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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:231 题号:5288398

Teens have a busy morning schedule as they need to wake up and get moving very early in order to catch a bus and get to school by the required time.This means teens need to get their rest the night before or they will be too tired to learn anything at school.    1    

When a teen falls asleep in class,two things happen: he/she misses what is being taught and he/she loses the respect for the teacher.He/She may also receive a consequence from the school,depending on the classroom discipline policy.    2    

To prevent your teen from being sleepy in class,try these three tips:

*Set a time for "lights out" on school nights.This is never be any later than 10 p.m. and preferably 9 p.m.    3       Soft music can be on and used to help calm your teen.

*Help your teen develop a night-time routine that involves activities that slow them down for the end of the day.     4    Turning off the computer and disconnecting from friends and the excitement of the day an hour before bedtime will also help your teen relax.

*    5    This will reinforce(增强)what it feels like to be rested and capable of accomplishing what he/she wants.

A.Taking a bath and reading are two activities that work well.
B.What's worse,they may even fall asleep in class.
C.All of these things affect your teen's academic success and can be avoided.
D."Lights out" means the computer,television,lights and cell phone should be off.
E.While your teen keeps his/her goals in line with your expectations,he/she may have his/her own goals.
F.Set a good example and show him/her your love for learning.
G.Point out the positives after your teen has had a good night's rest.
【知识点】 学习


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章通过Nicole Thompson的例子,介绍了TNTP教学项目,包括其设置目的、作用和带来的结果等。

【推荐1】When Nicole Thompson teaches a math word problem to her fourth-grade class in Pajaro Valley Unified School District (PVUSD), she has the class read it over three times. After the first read, students discuss what the situation described in the word problem is. The second time, they discuss what numbers they see and what those numbers mean. The third time, they talk about the question and what they need to solve. Thompson said the method really helps her students, especially those for whom English is a second language.

Thompson learned this method during a series of training courses on improving math instruction for multilingual (说多种语言的) learners, a term that refers to all students who speak a language other than English at home. The training was organized by The New Teacher Project (TNTP). “We wanted to show teachers that all students, including multilingual learners, could deal with grade-level learning tasks with the right support,” said Jeanine Harvey, director of multilingual learner academics at TNTP.

In addition to teaching methods for supporting more student discussion in the classroom, TNTP staff worked with teachers to analyze word problems from their area’s math courses and identify what vocabulary students would need to know in order to tackle the problems.

According to surveys made by TNTP, the training program improved teachers confidence. Before the training, only 40% of teachers in PVUSD said they felt confident about supporting English learners in their classrooms. Afterward, more than 75% felt confident. Many teachers also said the training helped them see that their students were capable (有能力的) of hard work.

“Sometimes we forget that students are more capable than we see. The training kind of opened my eyes to that,” said Juan Gonzalez, who teaches the fifth grade. He said he enjoys seeing his students having conversations about math and using more difficult vocabulary. “They love being challenged. We have to let go of their hand and let them struggle a bit.”

1. What’s the purpose of Thompson’s method of teaching students a math problem?
A.To develop their writing skills.B.To deepen their understanding.
C.To test their pronunciation.D.To add fun to boring lessons.
2. What was the training received by Thompson intended to do?
A.Help math teachers teach multilingual students properly.
B.Advise teachers to care about students’ personal growth.
C.Support math teachers with high- tech teaching aids.
D.Improve students’ math scores through group work.
3. What does the underlined word “tackle” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Search for.B.Work out.C.Avoid.D.Raise.
4. What’ s the main idea of Gonzalez’s words in the last paragraph?
A.TNTP has changed many students’ daily life.
B.Teachers need to be patient with their students.
C.A wide vocabulary is the key to language learning.
D.Students should be inspired to use their abilities.
2023-02-01更新 | 155次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

The practice of students endlessly copying letters and sentences from a blackboard is a thing of the past. With the coming of new technologies like computers and smart phones, writing by hand has become something of nostalgic (怀旧的)skill. However, while today’s educators are using more and more technology in their teaching, many believe basic handwriting skills are still necessary for students to be successful—both in school and in life.

Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says it’s important to continue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill of writing by hand.

Berninger and her colleagues conducted a study that looked at the ability of students to complete various writing tasks—both on a computer and by hand. The study, published in 2009, found that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrote longer essays and more complete sentences and had a faster word production rate.

In a more recent study, Berninger looked at what role spelling plays in a student’s writing skills and found that how well children spell is tied to how well they can write. “Spelling makes some of the thinking parts of the brain active which helps us access our vocabulary, word meaning and concepts. It is allowing our written language to connect with ideas.” Berninger said.

Spelling helps students translate ideas into words in their mind first and then to transcribe(转换) “those words in the mind written symbols on paper or keyboard and screen,” the study said. Seeing the words in the “mind’s eye” helps children not only to turn their ideas into words, says Berninger, but also to spot spelling mistakes when they write the words down and to correct then over time.

“In our computer age, some people believe that we don’t have to teach spelling because we have spell checks,” she said. “But until a child has a functional spelling ability of about a fifth grade level, they won’t have the knowledge to choose the correct spelling among the options given by the computer.”

1. What makes writing by hand a thing of the past?
2. What did Berninger’s study published in 2009 focus on?    
3. Decide which part is false and underline it and explain.
Spelling makes some of the thinking parts of the brain active which helps us access our vocabulary, word meaning and concepts. It has no linking with ideas.
4. What’s your idea about spelling plays an important role in our daily life? Explain why.( In about 40 words)
2022-10-16更新 | 88次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约550词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Better grades might be found on the playground. A new study of elementary-age children shows that those who were not part of an after-school exercise program tended to pack on a particular type of body fat that can have deleterious impacts on brain health and thinking. But prevention and treatment could be as simple as playing more games of tag (捉迷藏,捉人游戏).

Most children do not meet the federal health guidelines for exercise, which call for at least an hour of it a day for anyone under the age of 18. Physical inactivity can result in weight gain especially around the midsection-including visceral (内脏的) fat, a type of tissue deep inside the abdomen (腹部) that is known to increase inflammation (炎症) throughout the body. It is also linked to heightened risks for diabetes and cardiovascular complications (并发症) even in children, and may contribute to declining brain function. Obese adults often perform worse than people of normal weight on tests of thinking skills.

But little has been known about visceral fat and brain health in children. For a soon-to-be-published study, researchers from Northeastern University in Boston and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaion tracked hundreds of 8-to-10-year-old children in a nine-month after-school exercise program in Urbana. Every day, one group of children played tag and other active games for about 70 minutes. The subjects in a control group continued with their normal lives, with the promise that they could join the program the following year. All the children completed tests of fitness, body composition and cognitive skills at the start and end of the program. The researchers did not ask the children to change their diets.

After the trial the exercising children who were obese at the study’s onset had less visceral fat relative to their starting weight, even if they remained overweight. They also showed significant improvements in their scores on a computerized test that measures how well children pay attention, process information and avoid being impulsive. Notably a similar effect was observed in children whose weight was normal at the start. Across the board the more visceral fat a child shed during the nine months of play, the better he or she performed on the test.

The children in the control group, in contrast had generally added to their visceral fat; this was particularly true among those who were already obese. They gained on average, four times as much visceral fat as the normal-weight children in the control group, and also did not perform as well on the subsequent test. Lauren Raine, a postdoctoral researcher at Northeastern University who conducted the study with Charles Hillman and others, says that the trial was designed to study aerobic fitness and children’s ability to think not the relation of abdominal flab to inflammation. But a reduction in overall inflammation very likely plays a role because it is thought to be unhealthy for the brain. More broadly, Raine says the study suggests that getting children to run around won’t just enhance their bodies-it might also improve their report cards.

1. What does the word “deleterious” in Paragraph One probably mean?
2. It can be inferred from the research conducted by researchers from Northeastern University in Boston and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that ________.
A.games may help reduce visceral fat in children and thus improve their brain power
B.obesity contributes to declining brain function in children
C.children have fewer weight-related health and medical problems than adults
D.obese children have trouble staying focused and paying attention
3. According to Lauren Raine, the main focus of the study is ________.
A.to find the relationships between physical activity and health in children
B.to discover the relationships between obesity and health problems in children
C.to understand and assess the risks of obesity in young children in school
D.to understand how games affect children in terms of academic performances
4. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Visceral Fat And Sugar-Heavy Diet Harms Your Brain
B.Losing Fat, Gaining Brain Power, on the Playground
C.This Is What Weight Loss Does To Your Brain
D.Why children Shouldn’t Sit Still Under the Age of Eighteen
2022-08-11更新 | 222次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般