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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:103 题号:22974072

Clear winners are hard to pick in the race to develop self-driving vehicles, but autonomous trucks have built a convincing lead. Robotrucks have completed thousands of automated journeys and a new era of driverless delivery appears to lie in store for the world.

Big-name vehicle manufacturers like Daimler, alongside AV (autonomous vehicle) innovators like Aurorae have sunk billions of dollars into making self-driving trucks work, which is a solid investment in road freight (货运).

Fitted with complex LIDAR road scanning systems, computer vision, and AI predictive software, the vehicles serve the so-called “middle mile” between distribution centers, where loads are picked up and dropped off for human drivers to complete deliveries to homes and businesses.

Texas, with its spacious highways, prosperous road freight market, and relaxed regulations, provides ideal conditions to road test the trucks. Other states have their own regulations in place to allow AV testing on public roads.

There are six levels of vehicle automation (from 0 to 5) and level five — full autonomy, drive anywhere — is the end goal. Autonomous journeys often run at level four, which turns out safe, with a backup driver in the cab ready to take control in case an accident happens. In December 2021 a level 4 semi-truck drove 80 miles on public roads, between a railyard in Tucson, Arizona, and a distribution center in Phoenix.

Analysts say that up to 90 percent of long-distance trucking jobs could be lost to self-driving technology once it becomes widespread. Safety is another concern. Questions of whether authorities are ready to deal with the new technology followed a crash between a Waymo Via class 8 truck and another human-driven semi-truck near Ennis, Texas. The human driver was at fault, but the safety operator in the Waymo truck did not take control during the incident and a report exposed the weaknesses of the way the crash was dealt with.

AV industry representatives say their vehicles with self-driving technology are safer and more efficient than cars driven by people and will improve road safety. But doubts from road safety campaigners, transport workers, and city authorities exist about rapid change without stricter controls. All agree that new laws will be necessary.

1. What is paragraph 3 of the text mainly about?
A.The complex system of the vehicles.
B.The process of picking up and dropping off loads.
C.Ways of completing deliveries to homes and businesses.
D.The function of autonomous vehicles in road freight.
2. What does the example mentioned in paragraph 5 prove?
A.More often than not, trucks running at level 4 are secure.
B.Levels of vehicle automation serve different purposes.
C.“Full autonomy, drive anywhere” is the ultimate target.
D.A backup driver in the cab is crucial in avoiding an accident.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward the self-driving technology?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Evolution and Implications of Self-Driving Vehicles
B.Robotrucks to Deliver a New Era of Driverless Technology
C.A Solid Investment from Big-Name Vehicle Manufacturers
D.The Testing of Autonomous Trucks on Public Roads with Level 4


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to Double the Life of Your Car Battery

Typically, car batteries will last you four to six years.     1    Weather conditions, the type of your vehicle, or even how you drive your car may influence how long your battery lasts. If you want to double your car battery life, there are some facts you'd better know.

According to the Motor Trade Association, frequent short trips could actually contribute to a shorter lifetime for car batteries.    2    Why? Because batteries can receive a full charge after eight hours of use, which is far better than an incomplete charge. However, that doesn't mean you need to drive the car eight hours daily, but it does mean you should be careful with the amount of the electricity you are using within the car.

    3    However, extreme conditions might do some damage. Hot temperatures can cause battery liquid to evaporate(挥发), which can cause problems of overcharging. This actually decreases the lifetime of your battery. Cold temperatures can cause self-discharge, which will lead to a dead battery. That's why I advise you to keep batteries in proper temperatures.

A car battery can be damaged if the battery connection is loose. A battery that is not well fastened could potentially result in internal damage. What should you do to prevent such a situation from happening?    4    In this way, you can ensure the connection is tight and the battery properly positioned.

It's also important to watch out for signs of corrosion(腐蚀)—a white powder around the battery. Corrosion will naturally form on your car battery terminal as time goes on. If nothing is done about it, it won't be long before you change a new battery.    5    

A.Batteries can function well in cold winter.
B.So you'd better clean the battery regularly.
C.However, some factors could shorten their life.
D.Make sure you check your battery at regular times.
E.A car battery change will be the answer to corrosion.
F.On the contrary, driving longer distances often does good.
G.Batteries typically stand up to most types of temperatures.
2021-04-23更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The Model T, created by Henry Ford, changed the way Americans live, work and travel. On October 1, 1908, the Ford Motor Company introduced the Model T. The car came only in black. But at $850, it cost about half as much as other cars on the market. Henry Ford’s great improvement in an automobile assembly line (汽车装配线) made the Model T the first car to be affordable for most Americans. For the first time car ownership became a reality for normal American workers, not just the wealthy.

Assembly-line production allowed the price of the touring car to be lowered from $850 in 1908 to less than $300 in 1925. At that time half of all the cars in the United States were Model Ts. Even before it lost favour to larger and more powerful cars, the Model T, known as the “Tin Lizzie,” had become an American symbol, basically realizing Ford’s goal to “democratize the automobile.”

Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903. At first, Ford built only a few cars a day. Because demand (需求) for Model Ts was so high, Ford developed a way to make more of them without increasing cost. In 1913, he invented a moving assembly line. Workers stood in front of a conveyor belt (传送带), and each completed one step in putting the cars together.

Ford’s method of mass production changed life in the U.S. More people could travel. Highways grew.The Ford Motor Company stopped making the Model T in 1927. But the automotive lifestyle had taken hold of America. Today, the race is on to make cars more efficient and to find green energy to power them. Will inventors with Ford’s creativity bring the next revolution?

1. What made the Model T affordable for common American people?
A.Its old style.
B.Its small engine.
C.Comparatively cheap car labor.
D.A more developed method of production.
2. What can we learn about the Model T?
A.It had many different colors.B.It was mostly owned by the wealthy.
C.It became cheaper from 1908 to 1925.D.It was the first car built by Americans.
3. What does the underlined word “democratize” in Paragraph 2 mean?
4. What is the author’s attitude to the Model T?
A.He doubts it.B.He thinks highly of it.
C.He feels it needs changes.D.He has mixed feelings about it.
2022-01-05更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A promotion (促销活动) offering 98 yuan plane tickets is being advertised by Chinese online travel platform LY.COM. While such a low price sounds amazing, there is just one catch: The buyer is not told where the flight is heading, nor when it will take off.

The promotion has become a hot topic on Chinese social media as some people have been attempting to book them ahead of the upcoming 7 days holiday. Labeled (贴标签) as a “destination blind box” on the site, tickets are bought through a rather simple booking procedure, in which passengers provide their travel information, select a departure airport and then pay their 98 yuan. If the randomly (随意地) chosen date and destination are unsuitable, users may ask for a refund, but once they “lock in” their tickets, there is no going back.

“Destination blind box” is now a hot topic on China's online platforms. “I believe the youth are a big target for this promotion, because they not only enjoy the excitement of the unknown, but also like to show off their lives through these types of activities. Like this one for example, it doesn't matter if they finally go or not. Booking a ticket and posting about it on social media can still suggest that one has adventurous and life-loving qualities,” said Fan, a marketing expert who has worked with civil aviation (航空) clients.

1. Which of the following best explains “catch” underlined in paragraph 1?
2. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The origin of “destination blind box”.
B.The popularity of “destination blind box”.
C.The original purpose of “destination blind box”.
D.The way to purchase “destination blind box”.
3. Why will “destination blind box” attract the youth according to Fan?
A.It allows them to experience various adventures.
B.It helps them save money on the cost of travel.
C.It meet with their lifestyle and attitudes.
D.It satisfies their desire to travel around China.
4. In which part of a newspaper can you find this article?
2021-11-12更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般