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1 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断其后面所给句子的对错,并在答题卡上将所选的对应选项涂黑。选Right涂A,选Wrong涂B。

Birds are building their nests (巢) with rubbish, said a new study. The rubbish includes cigarette butts (烟头) and plastic bags.

A group of European scientists looked into about. 35, 000 studies on bird nests. They found that birds have used man-made things in nests almost everywhere on Earth.

Some rubbish seems to be helpful. This is why birds “like” putting it in their nests: For example, cigarette butts have some chemicals (化学物质) , so they can keep insects away and protect the chicks (雏鸟). Plastic bags are useful in keeping the animals warm, and other hard things, such as paper cards, can make nests stronger.

However, in the end, human rubbish may only bring more harm to birds. The chemicals in cigarettes hurt the chicks. The chicks may get sick or have shorter lives, according to a 2014 study.

To make matter worse, if the cigarette still burns when the bird brings it back to its home, it may set fire to the nest. Pieces of fishing net may also trap (缠住) birds, and it’s impossible for them to get out by themselves. If the chicks eat other kinds of rubbish by accident, they will also get hurt. Our friends in the air are feeling the bad effects of human polluting the environment.

1. Birds have used man-made things in nests everywhere on Earth.
2. Chemicals in the cigarette butts can keep insects away the birds’ nests.
3. Paper cards can make the birds’ nests more beautiful.
4. Birds may be hurt by pieces of fishing net.
5. The passage is mainly about the harm of birds building nest with rubbish.
今日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省聊城市东昌府区中考一模英语试题

2 .

The first “forest library” in Shanghai recently opened to the public. The library is built to keep the forest as it is. The library is in the open air and equipped (装备) with many benches and an information desk. It gives readers the chance to relax and read in a natural environment.

Known as Read & Joy Forest, the forest library is located in a green space area near Shanghai Library East. Covering an area of 20,546 square meters, it allows visitors to take a pleasant walk in the quiet and green forest. There are lots of different kinds of trees in the forest. The green spaces are connected by wooden walkways.

Having a library in the forest is such a wonderful idea. People enjoy themselves reading in the forest. “I love the fresh air and trees here,” said Wang Tao, a reader of the library, “The library makes it possible to enjoy reading in natural surroundings. I feel very relaxed here. I will come back for sure.”

Most of the visitors to the forest library are young people and parents with their children. They focus on reading or take an easy walk in the forest. “I was really attracted by the fresh air and the smell of the trees here. I’ve spent the whole morning indoors, and wanted to get some fresh air.” said one reader sitting on a bench.

1. Many trees were cut down to build the forest library.
2. The forest library is near Shanghai Library East.
3. There are many different kinds of trees in the forest.
4. Most of the visitors to the forest library are old people and their children.
5. The visitors enjoyed themselves reading or taking an easy walk in the forest.
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年吉林省长春市长春汽车经济技术开发区中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-判断 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . “Can I watch TV this evening?” Leo asked. “No. We have to watch your brother Victor’s soccer game,” Mum said and got her car keys.

“Must I go?” Leo didn’t want to go. He wanted to watch TV and played computer games in his room.

“Sorry, but this is Victor’s first soccer game in the school team. Come on and take your jacket. It’s cold outside.” Mum said. Leo didn’t say anything in the car. He was not happy.

After they got to the field, Leo said, “Mum, I don’t want to watch the second half. This isn’t interesting for me.” “But Victor always says you can give him good luck. He likes having you here,” Mum said. Leo thought about it and he found that supporting his brother is the right thing to do. “Come on, Victor!” Leo shouted. Victor scored. Soon the game was over.

“Hey!” Victor gave Leo a high five. “I played well, right?”

“You are great,” Leo said, “I want to watch your next game.”

1. Leo wanted to watch his brother’s soccer game at first.
2. Mum asked Leo to take a jacket because it was cold.
3. The second half of the game was not interesting.
4. Victor and Leo got on well with each other.
5. Supporting can bring happiness to people.

4 . Scientists have known for years that plants respond (回应) to sounds around them. But now scientists in Israel have shown that plants also seem to be doing some “talking”.

Professor Hadany and her team at Aviv University set up microphones to record tomato plants under different situations. The result showed that the plants made ultrasonic sound (超声波). When the researchers changed the sounds into ones that humans could hear, they heard sharp clicking noises.

As the scientists studied the sounds, they noticed the regularity. Plants hardly clicked when they had enough water. But as their soil got drier, they began to click.

When scientists cut off a stem (茎) from the plants, the plants also clicked more. But the clicking wasn’t the same as when the plants needed water. The result suggests that researchers might one day be able to use the plant’s sounds to find out when it is having trouble, and what trouble it is having. That could be very helpful to farmers.

The other research has shown that plants also make sounds to communicate in some ways. When insects attack a plant, it will give a warning to its neighbors. Soon, nearby plants start to make chemicals that don’t taste good to insects. It’s an effective (有效的) way for plants to protect themselves.

1. People can easily hear the sounds that the plants make without the help of technology.
2. The scientists found the plants couldn’t make the sounds “clicks” when the soil became drier.
3. The farming may develop fast if the plants’ sounds are put to good use.
4. It’s impossible that plants can protect their partners from insects’ harm through communication.
5. We can infer (推断) that the writer wants to increase the readers’ interest for nature science.
昨日更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-判断 | 容易(0.94) |

5 . Where does the seafood we eat come from? You may have a quick answer—the sea. But Xinjiang people may say, “It is not always true.”

Xinjiang is far from the sea. Now it welcomes a big harvest (丰收) of local “seafood”.

The most important thing for aquatic products (水产品) is water. Xinjiang has many rivers and lakes with water that is from the melting snow and glaciers (冰川) of the Tianshan Mountains. With the clean water, fish ponds can be built.

Also, land in Xinjiang has a lot of salt. This is not good for growing corn, rice and wheat. But “one man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure”. The land makes the underground water salty. People turn the water into “man-made seawater”. They then use it to keep sea fish, shrimp, crabs and so on.

Now, some of Xinjiang’s “seafood” goes to many cities in China. It also goes to countries in Southeast Asia.

Many people are worried about the safety of seafood because of the nuclear-contaminated water(核污染水). Now, Xinjiang’s “seafood” is becoming a new choice for seafood lovers.

1. Xinjiang is not far from the sea.
2. The most important thing for aquatic products is the weather.
3. Land in Xinjiang makes it possible to keep sea fish in Xinjiang.
4. Some of Xinjiang’s “seafood” is sent to many cities in China.
5. Seafood from Xinjiang becomes a new choice for seafood lovers.
昨日更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年新疆维吾尔自治区伊犁哈萨克自治州特克斯县乔拉克铁热克镇寄宿制初级中学中考一模英语试题(含听力)

6 . Five years is enough to compare yourself now and then. I have changed in many ways in the last five years.

Firstly, there is a change in my thinking. Five years ago I was childlike (孩子似的). I believed that the world was a place without problems. I thought that I would always have time for games and friends. Also, I was sure that if I had any problems my parents would always be around me. Now I have realized that sometimes there are problems in life that you have to deal with. Though I still believe that the world is a great place for living. What’s more, I know that sometimes, you have to deal with these difficulties alone. This change in my thinking makes me more responsible and serious than five years ago.

Secondly, there are some changes in my interests. Now I spend less time with friends and I am studying for exams. Five years ago it wasn’t so. I believed that there was nothing more important than playing football or watching cartoon movies.

Although I have changed in some ways, some things remain the same. For example, I still believe that making friends is not a waste of time. And I am sure that childhood is the best time in our life.

1. The writer is childlike now.
2. The writer knows that sometimes we have to deal with difficulties alone.
3. The writer now spends less time with friends.
4. The writer liked playing basketball and watching cartoon movies before.
5. The writer believes that making friends is not a waste of time.
昨日更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省武威第九中学2023-2024学年九年级下学期第一次月考英语试题
7 . 读下面一篇文章,然后判断文章后面的问题,正确的涂T,错误的涂F。

Every year, the world’s best minds create new inventions that make our lives safer, easier and more fun. Here are four new inventions.

AI Prosthetic Hand

Prosthetic hands have seen good progress over the years. A new smart prosthetic hand built by BrainRobotics is a first in its field.

The hand is powered by AI software that allows it to “learn” from its user. This kind of machine learning makes the hand feel more lifelike.

LightSail 2                 

Fuel is still the main source of power for most spacecraft. However, the fuel not only takes up space on the spacecraft, but also increases its weight. But a new type of spacecraft could end this problem by using the power of the Sun to sail through space.

The LightSail 2 satellite is a solar sail (太阳帆). It is powered by sunlight. Sunlight puts pressure on the sail, causing the spacecraft to move forward.

Meal Delivery Robot

US company Postmates has designed a meal delivery (递送) robot called Serve. With two eyes and four wheels, it can drive down sidewalks thanks to cameras inside it. Still, a human driver can control it from far away if there are any problems. The robot can carry up to 22 kg and travel 48 km on a single charge (单次充电).

DNA Data Writer

Storing (储存) large amounts of digital date is a problem for both companies and ordinary users. As it turns out, the secret to storing this state has been inside us all along.

Catalog, a teach company, has come up with a way to store data that works the same way as our DNA stores data inside of us. The DNA data writer prints and stores date on strands of man-made DNA. They are also stable (稳定的), making them safer to store date for longer amounts of time.

1. Software testing makes BrainRobotıcs’ Prosthetic hands work like real hands.
2. LightSail 2 is different from other spacecraft because it uses solar energy to sail.
3. The Meal Delivery Robot is designed to work inside a restaurant.
4. Big companies probably show interest in DNA data writers.
昨日更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省枣庄市峄城区中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-判断 | 较易(0.85) |

8 . You may know about many traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festival or the Lantern Festival, but have you ever heard of Dragon Heads-raising Day?

Dragon Heads-raising Day is also called the Spring Dragon Festival. It is on the second day of the second lunar (农历) month. It’s on March 11th this year. It comes from an old story. After that day, the Dragon King will wake up from his winter sleep and bring more rain. So that day is the start of spring and farming season.

One of the most interesting things is about the haircut. People believe that cutting hair during the first lunar month is not a good idea. It may bring bad things to your uncles. So people can only cut it on or after Dragon Heads-raising Day. Although it’s not true, many people still do it.

There are also other ways to celebrate this festival. For example, people eat food with dragon names. People call noodles dragon’s beard (胡须). Dumplings are dragon’s ears and spring rolls (春卷) are dragon’s scales (鳞). People also do dragon dances and make dragon lanterns. The lanterns stand for people’s best wishes and good luck.

1. Dragon Heads-raising Day is one of the traditional festivals in China.
2. Dragon Heads-raising Day always falls on the second day of the second month.
3. According to the old story, Dragon Heads-raising Day is the end of spring and farming season.
4. Many people have their hair cut on or after Dragon Heads-raising Day.
5. People make dragon lanterns to bring best wishes and good luck.
昨日更新 | 16次组卷
9 .

Researchers from the Soviet Union grew Arabidopsis thaliana (阿拉伯芥) on the Salyut 7 space station. They were the first plants that produced seeds (种子) in space.
America and Russia worked together to grow wheat in space. From August 12 to November 9, wheat plants grew in the greenhouse called Svet on Russia’s Mir space station.
American engineers developed Veggie, a greenhouse which could help plants grow on the International Space Station(ISS). In it, researchers grew a few lettuces perfectly safe to eat.
China successfully grew rice on its space station! The seeds arrived there on July 28. The plants grew well in the Wentian lab. They finished the whole life cycle there.
1. The first plant seeds produced in space were those of wheat.
2. Svet is the name of a space station.
3. Veggie could help plants grow on the International Space Station.
4. China successfully grew rice on its space station in 2014.
5. This reading mainly reviews humans’ history of growing plants in space.
7日内更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年吉林省吉林油田第十二中学中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-判断 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断所给句子正(T)误(F)。

Thanks to modern transportation (交通工具) such as planes and trains, you can get things from different parts of China. You can travel far and fast.

But what was life like in ancient times without modern transportation? About 2,500 years ago, Chinese people used the Grand Canal (大运河) to travel and carry things.

The canal was built from the Spring andAutumn Period (春秋时期). It is nearly 3,200 kilometers long. In the world, it is the longest man-made waterway and runs from Beijing in the north to Zhejiang in the south. With the canal, people in ancient China carried things more easily than by using horses and cows or traveling on foot.

Today, half of the canal is still making a difference to our life. To remember the canal, the United Nations issued (发行) a stamp of it on August 25th, 2021. It will let more people learn about the great waterway of China.

1. Because of the modern transportation, you can’t travel far and fast.
2. About 2,500 years ago, Chinese people used the Grand Canal to travel and carry things.
3. The Grand Canal is nearly 3,200 meters long.
4. With the canal, it was easier for people in ancient China to carry things.
5. Today, half of the canal is still making a difference to our life.
7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年西藏自治区中考二模英语试题
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