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By Johanna Spyri

The novel explores themes (主题) of nature,friendship and kindness. Heidi is a little Swiss girl, whose honesty influences those around her. She goes to live with her grandfather in the Alps. She quickly learns to love her new life with him. But then Heidi must be sent away again to Frankfurt, to be the friend of Clara, a girl who is sick and cannot walk...

Chapter Five

Her first day in Frankfurt was a strange day for Heidi, but even stranger for Ms. Rottenmeier,the housekeeper.

At first Heidi couldn’t think where she was. When she woke up, jumped from the big white bed and ran to the window, she saw neither the snow on high mountains nor the little stream winding below. All she saw was brick walls and houses. There was no sound of the wind in the trees-only the sound of carriages (马车) rattling over the stone streets outside.

Heidi felt as though she had been locked up in a cage. But Ms. Rottenmeier felt that she was locked up with a strange, wild child. The child knew nothing of how to behave in a well—run house. She was late to meals. Her clothes were not correct. She made friends with the servants.

But Clara had become much more cheerful since Heidi’s arrival. She liked talking to Heidi about life in the mountains and about Heidi’s grandfather. For Clara the next few days were much less dull than usual.

Heidi was less happy. Tomorrow, she kept thinking, I really must go home. But one thing pleased her. Every day she took more rolls from the table and hid them in her room. She was saving them for Granny.Granny’s teeth were no longer able to chew the hard, black bread which was all she had, and Heidi planned to take back to her the lovely soft rolls as a present.

At last, one day, she started for home. But at the door she met Ms. Rottenmeier.“Where are you going? I have strictly forbidden (禁止) you to go outside by yourself!” Ms.Rottenmeier said.

“I’m only going home,” said Heidi. “I’ve been away too long. My goats must be missing me and...”

“My goodness!” exclaimed Ms. Rottenmeier. “The child is mad!” And then she ordered the servant to lock Heidi up her room.

1. Where was Clara’s home, in the countryside or in the city?
2. Why did Ms. Rottenmeier think Heidi was a wild child?
3. What did Heidi do to make Clara more cheerful?
4. What pleased Heidi?
5. How did Ms. Rottenmeier feel when she met Heidi at the door?
She felt both ________ and ________
6. Which theme does this chapter explore, nature, friendship or kindness? Why do you think so?
任务型阅读-多任务混合 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面的短文,按要求完成后面的小题。

Spring View

On war-torn land streams flow and mountains stand;
In spring town grass and weeds are overgrown.
Sad over the years, flowers make us shed tears;
Hating to part, hearing birds breaks our heart.
The beacon fire has gone higher and higher;
Words from home are worth their weight in gold.
I cannot bear to scratch my grey hair;
It grows too thin to hold a light hairpin.

Poet Du Fu (712—770) wrote this poem in springtime, when he caught by An Lushan’s rebel army (叛军) and locked up in Chang’an, the capital city at that time. The poem shows his love for his motherland and how he missed his family. The poet used imagery of flowers and birds to express his feelings, which is seen as classic. The spring flowers and birds were joyful,① ________, in the eyes of the sad poet, they reminded him of the past and made him cry. Flowers came to life again in spring, however, the broken country could not be easily restored (恢复). This shows his care for his country and his people.

The birds were singing freely, while the poet lost his freedom. He was alone without any relatives or friends. Thus the birds’ singing frightened him. This shows that he missed his family. His depressed (绝望的) feeling got even deeper in the next lines. As the war was going on, it was hard to receive letters from family members. The letters were as valuable as gold.

1. When did Dufu write this poem?
2. 请结合文意,在文中找出一个连词填入①处,使上下文通顺、连贯。
3. ___________ is the most valuable this in the war times.
4. 请将②处划线句子翻译成中文。
5. What do you think of this poem?
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年甘肃省兰州天立学校中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A horse fair is an interesting place. There is always a lot to see. There are young horses from the country, little Welsh ponies, like Merrylegs, and many beautiful horses too. But there were also a lot of poor, thin horses, worn out from hard work. I was very sad to see them.

At the horse fair there was a man with a gentle voice and kind grey eyes. He offered twenty-three pounds for me, but they refused, and he walked away. Then a man with a very loud voice came. I was he was going to buy me, but he walked off. Then the grey-eyed man came back again and said: “I’ll give twenty-four for him.”

“Done,” said the salesman. “He’s a quality horse and if you want him for cab work, he’s a bargain.”

Half an hour later we set off for London, along country roads, until we came to that great city. There were streets to the right, and streets to the left. We went into one of the small streets, and then into a very narrow street, with small, old houses on one side, and stables on the other.

My new owner stopped at a house and whistled. The door opened, and a young woman, a little girl and boy, came out.

They all looked at me.

“Is he gentle, father?”

“Yes, Dolly, as gentle as a kitten (小猫); you can pat him.”

Dolly, the little girl, patted my shoulder without fear. It felt so good! They led me into a clean stable, with plenty of dry straw, and after a delicious meal I lay down to sleep, thinking “I’m going to be very happy here”.

——From Black Beauty

1. A horse fair is a place ________.
A.where horses are bought and sold
B.where people can ride horses
C.where horses are raised
D.where people sell horse meat
2. Which of the following is suitable for the blank (空白) in the passage?
3. What’s the meaning of the sentencen“He’s a quality horse and if you want him for cab work, he’s a bargain.”?
A.It means that I am a beautiful but excellent horse.
B.It means that I am too poor and thin to do hard work.
C.It means that I am a cheap horse, but I am suitable for cab work.
D.It means that I am a gentle and timid (胆小的) horse.
4. From the passage, we can learn that ________.
A.the man with a very loud voice bought me at last
B.my new owner lived alone in London
C.I felt very fearful when Dolly patted my shoulder
D.I will live a happy life with my new owner
今日更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省宿迁市泗洪县中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A businessman called Antonio borrowed three thousand dollars from Shylock, a moneylender, to help his friend Bassanio. They signed a contract (契约), if the money couldn’t be repaid in time, Antonio would be cut off a pound of flesh (肉) to Shylock. However, Antonio’s ships were lost at sea. This left him unable to have enough money. Antonio had already made an enemy of Shylock before. Shylock thought, “This is my chance to destroy Antonio.” The next day Antonio was brought to the court (法庭).

“Can Antonio pay the money?” the judge (法官) asked.

“Yes,” Bassanio shouted. “I can pay for him. I’ll give Shylock twice the money Antonio borrowed if he wants. And if that’s not enough, I’ll sign more. Judge, please help! Can’t you change the law a little just this once to save Antonio? Please! Do a great right by doing a little wrong.”

“That isn’t possible,” Shylock was getting impatient. “________ Nobody has the right to change the law. Judge, please give your decision.”

While the judge is checking the contract, everyone there held the breath waiting for the result.

“Yes, Shylock,” said the judge. “A pound of Antonio’s flesh is yours by law. The contract says that you must cut it from his chest.”

“What a wise judge!” Shylock said, placing his knife on Antonio’s chest.

“But wait a moment!” the judge continued. “I’d like to remind you that you can take a pound of Antonio’s flesh. It doesn’t say you can take a single drop of his blood. So take your pound of flesh, but if you spill (溢出) one drop of his blood when you cut it, you will lose your land and wealth. Our country will take it all.” The people in the courtroom cheered.

“Is that the law?”asked Shylock.“That’s the law,” confirmed the judge. “Look again at the contract.”

Shylock thought quickly. He knew that he couldn’t cut Antonio’s flesh without spilling his blood. He couldn’t take the pound of flesh from Antonio. He tried asking for just three thousand dollars, but again the judge told him that all he should have was a pound of the businessman’s flesh.

1. Which sentence can be put in ________?
A.A lie is a lie.
B.A bad thing never dies.
C.A promise is a promise.
D.A man is not good or bad for one action.
2. When Shylock was reminded that the law allowed the pound of flesh but no drop of blood, he might feel ________.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.The contract finally saved Antonio’s life.
B.The contract they made was against the law.
C.Shylock thought the judge made a wise decision.
D.Shylock knew Antonio couldn’t pay the money in time.
7日内更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省无锡市江阴市中考一模英语试题
5 . 配对阅读。左栏是五则对中国文学感兴趣的外国学生的信息,右栏是七本中国名著的介绍,请为每位学生选择一本最合适的名著,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
    1    . Bob likes to collect different sayings. In Chinese culture, his favorite saying is “Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without learning ends to vain.”
    2    . Daily is a big fan of Chinese Tang and Song poetry. She enjoyed reading poetry even more after she came to China last year.
    3    . Jane is deeply attracted by Chinese history and culture. She wants to learn some geographical facts about ancient China.
    4    . Alex is a great fan of Wu Song. When he first heard the story of Wu Song, he was interested in him. He also wants to be a hero like Wu Song.
    5    . Odom is very interested in China’s history. If possible, he would like to learn all of five thousand years of Chinese history.
A. Water Margin is one of China's four great classic novels. Wu Song Fights the Tiger is a wonderful story in the book. It shows Wu Song is so brave that he fights against the tiger.
B. The Analects of Confucius is a collection of sayings of Confucius and his students during the Spring and Autumn Period. The sayings in it are easy to understand but have deep meanings.
C. The Classic of Mountains and Rivers includes ancient geography, history, animals, plants, medicine and so on. It has always been regarded as both a practical geography book and an encyclopedia of ancient times.
D. The Ordinary World is a novel written by Lu Yao. The book mainly tells the story of two brothers, Sun Shaoping and Sun Shaoan. They work hard to get a better life. The writer thought highly of workers and he put this feeling into the work.
E. Records of the Historian was written by Sima Qian. Being a great work, it opens a new way of recording historical events. It also has a great influence on later works.
F. The Border Town was written by Shen Congwen. It is a classic novel. The writer tells the special customs of Hunan with the love story of Cuicui, a young girl.
G. Poetic Remarks on the Human World is a great work written by Wang Guowei. It talks about Chinese classical poetry, such as some famous Tang and Song poetry, from different levels.
7日内更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省汕尾市中考一模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |
6 .

Believe in Yourself
When you get started, cool down.
Fill in your number and be calm.
Tell yourself, “Today is my day”.
And I will give it my best play.
For those questions I do know, I do carefully.
For those questions I may not be sure about, I try prudently.
Never give up and weave your task paper wholeheartedly.
Believe in yourself—You’re the best!

1. This text was created as a (n)________.
2. The underlined word “calm” in the second line probably means “________”.
3. What is the author’s real purpose of creating the text?
A.To teach children to learn English.B.To make students study hard.
C.To encourage students to be confident.D.To teach students to question.
7日内更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年陕西省西安市长安区中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Mom Knows Best

When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.

When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in.

When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger.

When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hug and lifted me up.

When I was seven coughing badly, she said no ice-cream for me.

But I talked back loudly, “I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now!”

When I was nine watching scary movies, she said it’d give me awful dreams.

But I shouted back 2 , “I should be allowed to watch it! I am not a baby!”

When I was a teen going out with friends, she said, “Please be back by ten!”

But I talked back again, “I should not be told what to do! I’m seventeen now!”

Now I’m an adult, thinking back to those times.

I coughed for days after eating that ice-cream

And had scary dreams after watching that film.

I was late for school from staying out past ten.

I regret talking back, not listening to Mom.

Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best!

1. This text is(a) ________.
2. Which word fits in the blank (空白处) most?
3. The text shows that the writer ________ his mother’s love finally.
7日内更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省徐州市中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文节选自《海底两万里》,主要讲述了Captain Nemo邀请他打猎时在海底的所见所闻。

8 . It was a week before I saw Captain Nemo again. Every morning, I noticed fresh air coming into the rooms and I knew that the Nautilus had surfaced. I would go out and see the sunrise.

Then I received a note from Captain Nemo. He invited me and my friends to go hunting with him in the forests of Crespo Island. Ned was excited because he thought there he could find a chance to escape. When I saw Captain Nemo the next day, I asked him why he was so interested in Crespo Island. “I thought you preferred the sea to being on land.”

“I do,” replied the Captain. “But these forests are under the sea.” During breakfast, he explained that he had made diving suits that used special air tanks. These tanks would allow us to stay under the water for ten hours. He had also made lights that worked in electric batteries. When Ned realized that we were not going onto land for our hunting trip, he decided not to come at all.

Conseil and I put on our diving suits, and so did Captain Nemo and one of his men. We stepped into a room and closed the door. The room was filled with water, and another door opened. We must go through it, and we were in the sea floor. It was an amazing experience.

We were about ten metres under the water. The light from the sun reached us. Everything looked very colourful. We walked over the fine sand and enjoyed the colours of the shells, fish and seaweed. Conseil and I followed Captain Nemo and his man as they crossed a large grassy area. We were going deeper and deeper. Two hours later, we were a hundred metres under the water. The suits worked very well, and it was easy to walk and breathe.

At one hundred metres deep, we could still see quite well, and Captain Nemo stopped and pointed to some dark shapes. This was the forest. The “trees” in the forest were giant seaweed, and all their branches were vertical (垂直的). We could not stop looking at them. Fish swam around the branches like birds in a forest. Small shrubs (灌木) grew under the large seaweed trees. Some of them had flowers.

We walked through this forest for about an hour, and then we lay down to rest. I was not hungry, but I was very sleepy. We all slept, and when we woke up, we walked further.

(Adapted from Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea)

1. What do you think the Nautilus is?
A.A kind of ship under the sea.B.A kind of fish in the sea.
C.A kind of plane in the sky.D.A kind of transport on land.
2. Who didn’t go hunting with others in the forests of Crespo Island under the water?
A.Captain NemoB.Captain Nemo’s man
3. Which of the following didn’t happen during their hunting trip?
A.Captain Nemo made diving suits with special air tanks for us.
B.They crossed a large grassy area under the water.
C.They entered a room which was full of water.
D.They saw many tall “trees” with vertical branches in the forest.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Ned and Nemo were close friends.
B.The author enjoyed the hunting trip.
C.There were three people visiting the forest.
D.It took them 30 minutes to walk through the forest.
5. Where is the passage probably from?
A.a sports magazineB.a book review
C.a science fictionD.a travel report
阅读理解-单选 | 较易(0.85) |

9 .

Bamboo in the Rock

Upright stands the bamboo amid green mountains steep (陡峭的),
Its tooth like root in broken rock is planted deep.
It’s strong and firm though struck and beaten without rest,
Careless of the wind from north or south; east or west.

Written by Qing Dynasty poet

Zheng Xie

①The word “Upright” is an adjective (adj.). It means “straight”.
②The word “amid” is a preposition (prep.). It means “among”.
③The roots of a plant are the parts of it that grow under the ground.
④ The text above was translated by Xu Yuanchong, who put his effort into translation for more than 60 years.
1. Which of the following is described by the first two lines in the text?
2. What does Zheng Xie think of bamboo?
3. The underlined word “struck” probably means “________” in the text.
4. The writer describes bamboo in the mountains in order to ________.
A.teach English to childrenB.introduce a plant
C.express his love for plantsD.show the quality of bamboo
5. The text is a ________.
7日内更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州屏东中学等2023-2024学年九年级下学期4月多校联考英语试题

10 . Resting my head on Helen’s shoulder, I put my arms round her waist. She drew me to her, and we rested in silence. We had not sat long before another person came in. Some heavy clouds, swept from the sky by a rising wind, had left the moon bright; and her light, coming in through a window near, shone full both on us and on the coming person, Miss Temple.

“I came on purpose to find you. Jane Eyre,” said she. “I want you in my room, and as Helen Burns is with you, she may come too.” We followed Miss Temple to her apartment. It had a good fire, and looked cheerful. Miss Temple told Helen Burns to be seated in a low arm-chair on one side of the fire place, and herself asking another, she called me to her side.

“Is it all over?” she asked, looking down at my face. “Have you cried your sadness away?”

“I am afraid I never shall do that.”


“Because I have been wrongly accused (指责), and everybody will now think me a bad girl.”

“We shall think you what you prove yourself to be, my child. Continue to act as a good girl, and you will satisfy us.”

“Shall I, Miss Temple?”

“You will.” said Miss Temple, “You have been accused of lying when you were little. Tell us the truth, but add nothing and exaggerate (夸大) nothing.”

I made up my mind that I would be most modest and most correct. Having thought for a few minutes about where to start, I told her all the story of my sad childhood.

1. Who might Miss Temple be in the passage?
A.She is Jane’s friend.B.She is Jane’s sister.C.She is Jane’s classmate.D.She is Jane’s teacher.
2. Which word can best describe Miss Temple?
3. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in paragraph 1?
A.Helen would rather leave Jane alone.B.Jane’s luck might change for the better.
C.Miss Temple was going to punish Jane.D.Jane was sad and wouldn’t be happy again.
4. Which is the right order for the changing of Jane’s feelings?
a. Doubtful       b. Hopeless       c. Sad and tired       d. Determined
5. According to the passage, which of the following is true about Jane?
A.She once behaved as a bad girl.B.She didn’t mind being accused.
C.She chose to trust Miss Temple.D.She decided to add something for her story.
7日内更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市福田区校联考2023-2024学年九年级下学期3月质量检测英语试题
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