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Have you ever heard     1     Devon? When I was a child, my family took a summer holiday each year in Devon. It took     2     three hours to drive there. It is     3     great way to take a holiday in England. Do you wonder why I say that? Here are some reasons.

First of all, it’s near the sea. This means you can     4     much time on the sand on sunny days.     5     it’s rainy, there are still a lot of things to do in Devon.

For     6    , you can simply find a place to eat something delicious. If you enjoy sweet things, you     7     be glad to know that Devon is famous for its candies. If you love history, you can visit some ancient buildings and take photos of them. If you are also     8     in geography, you will love Devon because there is an area by the sea with wonderful cliffs (悬崖). Luckily, you can find fossils (化石) of prehistoric (史前的) animals in the rocks!

In a word, Devon is a good place for a holiday. Whether it’s sunny or     9    , there are always a lot of things to do! So     10     not consider taking a trip there?

2024-06-27更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省河源市紫金县2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末英语试题
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Hello, everyone. First, I’d like to welcome you all to Jiaozuo. Usually,     1     takes about fifteen minutes to get to your hotel. But there     2     too many cars and buses on the road. So we’re arriving     3     the hotel a little bit late. Now I’d like to take a minute to introduce our city. This is     4     beautiful, quiet city for you to relax. You can shop in the big malls (购物中心), taste famous local food, or take a walk in the beautiful parks. You can also enjoy the beauty of green rivers and hills in the Yuntai Mountain Geological Park. Life here is     5     relaxing that I believe you will have a great time here!

2024-06-23更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省焦作市2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末英语试题
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China is the third biggest country in the world. Everyone who is interested in this great country might have already visited places such     1     Beijing, Shanghai or Chongqing. But where exactly is Wanzhou? What actually is Wanzhou?

Wanzhou is the second largest district (行政区) in Chongqing     2     about one million people in the city and around 800 thousand people in the     3     . Wanzhou is not only     4     for its delicious food, like cold noodles or baked fish, but also for special tourist spots, like the widest waterfall in Asia. Wanzhou is always worth the trip.

Wanzhou is a little far from most of the other districts, but the high speed train just needs about one hour and 20 minutes to Chongqing city. Wanzhou gives you almost     5     you need in your daily life. Wanzhou has a lot to entertain (娱乐) everyone. It does not matter whether you are young     6     old. You will find the young people in the shopping malls, gyms or food courts, the older generations (代) on big squares dancing and in the teahouse     7     cards or Mahjong. It might be a little noisy, but it is     8     boring.

2024-06-06更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市万州区2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题(含听力)
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“The high-speed railway trains are full of visiting tourists who want to go to Zibo, and the air is full of smell of barbecue (烧烤).” This is how netizens (网友) described Zibo, a city in East China’s Shandong Province, over the past few months.

    1     early March, Zibo local barbecue has become very hot across China. It offers a special dining experience to people from different areas. To attract (吸引) more tourists, especially     2     people, the city has recently introduced some rules. For     3    , students can enjoy three free stays at hotels each year, if they are not from Zibo. The city has also invited students from famous universities to visit Zibo for free. In these ways, the Zibo government shows     4     great wish to attract talented young people.

Of course, too many visitors in the city     5     lots of problems, but the government didn’t feel worried. Instead, it came up with many new supportive policies (政策) soon, such as setting up a “Golden Stove Award” (金炉奖), making a map of Zibo barbecue restaurants, and starting 21 tour buses to pick up tourists     6     they want to visit other places in Zibo. It     7     asks local people to work as volunteers to guide tourists.

So why does Zibo become so popular? There must be reasons     8     the delicious barbecue, the love for life, the kindness, and the hospitality (好客) of Zibo, Shandong.

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People often think of China’s water towns as “Venice in the East”. They are famous     1     their old buildings, bridges, canals and ways of life.

Lying in the north of Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province, the beautiful water town of Wuzhen is one such town. It has     2     history of over 6, 000 years. During those years, Wuzhen didn’t change its name, water system, or way of life. It is just like a living museum for people     3     get much knowledge.

People there built houses     4     were made of black bricks, grey tiles and white walls in the small town along the river. From the far distance it is just like a Chinese ink-wash drawing.

The place is quiet, and     5     are many nice cafes, restaurants and theaters. If you want to run away from the busy city life and relax, you can even have great fun on a boat tour. Wuzhen Water Town is a great choice.

2024-05-06更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河南省三门峡市中考一模英语试题(含听力)
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I came to Shanxi University as an international student from Bangladesh in October 2018. I found myself falling in love     1     Shanxi. And I became more interested in local life and knew more about the city.

    2     I first came here, I found it might be hard to start a new life in a new place. But with the help of my teachers and friends, I could adapt (适应) to the life here. I think their warm-hearted help     3     a main reason for my growing love of China. My experience in Shanxi is a chance to help open my     4     and I find life here is full of surprise. I love visiting different parts of Shanxi by cycling because it can help me have a better understanding of the city and make friends with local people.

With a recorded history of more than 3,000 years, Shanxi is one of the cradles (发源地) of ancient Chinese culture. The province     5     is called “a museum of ancient Chinese culture” has lots of treasures. Having lived in Shanxi for many years, I have been impressed by the Chinese people’s strong sense of pride in their traditional culture. Maybe you will enjoy this place like me.

2024-04-28更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山西省临汾市多校中考二模英语试题
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The weather is cold, but people’s hearts are not. Heilongjiang has become     1     popular travel place this winter.

The 25th Harbin Ice and Snow World continues to catch many tourists’ attention. The amusement park covers an area of 810, 000 square meters. Visitors mostly came to enjoy the beauty when it gets dark.     2     can take pleasure in more than 1, 000 works of art, all made of ice and snow. But the Harbin Ice and Snow World is not the only place     3     go. There are many other good choices, too. Tourists can also enjoy having barbecues (烧烤) in Qiqihar and going to hot springs in Daqing. They could even watch the sun rise in Fuyuan, China’s easternmost city.

The Harbin subway is running longer hours to meet people’s needs. Passengers can use free tickets to travel between the stations of the Sun Island     4     the Ice and Snow World. So it’s easier for them to go to the two main events taking place there.

Heilongjiang also wrote a thank-you letter to all the tourists. It thanked them for visiting and taking part in different activities. Even in a cold season like this, the enthusiasm (热情) of tourists can     5     felt all over the country.

2024-04-26更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河南省开封市中考一模英语试题(含听力)
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Puyang is a charming city located in the northeastern part of Henan Province, China. It is known     1     its rich history, cultural heritage (遗产), and beautiful natural scenery.

In 1987, at Xishuipo, Puyang City, a dragon pattern made of clamshells (蛤壳) dating back to 6400 years ago was excavated (挖掘). It is named as the “First Dragon of China”.

Famous historical people from Puyang, such as Cang Jie, Shang Yang, Wu Qi and so on left us lots of encouraging stories. The Chinese surnames (姓氏), including Zhang, Fan and Yao were all originated in Puyang, which attracted many overseas Chinese     2     seek their roots (寻根).

In addition to its history and culture,     3     are many famous attractions in Puyang. The beautiful rivers run through the city, offering wonderful views and opportunities for boat rides. The city     4     also surrounded (环绕) by parks, and gardens, making it a peaceful and beautiful place to explore.

Overall, Puyang is a city     5     offers a perfect blend (交融) of history, culture, and natural beauty, making it a must-visit destination for travelers.

2024-04-26更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河南省濮阳市南乐县中考一模英语试题(含听力)
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Have you ever     1     to Dali? It’s a beautiful place to have fun for all kinds of people. It’s in the west of Yunnan Province. It’s famous     2     its winds, flowers, snow and moon. Three Pagodas Temple has been the symbol of Dali. The three pagodas have a history of more than 1,000 years. Cangshan Mountain is covered with snow all year round. It’s unbelievable that Erhai Lake is really like an ear. It’s     3     of the biggest freshwater lakes in Yunnan. There are many delicious food. Thousands of people come to visit it every year. If you want a trip, then Dali is     4     good choice. If you come here, don’t forget to take your camera. Then you can take lots of photos. You can enjoy     5    .

2024-04-17更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津译林版英语八年级下册期末专项四 语篇填空
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10 . Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. If you like sightseeing, you’ll enjoy it. People’s Square is in     1     centre of Shanghai. There     2     birds, fountains and green grass in the large public area.

The Bund is where old Shanghai meets new Shanghai. You can see many old buildings     3     you walk along it. The Pudong New Area has many modern buildings. At night, these buildings light up the sky in every direction.

Yu Garden is a traditional garden     4     many beautiful buildings, bridges and ponds. You’ll love     5     if you enjoy history and natural beauty. You can also buy different snacks outside the garden.

2024-04-15更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town! Unit 3 综合训练
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