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题型:阅读理解-判断 难度:0.85 引用次数:406 题号:16098421

Dear Kimmy,

Guess what, we have a class pet! It’s a hamster. Miss Lee showed us how to take care of our new furry friend, Tobin. She explained that her own hamster had given birth to three pups and Tobin is one of them. Needless to say, we were delighted and promised to be responsible pet owners.

Well, till next time.

PS: It’s a picture of our new pet. Do you have a pet?

Your pen-pal,


1. It’s a letter from Kimmy to Andrew.
2. Andrew’s class pet is furry.
3. Miss Lee took Tobin to the class.
4. Tobin’s mother gave birth to four pups.
5. Andrew is sure that his pen-pal has a pet and loves animals.
2022·甘肃·中考真题 查看更多[4]


阅读理解-单选(约70词) | 较易 (0.85)


King School against Barton School

Saturday 12 May

Game starts: 2:45p.m.

Tickets price: Adults: $5

Students: $2

Kids: free

Address: West Road Football Field

( Bus number 24 stops outside)

1. When is the football match?
A.It’s on May 12.B.It’s on Friday.C.It’s in the evening.D.It’s on weekdays.
2. The game starts at _______.
A.12:00 a.m.B.2:00 p.m.C.2:45 p.m.D.5:00 p.m.
3. There are three students to go to the football match. How much will they have to pay(付钱)?
4. If you want to watch the match, which bus can you take?
A.No.2 bus.B.No.4 busC.No. 5 busD.No.24 bus.
5. We can’t get the information about ________.
A.the two schools of the matchB.the address of the match
C.the rules (规则)of watching the matchD.the time of the match
2023-05-24更新 | 42次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 较易 (0.85)
The Rose Garden Hotel
This popular hotel is in the heart of London, just 5 minutes from the railway station. All rooms have color TVs and their own bathrooms.
Prices are low. The service is excellent and the welcome is always warm.
Prices a night
                                           Oct.—May                            Jun.—Sep.
Single Room                    $40.00                                          $55.00
Room for two people       $65.00                                          $70.00
27 Cherry Road,
Tel: 0717-402-8209

Do you often travel to the USA on business?
Airspeed is a new American airline with a difference. You’ll have to try it to see.
Airspeed can arrange (安排) interesting one-day sightseeing tours of American cities like Washington and New York. Why not go to see the White House or have a meal in Chinatown—the lively and colorful area in New York where Chinese people live and work?
You’ll enjoy your business trip so much, and you will feel like you’re on holiday!
Phone 0171-368-4925 for more information.

1. On Christmas Day, if you want to have a room for two people in the Rose Garden Hotel, you’ll have to pay ________.
A.$40.00B.$55.00C.$65.00D.$ 70.00
2. Airspeed can’t arrange you to visit ________.
A.WashingtonB.New YorkC.Los AngelesD.London
3. If you want to have a business trip to the USA, you can ________.
A.call 0717-402-8209B.call 0171-368-4925
C.live in the Rose Garden HotelD.pay $55 a night
4. The two passages are ________.
2024-06-03更新 | 12次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)
Dear Alistair,

Thank you so much for your letter—I am so glad we are going to be pen friends. I am very interested in finding out all about life in Hong Kong. I can't imagine(想象)what it is like.

I think you would like to know about my life in England, so let me tell you a little about myself. I live with my mum and dad and two younger brothers, Colin and Robert. I am 14 years old and I am in my third year at Bramhall Comprehensive School.

The school is quite far from my house, so I have to take a bus each morning. My hobbies are swimming (I am in the school swimming team) and playing computer games. I also like playing with my dog, Ralph. I'm not sure what else I have to tell you. Maybe when you write next time, you could ask me some questions, and don't forget to tell me all about yourself as well!

Write soon.

Your pen friend,


1. How many people are there in Kirsty's family?
2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Kirsty's pet is a dog.
B.Kirsty's school is far from her house.
C.Kirsty wants to know what Hong Kong is like.
D.Kirsty has a lot to tell Alistair, but she doesn't have much time.
3. Kirsty is interested in ________.
①life in Hong Kong               ②writing                            ③swimming
④playing computer games       ⑤playing with the dog
2021-03-11更新 | 131次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般