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1 . My school in the US just opened, but the COVID-19 is still a problem there. I had to stay in China and took online classes that were given by my school in Boston.

My teachers try to make their classes more interesting. My English teacher shows us memes (表情包) and plays music as part of her class.

Because of the time difference, I have to stay up late. I have to set alarms (定闹钟) to wake me up, as class goes from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., while in China we start at 8:00 a.m. Because I’m the only student in my class who is studying online, my teachers like to put me on a big screen. Everyone can see me yawn (打哈欠) clearly.

After my classes are over, I go to sleep at once. Sometimes, I try to enjoy the sun going up beautifully for a while. So far, so good!

正确的填“A”,错误的填“ B”。
1. The writer chooses to take online classes because COVID-19 is still a problem in China.
2. The school lasts eight hours in America.
3. The other students in the writer’s class don’t go to school like her.
4. The writer always wants to sleep when having class.
5. The writer thinks it is difficult but enjoyable to take lessons online.
2022-11-24更新 | 121次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市简阳市2022-2023学年八年级上学期期中英语试题(含听力)
2 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误,正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。

Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is decided ahead of time. He knows what he wants and his purpose is to find it and buy it; the price is a secondary consideration. Almost all men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it, the salesman immediately presents it and the business of trying it on follows at once. All being well, the deal can be completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone’s satisfaction.

For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop doesn’t have what he wants. In that case, the salesman usually tries to sell the customer something else; he does so with skill. “I know this jacket is not the want, sir, but would you like to try it for size? It happens to be the color you mentioned. “Few men have patience with this treatment, and the usual response is, “This is the right color and may be the right size, but I would be wasting my time and yours by trying it on.”

Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? Her shopping is often not based on need. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look”. She is always open to others’ advice. She will try on any number of things. Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. She is always looking out for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a room full of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour walking aimlessly from one comer to another, backwards and forwards. It is a tiring process but apparently an enjoyable one.

1. The passage is mainly about different shopping habits of men and women.
2. When a man is buying clothes, he buys whatever he likes without considering its price.
3. When a man cannot get exactly what he wants, he buys similar clothes of the color he wants.
4. Women shoppers welcome suggestions from others.
5. The most obvious (明显的) difference between men and women shoppers is that men do not try clothes on in a shop while women do.
2022-03-07更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021年四川省成都市天府第七中学中考三模英语试题

3 . A lot of people are crazy doing the shopping through the Internet now. Why is it so popular? There are some reasons. First, more and more people have their own computers and their computers can be joined with the Internet. So it is possible for many of them to do the shopping through the Internet. Second, shopping online can save money and lots of time. Third, they don’t need to go to the shop themselves.

Because of these good facts, few people refuse it. On the other hand, some people don’t like this new way of shopping. They are worried about the safety of shopping online. Customers can only see the pictures of products on the Internet. And they can’t enjoy the pleasure of buying things in large supermarkets or some wonderful stores. These are the reasons why they don’t like it.

But I think more and more people will like this kind of shopping in the future.

1. Only a few people are interested in shopping online.
2. Shopping online can only save money.
3. All the products on the Internet are not good.
4. Some people dislike shopping online because they don’t have their own computers.
5. The writer of the passage supports shopping online.
2021-11-22更新 | 160次组卷 | 3卷引用:黑龙江省佳木斯市桦南县第四中学2021-2022学年九年级上学期期中英语试题
4 .
The 100th Party founding anniversary(周年庆)

July 1, 2021 marked the 100th anniversary of the founding(成立) of the Communist Party of China(CPC). From its early beginnings with 50-odd members, the CPC has developed into a strong organization with thousands of members all over the country and has led China to become a great nation in the world.

Gu brings back more honor

Gu Ailing, the 17-year-old talented Chinese freekier(滑雪选手), made history on Friday by winning two gold medals at X Games Aspen 2021.

Born in the US, Gu learned how to ski from a very young age. She got Chinese citizenship(国籍) when she was 15. She wanted to compete for China in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. She hopes to “use sports as a bridge” between China and the US.

Tianwen 1 is one step closer to Mars!

Tianwen 1, China’s first Mars probe(火星探测器), successfully entered Mars orbit(轨道) in February, 2021, according to the China National Space Administration(CNSA). It will stay in orbit for about three months before landing on the red planet. Even a small step on the red planet will be a big step for humans.

Short videos see big growth

The number of online short video viewers(观众) in China reached 873 million by the end of 2020. This figure accounts for(占)88 percent of internet users, according to a recent report on China’s internet development. Compared with March 2020, the number rose by 100 million.

1. When was the founding of CPC?
A.On July 1, 2021.B.On July 1, 1921.C.On October 1, 1949.
2. Where was Gu Ailing born?
A.In England.B.In China.C.In America.
3. What does the writer think of Tianwen 1’s success ?
A.It has great meaning to the scientific study of the Mars.
B.It’s still impossible for humans to land on the Mars.
C.It will lead China to become a great nation in the world.
4. Which question can you find out the answer in the news?
A.When will China’s first Mars probe land on Mars?
B.Why do people like watching short videos?
C.Who taught Gu to learn to skin and won two gold medals?
5. Which is TRUE according to the passages?
A.CPC had thousands of members from its beginning.
B.Gu hopes to build a bridge between China and America.
C.By the end of March, 2020, there had been about 773 million video viewers.
2021-05-17更新 | 193次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021年四川省成都市青羊区中考二模(二诊)英语试题
书面表达-材料作文 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . 中共中央、国务院印发了《关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》,提出了中学生应该树立劳动最光荣、劳动最崇高、劳动最伟大、劳动最美丽的观念。根据下面提示,以“Should Middle School Students Do Housework?”为题写一篇英语短文,就家务劳动发表自己的观点。内容包括:

2你认为中学生应该做家务吗? 为什么(至少两点)?
2. 词数不少于80,开头已给出,不计入总词数

Should Middle School Students Do Housework?

Doing housework plays an important part in middle school students’ lives. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 . Outside, it’s a cold winter day. Inside a large shopping center, people are hanging around. But then, without warning, a pop song starts to play loudly. A teenage boy walks lazily to the center of the open space, and dances crazily to the music. He’s joined by two of his friends, then some of the old people. In a few seconds, more than sixty people are dancing to the music-all in time and all in step. At first, onlookers (旁观者) are puzzled, and then they start smiling and clapping. They now know what they’re seeing: a flash mob (快闪).

According to Wikipedia, the term “flash mob” was created by Bill Wasik, a magazine editor in 2003. It was so popular that the phrase entered the Oxford English Dictionary in a year. Since then, hundreds-possibly thousands-of flash mobs have been performed around the world, in almost every kind of public space you can imagine.

Each flash mob has its own style, but most flash mobs follow a similar formula (方案). Often, the organizers search for willing participants (参与者) using social media. Instructions and dance moves are given through the Internet. There are usually several rehearsals (排练) before the big day.

While it’s happening, a few lucky passers-by watch it live. Most people, however, will see it later online. Some of the most popular flash mobs on YouTube have been watched more than 10 million times. A famous example is MP3 Experiment Eight, a flash mob that took place in New York City in July 2011 with over 3,500 participants. This event was different from normal flash mobs because much of it was completely silent-there was no sound, and there was no rehearsal.

Flash mobs provide the participants, onlookers and online viewers with a lot of enjoyment and pleasure. For this reason alone, they’re a modern, popular art form that should be celebrated.

1. Why does the writer mention the Oxford English Dictionary?
A.To disagree with Bill Wasik.B.To show the fast development of flash mobs.
C.To tell us the meaning of “flash mob”.D.To compare it with Wikipedia.
2. Which is RIGHT about a “flash mob”?
A.No one can watch it while it is happening.B.Most people can watch it online.
C.They are all silent.D.There will be no rehearsals before the big day.
3. What is the writer’s opinion on flash mobs?
2021-05-12更新 | 192次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市星海实验中学2020-2021学年八年级上学期12月月考英语试题

7 . During the 1980s, artist Wilder created a song in about 30 minutes. That song, Break My Stride, has been played in films and TV shows over the years and turned him into a one-hit wonder.

Now, nearly forty years later, the song is being listened to by people who weren’t even born when it was created, thanks to its popularity on the social media(社交媒体)TikTok.

On TikTok, users usually share very short, usually 15-second, videos of themselves dancing, singing or doing something funny, most often set to music. Break My Stride became popular on TikTok earlier this year and has been used in over 800,000 videos. School students have posted videos of themselves dancing to the song. The pop song has the magic to make people feel like dancing. In one TikTok video that was liked 3.5 million times, the creator took a video of his mom sleeping and then photoshopped her into different backgrounds related to the words of the song, such as traveling across the sea to China in the row boat.

“Now with the coming of TikTok, it’s like having a hit record all over again with a whole new generation(一代人),” Wilder, 67, told CNN. Break My Stride recently has been on Apple Music’s Top 100 songs in over 20 countries.

Break My Stride isn’t alone. A number of other artists have seen their songs become popular on TikTok. The success of Lil Nas X’s Old Town Road depends heavily on its popularity on TikTok, where the song has been used in 7.5 million videos. The song finished 2019 in the UK as “Song of the Year”.

The success of these songs, both old and new, highlights the influence that social media have on arts and culture. TikTok is changing how musicians create and publicize their work.

1. What can be learned about the song Break My Stride?
A.It has become popular again.B.It was written 20 years ago.
C.It was first used in a TV show.D.It was hardly known at first.
2. What does TikTok allow users to do?
A.To get music for free.B.To watch long videos.
C.To share videos of their own.D.To study different kinds of music.
3. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Famous artists on TikTok.B.The success of social media.
C.“Song of the Year” in the UK.D.The popularity of other songs on TikTok.
4. What does the writer say about TikTok?
A.It has a long history.B.It has about 7.5 million users.
C.It is more popular than TV shows.D.It has a strong influence on arts.
5. The underlined word “highlights” has the closest meaning to _________.

8 . I went to my first concert last night.

The band I went to see was I-Prevail. But of course when you go to a concert, you can’t enjoy the band before you hear the openers. That was a bit of a shock to me considering that there were three openers before I-Prevail played anything. I honestly had never heard of any of the opening bands, but they weren’t bad at all.

Three hours passed and finally it was time for the band I came to see. But they didn’t sing when they got on stage (舞台). They first gave a speech to thank us for coming to watch their concert.

After the speech, the band finally began to play. Though that was my first concert, I had always talked to people who went to concerts a lot. They always seemed to mention that the group or singers doesn’t sound the same as they do on recordings. I-Prevail did not fall into this stereotype (陈规). The band sounded exactly like they do on their albums. That just shows this band was known for how good they are but not just how good they can make themselves sound on an album.

The concert was amazing and the night was great, but I honestly feel that a concert is 10 times better if you go with people you know and who just want to have a good time. The people I attended the concert with were amazing people and just had such a love for music, which made everything so much better. A concert is one thing, but having friends that enjoy music as much as you do is something you can’t miss. Last night was so much better just because I attended my first concert with some great friends.

1. How did the writer feel knowing there were three openers?
A.He found it hard to believe.
B.He considered it normal.
C.He became very angry.
D.He was happy about it.
2. What did the writer think of the band’s performance?
A.It was boring.B.It was old-fashioned.
C.It was wonderful.D.It was simple.
3. Why did the writer say “the night was great”?
A.He made some new friends that night.
B.He could watch the performance clearly.
C.He learned about the importance of friends.
D.He went with friends who also love music.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.My Most Valuable Experience.
B.My First Concert Experience.
C.My Favorite Music Band.
D.My Love for Music.
2021-05-10更新 | 184次组卷 | 2卷引用:2021年浙江省慈溪市中考一模英语试题
9 .

Should students get paid for good grades? The following are some different opinions.

Sandy’s son is an 8th grader. She said she didn’t believe in paying kids for good grades. “They’re supposed to do well at school and always try their best.” she said.

10-year-old Lisa is a straight “A” student and she said the grade itself was the reward. “I think, ‘oh my goodness, I got an ‘A’. I’m still a straight ‘A’ student. I’m fine with that.”

Her father added, “She’s proud of what she achieves on her own. We don’t need to motivate (激励)her further. ”

However, Nikki said her son Seth, 13, did need the push. “For C’s we don’t pay anything, but for B’s we give him five dollars and for A’s we give him ten dollars.”she said.

“I wasn’t doing that well,” explained Seth, “and then they started paying me for grades and my grades improved quickly.”

While that might sound good, Sara, an expert, warns parents against paying kids for good grades. “Yes, we do see a change, but a lot of times students couldn’t be really motivated,” said Sara.

Mary, mother of 12-year-old David, said, “We agreed to pay him for doing his job of going to school. If he gets an ‘A’, we give him $10. If he gets a ‘B’, there’s nothing. If he gets a ‘C’, he owes us $10.”

“I like the idea because it motivates me to try harder,” said David.

Still, experts warn that paying kids like David who already do well, can decrease their motivation, their creativity and their performance.

So, before you put a price on that report card, try to think about it carefully.

1. The underlined word “reward”in Paragraph 3 means “________” in Chinese.
2. Lisa and David ________.
A.are in the same gradeB.can get 10 dollars if they get an “A”
C.are glad to get paid for good gradesD.do well in their study
3. Which of the following does the writer probably agree with?
A.Experts’ opinions should be taken seriously.B.Parents should be strict with their kids.
C.Students should try their best to get an “A”.D.Parents can motivate kids by paying.
4. The writer develops the passage mainly by________.
A.following the order of importanceB.providing different opinions
C.following the order of timeD.showing research results
2021-05-08更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021年山东省济宁市梁山县中考一模英语试题

10 . On Dec. 14, 2019, Li Ziqi, a young Chinese woman won Person of the Year for her cultural influence.

With more than 21 million fans on Sina Weibo and 7 million followers on YouTube, Li has made a name for herself in her videos that show a pre-industrial Chinese way of life in the Sichuan countryside. “I want to do my part to let more people know about Chinese culture,” she said. “Much of the popularity of my videos is because of the beauty of our culture.” Li seems to have all kinds of skills. Many videos show that she is picking seasonal vegetables from her own garden and cooking them up with her wood-fired cooker. Li follows the seasons in her cooking and makes food suitable for the seasons.

“She told the stories of Chinese culture,” the official Sina Weibo account of CCTV noted. The success of Li Ziqi also comes from her “love for life, for her home and for Chinese culture”.

Indeed, Li’s simple pleasures amaze people in big cities. “She lives a life that many of us dream of but don’t dare to give up our life in exchange for,” iFeng.com wrote.

Her handmade lifestyle is a dream for many people. “In today’s society, many people feel stressed,” she told a newspaper reporter. “When they watch my videos at the end of a busy day. I want them to relax and experience something nice. I also hope the videos can take away some of their tiredness and stress.”

1. From the passage, we know Li Ziqi has ________ fans at home and abroad.
A.7 millionB.21 millionC.less than 28 millionD.over 28 million
2. Li’s videos are so popular because of ________.
A.her love for Chinese cultureB.her special wood-fired cooking style
C.her warm soup and delicious noodlesD.her beautiful looks and clothes
3. Why did Li Ziqi share her videos according to the last paragraph?
A.To make herself well-known worldwide.B.To help people cut down on some daily pressure.
C.To sell some of her handmade products.D.To teach people how to make delicious food.
4. According to the passage, the writer’s attitude(态度) towards Li Ziqi is ________.
5. The best title of the passage could be ________.
A.A Lifestyle Everyone Dreams ofB.The Spread of Chinese Culture
C.The Beauty of the CountrysideD.What the Country Life Is Like
2021-05-08更新 | 203次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省三明市2020-2021学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含听力)
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