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1 . About Scholastic Kids Press

Scholastic Kids Press is a group of talented kid reporters, ages 10-14, from across the country and around the world. Since 2000, our award-winning young journalists have reported “news for kids, by kids”, covering politics, entertainment the environment, sports and more in their hometowns and on the national stage. Their stories appear online and in Scholastic magazines, which reach more than 25 million students in classrooms nationwide.

Scholastic Kid Reporters have made headlines(头条)by interviewing Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Lin-Manuel Miranda, environmentalist Jane Goodall, Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden, Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, Dog Man author Dav Pilkey, actress Misty Copeland and more.

Contact Info

Email us at kidspress@scholastic.com.

How to apply?

We are now accepting Kid Reporter applications for the 2023-2024 program year. Learn more and download the application here.

The application to join Scholastic Kids Press includes writing a news story, story ideas and a personal article. Editors select Kid Reporters every year based on writing ability, interviewing skills and attention to detail.

To be considered, applicants must be between 10-14. Students in any part of the world are welcome to apply.

What do Scholastic Kid Reporters write about?

Throughout the year, Scholastic Kid Reporters cover issues and topics that matter most to them and their peers(同龄人). This includes current events, breaking news, entertainment, sports and more from their communities.

The Kid Reporter application is now open! Click here to learn more.

1. Why does the author mention some people in the second paragraph?
A.To show Scholastic Kid Reporters’ success.
B.To introduce Scholastic Kid Reporters’ various readers.
C.To prove Scholastic Kid Reporters’ effects on famous people.
D.To tell us the topics Scholastic Kid Reporters value.
2. What does Scholastic Kids Press pay much attention to about the applicants?
A.The place they come from.B.Their age.
C.Their personal experience.D.The language they speak.
3. What do Scholastic Kid Reporters mainly cover?
A.Skills in making delicious food.B.Stories of their parents.
C.The most important things for kids.D.Housework suitable for children.
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2 . Reading can make you feel less alone and more connected with the world at large. It can open your eyes to issues, successes and challenges that you never dreamed of, and take you to faraway places. Here are the top books all teens should read before they turn 18.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

Though this book recently became popular again due to the release of the movie version, the movie is not a substitute for this beautiful story about family and the process of becoming who you truly are through the angle of space and time exploration.

Wonder by R. J. Palacio

Auggie was born with a facial difference that kept him out of school for years. In fifth grade, he discovers what it’s like to long for normalcy and also that difference can be the most meaningful teacher.

Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson

The author shares beautiful poetry that will speak to teenagers about her experience of growing up in the South as an African-American in the 1960s and 1970s. The poems are charged with the themes of self-awareness and identity.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The attractive advice given in this book is perfect for teens going off to college or beginning a new stage of independence. It is a book that can be reread all throughout life without losing its power.

1. What is special about A Wrinkle in Time?
A.It shows a teen’s difference.B.It’s about space exploration.
C.It has been adapted for film.D.It has opened teenagers’ eyes.
2. Whose book is based on personal experience?
A.Jacqueline Woodson’s.B.R. J. Palacio’s.
C.Madeleine L’ Engle’s.D.Don Miguel Ruiz’s.
3. Which book is intended for teens stepping into a novel life?
A.A Wrinkle in Time.B.Wonder.
C.Brown Girl Dreaming.D.The Four Agreements.
2022-09-05更新 | 530次组卷 | 16卷引用:河北省泊头市2022-2023学年高一上学期9月第一次质量监测英语试卷 (含听力)
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。出生在印度一个村庄的Srikanth Bolla出生时就是盲人,虽然那里的人都认为残疾人没用,但是他的父母没有放弃他,反而努力培养他,最终他2012年毕业后,成立了以残疾人为主的Bollant产业。

3 . Born blind is unfortunate in any case. But things were even harder for Srikanth Bolla who was born in a small village in India, where the common belief was that kids with disabilities were “of no use” and therefore, better off dead. Fortunately, Srikanth’s parents loved their son and refused to give him up. Instead, they encouraged the blind boy to dream big and reach for the stars.

Srikanth did not disappoint his parents. The now twenty-four-year-old man is the founder and CEO of Bollant Industries.

Of course, getting here was not easy. Being both blind and poor meant that Srikanth had to face hard challenges. As a young boy, Srikanth attended a regular school near his home. Unfortunately, the students and teachers didn’t quite like him because of his disability. As a result, the young boy was largely ignored and often spent the entire day alone.

Concerned this would hold back Srikanth’s development, his family decided to send him to a special school in Hyderabad. Sure enough, the young boy soon rose to the top of his class, earning awards in speech and debate competitions. But Srikanth was prevented from studying science when he reached 10th grade, because it was thought too dangerous for a blind student. Not wanting to give up, Sriksanth took legal action and became the first blind student in the country allowed to study science.

Later, after graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Srikanth set up Bollant Industries in 2012. For just four years, it has become a powerhouse with over 450 employees,70% of whom are physically challenged.

Being disabled doesn’t mean being unable. “If the world looks at me and says ‘Srikanth, you can do nothing’, I will look back at the world and say I can do anything,” says the young man.

1. What made little Srikanth live?
A.His luck.B.His parents’ love.
C.A wonderful dream.D.A village’s common belief.
2. How did Srikanth’s family deal with his challenges in the regular school?
A.By letting the child bear them.B.By moving to another place.
C.By sending him to a special school.D.By complaining to relevant departments.
3. Why was Srikanth refused to study science at first?
A.He was too young to study it.B.He was disliked by his teachers.
C.It was illegal for him to do so.D.It was considered unsafe for the blind man.
4. What kind of person is Srikanth?
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4 . Columbia high school girls’ soccer team had lost every game in the season until a new ______stepped in two years ago.

Stuart Henley, a former soccer player and now a truck driver, ______the team and started training hard in February 2020. He ______the progress of the girls to team-building activities to help them bond on and off the field. He focused on the basics of football like passing, ______, and movement to try and bring the girls up to a good standard. His ______: coaches could give them guidelines, but girls ______what they felt they needed to work on.

Obviously, the girls were onto something big in the new season. They ______the skills they had learned and teamwork into their ______, which led them to an ______run of eight games, until they were sadly beaten 3-2 by Wyrley Pumas Team. Although this means they have been _____ the league title, the team have still exceeded (超出) expectation by earning the ______to the county’s top division.

“Whatever brings you down will ______make you stronger, especially for girls.” Captain Chelsea said, “Stuart has really ______our girls the philosophy of playing soccer. We’re going into next season full of confidence and ready to compete against tougher ______, but for now we’re still very much enjoying our ______.”

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5 . I lean back on the wooden bench and the day’s stresses are gone. It seems perfectly placed for this spot, a place of my ______ and growth. It has really ______ me to a world I’ve never imagined.

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. Before surgery, my doctor told me to______out much to help with recovery. So I returned to hiking in the nearby woods. My fear was ______, but I still felt lonely.

My fearlessness ______. As everyone expected, the surgery went ______. I imagined what I could ______ when getting home. One day, I thought of building a bench because I loved ______. And I was only ______ enough to do a little bit each day. However, I was getting better in the work. Finally, I placed the bench I made in the yard, but it didn't feel like the right _______.

One morning, I passed by the woods, _______ to find many cyclists and climbers there. It was a world of _______ beyond my imagination, I put the bench there, built a wooden box and left a notebook and a pen inside. I wrote on the first page, "This is my favorite spot. I'd love to know what it_______ to you."

The next day, I _______ the first entry: Facing pressure every day, I keep on going because I have this place to get away from it all. People regularly stop to sit on the bench and pour out their_______ and write encouraging words to me in the notebook. Now, my life is fuller and I no longer feel lonely.

A.let outB.paid offC.went downD.broke off
2022-03-24更新 | 553次组卷 | 8卷引用:河北省任丘市第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了David 家的爱犬 Baya 不慎丢失,家人都非常伤心。两年后,有人发现了一只流浪狗,通过狗身上的芯片证实是 Baya,Baya 终于和主人团聚的故事。

6 . David lost his beloved dog Baya before Christmas two years ago. Baya was active and cute. David’s family spent many days _________ for their furry (毛茸茸的) family member. The kids said they wouldn’t want any _________ from Santa Claus. They just wanted to get their dog back. All attempts to find her turned out to be _________. Baya was nowhere to be found. It seemed that the family wouldn’t have any more _________.

Two years later, a homeless dog _________ alone on a busy road. Someone _________ it to the Animal Protection Association (协会). Thanks to the microchip (芯片) planted in the dog, the association was able to _________ the owner. They _________ David. When David got a phone call that they were going to get Baya back, the family were pretty _________.

Obviously, Baya is __________ to living in this home. She is quite __________ of where her feeding bowl is. Even though Baya isn’t the dog she used to be, David is confident she’ll become her old __________ again. He said, “She was a very healthy and __________ dog. She’s not like that anymore, but we’re going to get her back. Our whole family are taking __________ of her. Kids play with her happily. She’s __________ her joyful nature. We will love her even more.”

A.refer toB.rely onC.track downD.cheer for
2024-02-15更新 | 258次组卷 | 5卷引用: 河北省沧州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

High school years are a large part in    1    (shape) the person you are going to become. A school often    2    (provide)education for you,and it can also be a place     3    you can develop relationships with many different people,join clubs,and participate in a variety of different sports.These years can make you become a high school student    4    (fill)with many different emotions,including happiness, anger,sadness, envy, loneliness,stress,and a numerous amount more.This is also a time when peer(同龄人)pressure is most commonly put upon a vast majority of teens.

Peer pressure is the influence from members of one's peer group.This can include influencing another to drink,smoke,cheat on a test,lie,skip class,and etc.The list is     5    (end).Peer pressure at high school is both harmful    6     effective because it can lead to teen depression,high stress levels,negative behavior    7    (issue),and poor decision making and outcomes.

Despite the fact that peer pressure is most commonly seen as a very negative issue,it can     8    (see)positively in some situations.This can involve pressuring your peers to avoid   drugs,be honest,avoid alcohol,respect others,work hard,exercise,be kind, be responsible,and more.Friends and peer    9    (actual)affect the choices you make.Choosing to have good friends can have a very strong effect    10     you.

2020-06-10更新 | 1262次组卷 | 17卷引用:河北省沧州市泊头市第一中学2020-2021学年高二第一次月考英语试题
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8 . Four Self-Portraits (自画像) by Famous Artists

Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino)—“Self-Portrait”, 1506

One of the beautiful self-portraits by famous artist Raphael was drawn at the age of 23. It measures around 45cm×33cm and is located at the world-famous Uffizi Gallery. The Italian painter used oil on board to draw his self-portrait, which was the clearest and the most recognizable self-portraits of Raphael himself.

Leonardo da Vinci—“Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk”, 1512

“Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk”is a self-portrait of da Vinci at the age of 60 and measures around 33.3cm×21.6cm, which is on display in Biblioteca Reale, Turin, Italy. It is drawn with red chalk on paper and represents the head of an elderly man in a three-quarter view. In the portrait, the length of the hair is uncommon in Renaissance (文艺复兴) portraits.

Rembrandt van Rijn—“Self-Portrait with Beret and Turned-up Collar”, 1659

Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn painted his self-portrait in 1659 when he was 53 years old. It shows his worried expression that clearly portrays the troubled condition of his mind at that point of his life since the year 1659 was a year of anxiety for him. This self-portrait found its place among the Benjamin Altman Collection, which has been exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum of Art since 1913.

Edgar Degas—“Degas Au Porte-Fusain’”, l855

Edgar Degas made this self-portrait only when he was twenty-one years old. It was one of the most remarkable of his fifteen self-portraits. Degas was seated as seemingly without fear and anxiety. The pose in the painting was formal and academic. The painting is located in the musée d’Orsay, Paris, France.

1. Where should visitors go if they want to admire Raphael’s self-portrait in 1506?
A.Uffizi Gallery.B.Biblioteca Reale.
C.The musée d’Orsay.D.The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
2. Which aspect of Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk was special during the Renaissance?
A.The red clothing.B.The formal pose.
C.The long hair.D.The worried expression.
3. Which painter was the youngest when painting the above-mentioned self-portraits?
A.Raphael.B.Edgar Degas.
C.Leonardo da Vinci.D.Rembrandt van Rijn.
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要描述了著名法国画家雷诺阿(Renoir)的代表作品Spring Bouquet(春之花束),这幅画使用的灯光和颜色表明印象派即将到来。后来他因患上风湿关节炎,导致手严重变形,但他也坚持画画,让游客惊叹不已。

9 . This painting Spring Bouquet has a precise structure. The flowers spill over into the lower left-hand corner, with an imbalance as free and as wild as nature. But at once the artist responds to this unbalance. To the right of the vase, Renoir has developed a heavy shadow area, rich in purples and sharply contrasted with the light below it. The placing of the straight line in the lower right side is necessary. If the reader covers this line, he will see that the composition becomes unbalanced.

The Impressionist technique had not yet developed when Renoir painted this picture. Yet the painting with light and color indicates Impressionism is around the corner; there is something of that school in the feeling of the out-of-doors that Renoir has acquired. The texture (纹理) of the flowers is described. Above all, one can’t help saying the very nice smell of the flowers is there, too.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born in 1841. He began working as a young painter of porcelain and textiles. At age 21, Renoir entered the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and went on to study under the instructions of painter Charles Gleyre’s. Even though his paintings had been initially rejected by the Academy and the public, with time he became one of the most admired artists of his generation.

Unfortunately, in 1899, he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (风湿性关节炎). It is a disease that causes a lot of pain. In addition, the person affected by it may also have deformities (畸形). Consequently, his movements became very limited and each movement was a big and certainly painful effort.

His son, Jean Renoir, writes in the book Renoir, My Father after his father passed away, the reaction of the people to the painting of the father, after seeing his hands:

Visitors who were unprepared for this could not take their eyes off his deformity. Though they did not dare to mention it, their reaction would be expressed by some such phrase as It isnt possible!” With hands like that, how can he paint those pictures? There’s some mystery somewhere.

1. What can readers see in the painting?
A.A vase in the left corner.B.A shadow to the vase’s right.
C.A straight line at the bottom.D.A natural light in the middle.
2. What seems quite special about this picture when people appreciate it?
A.The painting material.B.The color choice.
C.The smelly flower taste.D.The impressive feeling.
3. What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Renoir, My Father.B.Spring Bouquet.
C.Rheumatoid arthritis.D.Renoir’s bravery.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Patience Is a Lifetime PracticeB.Pain Passes, but Beauty Remains
C.Impressionism Is a Unique TechniqueD.Work hard, and You Will Catch Up
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10 . Four European Festivals You Don’t Want to Miss in 2023

Berck-sur-Mer Kite Festival

For over two decades,more than half a million visitors have come to watch the splendid display of kites flying over the seaside town of Berck-sur-Mer. Taking place every March or April,the festival sees giant dragons, whales, and various cartoon characters in the skies over the sandy beach. The festival also plays host to the International Kite Championships of the World every two years. During this time, experts from all over the world compete against the wind and each other.

Cannes Film Festival

Film lovers will no doubt want to head to the world’s most famous movie festival, the Cannes Film Festival. The red-carpet event was created by a French Minister of Education and Fine Arts. He wanted to establish an international cultural event in France to rival(与……抗衡)the Venice Film Festival. And it’s safe to say, he succeeded. More than 30, 000 professionals, such as directors, actors and actresses from all over the world attend the annual festival.

Menton Lemon Festival

Held over two weeks in February, the Lemon Festival celebrates all things concerning lemons in the city of Menton. More than 200. 000 visitors come to watch the colorful floats(花车)and sculptures created from lemons and oranges. During the daytime, parades of fruit-covered floats make their way through the streets as wind musicians and drummers entertain the crowd.

Nice Carnival

Taking place every February, the famous Nice Carnival is one of the largest carnivals in the world. It is also the most important event on the French Riviera. Over a million people take to the streets of Nice during the day and night. More than 1, 000 dancers and musicians from around the world perform at the magnificent carnival.
1. What is Berck-sur-Mer famous for?
2. Who created the Cannes Film Festival?
A.A director.B.An actor.C.A French artist.D.A French official.
3. What do the Menton Lemon Festival and the Nice Carnival have in common?
A.Both feature folk songs.B.Both are held in February.
C.Both attract people at night.D.Both have high sculptures.
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