组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 节假日活动 > 庆祝活动
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:34 题号:15832945

Easter is a festival and it is to celebrate the resurrection (复活) of Jesus Christ. It is a very old Christian festival. It is older than Christmas. Easter does not fall on the same day each year. It is always on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. People eat delicious food on that day. They also give colourful eggs to each other. It is said that the earth came from an egg. It is the start of a new life. In England people write messages and dates on their eggs and give them to friends or family. A rabbit called the Easter Bunny visits children on Easter Day. He often leaves some candy and eggs. So on Easter Day morning, children always get up early to find candy and eggs all around the house. In fact, there is no Easter Bunny. Their parents buy them candy and hide their eggs instead.

The story of the Easter Bunny’s visit comes from Germany. It is said that a poor woman hid eggs for her children to find. At the moment they found them, they looked up to see a big rabbit running away.

1. What does the first paragraph (段落) mainly (主要地) talk about?
A.The earth came from an egg.B.Easter is celebrated during spring.
C.Easter is a festival and how people celebrate it.D.People in England often give eggs to their friends.
2. What does the writer think of the Easter Bunny?
A.There is no real Easter Bunny.B.There is only one Easter Bunny.
C.The Easter Bunny likes children.D.The Easter Bunny is bad and hides eggs.
3. Where does the story of the Easter Bunny’s visit come from?
4. The last paragraph (段落) tell about ________.
A.the story of the EasterB.the story of the Easter Bunny’s visit
C.a missing Easter eggD.a poor German woman
5. What is the thing people won’t do on Easter Day?
A.Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.B.Eat delicious food.
C.Give colourful eggs to each other.D.Get up late to have a good rest.


阅读理解-六选五(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Halloween is just around the corner! People in the West celebrate it on Oct 31 every year. Children usually go trick-or-treating.       1    

But because of COVID-19, many cities have advised people not to go trick-or-treating this year. “     2    ”, as health experts said.

But this will not stop Halloween fans from keeping the tradition going. For example, Elizabeth Lusty from London came up with an idea for her two children.     3    Then they'll plan a safe route so that children can take the candy without coming into contact with others.

    4    He and his 6-year-old daughter made a contact-free candy chute (滑道). It spreads from the family’s front door to the sidewalk. They can send candy down the chute to trick-or-treaters outside.     5    “This is something that the kids will enjoy. We   are trying to keep our Halloween spirit.” Beattie   told CNN. “They're doing it to have a good time, and we need that now more than ever.”

A.The idea became popular online and many people are doing the same.
B.Andrew Beattie from the US also got creative ideas.
C.They knock on their neighbors' doors and ask for candy.
D.The virus spreads more easily when people have close contact with each other.
E.People from all over the world enjoy Halloween during the special period.
F.She and her neighbors will put boxes of candy in their front yards.
2021-02-27更新 | 325次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】“Chinese New Year is a seven-day celebration, and the beautiful thing I like is the way we put up fu outside. We change the direction, which means that fu has already come.” Rajni Aggarwal from India, running an Indian restaurant in Hangzhou, seems to know everything about it. Actually, nowadays more and more foreigners like Chinese traditional culture. The video “Hello! Spring Festival!” by China Daily tells us what the Spring Festival is like in some foreigners’ eyes.

Barbara, a German designer who is running a children’s wear brand in Shenyang, is full of praise for Chinese food, especially yuanxiao. “We always prepare some handmade lanterns to celebrate the Lantern Festival.” She added, “This year for Chinese New Year I gave out some special hongbao, but the most important thing is money inside.”

Zhang Luka from Italy is the spreader of Chinese chili and delicious food. He told us what his first experience with the Spring Festival was like. “At that time, I saw everyone leaving, taking big bags and going back home. All of a sudden, the university was empty, all the restaurants were closed and waimai was pretty tough to order as well. What an unbelievable story! Luckily, after the first year, I got to meet many Chinese friends and enjoyed the holidays in a Chinese way. That was the opportunity for me to really get close to Chinese culture.”

1. Why does the Indian woman change the direction of fu?
A.Because it can bring her more good luck.
B.Because she thinks it is very interesting and traditional.
C.Because it means fu has already come.
D.Because she doesn’t know anything about Chinese tradition.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.fu.B.The Spring Festival.C.The restaurant.D.The video.
3. According to the passage, which sentence is true?
A.Rajni Aggarwal is running an Italian restaurant in Hangzhou.
B.Barbara always makes some lanterns to celebrate the Lantern Festival.
C.Zhang Luka felt it was very usual when he saw everyone leaving.
D.There was no money in the hongbao that Barbara gave out.
4. In which part of a newspaper can we find this passage?
2023-10-13更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-匹配(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

A. Lianhua Hill Music Festival

During the festival, people can come with picnic boxes. They can lie or sit on the grass. The orchestras (管弦乐队) provide wonderful music for people.

B. Nanshan Litchi (荔枝) Culture and Tourism Festival

People in Shenzhen enjoyed the tradition of picking and tasting fresh litchis during summertime. It has become a popular festival in Shenzhen.

C. Shajing Golden Oyster (生蚝) Festival

During the festival, visitors can taste fresh oysters cooked in different ways while enjoying music, dance, poetry and shows.

D. Shenzhen Cartoon and Animation Festival

It is a series of events held in the Futian District. Since its launch in 2009, the festival has attracted the young and their families.

E. Shenzhen Golden Coast Tourism Festival

In 2002, Yantian District started the festival. In the past years, Yantian has organized events as opening galas (庆典) and kite-flying competitions at Dameisha Beach.

F. Longgang Dragon Dance Festival

The Longgang dragon dance enjoys a history of about 300 years. The folk art usually performs during the Chinese New Year and other traditional festivals.

1. Jack always likes different kinds of food. He especially wants to taste fresh seafood with his friends.
2. Mary loves traditional Chinese culture and she wants to see some dragon dance performances.
3. Paul is interested in all kinds of fruits, and he loves nature. He will go somewhere to pick fruit.
4. Lisa is a junior high school student who likes paintings and she enjoys playing some characters in some cartoons.
5. Gina loves exciting activities and she wants to go to the beach to enjoy flying kites and some music.
2024-01-19更新 | 57次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般