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1 . Pacific Science Center Guide

Visit Pacific Science Center’s Store

Don’t forget to stop by Pacific Science Center’s Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or souvenir to remember your visit. The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laser Dome.


Our exhibits will feed your mind, but what about your body? Our café offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The café is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes.

Rental Information

Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required.

Support Pacific Science Center

Since 1962, Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today, Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. It’s an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. Visit pacificsciencecenter.org to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.

1. Where can you buy a souvenir at Pacific Science Center?
A.In Building 1.
B.In Building 3.
C.At the the Laser Dome.
D.At the Denny Way entrance.
2. What does Pacific Science Center do for schools?
A.Train Science teachers.
B.Distribute science books.
C.Inspire scientific research.
D.Take science to the classroom.
3. What is the purpose of the last part of the text?
A.To encourage donations.
B.To advertise coming events.
C.To introduce special exhibits.
D.To tell about the Center’s history.
2017-08-08更新 | 5852次组卷 | 65卷引用:江西省新余市第一中学2019-2020年度高一下学期网上第一次考试英语试题
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2 . Animals can adapt quickly to survive unfavorable environmental conditions. Evidence is mounting to show that plants can, too. A paper published in the journal Trends in Plant Science details how plants are rapidly adapting to the effects of climate change, and how they are passing down these adaptations to their offspring(后代).

Plants are facing more environmental stresses than ever. For example, climate change is making winters shorter in many locations, and plants are responding. “Many plants require a minimum period of cold in order to set up their environmental clock to define their flowering time,” says Martinelli, a plant geneticist at the University of Florence. “As cold seasons shorten, plants have adapted to require shorter periods of cold to delay flowering. These mechanisms allow plants to avoid flowering in periods when they have fewer opportunities to reproduce.”

Because plants don’t have neural(神经的) networks, their memory is based entirely on cellular(细胞的),molecular(分子的),and biochemical networks. These networks make up what the researchers call somatic memory(体细胞记忆). “It allows plants to recognize the occurrence of a previous environmental condition and to react accordingly,” says Martinelli.

These somatic memories can then be passed to the plants’ offspring via epigenetics(表现遗传). “Several examples demonstrate the existence of molecular mechanisms modulating plant memory to environmental stresses and affecting the adaptation of offspring to these stresses,” says Martinelli.

Going forward, Martinelli hopes to understand even more about the genes that are being passed down. “We are particularly interested in decoding the epigenetic alphabet without changes in DNA sequence(序列),”he says. “This is especially important when we consider the rapid climate change, we observe today that every living organism, including plants, needs to quickly adapt to survive.”

1. What adaptations have plants made to shortened cold seasons?
A.They have shortened their flowering time.
B.They have got more chances to reproduce.
C.They have avoided flowering in cold seasons.
D.They have adjusted their environmental clock.
2. What can we learn about somatic memory?
A.It is entirely based on neural networks.
B.It can help the plants’ offspring to survive.
C.It can help relieve environmental stresses.
D.It disturbs the plants’ biochemical networks.
3. What does the underlined word “modulating” mean in paragraph 4?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Plants are smart about flowering time
B.Plants can also adapt to climate change
C.Environmental stresses challenge plants
D.Mysteries of plant genes are to be unfolded
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3 . There are close to 7, 000 languages spoken on Earth. However, it’s estimated that by the end of this century, up to 50% of them may be lost.

It’s commonly thought that majority languages tend to be valued for being useful and for promoting progress, while minority languages are seen as barriers to progress, and the value placed on them is seen mainly as sentimental (感情用事的). But is sentimentality really the only motivation for preserving language diversity?

Speakers of endangered languages often live in remote areas with unique landform. It is quite common for these languages to distinguish between hundreds more types of plants and animals than those known to modern science. For example, in Southeast Asia, some tribes have discovered the medicinal properties of over sixty-five hundred plant species. This has led to many of landmark achievements in medicine.

It was once believed that the limits of one’s language defined the limits of one’s thought. This theory, called the Sapir-Wharf hypothesis (假说), has been largely rejected in favor of the improved version, which assumes that the language we speak does not set the limits of our thoughts, but it does direct our focus in certain ways. For example, English is a tense-based language. It’s nearly impossible to talk about doing something without specifying the time — i. e. I went to the party(past), I’m going to the party(present), or I’ll go to the party (future). This differs from Chinese, where it’s perfectly reasonable to say, “I go to the party” without defining the “when”. Thus, part of the richness of language is that it allows us to organize the world in so many unique ways.

Some languages categorize the world in ways so different from our own that they are difficult to conceptualize (概念化). The United States employed native Navajo speakers to create a system of message coding during the Second World War. The Japanese were never able to break it, and the “code talkers” are often cited today as having helped decide the outcome of the war.

As we’ve already seen, minority languages are valuable for many practical reasons. In conclusion, I’d say the short answer is yes — dying languages are certainly worth saving!

1. What do people tend to think of minority languages?
2. How can we benefit from endangered languages according to the author?
A.We can discover drugs in a much safer way.
B.We don’t have to rely on modern medicine.
C.We can acquire a broad knowledge of nature.
D.We can learn how to protect plants and animals.
3. Why does the author mention the Second World War?
A.To correct the Sapir-Wharf hypothesis.
B.To prove the value of minority languages.
C.To show wars’ role in preserving a language.
D.To explain ways to conserve some languages.
4. What would be a suitable title for the text?
A.Are majority languages worth valuing?
B.Are we willing to save dying languages?
C.Should endangered languages be saved?
D.Is the future of minority languages bright?
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4 . Cancer-fighting genes in elephants could help tackle one of the biggest killers of people, according to research. Despite their large bodies and long lifespans, elephants are much less likely to die from cancer than humans, with death rates of less than 5 percent.

The paradox has puzzled scientists because more cells lead to greater replications (复制), which increases the possibility of the body failing to detect damaged DNA or a faulty cell that can result in tumors(肿瘤). Elephants live for almost as long as humans and weigh up to five tons.

However, a group of British and European scientists say they have taken a big step towards solving Peto’s paradox, named after the British epidemiologist Sir Richard Peto. Elephants, they say, carry a much larger more diverse group of tumor-fighting proteins.

The findings, published last week in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, raise hopes that the cancer fighting genes in elephants could be the key to tackling cancer, which kills about 167, 000 Britons yearly. Cells keep dividing throughout an organism’s life, each carrying the risk of producing a tumor. One of the body’s weapons is a gene called p53 known as the “guardian of the genome”, which hunts cells with faulty DNA. It encourages the cell to repair itself or self-destruct, keeping the cell from combining with others and producing tumors.

Humans have two versions of p53 but elephants have 40, said the researchers. Biochemical analysis and computer simulations also showed that an elephant’s p53 genes are structurally slightly different, providing a much larger anti-cancer toolkit. The researchers suspect that while faulty cells might be able to skirt two p53 versions, they cannot combine with other cells as easily in the face of dozens.

The findings will open the way for research on how p53 genes of elephants are activated and on medical treatment for humans.

1. What has puzzled scientists?
A.Few elephants end up dying from cancer.B.Elephants live long and weigh enormously.
C.More cells lead to higher chances of tumors.D.A larger body is less likely to discover faulty cells.
2. What can be learnt from Paragraph 4?
A.How many Britons die each year.B.How the anti-cancer gene works.
C.How the research was carried out.D.What the findings have been applied to.
3. What does the underlined word “skirt” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
4. Which is the text mainly about?
A.Scientists find elephants live longer than humans.B.P53 genes play essential role in preventing cancer.
C.Elephant genes could be key to fighting cancer.D.Groundbreaking treatment for cancer is on the way.
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5 . Building artificial intelligences that sleep and dream can lead to more dependable models, according to researchers who aim to mimic (模仿) the behavior of the human brain.

Concetto Spampinato and his research members at the University of Catania, Italy, were looking for ways to avoid a phenomenon known as “disastrous forgetting”, where an AI model trained to do a new task loses the ability to carry out jobs it previously excelled at. For instance, a model trained to identify animals could learn to spot different fish species, but then might lose its ability to recognize birds. They developed a method of training AI called Wake-Sleep Consolidated Learning (WSCL), which mimics the way that our brains reorganize short-term memories of daily learning when we are asleep.

Besides the usual training for the “awake” phase, models using WSCL are programmed to have periods of “sleep”, where they analyze awake data from earlier lessons. This is similar to human spotting connections and patterns while sleeping.

WSCL also has a period of “dreaming”, which involves novel data made from combining previous concepts. This helps to integrate previous paths of digital “neurons (神经元)”, freeing up space for future concepts. It also prepares unused neurons with patterns that will help them pick up new lessons more easily.

The researchers tested three AI models using a traditional training method, followed by WSCL training. Then they compared performances for image identification. The sleep-trained models were 2 to 12 percent more likely to correctly identify the contents of an image. They also measured an increase in how much old knowledge a model uses to learn a new task.

Despite the results, Andrew Rogoyski at the University of Surrey, UK, says using the human brain as a blueprint isn’t necessarily the best way to boost AI performance. Instead, he suggests mimicking dolphins, which can “sleep” with one part of the brain while another part remains active. After all, an AI that requires hours of sleep isn’t ideal for commercial applications.

1. WSCL was developed to help improve AI’s ______.
2. What do models using WSCL do during the “sleeping” periods?
A.Generate new data.B.Process previous data.
C.Receive data for later analysis.D.Save data for the “awake” phase.
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The application of WSCL.B.The benefits of AI research.
C.The findings of the research.D.The underlying logic of WSCL.
4. Which best describes Andrew’s attitude towards the sleep-trained models?
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6 . In July 1915, severely tortured by his poor health, James Murray, one of the early editors of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), defined one final word. After his 36 years’ dedication to the dictionary, his hard labour had taken a toll, knowing he would not see the project complete.

The poetic quality of Murray’s final days is one of the many memorable tales in The Dictionary People. Beginning in 1857, the OED was a huge crowdsourcing project - “the Wikipedia of the 19th century” - comprising 3, 000 people. The idea was to create a “descriptive” dictionary that tracked words’ use and meaning over time, unlike its “prescriptive”18th-century predecessor by Samuel Johnson, which told readers how to say and use words. Volunteers read widely, mailing in examples of how “rare, old-fashioned, new, strange” words were used. What is surprising about this fairly random method is that it worked.

The origin story of Sarah Ogilvie’s book is almost as improbable as that of the dictionary itself. Ms Ogilvie, a former scholar who served as an editor for the OED, went into the documents of Oxford University Press and came across an old notebook. It had belonged to Murray and contained the names and details of the dictionary volunteers, most of whom had previously been unknown. The Dictionary People is her work of detective scholarship, bringing the lives behind the names to readers.

Ms Ogilvie’s book is full of intriguing stories. The presentation of the book is unconventional, too, taking its structure from the work it describes. There are 26 alphabetical chapters, each celebrating a group of contributors ( memorably, “K” is for “kleptomaniac” people who desire to steal). This is a clever arrangement, though it sometimes means that broader issues emerge only in pieces.

Essentially, this is a story about ordinary people. It is concrete proof of those who, to cite dictionary-helper George Eliot, “lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs”.

1. What does the underlined expression “taken a toll” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Paid off.
B.Proved in vain.
C.Worn out the passion.
D.Had a harmful effect.
2. What can we learn about the Oxford English Dictionary?
A.It serves as an example of dictionary editing.
B.It provides precise directions for word usage.
C.It is a cooperative work of many volunteers.
D.It was edited with the help of Samuel Johnson.
3. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The story behind Sarah Ogilvie’s book.
B.The detective methods of Sarah Ogilvie.
C.Legends of the early OED editors.
D.Murray’s role in editing the OED.
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A review of a book.
B.A biography of an editor.
C.An essay on dictionary editing.
D.An introduction to a dictionary.
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7 . Until recently, gravitational waves could have been the stuff of Einstein’s imagination. Before they were detected, these waves in space time existed only in the physicist’s general theory of relativity, as far as scientists knew. Now, researchers are on the hunt for more ways to detect the waves. “The study of gravitational waves is booming,” says astrophysicist Karan Jani of Vanderbilt University in Nashville. “This is just remarkable. No field I can think of in fundamental physics has seen progress this fast.”

Just as light comes in a variety of wavelengths, so do gravitational waves. Different wave lengths point to different types of origins of the universe and require different kinds of detectors. Gravitational waves with wavelengths of a few thousand kilometers — like those detected by the United States, Italy and Japan — come mostly from pairs of black holes 10 or so times the mass of the sun, or from collisions of dense cosmic blocks called neutron stars (中子星). These detectors could also spot waves from certain types of exploding stars and rapidly moving neutron stars.

In contrast, huge waves that span light-years are thought to be created by orbiting pairs of bigger black holes with masses billions of times that of the sun. In June, scientists reported the first strong evidence of these types of waves by turning the entire galaxy (星系) into a detector, watching how the waves make slight changes to the timing of regular blinks from neutron stars throughout the Milky Way.

Physicists now hope to dive into a vast, cosmic ocean of gravitational waves of all sorts of sizes. These waves could reveal new details about the secret lives of exotic objects such as black holes and unknown parts of the universe.

Physicist Jason Hogan of Stanford University thinks there are still a lot of gaps in the coverage of wavelengths. “But it makes sense to cover all the bases. Who knows what else we may find?” he says. The search for capturing the full complement of the universe’s gravitational waves exactly could take observatories out into the moon, to the atomic area and elsewhere.

1. What does Karan Jani think of the current study on gravitational waves?
A.It is rapid and pioneering.
B.It is slow but steadily increasing.
C.It is interrupted due to limited detectors.
D.It is progressing as fast as any other field.
2. What do the detected gravitational waves mostly indicate?
A.The creation of different kinds of detectors.
B.Collisions of planets outside the solar system.
C.The presence of light in different wavelengths.
D.Activities involving black holes and neutron stars.
3. How did scientists manage to find huge waves’ evidence?
A.By analyzing sunlight.
B.By locating the new galaxy.
C.By using the whole galaxy as a tool.
D.By observing the sun’s regular movement.
4. What can be inferred about the future study according to the last paragraph?
A.It’ll exclude the atomic field.
B.It’ll focus exactly on the mapping of the galaxy.
C.It’ll require prioritizing certain wavelengths on the moon.
D.It’ll explore potential places to detect gravitational waves.
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8 . In the days before the Internet, critical thinking was the most important skill of informed citizens. But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute of Human Development, and her colleagues, an even more important skill is critical ignoring.

As the researchers point out, we live in an attention economy where content producers on the Internet compete for our attention. They attract us with a lot of emotional and eye-catching stories while providing little useful information, so they can expose us to profit-generating advertisements. Therefore,we are no longer customers but products, and each link we click is a sale of our time and attention. Toprotect ourselves from this, Kozyreva advocates for learning the skill of critical ignoring, in which readers intentionally control their information environment to reduce exposure to false and low-quality information.

According to Kozyreva, critical ignoring comprises three strategies. The first is to design ourenvironments, which involves the removal of low-quality yet hard-to-resist information from around. Successful dieters need to keep unhealthy food out of their homes. Likewise, we need to set up a digital environment where attention-grabbing items are kept out of sight. As with dieting, if one tries to bank onwillpower not to click eye-catching “news”, he’ll surely fail. So, it’s better to just keep them out of sightto begin with.

The next is to evaluate the reliability of information, whose purpose is to protect you from false and misleading information. It can be realized by checking the source in the mainstream news agencies which have their reputations for being trustworthy.

The last goes by the phrase “do not feed the trolls.” Trolls are actors who internationally spread false and hurtful information online to cause harm. It may be appealing to respond to them to set the facts straight, but trolls just care about annoying others rather than facts. So, it’s best not to reward their bad behaviour with our attention.

By sharpening our critical ignoring skills in these ways, we can make the most of the Internet while avoiding falling victim to those who try to control our attention, time, and minds.

1. What can we learn about the attention economy from paragraph 2?
A.It offers little information.B.It features depressing stories.
C.It saves time for Internet users.D.It seeks profits from each click.
2. Why does the author mention dieters in paragraph 3?
A.To discuss the quality of information
B.To prove the benefits of healthy food.
C.To show the importance of environments.
D.To explain the effectiveness of willpower.
3. What should we do to handle Internet trolls according to the text?
A.Reveal their intention.B.Turn a deaf ear to them.
C.Correct their behaviour.D.Send hard facts to them.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Reasons for critical thinking in the attention economy.
B.Practising the skill of critical ignoring in the digital age.
C.Maximizing the benefits of critical ignoring on the Internet.
D.Strategies of abandoning critical thinking for Internet users
2024-01-17更新 | 733次组卷 | 25卷引用:江西省赣州市第三中学2023~2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
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9 . “I like pigs,” Winston Churchill supposedly once said. “Dogs look up at us, cats look down on us, but pigs treat us as equals.” Whether Churchill’s contemporary George Orwell also liked pigs is less clear. But he, too, surely saw something in them that was lacking in other domestic beasts, for it was they who ended up running the show in novel Animal Farm. Pigs, then, are intelligent social creatures.

And, like all animals, they sometimes fight. A study just published in Animal Cognition by Ivan Norscia, a biological anthropologist at the University of Turin, in Italy, and his colleagues, looked at how a group of 104 domestic pigs went about resolving such incidents. In total, Dr. Norscia and his team studied the details of 216 pig conflicts over the course of six months.

Some pigs tend to be attackers; others tend to be victims. Who is what depends largely on weight, for, among pigs pounds mean power. The attacker might bite, kick, bump or lift the victim (or string together a sequence of those actions). Most conflicts ended in seconds, but some lasted a minute or two.

In most animal species that would be that. However, many of the pig conflicts Dr. Norscia observed had interested parties beyond the protagonists (主角). He therefore wanted to understand the role of these bystanders in resolving fights —and what this says about pigs’ cognitive (认知) abilities.

Since there was usually not enough time for a bystander pig to intervene during the heat of a conflict (though this did occur), he and his colleagues looked at what happened in the three minutes directly following an aggressive interaction. Sometimes, they found, the protagonists made up on their own —for instance, by touching noses.

On other occasions, though, a third pig stepped in. Sometimes this bystander acted as a peacemaker, engaging with the attacker and reducing the number of subsequent attacks compared with what might otherwise have been expected. Sometimes, by contrast, the bystander engaged with the victim. This appeared to calm the victim down, for it reduced anxiety-related behavior such as shaking and scratching.

1. Why does the author mention Winston Churchill in the first paragraph?
A.To prove pigs are clever.B.To show pigs are inspirational.
C.To state Churchill loves pigs.D.To introduce the topic of the text.
2. What probably decides on the pigs’ roles in pig conflict?
A.Their ages.B.Their weight.
C.Their safety needs.D.Their cognitive abilities.
3. Why did Ivan Norscia and his colleagues conduct the study?
A.To comprehend the role of bystanders in conflict resolution.
B.To figure out the relationship between pigs.
C.To record the details of 216 pig conflicts.
D.To find out the reason for pigs’ conflicts.
4. How will the bystander interact with the victim after a fight?
A.By shaking it.B.By touching its nose.
C.By scratching its back.D.By offering comfort to it.
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。在肯尼亚长大的Lesein Mutunkei是一名足球队员,他发起了“一球一树(Trees4Goals)运动”,每进球一次,他为球队的每一位成员种一棵树,激励其他年轻人去保护环境。到目前为止,该运动已经种植了5100万棵树。

10 . Growing up in Kenya, Lesein Mutunkei, together with his family, always celebrated significant occasions by planting trees, which motivated him to protect the environment. It’s what the now 18-year-old soccer player treasures, especially since Kenya has an ongoing problem with deforestation.

Mutunkei follows in the footsteps of the late Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai who founded the Green Belt Movement in 1977. This initiative has resulted in the planting of over 51 million trees to date.

In 2018, Lesein decided to start a movement of his own. He started by planting one tree for every goal he scored during a football match. He called it Trees4Goals, and it has grown so much that he now plants 11 trees, one for each member of his team, every time he scores. Through this, he wants to inspire young people, specifically his fellow athletes, to follow in his footsteps, take nature conservation seriously, and promise to plant trees every time they score. As a result, some of them have adapted this practice for their sports. “Seeing that they’re taking that responsibility because of the project I started, for me, that is the biggest achievement,” he said.

The initiative has caught the attention of English football club Arsenal and Kenya’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry, which he now works with regularly and gets advice from.

Like Green Belt Movement, Trees4Goals, which has planted 5,500 trees so far, has made it. While Lesein has received some recognition for his initiative, he sets his sights on making it a worldwide phenomenon. “Football is a universal game, and climate change is a universal problem,” he explains. “It has the power to unite, educate and inspire my generation to create a safer and greener future.” This is why he wants to work with the world’s biggest football federation FIFA.

As for what others can do to fight deforestation or other environmental concerns, the teenager says it’s important to just get involved in some way, no matter how small.

1. What made Lesein get interested in environmental protection?
A.The influence of his family.
B.Wangari Maathai’s huge assistances.
C.The demand of the football team.
D.His fellow athletes’ encouragement.
2. Why did Lesein found Trees4Goals?
A.To gain Kenya’s support.
B.To set an example for others.
C.To catch Arsenal’s attention.
D.To show his achievements.
3. What is Lesein’s hope for the future of Trees4Goals?
A.Promoting football’s development.
B.Going global with the help of FIFA.
C.Beating climate change completely.
D.Getting beyond Green Belt Movement.
4. What can we learn from Lesein’s story?
A.Fame is a great thirst of the young.
B.A youth is to be regarded with respect.
C.Positive thinking and action result in success.
D.Success means getting personal desires satisfied.
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