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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.85 引用次数:175 题号:18790003

Lion dance is a form of     1    (tradition) dance in China,     2     can often be seen in important festivals and great events. China is home     3     the dragon dance and lion dance. Both the two performances have been welcomed by people from various ethnic     4    (group) for generations.

It is said that the lion dance in China originated in the Southern and Northern Dynasties with     5     history of more than one thousand years. The lions stand for joy and     6     (happy). Therefore, during festivals and grand ceremonies, people would perform lion dance     7     (create) a happy and exciting atmosphere. Many young people know that the dragon dance and lion dance     8    (perform) during festivals such as the Spring Festival and celebrations but they don’t know that after several thousand years, the two activities have accumulated thick historical cultures and are     9     (true) valuable cultural heritages     10    (pass) down from Chinese people’s ancestors.

【知识点】 中国文化与节日


语法填空-短文语填(约480词) | 较易 (0.85)

It is just past five o’clock on the Chinese New Year’s Eve, and the dinner table is already covered     1     white china plates and bowls, full of all sorts of dishes: chicken, duck, pork, fish and vegetables. Luo Yan, 29, lifts the cover of a large bowl to breathe in the rich smell of the soup his wife and mother have prepared. Luo Yan’s son, Bofeng, happily takes a bite of the chicken his grandfather     2     (select) for him.

Six-year-old Bofeng has not seen his grandparents for almost a year, and he is full of joy and     3     (excite). Indeed, the whole family could not be happier to be together.     4     the cold outside, their happy faces fill the air with warmth while merry laughter rings throughout the house. Luo Yan and his wife and son have settled in the big city, far away from their hometown. Every year, they travel back for the Spring Festival, for their dream of “three generations under the same roof”.

The Luo family’s journey back to their hometown was a long and     5     (tire) one just a few years ago. However, the high-speed train has made it much     6     (convenient) for them to go back home. During the five-hour trip, they chatted excitedly with each other, their minds full of thoughts about their sweet home.

On their     7     (arrive), they find Luo’s parents eagerly waiting for them. Their home has been specially decorated for the joyous occasion. From the neat designs of the paper-cuttings on the windows, to the Spring Festival couplets on the door, and to the New Year paintings on the wall, everything represents joy, luck and happiness. Even the fish on the plate expresses a hope     8     nian nian you yu—yu means both “fish” and “plenty” in Chinese—”May you get more than you wish for every year”.

After dinner, the hours until midnight go slowly by. The whole family are going to stay up late on the Chinese New Year’s Eve. They gather around the television to watch the Spring Festival Gala,     9     eating snacks, chatting with each other and making dumplings that they will eat at the very start of the new year. In the warmth and comfort of the room, Luo Yan talks about his plan for the future. “I hope we won’t have to be separated again,” he says,     10     (look) at his ageing parents. “My parents are getting old, and we should spend more time with them. We’ll come back more frequently and we’re also considering taking them to the city to live with us. After all, home is where all family members are together.”

As midnight approaches, Luo Yan takes his parents, wife and son outside to set off firecrackers.The whole village is lit up with colourful fireworks. All over the country, people are celebrating their good fortune, celebrating their family’s togetherness, and celebrating their nation’s strength.

2024-01-18更新 | 21次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 较易 (0.85)


Visitors to Britain may find the best place    1    enjoy local culture is in a traditional pub. But newcomers may get into trouble in these friendly pubs. Strangers may start with the difficulty of getting a drink. Most pubs have no waiters—you have to go to the bar (吧台) to buy drinks . This may sound    2    (convenient), but English people are used to doing so.

Pub culture is formed    3    (help) people get along with each other. Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others    4    (wait) for drinks. The bar counter is    5    (possible) the only place in Britain     6    a friendly conversation with strangers    7    (consider) to be entirely proper and really quite normal behavior.     8    , if you do not follow the local rules, you may fail to feel the local culture. For example, if you are in a big group,     9    is best for one or two people to go to buy the drinks. Nothing makes the regular customers and bar staff     10     (angry) than a group of strangers standing in front of the bar while they chat and wonder what to order.

2017-04-21更新 | 120次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约110词) | 较易 (0.85)

In ancient times, if food was hard to find, people would face     1    (starve). So some ancient festivals were held to celebrate the harvest. They often took place     2    hunters had caught animals.

Today's festivals have many different     3    (origin): some are religious, some     4    (season), etc. Some festivals are held     5    (honour) the dead or to satisfy the ancestors. The Western holiday Halloween had its origin in old     6     (believe) about the return of the spirits of dead people. In China the Dragon Boat Festival honours     7     famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals     8     be very happy events. People are grateful because     9    (they) food is gathered and the agricultural work is over. In China and Japan people celebrate Mid-autumn festivals,     10    people admire the moon.

2019-04-14更新 | 280次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般