组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:191 题号:16808179

The first zoo was established around 3,500 years ago by an Egyptian queen for her     1     (person) enjoyment. Five hundred years later, a Chinese emperor built a huge zoo to show his power and wealth. Later zoos were set up for the purpose of     2     (study) animals .

Some of the early European zoos consisted of dark holes or dirty cages, the bad conditions of     3     made people disgusted (厌恶的). Later the zoos     4    (replace) by research centers and animals there were studied and kept in good condition. These places became the first modern zoos. As early as the 1940s, scientists understood that many kinds of wild animals were faced     5     extinction. Since then, zoos have been trying to save many endangered species, but relying on zoos     6     (save) species, is not enough. The best method of protection is to leave them in their natural habitat.

Today animals in large and natural reserves (保护区) are fed with a balanced diet and are watched     7     (careful) for any sign of disease. With specially trained     8     (keep) looking after them and some hospitals where they can receive treatment when ill, all the animals there live     9     comfortable life. Anyway,     10     is true that zoo breeding programs have played an important role in the attempt to save many species of wildlife.

20-21高一下·辽宁沈阳·期末 查看更多[2]


语法填空-短文语填(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

Parental Instincts

Last year in early summer, I was walking up the hill to my house in suburban Brisbane when I saw two birds, each about 6 centimeters tall, standing in my driveway. They didn’t seem to notice me     1     I was right in front of them and then they immediately flew into the nearby bushes.

It was the first time that I     2     (see) two special birds make a nest in my front yard. I hadn’t really expected them to as wild birds don’t usually nest so close.

A few weeks later, the birds reappeared. I found them crouching beside a tree off to the side of my driveway. As I approached them, I imagined they would run away like they did last time, but instead, they     3     (stick) out their heads and made a threatening croaking sound     4     came from deep inside their throats.

I did some research and found that the birds are burhinus grallarius (长尾石鸡). I still didn’t know     5     they were croaking at me until a short time later I made an amazing discovery: they had laid two eggs which hatched into two small birds racing around now.

As I crept towards the birds, careful not to make any sudden movement, they started their croaking again,     6     (stretch) their necks forwards so they seemed longer and more threatening.

I was watching them in awe when I suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. The birds took this     7     a threat and the father raced towards me, spreading his wings to shield the mother and the chicks while making     8     (it) appear larger.

To them, my appearance was likely to be     9     (frighten), so I left quickly. I was amazed by their brave actions. It was their parental instincts that did     10     (wonder) and made them so courageous. It is hard not to be awed by nature.

2023-12-31更新 | 30次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Do you know human-wildlife conflict?

Human-wildlife conflict,     1     (refer) to direct interactions between humans and wildlife with negative outcomes, costs the     2     (globe) economy billions of dollars annually. Worse still, it     3     (threat) human lives and causes many species to die out. These conflicts     4     (large) result from humans and wildlife seeking limited resources in the same landscapes and often have many unexpected consequences. As a matter of fact, both extreme climate events and climate change have the potential to influence the interactions between humans and wildlife. Serious climate events can bring about rapid changes in resource availability,     5     may drive strong responses in animals and people. The    6     (compete) between the two grows tougher as a consequence. Droughts     7     particular have caused some of the most visible conflicts. Despite the gravity of these conflicts, climate change is making human-wildlife conflict even     8     (serious). With people and wildlife sharing crowded spaces and limited resources, human-wildlife conflict is rising in frequency. Many people,     9     still haven't really realized how complex and severe the problem is. Therefore,     10     (protect) wildlife and humans alike, it is vital that a wide range of research and institutions should consider the role of a changing climate in shaping the complex dynamics of conflict.

2022-01-21更新 | 472次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Last spring, Fiona Presley, a library assistant from Scottish Highlands came across a surprising phenomenon she would never forget. While taking care of her garden, she    1     (spot) a bumblebee (大黄蜂) queen crawling around. What surprised her most was that the animal had no wings,     2     made it unable to fly. The bumblebee may have been affected by a virus in wing development. The insect had very slim chances of     3    (survive), but this kind-hearted woman came to the rescue.

Fiona created a beautiful mini garden for the helpless animal and treated it     4     some sugar water. When it was sunny, Fiona took it out for    5     walk and protected the insect from heavy rain by taking it indoors. Soon enough the beautiful friendship unfolded between     6     (they). Every time Fiona stopped by the garden, her tiny new friend would turn up     7     (greet) her. The bee cuddled (依偎) with the woman and seemed to light up when Fiona was holding it in her hands.

The earth bumblebees have an average lifespan of only 18 weeks,     8     Fiona was taking care of her new friend so well that it lived much longer.     9     (sad), the friendship couldn’t last forever since the bee eventually passed away,     10     (leave)a beautiful memory to its rescuer.

2021-09-26更新 | 222次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般