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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:269 题号:6983844

The eagle has the longest life of its group. It can reach up to 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle must make a hard and painful decision. When an eagle reaches near 40, its short sharp beak becomes bent (弯曲的). Its long and once flexible (灵活的) talons can no longer catch animals or birds for food. And its old and heavy wings with thick feathers on its body make it difficult to fly. Then, the eagle has only tow choices: to die or to go through a painful time of change which needs five months.

When the eagle feels weak and is about to die, it goes to a place far away on the top of a mountain and sits on a nest. For a new life, the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it pulls its beak out. After pulling it out, the eagle waits for a new beak to grow. And then it pulls out its talons and old feathers. It takes the eagle five months to complete its change and get a new life. We can call it its rebirth. So it can live for 30 more years.

Like the eagle, we human beings sometimes need to make some changes to get out of our difficulty. In miserable condition, we have to change our ways of life. The changing may be very painful. But sometimes we have to throw off our old habits, memories and traditions. We can’t go on with all our past burdens (重负).

1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.When an eagle reaches near 40, its short sharp beak is still straight.
B.For a new life, the eagle knocks its talons against a rock.
C.If the eagle doesn’t change itself, it will have a new life.
D.The writer’s idea is that we can’t go on with all our past burdens.
2. The underlined word “miserable” here probably means “     ”.
3. The best title for the passage can be “       ”.
A.The death of the eagle
B.The living period of the eagle
C.A good and easy decision
D.Rebirth of the eagle


阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In October 2012, I joined an organization to be a volunteer to work in Thailand. When I arrived in Thailand, I thought I would be taken to an orphanage (孤儿院). However, I was told that I had to go to a place by train alone. And then I knew that my job was to teach English in a school instead of working at an orphanage.

The next day I went to the school and met the children I would teach. In the classroom, the children looked at me, saying nothing. No one could speak English. But from their eyes, I knew they were really nervous to learn English. It seemed like a big challenge for me, but that was just what I wanted.

Although I loved the children and the challenge, my life in Thailand was quite hard at first. I was alone and there was nobody I could talk to. However, I didn’t give up. If I had been afraid of difficulties, I wouldn’t have traveled all the way from England to Thailand to be a volunteer. Little by little, I learned some Thai and started to fall in love with Thailand. Every time I saw the children’s pleasure of learning English, I was happy and felt that what I was doing was really meaningful.

I began to work in a hospital in Thailand last month. If you also want to be a volunteer like me, don’t worry too much about the food or the place where you live. After all, as a volunteer, the most important thing is to help people who need help!

1. How did the writer feel when she started her job on the first day?
A.She wasn’t interested in it at all.B.She wanted to go back home.
C.She felt her job was very easy.D.She thought it hard but interesting.
2. In what order did the following take place in the writer’s volunteering work?
a. She learned some Thai.
b. She arrived in Thailand.
c. She worked in a hospital.
d. She worked at a school.
e. She went to a place alone.
3. The writer tells us her experience as a volunteer to ________.
A.explain that being a volunteer in a strange country isn’t a good idea
B.tell people not to worry about their food and housing conditions
C.show that a volunteer should face difficulties bravely
D.explain that it’s very important for children to learn English
2022-02-28更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Once there was a famine (饥荒) in the town. A rich and kind baker sent some bread to twenty of the poorest children. He said to them, “In this basket there is a loaf (一条面包) for each of you. Take it, and come back to me every day at this hour till we live through this famine.”

The impatient children couldn’t wait to gather around the basket. They shouted and fought for the bread because each wished to have the largest loaf. At last they went away without even thanking the good gentleman. But Shirley, a poorly-dressed little girl, did not join them. Instead, remained modestly in the distance, she took the smallest loaf left in the basket, kissed the gentleman’s hand and went home.

The next day the children were as rude as before. Poor shy Shirley still took the smallest loaf. When she got home, her mother cut the bread open. Many new shining pieces of silver fell out of it. Her mother was very surprised and said, “Take the money back to the good gentleman at once, Shirley! Be quick!”

But when the little girl gave the rich man her mother’s message, he said, “No, my child. It was no mistake. I put silver into the smallest loaf to reward (回报,奖赏) you because you are a kind and honest girl. Go home, and tell your mother that the money is your own.”

1. What kind of life did the twenty children live?
A.They live a happy life.B.They live a poor life.
C.They live a rich life.D.They live a comfortable life.
2. What did the baker give to the children?
3. What did Shirley do when the other children shouted and fought for the bread?
A.She stood modestly in the distance.B.She shouted at them.
C.She joined them.D.She laughed at them.
4. What did Shirley’s mother ask her to do when she saw the money?
A.Buy some food.B.Hide it quickly.
C.Give it back to the rich man.D.Tell her father the news.
5. What does the writer want to tell us?
A.It’s not important to say thanks to others.
B.Fighting with others can help us get more.
C.Shirley’s mother didn’t like her.
D.A kind and honest person will be rewarded.
2024-01-23更新 | 22次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

A student walks into the teacher’s office with his heavy schoolbag slowly and looks worried. “What’s happening?” the teacher asks. He tells a lot of small things that make him really unhappy. Then the teacher stops working and decides to do something to help the little boy.

He asks the student to get a glass of water and some salt from a box. The teacher asks the student to put the salt into the glass of water and drink it.

“How does it taste? ” the teacher asks.

“It doesn’t taste good.” the student answers.

The teacher doesn’t say anything else, but asks the student to get the same amount of salt and go with the teacher to a nearby lake.

“Put the salt into the lake,” the teacher says. The student does what the teacher says.

“Now, taste the water from the lake,” the teacher says.

The student gets some water from the lake with his hands and tastes, the teacher asks, “How does it taste?”

“Fresh and a bit sweet,” the student answers quickly.

“Do you taste the salt?” the teacher asks.

“No,” the student shakes his head.

The teacher sits beside the student, “The pain of life is just like salt — no more, no less. However, how salty it tastes depends on the container you put the pain in.”

“How do you feel now?” asks the teacher.

The student looks at the teacher with a big smile. He feels much better now.

“Thank you for giving me such a lesson. I think I will never forget the taste of them and learn to be a lake.”

1. Where does the teacher ask the student to put the salt at first?
A.In the box.B.In the lake.C.In the glass.D.In the bag.
2. The teacher asks the student to put the salt into the water to ________.
A.let him have more funB.help him learn a lesson
C.make him do some cookingD.let him drink more water
3. The salt means ________ in the story.
A.the pain of lifeB.the way of studyC.the secret of loveD.the plan of future
4. How do the student’s feelings change?
5. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Thinking before doing.B.Doing is better than saying.
C.Not to be a glass, be a lake.D.It’s never too old to learn.
2023-01-31更新 | 58次组卷
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