beach, it takes more energy than striding down a sidewalk — because the weight of your body pushes into the sand. Turns out, the same thing is true for vehicles driving on roads. The weight of the vehicles creates a very shallow indentation (凹陷) in the pavement (路面) — and it makes it such that it’s continuously driving up a very shallow hill.

Jeremy Gregory, a sustainability scientist at M.I.T. and his team modeled how much energy could be saved — and green-house gases avoided — by simply stiffening (硬化) the nation’s roads and highways. And they found that stiffening 10 percent of the nation’s roads every year could prevent 440 megatons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions over the next five decades — enough to offset half a percent of projected transportation sector emissions over that time period. To put those emissions savings into context — that amount is equivalent to how much CO2 you’d spare the planet by keeping a billion barrels of oil in the ground — or by growing seven billion trees — for a decade.

The results are in the Transportation Research Record.

As for how to stiffen roads? Gregory says you could mix small amounts of synthetic fibers or carbon nanotubes into paving materials. Or you could pave with cement-based concrete, which is stiffer than asphalt (沥青).

This system could also be a way to shave carbon emissions without some of the usual hurdles. Usually, when it comes to reducing emissions in the transportation sector, you’re talking about changing policies related to vehicles and also driver behavior, which involves millions and millions of people — as opposed to changing the way we design and maintain our pavements. That’s just on the order of thousands of people who are working in transportation agencies. And when it comes to retrofitting (翻新) our streets and highways — those agencies are where the rubber meets the road.

1. Why does the author mention “walk on a sandy beach” in paragraph 1?
A.To present a fact.B.To make a contrast.
C.To explain a rule.D.To share an experience.
2. What suggestion does the author give to reduce CO2 emissions?
A.Hardening the road.B.Keeping oil in the ground.
C.Growing trees for decades.D.Improving the transportation.
3. What is the advantage of this suggestion?
A.Gaining more support.B.Consuming less money.
C.Involving more people.D.Facing fewer usual obstacles.
4. What does the underlined part mean in the last paragraph?
A.Those agencies are likely to make more rules.
B.Those agencies will change some related policies.
C.Those agencies might put more rubber tires on the roads.
D.Those agencies will play a key role in making this happen.
2021-07-02更新 | 493次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】BEIJING, China ---Pollution in China remains very serious as the country's rapid economic growth brings new environmental problems, a minister said Saturday.

Vice Environment Minister Zhang Lijun said China has made progress on environmental protection, but admitted that its rapid economic growth over the past decade has had a negative effect on the environment.

"Our rapid economic development has continuously brought our country new environmental problems, particularly dangerous chemicals, electronic waste and so on. These environmental pollutants (污染物) bring new problems and affect human health," Zhang told a news conference.

He said that emissions(排放)of traditional pollutants remain high and some areas have failed to meet government standards.

China has pledged to continue reducing emissions this year of three key air pollutants--- ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. The government has also promised to bring down demand for chemical oxygen---a measure of water pollution by l.5 percent from the 2010 levels.

In the last five years, there were 912 "environmental emergencies" involving heavy metal pollution, including several well-publicized instances of mass contamination, Zhang said. Thousands of children were affected by lead poisoning in several provinces in 2009 and 2010 because they lived near metal smelters or battery factories.

The minister noted that rapid development in the next five years would increase the need for China to improve environmental protection and shift to a more sustainable(可持续的) model of economic development from its dependence on industries which consume huge quantities of energy.

China is focusing on clean energy, including solar, wind and nuclear power, as one way to reduce its dependence on coal, which generates three-quarters of its electricity and is also used for winter heating in northern cities. China also hopes the strategy will reduce its demand for oil and gas and increase economic growth and jobs.

Zhang told reporters there was no plan to adjust China's overall strategy for nuclear development but he said Beijing will learn lessons from Japan after a violent earthquake resulted in a radioactive leak(放射能泄露).

"Some lessons we learn from Japan will be considered in the making of China's nuclear power plans," he said. "But China will not change its determination and plan for developing nuclear power."

1. How can China do to solve the pollution problem according to the minister?
A.China must slow its economic development.
B.China require to ask industries to meet government standards.
C.China should tell people how to protect the environment.
D.China require to transform tis economic development model.
2. What is the meaning of the underlined word "generates" in Paragraph 6?
3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Dangerous chemicals are one of the traditional pollutants.
B.The use of clean energy will help increase job opportunities.
C.Coal is used more in northern cities than in southern cities.
D.Rapid economic growth helps to improve the environment.
4. What do the last four paragraphs mainly talk about?
A.China’s economic development will shift to depend on clean energy.
B.China will learn to use nuclear power from Japan.
C.Japan had a violent earthquake recently.
D.Rapid economic growth caused some problems in China.
2017-08-18更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般