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1 . Wouldn’t it be great if you could correct your eyesight, especially nearsightedness, and reduce your dependence on glasses and needn’t have eye surgery? The solution is called orthokeratology, or ortho-k (角膜塑形镜).

What is ortho-k?

Orthokeratology( ortho- k)is the fitting of specially designed contact lenses (隐形眼镜) that you wear overnight while you are asleep, the lenses gently reshape the front surface of your cornea (角膜) so you can see clearly the following day after you remove the lenses when you wake up.

How long does the ortho-k effect last?

You should be able to see acceptably well without glasses or contact lenses for a day or two, sometimes longer. For best results, one should wear the ortho- k lenses every might.

Who are good candidates for ortho-k?

Most people with mild to average nearsightedness are good candidates for ortho-k. Because the cornmeal reshaping effect is temporary, little risk is involved, and you can discontinue wearing the lenses at any time. Children and young adults who want to be gases-free but are too young for eye surgery or are afraid of taking the surgery often are good candidates for ortho-k. People who participate in contact sports or work in dusty environments that can have problems for contact lens wear also can be good candidates.

How much does ortho-k cost?

Costs also can vary based on the region of the country and the type of practice where you have the procedure performed. Ortho-k prices in the US generally range from $1, 000 to $2, 000 But particularly difficult cases of ortho-k can cost as much as $4.000.

There are additional costs for lens care solutions and following up exams, which can total about $300 to $ 500 per year.

Finally, keep in mind that, as with all contact lenses, there are some possible side effects of wearing ortho-k lenses. Ask your eye doctor for details.

1. According to the passage, which way is introduced to correct eyesight?
A.Performing an operation of the cornea.
B.Applying contact lenses in the daytime.
C.Fitting proper glasses during the night.
D.Wearing especially designed contact lenses.
2. Which of the following statements is right?
A.You have to wear ortho-k day and night to ensure good results.
B.Ortho-k is a good choice for a man with average nearsightedness.
C.The cast of ortho-k in the city is higher than that in the countryside.
D.There is no need for people to worry about the side effects of ortho-k.
3. How much will a person pay for using otho-k for the first year at least?
A.1, 000.B.$1, 300.C.$1, 500.D.$2, 000.
完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . My father couldn't do a regular job. To make ends meet, he and I ________ beans every summer on farms. It was hard work, and the farmers ________ by the pound, not the hour.

Bottom beans were harder to pick. My father and I ________ picked on opposite sides of the same row, and his constant, ________ reminders to “pick from the bottom up” still ring in my ears.

We had row bosses who would ________ the vines (藤蔓) and step into our world ________ to check the area we had picked. When we picked for ________ per pound, we wanted to pick where the beans were ________, and didn't want to spend our time retracing (折回) our steps. ________, I was sent back a lot by the bosses. When that ________, my father would step through the vines and pick back towards me ________ we cleaned up my mess. The vines were so thick that we couldn't ________ each other, but we always talked while we worked. His ________ would come, “Are you picking clean?”

He taught me that anything worth doing — jobs, hobbies, relationships — should be picked ________.

The money we earned in the bean fields was barely enough to be worthwhile. But the ________ I got — pick clean, bottom up, both hands — shaped me.

A.For exampleB.At firstC.Of courseD.In return
2021-06-14更新 | 312次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省衡水市衡水中学2021届高考考前临门一脚模拟考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了美国作家Michelle Francl在她的新书《Steeped: The Chemistry of Tea》中提出的泡茶方法引起了英国人的热议。

3 . It was an innocent little detail, backed by centuries of science, in a chemistry book about tea, something American author Michelle Francl never anticipated would cause a stir among the British.

In her new book, Steeped: The Chemistry of Tea, Francl analyzed caffeine levels and studied the molecules that give tea its good smell. She uncovered the little-known presence in tea of other chemicals, including fluoride and aluminum. And she also mentioned a careful study of an 8th-century Chinese article that called for salt to be added to the boiling water.

“The sodium ions (钠离子) in the salt block our sense of bitterness,” says Francl, a chemistry professor at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania. “So if you put a tiny bit of salt in — not enough to taste — you make the cup of tea or coffee smoother and less bitter.”

The recipe for a perfect cup of tea, she wrote in her book, includes a little salt. And for tea with milk, Francl recommends warming the milk first, so that it doesn’t curdle (凝结) when it hits the hot water.

Sounds harmless, right? But anyone with British friends and loved ones — or who’s spent more than five minutes in the United Kingdom — will know that recipe amounts to blasphemy. Within hours of the publication of Francl’s book, face palm emojis (捂脸表情) were appearing across the British Isles.

“Hot milk and salt!? Who is this person?” radio host Toni McDonald shouted on his program.

“This scientist supposes that the only way to have a decent cup of tea is with a little salt? That’s foolish!” another radio host, Vic Minett, said.

To respond to these complaints, the U.S. Embassy’s public affairs officer, Rodney Ford told the press, “We want to say to the good people of the U.K. that the unthinkable idea of adding salt to Britain’s national drink is not official United States policy — and never will be.”

1. Why is the Chinese article mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To tell us where Francl got her idea.
B.To prove tea making enjoys a time-honored history.
C.To introduce the social background of Francl’s book.
D.To explain how tea-making was brought to Britain from China.
2. What can reduce the bitter taste in the tea according to the text?
A.Salt.B.Boiling water.C.Curdled milk.D.An unknown chemical.
3. What does the underlined word “blasphemy” in paragraph 5 mean?
4. What did Francl’s book cause in Britain?
A.Tea craze.B.Heated discussion.C.Policy change.D.Public anger.
2024-04-19更新 | 76次组卷 | 4卷引用:2024届河北省张家口市尚义县第一中学等校高三下学期4月模拟测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . The Oxford English Dictionary is available by subscription (订阅)to institutions and individuals. We are pleased to offer annual individual OED subscriptions at a reduced rate of $90 in the US (usually $295) or $122 for the Rest of the World (usually $294) until May 31,2021.


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1. How much can an annual subscriber in the U.S. save now?
A.$J22. B.$172. C.$205. D.$ 295.
2. Which is required for an individual subscriber?
A.Paying in advance for a year."
B.Using a fixed computer to log on.
C.Changing the passwords regularly.
D.Signing in each time to access the service.
3. What is available only to institutional subscribers?
A.A free trial.
B.A low price.
C.A promotional code.
D.7/24 customer service.
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The competition Michael Stone, a blind man, faced today was fierce. The pole was set at 17 feet. That was three inches higher than his personal best. Michael faced the most_______day of his pole- vaulting(撑竿跳) career.

As long as Michael could_______he had always dreamed of flying. Michaels mother read him many stories about flying when he was_______. Her excitement and enthusiasm made Michael’s dreams full of_______and beauty.

From the age of 14, Michael_______every day with weights and running. The program was carefully_______by Michael’s father.

All of Michael's vaults today seemed to be the_______for his hard work. As soon as he_______on the mat full of air,the crowd stood on their feet in surprise. Without hesitation,Michael_______began preparing for his next attempt. He seemed________of the fact that he had just surpassed (超出) his personal best by three inches and that he was one of the final two________in the pole vaulting event.

When Michael cleared the________at 17 feet 4 inches, again he showed no emotion. What he needed were constant________and strong determination. As he________his turn and heard the other let out a sigh, Michael knew the other vaulter had________his final jump. He knew it was time for his________jump. He knew it was time to________when he heard the singing of some distant bird.

As he began________, something felt wonderfully different, yet________. Michael Stone was now flying, just like in his childhood________.He set a new world record National Junior Olympics record.

A.catching onB.growing upC.giving inD.breaking down
A.worked outB.made upC.turned overD.fit in
2020-07-09更新 | 342次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020届河北省衡水中学高三卫冕联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Great Theatres in the World

The Palais Garnier


The Palais Garnier is the best known theater of Paris. In 1669 Louis XIV gave a green light to the opera theater foundation in honor of the poet Pierre Perren and the composer Robert Kamber. Throughout centuries the theater changed its name and location several times up to the moment it appeared in Paris district in the nineteenth century.

Palace of Catalan Music


The Palace of Catalan Music in Barcelona is a quite young opera house founded in 1891. The facade (外观) of the Palace reminds that in Spain it is the place where the European and Arabian cultures connected closely.

But the main feature of the concert hall is its lighting. The illumination (照明) is completely natural. The Palace of Catalan Music’s roof is made of color glass fully. Lights of the sun create an indescribable effect!

Vienna State Opera


Vienna State Opera was built in 1869. Its opening was marked by Mozart’s opera Don Juan. On the other hand, the building often became the object of severe criticism since it was built in extremely widespread neo-renaissance style.

La Scala Opera House


In 1776, the Milan architect Giuseppe Piermarini liked the piece of earth on the site of the destroyed Church of Santa Maria Della Scala. He decided to construct the opera theater on this place, which inherited (继承) the name of its ancestor building. The Europa Riconosciuta by the composer Antonio Salieri became the first opera of the La Scala theater.

1. Which theatre has the longest history?
A.The Palais Garnier.B.Palace of Catalan Music.
C.Vienna State Opera.D.La Scala Opera House.
2. What is most distinguished about Palace of Catalan Music?
A.Its location.B.Its adoption of natural light.
C.Its historical background.D.The styles of different periods.
3. What do Vienna State Opera and La Scala Opera House have in common?
A.They both received criticism.
B.They were both totally destroyed.
C.They were both constructed on the site of a church.
D.Their openings are both marked by shows of masterpieces.
2023-02-09更新 | 84次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省2022-2023学年高三下学期全过程纵向评价(二)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Jose Hernandez made his dream of becoming an astronaut a reality and he did so despite unbelievable difficulties.

“I was working in a field near Stockton, and I heard on my radio that Franklin Chang-Diaz had been selected for the Astronaut Corps," said Jose, who was a senior in high school at the timed was already interested in science and engineering, Jose remembered, "but that was the moment I said, "I want to fly in space.' "

As one of four children in a migrant(移民)farming family from Mexico, Jose - who didn't learn English until he was 12 years old - spent much of his childhood traveling with his family from Mexico to southern California each March, then working northward to the Stockton area by November, picking strawberries and cucumbers at farms along the route. They would then return to Mexico for Christmas and start the cycle all over again in the spring. "Some kids might think it would be fun to travel like that,“ Jose laughed, "but we had to work”.

After graduating from high school, Jose was admitted into the University of the Pacific, In 1987, he accepted a full-time job with Lawrence National Laboratory. In 2001, Jose joinedtheJohnson Space Center, where he came face-to-face with Franklin Chang-Diaz.

“We actually had common experiences —asimilar upbringing, the same language issues. That built up my confidence. Any barriers that existed, he had already overcome them.” Jose smiled. "Now it's my turn!,,

“NASA rejected me not once, not twice, not three times but 11 times. It wasn't until the 12th time that I got selected, he said. Jose was selected as part of the 19th class of astronauts in 2004. He circled the globe 217 times but remains a down to Earth guy.

Jose Hernandez received the 2016 National Hispanic Hero Award and he continues his long history in the field of engineering and space.

1. What made Jose determined to be an astronaut?
A.The influence of Astronaut Corps.
B.The success of Franklin Chang-Diaz.
C.His interest in science and engineering.
D.The experience of working in the field.
2. What can we learn about Jose as a child?
A.He did much farm work.B.He travelled a lot for fun.
C.He hated learning English.D.He obeyed his family in everything.
3. How did Jose feel when he met Franklin Chang-Diaz personally?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Climb over BarriersB.Reach for the Stars
C.Work the Hard WayD.Learn from Your Past
完形填空(约240词) | 容易(0.94) |

8 . I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week .It was one of the most _______and tiring games I’ve ever had. When Ed first phoned and _______ we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an _______ victory. After all, Ed’s idea of _______ has always been nothing more _______ than lifting a fork to his mouth. _______ I can remember, Ed’s been the least physically fit member in the family, and _______ proud of himself. His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often _______ about that, Ed refused to buy a _______ T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed __________ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly __________ I was so surprised that I was __________.My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape. __________, at the point in our game when I’d have predicted(预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was __________ 7 to 9-and Ed was __________ . The sudden realization was painful. We __________ to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up, I was having serious __________ about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone __________ that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to __________. In a way, I think we both won in the game: I won the game, but cousin Ed my __________.

A.As soon asB.As long asC.WhenD.Since
A.set outB.got readyC.arrivedD.returned
A.After allB.As a resultC.Above allD.At last
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Micro plastics are tiny bits of plastic often too small to be seen. Plastic doesn't decompose like natural materials. Instead, it just breaks into smaller and smaller pieces. No one knows exactly how much plastic is in the oceans. Since the sea is so large and so deep, it s hard to get a good idea of how much plastic it contains. But in recent years, scientists have made greater efforts to get a more accurate idea.

Some studies have suggested that since 1950. about 17 million metric tons(公吨)of plastic have entered the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists believe that the plastic previously found on beaches and on the surface of the water is only about 1% of all the plastic in the oceans. Researchers from the United Kingdom (UK) want to find out where the other 99% was.

For two months in 2016 the researchers took samples at 12 different locations in the Atlantic Ocean from the UK to South America. They collect water samples from three different depths in the top 200 meters. By running the water through special fllters(过滤器),they were able to collect the micro plastics, which they could view and study with a microscope.

Based on their measurments. the researchers learned that just the top 200 meters of the Atlantic Ocean holds between 12 and 21 million metric tons of plastics. But the Atlantic Ocean is very deep, and the scientists only checked the top 200 meters. They say that if microplastics are spread through the rest of the Atlantic like they were in the top 200 meters, thin there are probably about 200 million metric tons of microplastics in the Atlantic Ocean.

Though the scientists only studied the Atlantic ocean the results suggest that there may be far more microplastic in all oceans than we realized. The problems go far beyond ocean pollution. Microplastic particles have been found just in everywhere around the world from Antarctica to the bottom of the sea.

Scientist predict that the amount of plastic entering our oceans is likely to triplet over the next 20 years. Having a good idea of how much plastic is already then might be a good first step to fighting the problem.

1. What does the underlined word “decompose” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.turn upB.break down
C.give offD.bring out
2. What is the latest idea about the plastic in the seas?
A.Previous data of plastic consists of only a very small part.
B.There is only 17 million metric ton of plastic on the earth.
C.The amount of plastic in the seas is on the decrease in recent years.
D.The amount of plastic in the seas is increasing by 1 % yearly.
3. What is the author’s attitude according to the text?
4. What does the author expect to take place?
A.More pollutants will turn out in the future.
B.Measures will be taken to deal with plastic.
C.The oceans will be cleaned in the future.
D.More people will be aware of plastic pollution.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . When COVID-19 hit and gyms began to close, Laura Novak was let go from her job as a part-time trainer. Despite losing a large part of her income, Novak knew she had another source to depend on: Tik Tok. As a former gymnast, the 31-year-old is often sharing clips of herself training on the bars or doing another type of workout while making money through brand partnerships.

Novak stressed that Tik Tok, which she’s been on since August of 2019, has been a really helpful source of income right now as a fitness trainer.

The timing of a potential ban of Tik Tok doesn’t bode well for the company that recently announced a plan to hire 10,000 staff in the U.S. over the next three years. The company also announced that it would give creators in the U.S. over $1 billion in the next three years “to encourage those who dream of using their voices and creativity to spark inspirational careers” on Tik Tok.

While social media Apps and their popularity have always been precarious, Tik Tok has managed to be a win-win situation for the platform’s creators and brands looking to reach specific audiences. Sam Gach, a 28-year-old in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is known for posting yoga tutorials on Tik Tok. Gach told in media that while he’s on other platforms, Tik Tok has become one of his most important ones.

“It’s my fastest growing platform,” Gach said, who has 89,600 followers on the App. “It’s a bit nerve-wracking, but I think right now, from what I’m hearing, it sounds like it may not be banned, but it’s still very uncertain.”

Gach said “If it is though, I would not be happy about it,” adding he’s made a few thousand dollars from Tik Tok in the last month, but it’s all still very new. Gach said if Tik Tok got banned, it would certainly negatively influence his ability to build an audience.

1. How did Tik Tok benefit Novak according to paragraph 1?
A.By encouraging her to be confident.B.Вy promoting her to build a brand.
C.By accompanying her to kill time.D.By helping her to earn a living.
2. Which of the following best explains “precarious” underlined in paragraph 4?
3. What do we know about Sam Gach?
A.He feels stressed about the potential ban.B.He’s a devoted fan of Tik Tok.
C.He’s sure about the future of Tik Tok.D.He’s unsatisfied with the amount of his audience.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The trend of applying high-tech.B.The disadvantage of social media.
C.The way of improving income.D.The dependence on a platform.
共计 平均难度:一般