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题型:选词填空-单句选词填空 难度:0.85 引用次数:30 题号:8297888
from, off, over, out, with

1. The man questioned by the police insisted that he had nothing to do ________ the crime.
2. He has made it a rule not to put ________ what can be done today till tomorrow.
3. So confusing was his speech that the audience couldn’t make ________ what he was trying to express .
4. Mr. Green feels that he is old, so his son will soon take ________ his business.
5. The population growth of the country mainly results ________ the high birth rate.
【知识点】 其他


选词填空-单句选词填空 | 较易 (0.85)
in view; lose track of; thanks to; miss a beat; keep in mind;
share...with...; take part in; communicate with; connect...with...
1. ________ your help, we succeeded in completing all the programs.
2. She doesn’t usually ________ any of the class activities.
3. Would you like to ________ your feelings ________ the group?
4. We reached the top of the hill and there the sea was ________.
5. She’s an actress I ________ the theatre rather than films.
6. Stay there if you wish, but ________ that the performance will begin in two minutes.
7. My heart ________ when she said, “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
8. Tom’s work was so interesting that he ________ time.
9. The novel is about a person who can’t ________ others.
2023-04-09更新 | 10次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 较易 (0.85)
A. theme park     B. with the objective of   C. insisted on     D. switch off     E. upside down     F. sum up     G. is acknowledged as     H. keep in touch       I. daily routine   J. appeal to
1. In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists________discovering a new treatment for malaria.
2. The ________ you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland.
3. Tu Youyou and her team members even ________ testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe.
4. Have you ever forgotten to________ the TV or computer?
5. Join a water fight against pirates, get turned ________by an exciting roller coaster.
6. The teacher asked us to ________the main idea of the passage.
7. The Internet has made it possible for friends and family to________ easily.
8. Your intelligent home system will learn your ________ and preferences, so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.
9. Albert Einstein________one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century.
10. The movie will________ adults as well as children.
2022-11-05更新 | 37次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 较易 (0.85)
lift off, separate from, let out, because of, relate to,
as many…as possible, at the same time, choose from
1. The plane ________ and climbed steeply into the sky.
2. It’s quite difficult to ________ your sadness if your best friend moves away.
3. He cried when he heard that his parents decided to ________ each other.
4. You will also be able to ________ a series of topics, such as Business Language, Medical Language and Grammar.
5. The charges of fraud (诈骗) ________ events that took place over ten years ago.
6. After the big earthquake, Ya’an was needing ________ tents ________ for the homeless.
7. No one likes conflict, but ________ we have to deal with this problem.
8. Her head was in a sharp pain ________ the stressful atmosphere and her own tiredness.
2023-04-06更新 | 5次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般