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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:156 题号:17735895

How to Learn from Your Regrets

Regret’s benefits don’t come to us by chance.     1     . Here are three steps you can take the next time you find yourself thinking carefully about your past missteps.

Kill the ghost (鬼魂).

People often say their regrets keep coming to their mind. This suggests that regret is like a ghost. Bring your ghost out of the shadows by making a list of your regrets. Write down why each one still bothers you and its bad effects.     2    .

Forgive yourself.

    3    , but sometimes you just can’t stop blaming yourself. Perhaps you dropped out of school decades ago and are constantly calculating today how much money you would be making if you had pressed on to graduation. Now is the time to declare: “I will not waste my life reliving a decision that cannot be changed.”

Collect your diploma.

Regret is like a school run by human nature. If you never experienced regret, you would keep repeating the same behaviors that led you to miss opportunities.     4    . Next. list all the ways that you can invest in your own skills and improvement right now — and get started.

Regrets may hurt.     5    , while trying to live without them is a lost opportunity to grow. Life is a journey full of pleasures and pains. To live it well and fully means learning from every bit of it, including the mistakes, and moving forward.

A.After you make a mistake, life moves on
B.Filling your mind with them is destructive
C.The ghost certainly doesn’t rule a person’s life
D.We have to seek them out on purpose to improve ourselves
E.You will find that a list is a lot less frightening than a ghost
F.You choose a life sentence for a poor decision you made in the past
G.If you let regret teach, you can note how you want to change your behavior
【知识点】 哲理感悟 情绪


阅读理解-阅读单选(约520词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇议论文。 文章通过一些事例表明了年轻人相信自己改变世界的力量是多么的重要。

【推荐1】If I could give today’s young people three wishes, they would be: More hugs. More time outside in nature. More belief in their own power to change the world. While most people understand the importance of the first two wishes, the third one leaves some folks wondering why young people’s belief in their own power is so essential.

Let’s start with the idea that all of us-especially young people-need heroes. We need them to be our guides on the difficult trail (足迹) we call life and to show us just how far we can go. And we need heroes today more than ever. Our modern society is terribly confused about the difference between a celebrity (名人) and a hero. And the difference is vital. A celebrity is all about fame (名望)-temporary, superficial fame, usually for qualities that are easy to see: a pretty face, a great dance move. A hero, by contrast, is about character-qualities under the surface that aren’t visible until they take action.

Heroes are all around us. They truly hold our world together, through their unselfish devotion to helping others, teaching children, and protecting the environment. They don’t want fame, or glory; they just want to help. In so many ways, these unsung heroes pilot the boat in which all of us sail.

Yet, young people hear a lot more about celebrities than about heroes in the media. The hidden message they get from all this is that their self-worth comes from what they buy-which shoes, which cell phone-not who they are down inside. What gets lost in this? Young people’s sense of their own potential for heroic qualities-their own power to make a positive difference in the world. Truth is, there is a potential hero, a future difference maker, in every young person. Each of them, from whatever background, is a positive force who can do something. All it takes for that to be true is belief.

How do we help young people believe in their own power? The best way is simply to share examples, of other young people who have made a difference.

Ryan, age 11, has worked tirelessly to raise money to provide clean drinking water to African villages. When he first heard about the plight (困苦) of African children who died from impure water, Ryan was only six years old. In the next five years, he raised over $500, 000-enough to build over 70 water wells.

Barbara, age 17, grew up on a farm in Texas. When she realized that local farmers were pouring their used motor oil into rivers, causing pollution, she organized the creation of a recycling center for crude (未加提炼的) oil. Her project has grown to include 18 recycling centers in Texas.

The list could continue. These are but a few examples of young people who have discovered that they can build on their own energy to do something great.

1. What is the author’s purpose in writing Paragraph 2?
A.To give examples of celebrities and heroes around us.
B.To discuss the differences between celebrities and heroes.
C.To provide definitions of the words “celebrity” and “hero”.
D.To explain the details about being celebrities and heroes.
2. What is the meaning of the word “superficial” in Paragraph 2?
A.Not known.
D.Without depth.
3. What could be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.Heroes make the world go round.
B.Heroes must believe in themselves.
C.Heroes focus on social welfare programs.
D.Heroes promote cooperation between people.
4. How does the author advance his view that young people have the potential to be a hero?
A.By defining the qualities that make a young person a hero.
B.By contrasting the achievements made by different young people.
C.By giving examples of young people who show the qualities of a hero.
D.By providing examples of qualities that have made young people famous.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.More heroes are needed in the world.
B.Celebrities are reported too much in the media.
C.Adults should become role models for young people.
D.Young people should believe in their ability to make a difference.
2023-01-05更新 | 133次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Are you a tiger? According to the Chinese zodiac, people born in the Year of the Tiger are kind, caring and energetic.    1    Thus, while we admire the handsome animals, we also fear them. But there are lessons from the lives of these striking cats.

Tigers rarely feed in groups in the wild, but when they do, males allow females and cubs (幼崽) to eat first.     2    We, too, should consider the needs of others before we act.

Tigers go after large prey, so they have big ideas. Despite all their planning, tigers only end up with a meal once out of every 12 attempts to catch something. Yet they do not give jom up; they keep trying until they succeed.

Most kinds of cats avoid water, but tigers enjoy water and are very capable swimmers. This fondness of water allows them to live in many different environments. Learn from the tiger, and decide for yourself what you can and cannot do.    3     Explore surprising places.

Tigers’ love of water also allows them to hunt and fight crocodiles. Typically, tigers make a kill by biting the neck of their prey. But a crocodile’s neck has a thick coat of armor. Tigers are not put off by this. Instead, they change their strategy and attack the creature’s vulnerable (脆弱的) areas like its stomach or eyes. Like the tiger, don’t let difficult situations stop you from succeeding.    4    

Tigers are as different as people are.     5     So be yourself and show off your stripes (条纹).

A.Try things that others consider impossible.
B.The fur of every tiger has a unique pattern.
C.Therefore, people are different from each other in character.
D.Try more than one approach if your usual strategy isn’t successful.
E.As a result, tigers represent people who are ambitious and considerate.
F.In other words, big, strong male tigers think of others before themselves.
G.However, those characteristics are not generally associated with real tigers.
2022-04-19更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It was mid-afternoon. I looked outside my dorm window, and saw the lifeless gray sky, the snow and the trackless sidewalks. There was no one in the snow but a squirrel. The brown-gray North American squirrel,a look of terror in his shining eyes, braved the cold to throw himself over snow. In his mouth was a large acorn(橡实)—I was surprised it fit in his mouth.

I moved closer to my window, outside of which is a medium-sized tree, lacking its warm-weather leaves. The squirrel ran up rapidly, higher and higher in the tree, and his small body held onto his dear acorn.

Up he went, to the tip of one of the highest branches. I held my breath—I wondered if that slender branch could support him. I wondered if his winter food store was in this tree—squirrels are known to hide their nuts, mushrooms, and vegetation high up in trees. Outside, the squirrel firmly grasped that branch, jaw clamping(夹紧)on his acorn.

Then came the wind blowing violently, shaking the tree, the branch and the squirrel. He hung on for dear life, and both arms wrapped around the branch in the wind. I held my breath: If he fell from a height like this, then.... Seeing this little squirrel, I had my heart in my mouth. As the wind became stronger, the squirrel’s precious acorn fell to the ground. The squirrel followed its downward progress only by sight—if he let go the branch, he would fall downwards as well. I was so nervous that I didn’t take my gaze off the squirrel for one minute. Surprisingly, he then climbed down the tree and was now half-buried in the snow, searching desperately for his acorn. Finally, he made it.

The brave animal is able to survive in nature all because of its desperate efforts.The same goes for us humans. We all work hard to survive, and this is the law of nature. So effort is not something special, but a matter for all living things to do to survive.

1. What did the author discover outside the window?
A.A squirrel was freezing nearly to death.
B.A squirrel was choked by a large acorn.
C.A squirrel was picking acorns from a tree.
D.A squirrel was climbing to the top of a tree.
2. What does the underlined word “slender” mean in paragraph 3?
3. What is the author’s attitude to the squirrel in paragraph 4?
4. What does the story intend to convey?
A.Stop struggling, life is stopped.
B.Facts speak louder than words.
C.Failure is the mother of success.
D.Teaching others teaches yourself.
2023-01-18更新 | 228次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般