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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:301 题号:6440880

The Lifecycle of a T-shirt

We all probably have a lot of T-shirts, but do you ever stop and think about the influence of a T-shirt on the planet? You’d probably be surprised to learn what's involved in the lifecycle of just one T-shirt.

There are 5 major stages: material, production, shipping, use and disposal   The material stage involves farming, irrigating, fertilizing, harvesting and ginning(轧花). While cotton is a natural fiber (纤维)and not as harmful to the environment as manmade fibers, it still takes a toll in the material and production stages. Commercial cotton farming uses a large amount of water, and the use of pesticides (杀虫剂)is widespread across the globe, especially in cotton farming. Studies have shown that farmers spend around $4.1 billion on pesticides annually, of which 25% was spent on cotton crops in the US.

Once the cotton is grown and harvested, so begins the production stage: spinning, knitting(编织), bleaching, dyeing, cutting, sewing, etc.——these processes also use a great deal of water and energy. Commercial dyes and bleaches are harmful pollutants and can eventually pollute groundwater.

After the T-shirt is produced, it enters the transportation stage. This often involves overseas shipping. Take a look in your closet. Chances are that most of your cotton garments (衣服)are made in China or India. Garments can be shipped via plane, ship or truck…,all of which spill CO2 into the atmosphere. Calculations show that CO2 emissions from light trucks alone amount to 1.15 pounds per mile.

Once the T-shirt reaches the retail market, it is purchased. This stage may seem like the least environmentally damaging part. But consider the number of times you’ve washed and dried your favorite T-shirt. Washing machines are certainly becoming more efficient. However, the average American household does 400 loads of laundry per year, using about 40 gallons of water per load. Such excessive water use is combined with the large amount of energy used by dryers.

The final stage of life is disposal. This releases harmful emissions, or involves a landfill where cotton takes years to break down. Current US records show that an estimated 15% of clothes and shoes are recycled, which means that consumers send a shocking 85% of these materials to landfills.

We all need new clothes every once in a while, but let’s all try to keep in mind what goes into the production of clothing... It has a real impact on the planet.

There are a lot of things you can do to help reduce your impact. Reuse and recycle clothes. If they’re too worn out to wear, cut them up and use them as cleaning rags. Donate them to charity or another organization that recycles textiles. When possible, make an effort to buy organic cotton. Turn down the thermostat(恒温器) on your washer, and line dry your clothes when the weather will allow it.

1. The underlined phrase “takes a toll” probably means “     
A.wastes waterB.takes a lot of time
C.uses energyD.has a bad effect
2. We can learn from the passage that in the US, .
A.pesticides in cotton farming cost over 4 billion dollars every year
B.C02 emissions of land transport amount to 1.15 pounds per mile
C.about 15% of the clothes and shoes are made of materials that are recycled
D.about 16, 000 gallons of water is used annually by an average family on laundry
3. What can be inferred from this passage?
A.The production process may affect water safety.
B.The clothing cost is relatively low in China and India.
C.Cotton clothes are buried because they are hard to break down.
D.The use stage is the least environmentally harmful of the five stages.
4. What is the purpose of this article?
A.To encourage people to donate clothes to charity.
B.To promote eco-friendly actions related to clothes.
C.To persuade people to purchase more organic cotton.
D.To introduce the five stages in the lifecycle of clothing.
【知识点】 环境保护


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】An air-conditioner has become a sign of middle-class status in developing nations. But as air-conditioners appear from windows and storefronts across the world, scientists are becoming increasingly alarmed about the impact of the gases on which they run.

The oldest CFC coolants used in air-conditioners, which are highly damaging to the ozone layer, have been largely rejected from use; and the newest ones, used widely in industrialized nations, have little or no effect on the ozone layer. But these newest gases have an another impact — they contribute to global warming thousands of times more than CO2 does, the standard greenhouse gas. Indeed, the leading scientists in the field have just calculated that if all the equipment entering the world market uses the newest gases currently employed in air-conditioners, up to 27 percent of all global warning will result from those gases by 2050.

So the treatment to cure one global environmental disaster is now seeding another. "There is precious little time to do something, to act," said Stephen O. Andersen, the co-chairman of an international organization's technical and economic advisory panel.

Promising technologies wait, blocked in the wings. In China and a few other countries, room air-conditioners using hydrocarbons — which cause little warming or ozone damage — are already coming off assembly lines in small numbers but have not yet been approved for sale, in part because the chemicals are flammable (易燃的).Yet in Europe, refrigerators that cool with hydrocarbons have been in use for years, and some companies in the United States, such as Pepsi and Ben and Jerry's, have recently changed in-store coolers from HFCs to hydrocarbons as part of sustainability plans. But the patent is being argued. And some governments have still not finished safety testing.

Mr. Wypior, whose agency is trying to promote climate-friendly air-conditioning industries in India and China, said: “The technologies are available. They're well known. They're proven— though not at scale. So why aren't we moving?”

1. What's Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Air-conditioners' influence on the ozone layer.
B.Scientist's efforts to control the greenhouse gases.
C.The seriousness of global warning faced by the whole world.
D.The harmful effect of the newest gases used in air-conditioners.
2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.These newest gases are used in the wrong direction.
B.These newest gases should be banned from producing
C.These newest gases will lead to global warming.
D.These newest gases carry both benefits and harms..
3. Why are hydrocarbons not widely used in air-conditioners?
A.Hydrocarbons are mainly used in refrigerators.
B.People are still arguing about their security.
C.Hydrocarbons are not friendly to the environment.
D.Most countries haven't mastered the related technologies.
4. What's Mr. Wypior's attitude to climate-friendly air-conditioner?
2021-09-12更新 | 246次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】There is a small but growing movement in America of households that want to reduce waste to zero. Zero Wasters, as they are called, help each other by sharing advice on blogs and social media. A number of people also have written recent books on the subject.

Bea Johnson is author of Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life. She said, “It may be too extreme for some people, but even if you can cut your trash down by even 20 percent, you’ll gain 80 percent of the benefits, like saving time and money for experiences instead of shopping for unnecessary stuff. It’s about a simpler life based on being, not having.”

Johnson said that reducing shopping means her family has more money for fun vacations. She said her family buys recycled things also. All their clothing, for example, comes from used clothing stores. She says that has reduced her household spending by 40 percent.

“We can get most brands on eBay and request that they be sent to us without any non-recyclable packaging,” she said.

Zero Wasters like to talk about five “R’s”: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot. The first “R” stands for refuse. They refuse containers and plastic straws at restaurants. To this end, they either ask to use their own containers or request that things like food be wrapped in paper. Zero Wasters also seek to reduce the number of things they buy. They reuse household goods and recycle materials. They also try to compost, or rot, food material that can be used to enrich soil.

Amy Korst is another most popular writer in the zero waste movement. She wrote the book Zero Waste Lifestyle: Live Well by Throwing Away Less. She noted that once food is buried under plastics and other things in, for example, a landfill, it no longer composts as it normally would. She said that is why it is so important to cut down on using things made out of plastic and separate things that can be broken down from other trash. She recommended residents to contact the local sanitation department in understanding how to recycle. Officials there will be able to advise about what can be recycled and how to do it.

1. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 most probably implies that ____________.
A.Zero Wasters’ goal of producing no trash is hard to reach
B.it’s a primitive life depending on nature rather than people
C.Zero Wasters emphasize a rich spiritual life based on basic needs
D.the new lifestyle sought by Zero Wasters will make people richer
2. What does Paragraph 5 talk about?
A.Reasons why Zero Wasters try to reduce trash.
B.Contributions Zero Wasters have already made.
C.Problems that Zero Wasters face in their daily life.
D.Actions that Zero Wasters take to achieve their goal.
3. What does Amy Korst think of the zero waste movement?
A.She opposes spending more money for fun experiences.
B.She believes a landfill is an ideal place for food wastes.
C.She advocates using less plastics and garbage classification.
D.She holds that many people are ignorant about recycling.
2018-12-09更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】It’s always been a rule in my family, spoken or unspoken, that you don’t waste food. With six children herself and having grown up in an even larger family through the Great Depression, my mother would never tolerate throwing out the amounts of food we see routinely these days in the dumpster. We were told simply to clean our plates, no matter whether we liked the taste or if we were not hungry or not. So this subject is deep in my genes and upbringing.

Estimates are that nearly one third of all food produced is wasted. USDA estimates 31% of food available at retail (零售)level is wasted. 12% of landfill material is food. 28% of agricultural land produces food which is wasted, says the FAO. 18% of vegetables, and 12% of the apple crop are lost at the farm level in the United States., say experts.

Luckily, there’s an “ugly food” movement picking up steam. “Ugly” foods are those that sellers and buyers often reject because of their appearance, like misshapen vegetables and bruised(擦伤的) fruits. Farmers dump them. Supermarkets and restaurants reject them. Now supermarkets and restaurants reject them. Consumers historically have avoided them. Now supermarkets feature the ugly. It’s fashionable. More artful terms are favored. A French supermarket chain is selling “inglorious” foods. The British chain ASDA uses “wonky(歪斜的)” (which to American ears might sound as bad as “ugly.”) Canada’s Loblaws uses “naturally imperfect.” Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, who has cast himself as a promoter of the “good food movement,” has signed on with some British chains to support their efforts.

With the effort of Kretschmann Farm CSA’s we’ve taken the line that rather than throw away things which would be classified by others as ugly, inglorious, or imperfect, we would just give them to you and you could decide. Either we throw them away, or you can. Oftentimes this adds to the volume of the box, or makes it a little more urgent to consume (because sometimes those rejected foods are just very ripe!).

1. When the author was a kid, he      .
A.often suffered from hunger
B.was not allowed to waste food
C.had to wash plates after a meal
D.didn’t like the taste of his food
2. What does the underlined part “picking up steam” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Coming to an end.
B.Facing a challenge.
C.Making a selection.
D.Becoming more popular.
3. The Kretschmann Farm CSA          .
A.provides perfect food for customers
B.sells food mot of which is very ripe
C.tries to bring ugly food to customers
D.encourage the consumption of food
2017-07-17更新 | 74次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般