组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:39 题号:18946387

In my hometown, Oklahoma, the dirt goes everywhere. When my sister, Faye, and I walk to school, we cover our mouths so we don’t breathe in the dirt. Mama says all the dust is due to the drought(干旱).

Last Sunday, there was no dirt in the air, only bright spring sunshine and a clear blue sky. After church, Papa went to the field to check on the cattle while Mama started dinner. Faye and I played in the yard. Then the temperature suddenly dropped, and Mama shouted from the house, “Iris, you and Faye get inside, real quick now!”

I looked to the west and saw a huge black cloud of dust. “Faye, go with Mama!” I shouted. “I will warn Papa.” Covering my face with one hand, I struggled my way toward our family car and got in. The storm hit so fast that the day turned into night in an instant. Papa was still out there! I needed to help him find the car. I turned on the front lights, but would Papa see them in the thick darkness? I pushed the horn (喇叭) again and again, hoping Papa would hear it.

Suddenly, to my great surprise and relief, Papa’s face appeared at the window. He opened the door and climbed onto the seat next to me. After Papa shut off the car’s lights, we huddled together in the darkness for hours. I worried the dirt would bury us.

Finally, the wind subsided and the dust began to settle. We got out and reached the front porch just as Mama and Faye came out from the house.

“I’m safe thanks to Iris,” Papa said. “The car’s horn led me to shelter.”

“I’m so proud of you,” Mama said to me.

Tears of joy streamed down my dirty checks because our family had survived the horrible storm.

1. When the storm came, Iris went to the car to_____.
A.help her papa stay away from the stormB.turn to her papa for help
C.send the car for her papa to driveD.tell her papa about her safety
2. How did Iris feel when he and his father were waiting in the car?
3. What does the underlined word “subsided” in paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.got upB.came alongC.went onD.died down
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Love for PapaB.Drought in Oklahoma
C.Rescue on black SundayD.Papa trapped in the storm


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

President Barack Obama had a big pat on the back for his young daughters on Tuesday, saying they have got used to life in the White House.

After more than a year at the US presidential mansion, Malia Obama, 11, and Sasha Obama, 8, have made their dad proud with their ability to balance their private life with life in the public eye, he told NBC television.

“The happiest thing about the past year and a half has been the girls’ adjustment (适应). They have just been great. They’re doing well in school,” Obama said.

“They’re not as constrained. They can wander around. Their Secret Service protection is a lot more low key (低调),” he explained. “So they've got soccer, they’ve got basketball, they go sleep over at their friend’s houses.”

“Sometimes I’ve got 12 little girls screaming on the third floor of the White House. And they made a great adjustment.”

The president also admitted he was concerned about how his daughters would deal with his public life as they get a bit older.

“Now I get a little worried about them when they’re teenagers because I think that’s the time when you’re already feeling uncomfortable about your parents, and then imagine if your dad’s in the newspaper every day and people are calling him a fool. I feel a little worried about that.”

“But on the other hand, Malia and Sasha have just turned out to be unbelievably well adjusted kids,” Obama said.

“The thing that’s most important to me is that they are so respectful of everybody and haven’t gotten on any airs (摆架子). It’s all because of Michelle as she wouldn’t put up with (容忍) any of that stuff.”

1. Why is President Obama so happy according to the passage?
A.His daughters have been great in the public eye.
B.His daughters can balance their life with their study.
C.His daughters have got used to life in the White House.
D.His daughters have been in the White House for over a year.
2. The underlined word “constrained” in Paragraph 4 most probably means__________.
3. President Obama is a little worried about ___________.
A.what his daughters’ life will be like in the future
B.how his daughters will get on with him when they’re a little older
C.how his daughters will make friends with people around in the future
D.how his daughters will deal with his public life when they’re teenagers
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Michelle is proud of being Obama’s wife.
B.Michelle allows her daughters to get on airs.
C.President Obama appreciates what Michelle has done.
D.Obama’s daughters are respected by everyone in the USA.
2016-12-07更新 | 628次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】For several months, Cara has been working up the courage to approach her mom about what she saw on Instagram. Not long ago, the 11-year-old girl discovered that her mom had been posting her photos for much of her life. “I’ve wanted to bring it up. It’s strange to see myself up there, and sometimes there are pictures I don’t like of myself,” she said.

Like most other modern kids, Cara grew up under the influence of social media. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were all founded before she was born. Instagram has been around since she was a toddler. While many kids may not yet have accounts themselves, their parents, schools, sports teams have been organizing an online presence for them since birth. It is a shock to know that details about their lives have been shared online without their                    permission or knowledge. And this has become a common、experience for many teenagers.

Recently a parenting blogger said that despite her 14-year-old daughter’s horror at discovering that her mother had shared years of highly personal stories and information about her online, she simply could not stop doing it.

But it’s not just crazy mommy bloggers who share their children’s information on social media. Plenty of average parents do the same. There’s even a special word for it: sharenting (晒娃).Almost a quarter of children begin their digital lives when parents upload their prenatal sonogram scans (产前超声波扫描) to the Internet to a study conducted by the Internet-security firm AVG. The study also found that 92 percent of kids under the age of 2 already have their own unique digital identity.

1. What does the underlined word “toddler” in the second paragraph probably mean?
A.Teenage girl.B.School student.
C.Daughter.D.Very young child.
2. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.AVG is the name of an Internet company.
B.25% of children begin their digital lives before they are born.
C.Fathers don’t like to share their kids’ information on social media.
D.The word “sharenting” has been appearing on the Internet recently.
3. What can be a suitable title for the article?
A.Growing up on the InternetB.A New Term Born
C.Parents Addicted to BloggingD.The Children’s Horror
2020-11-18更新 | 249次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It wasn't until I was much older that I would find something that I would consider as evidence of my father's love.

When the Commodore 64 personal computer came onto the market, I convinced myself that I had to have it even though its price was out of my mother's range. So I decided to earn the money myself. I mowed(割草)every yard I could find that summer for few dollars each, yet it still wasn't enough. So my dad agreed to help me raise the rest of the money by driving me to one of the watermelon farms south of town, loading up his truck with wholesale melons and driving me around to sell them.

He came for me before daybreak. We made small talk, but it didn't matter. The fact he was talking to me was all that mattered. I was a teenager by then, but this was the first time that I had ever spent time alone with him. He laughed and repeatedly introduced me as "my boy", a phrase he relayed with a sense of pride. It was one of the best days of my life.

Although he had never told me that he loved me, I would consider that day as the greatest evidence of that fact. He had never intended me any wrong. He just didn't know how to love me right. He wasn't a mean man. So I took these random episodes and clung to them like a thing most precious, storing them away for the long periods of coldness when a warm memory would prove most useful.

It just goes to show that no matter how distant the father, no matter how deep the damage, no matter how broken the relationship, there is still time, still space, still a need for even the smallest bit of evidence of a father's love.

1. The author finally managed to get the Commodore 64 ________.
A.with the money he asked his mother forB.by getting well paid from mowing yards
C.with his hard work and his father's helpD.by selling watermelons in the neighborhood
2. The author had never spent time alone with his father probably because ________.
A.his father didn't know how to love himB.his father didn't live with him
C.they didn't get along well at firstD.his father was always busy with work
3. What do the underlined words "that fact" in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A.He never told me.B.He loved me.
C.He never intended me wrong.D.He didn't know how to love me.
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.The Best Days of My LifeB.The Story of My Father
C.Evidence of LoveD.Father and Son
5. What's the writing style of this passage?
2021-05-08更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般