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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了Daniel Brush是一位创造奇迹的人,使用古老的工艺来制作物品,他终生研究黄金,一生追求艺术理想。

1 . Daniel Brush, an astonishing worker in gold, jewels and steel died on November 2022, aged 75. Students from a jewellery school once came to Brush’s studio, a loft in mid-Manhattan, awed to be meeting a figure who, to them, was a worker of miracles.

For 45 years in that loft, he had pursued his calling. His wife Olivia was the only company. He produced hundreds of objects of all sorts, most of them exquisite and many astonishingly small. Rather than use electricity, he laboured alone in a forest of antique machines and when tools frustrated him he made his own, displaying them in cupboards as art in themselves.

Above all else, he worked in gold. His obsession took fire when at 13 he saw an Etruscan gold bowl in the Victoria and Albert Museum. The ancient technique of applying gold beads as fine as sand-grains to a curved gold surface without solder (焊接), was stunning, but so was the lightness of spirit.

He resolved then that he would make such a bowl, and gold became the study of his life. Simply to watch it melt, turn to red-hot and white-hot, then glow purple, was magical. To hold pure gold grain and let it move slowly through his fingers restored his calm of spirit. His chief motivation, he said, was to understand the material and, through that, himself. He wondered why his heart had beaten so fast in the museum that day. Gold in particular had a message for him. His contact with this glorious metal might focus all his attention and help him to hear it.

He developed delicate craftsmanship, with each object virtually a museum piece. For Daniel Brush, he loved the idea that one might take a piece made by Brush out of a pocket, let its beauty pass from mind to mind, and smile. That too was what its maker was after.

1. What can we learn about Daniel Brush?
A.Students visited him regularly.
B.He began to live in his loft in 1975.
C.He tended to use ancient crafts to produce objects.
D.Most objects he produced were of a surprisingly small size.
2. What is the main reason for his lifelong study of gold?
A.He wanted to learn more about both gold and himself.
B.He wondered why his heart had beat fast in the museum.
C.His calm was restored when gold grain moved through fingers.
D.Gold had a particular message for him and he was eager to hear it.
3. Which of the following can best describe Daniel Brush?
4. What does the author try to emphasize in the last paragraph?
A.Brush’s valuable works.B.The admirers Brush expected.
C.Brush’s desire for fame.D.The artistic ideal Brush pursued.
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了20世纪70年代,一位名叫J. P.吉尔福德的心理学家进行了一项著名的关于创造力的研究,名为“九点谜题”, 这让吉尔福德得出了一个笼统的结论:创造力需要你跳出框框。

2 . In 1970s, a psychologist named J. P. Guilford conducted a famous study of creativity known as the nine-dot puzzle (九点谜题). He challenged research subjects to connect all nine dots using just four straight lines without lifting their pencils from the page. All the participants limited the possible solutions to those within the imaginary square. Only 20 percent managed to break out of the confinement (束缚) and continue their lines in the white space surrounding the dots.

The fact that 80 percent of the participants were effectively blinded by the boundaries of the square led Guilford to jump to the sweeping conclusion that creativity requires you to go outside the box. The idea went viral. Overnight, it seemed that creativity experts everywhere were teaching managers how to think outside the box. The concept enjoyed such strong popularity that no one bothered to check the facts. No one, that is, before two different research teams-Clarke Burnham with Kenneth Davis, and Joseph Alba with Robert Weisberg-ran another experiment.

Both teams followed the same way of dividing participants into two groups. The first group was given the same instructions as the participants in Guilford’s experiment. The second group was told that the solution required the lines to be drawn outside the imaginary box. Guess what? Only 25 percent solved the puzzle. In statistical terms, this 5 percent improvement is insignificant as this could be called sampling error.

Let’s look a little more closely at the surprising result. Solving this problem requires people to literally think outside the box. Yet participants’ performance was not improved even when they were given specific instructions to do so. That is, direct and clear instructions to think outside the box did not help. That this advice is useless should effectively have killed off the much widely spread — and therefore, much more dangerous — metaphor (比喻) that out-of-the-box thinking boosts creativity. After all, with one simple yet brilliant experiment, researchers had proven that the conceptual link between thinking outside the box and creativity was a misunderstanding.

1. What did the nine-dot puzzle study focus on?
A.Visual perception.
B.Thinking patterns.
C.Practical experience.
D.Theoretical knowledge.
2. Why did the two research teams run the follow-up experiment?
A.To test the catchy concept.
B.To contradict the initial idea.
C.To collect supporting evidence
D.To identify the underlying logic.
3. Which of the following best describes the follow-up experiment?
4. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Puzzle Solving: A Key To Creativity
B.Thinking Outside the Box: A Misguided Idea
C.Nine-Dot Puzzle: A Magic Test
D.Creative Thinking: We Fell For The Trap
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . As a first-generation Asian immigrant (移民) who had grown up in poverty, I knew I was beyond _________ to be admitted into Harvard. I loved books, but it never crossed my mind to become a(n)_________ of any sort. I didn’t _________ to have unrealistic dreams.

Still, something _________ me. My deskmate had _________ our friendship recently. There wasn’t a dramatic fight or disagreement. He had _________ moved on to new friends. I felt an ache in my chest that _________ night. I started doodling (涂鸦) on my notepad and then, suddenly, my hand started writing words. I’d written a poem about him. There on the page was the truth about how much it hurt to _________ him.

That tiny poem was a _________that rooted in my heart. I realized I could possibly become a writer and from that moment on, it was all I __________to do. So I changed my field of study to English. I __________ my first short stories while I was still a student. I went on to write my first novel, Girl in Translation, which became an international __________ and is taught in schools around the world.

That night, I learned that art isn’t a __________ . It’s at the core of what makes us human. Although I’d believed that immigrants couldn’t afford to be __________, I understood then that we had always been the ultimate artists,__________ourselves again and again as we try to adapt to a new landscape.

A.adapted toB.shown offC.broken offD.referred to
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4 . We’ve dug deep to find 4 of the most exciting documentary films coming to a screen near you in 2022.

Last Exit: Space

Last Exit: Space, narrated by Werner Herzog, explores the human potential for settling in space and sending people where they’ve never been before. Since planet Earth is possibly going to hell (地狱) in a handbasket, the film promises to ask the question: where else might we call home? Directed by his son Rudolph Herzog, Last Exit: Space will be available from March 10 on Discovery.

Gorbachev. Heaven

As leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev was once one of the most powerful people on the planet who governed a landmass so big that it covered 11 time zones. Gorbachev’s legacy is a complex one — he oversaw the end of the Cold War but many Russians blame him for the Soviet Union’s collapse. The BBC says this potentially fascinating look at one of the most significant figures from inside his own home will be airing in the very near future.

We Met In Virtual Reality

This film from director Joe Hunting beats fresh ground in that it is filmed entirely in virtual reality. Less about the technology itself, it is more an exploration of human connections and how these can develop in the 3D virtual world. Early reviews have been positive following its showing at Sundance. Expect a streaming release in late May this year.

2nd Chance

Hold your popcorn tightly when watching this. If the trailer (预告片) is anything to go by, there are going to be lots of near-death moments. 2nd Chance from Oscar-nominated director Ramin Bahrani tells the story of Richard Davis, the wild and odd inventor of the modern bullet-proof vest. “All will be revealed as soon as a release date is confirmed.” Ramin Bahrani promised on April 5th.

1. What is probably the major concern in Last Exit: Space?
A.Space travel is difficult for people.
B.Human beings may go to hell after death.
C.Human beings can’t find their way back from space.
D.The earth will become unfit for human habitation.
2. Which documentary film suits people who are interested in studying history?
A.Last Exit: Space.B.Gorbachev. Heaven.
C.We Met In Virtual Reality.D.2nd Chance.
3. In which section of a magazine can you find this text?
A.Science & Technology.B.Fashion & Beauty.
C.Culture & Entertainment.D.Travel & Adventure.
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5 . The sperm whale is an astonishing creature. It’s longer than a semi-truck, weighs more than 90, 000 pounds and is the largest member of the toothed whale family. It’s known to dive 6, 500 feet in search of food, and to stay down there for longer than an hour at a time.

Perhaps most fantastically, the sperm whale’s brain weighs as much as 20 pounds-the biggest of any species on Earth. But when it comes to brains, is size all that matters? There’s a lot we don’t know about the sperm whale’s intelligence because it’s difficult to carry out neurological (神经的) testing on such a huge marine mammal. But some clues point to sperm whales being much smarter than we give them credit for.

A 2021 study published in Biology Letters, for example, looked back to 19th-century historical logbooks from whalers. Researchers found that sperm whales were at first easy to catch-but almost immediately, the whales learned how to evade hunters and whaling success dropped by 60 percent. The study suggests that the whales passed information to one another through soundwaves to avoid being caught.

Animals that have big brains usually have a few things in common. They usually live long lives; for example, sperm whales can live for 70 years or longer. Additionally, they’re capable of complex behaviors and they tend to be more socia1. Whales may work together to hunt or communicate in a language all their own.

What’s more, humans, whales and dolphins all have spindle neurons in their brains. These nerve cells make us capable of deeper thought, such as reasoning skills, memory, communication and adaptive thinking. And like humans, whales have emotional intelligence- meaning they're capable of empathy, grief and sadness. Still, in proportion to (与…成比例)our body size, the human brain is bigger than that of the sperm whale.

Yet there’s still so much we don’t know about how smart sperm whales really are. And just like the whalers of a century ago, we have likely been underestimating marine mammals, whether large or small, for as long as we’ve known of their existence.

1. Why do people know little about the sperm whale’s intelligence?
A.Sperm whales’ big size makes research difficult.
B.It didn’t attract scientists’ attention until recently.
C.Whalers didn’t keep enough records of their hunting.
D.Sperm whales usually stay deep down in the ocean.
2. What does the underlined word “evade” mean in paragraph 3?
3. What conclusion can we draw from paragraph 5?
A.The nerve cells distinguish humans from animals.
B.Sperm whales have smaller brains than humans.
C.Spindle neurons make higher intelligence possible.
D.Emotional intelligence is unique to whales and humans.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Sperm Whales Are Astonishingly Smart
B.Sperm Whales Have the Biggest Brain
C.Break the Code of Whale Language
D.Unlock the Mystery of Sea Mammals
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6 . Nowadays, the world is slowly becoming a high-tech society and we are now surrounded by technology. Facebook and Twitter are innovative tools; text messaging is still a somewhat existing phenomenon and even e-mail is only a flashing spot on the screen when compared with our long history of snail mail. Now we adopt these tools to the point of essentialness, and only rarely consider how we are more fundamentally affected by them.

Social media, texting and e-mail all make it much easier to communicate, gather and pass information. But they also present some dangers. By removing any real human engagement, they enable us to develop our abnormal self-love without the risk of disapproval or criticism theatrical metaphor (隐喻), these new forms of communication provide a stage on which we create our own characters, hidden behind a fourth wall of tweets, status updates and texts. This unreal state of unconcern can become addictive as we separate ourselves a safe distance from the cruelty of our fleshly lives, where we are imperfect, powerless and insignificant. In essence, we have been provided not only the means to be more free, but also to become new, to create and protect a more perfect self to the world. As we become more reliant on these tools, they become more a part of our daily routine and so we become more restricted in this fantasy.

So it is that we live in a cold era, where names and faces represent two different levels of closeness, where working relationships occur only through the magic of email and where love can start or end by text message. An environment such as this reduces interpersonal relationships to mere digital exchanges.

Would a celebrity have been so daring to do something dishonorable if he had had to do it in person? Doubtful. It seems he might have been lost in a fantasy world that ultimately convinced himself into believing the digital self could obey different rules and regulations, as if he could continually push the limits of what’s acceptable without facing the consequences of “real life.”

1. The author compares e-mail with snail mail to show ________.
A.the influence of high-tech on our lifeB.the history of different types of mails
C.the value of traditional communicationsD.the rapid development of social media
2. What can we know about new communication tools?
A.Destroying our life totally.B.Posing more dangers than good.
C.Helping us to hide our faults.D.Replacing traditional letters.
3. What is the potential threat caused by the novel communication tools?
A.Sheltering us from virtual life.B.Removing face-to-face interaction.
C.Leading to false mental perception.D.Making us rely more on hi-tech media.
4. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.Technologies have changed our relationships.
B.The digital world is a recipe for pushing limits.
C.Love can be better conveyed by text message.
D.The digital self need not take responsibility.
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Flamingo (火烈鸟)

Biologist and photographer Claudio Contreras Koob spent 20 years travelling deep into the wet lands and forests of his native Mexico—and beyond—to feed his flamingo attraction. This book offers a unique window into the behavior and life of red-feathered birds, with more than 120 show-stopping shots displaying their beauty. teNeues, £35.

Around the World in 80 Birds

Inspiring secrets, national pride or scientific discoveries, every bird has a story to tell, from the weaver bird building multi-nest “apartment blocks” in Namibia to the bar-headed goose taking on a twice-yearly trans-Himalayan journey at an extreme altitude. Mike Unwin’s tour is accompanied by beautiful illustrations from Ryuto Miyake. Laurence King Publishing, £22.

A World on the Wing

Pulitzer-shortlisted Weidensaul, who’s at the forefront of research into bird migration, here tracks some of nature’s most remarkable journeys. He sails through the stormy Bering Sea, encounters trappers in the Mediterranean and visits former headhunters in northeast India, where a bird migration crisis has become a conservation success story. Pan Macmillan, £9.99.

Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the Birds

Explore this updated version of the 1968 title, Galapagos: Islands of Birds, by late bird expert Bryan Nelson, with previously unpublished material from his wife, June. The couple spent a year living on two Galapagos islands, studying birds, including the Galapagos albatross (信天翁). This is their clever and amusing account. Bradt Guides, £11.99.

1. By whom is the second costliest book illustrated?
A.Claudio Contreras Koob.B.Mike Unwin.
C.Ryuto Miyake.D.Weidensaul.
2. Which book best suits those concerned about the survival of migratory birds?
A.Flamingo.B.Around the World in 80 Birds.
C.A World on the Wing.D.Galapagos: Island of Birds.
3. What feature may Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the Birds have?
A.Its humorous description.B.Its romantic style.
C.Its vivid imagination.D.Its moving plot.
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8 . The topic “slash youth”,   referring to those refusing to be defined or bound by just one personal identity and choosing to undertake multiple careers, has fueled heated debate on social media. On Douban, a Chinese social networking platform, the topic has attracted about 11,000posts and has been viewed over 400 million times. China’s young people are keen to share their slash youth stories online, presenting themselves as multiple and sometimes distinct identities, such as a nurse and model, a teacher and stand-up comedian, and an engineer and musician.

Xing Eryang, a 31-year-old female resident in Beijing, founded the Douban topic in 2021.While staying diligent about her daytime work, she is developing her hobbies, including stand-up comedy and vlogging, into secondary careers during her spare time. And she is amazed to find her “slash life” philosophy followed by so many of her peers.

Weiheng, a 26-year-old woman in Guangzhou, and Tang Yuhan, a 27-year-old man in Xuancheng city, Anhui province, are both participants in the topic, with their stories earning thousands of likes so far. The two are both musicians in their spare time, even though they are thousands of miles apart and have different jobs in media and finance. Their passion for music has grown since college and they didn’t abandon their enthusiasm, even after entering the workplace.

Their reaction showed the gap between the young and former generations. “My parents used to say,   ‘music cannot earn you money’,   so the band thing was regarded as a waste of time. However,   we want to pursue whatever we love and are willing to pay for it.” says Weiheng.

“The ‘slash life’ mania(狂热)shows that, along with China’s economic development, our society is becoming more and more diversified and inclusive, and it welcomes everyone’s self-fulfillment,” says Shi Yanrong, an   associate researcher from Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences. “Young people no longer have to rely on work and money for their sense of self-worth. They tend to practice a carpe diem(活在当下)philosophy and create their own identities.”

1. What are “slash youth” more likely to do?
A.Create a topic on Douban.
B.Take diverse occupations.
C.Become a stand-up comedian.
D.Share their own stories online.
2. Which of the following amazes Xing Eryang?
A.Other young people’s positive response.
B.Hobbies developed while working.
C.The growing social networking platform.
D.Thousands of likes earned on Douban.
3. What did Weiheng and Tang Yuhan do to pursue their musical career?
A.They sent their stories online to gain more funds.
B.They shared similar interests in both their hobbies and jobs.
C.They never lost passion for music even if they had to quit college.
D.They stuck with their dream despite the older generation’s opinion.
4. According to Shi Yanrong, what is our society’s attitude to the “slash life”?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 容易(0.94) |

9 . What a day! I started at my new school this morning and had the best time. I made lots of new friends and really liked my teachers. I was nervous (紧张的) the night before, but I had no reason to be. Everyone was so friendly and polite. They made me feel at ease. It was like I’d been at the school for a hundred years!

The day started very early at 7:00 a.m. I had my breakfast downstairs with my mom. She could tell that I was very nervous. Mom kept asking me what was wrong. She told me I had nothing to worry about and that everyone was going to love me. If they didn’t love me, mom said to send them her way for a good talking to. I couldn’t stop laughing.

My mom dropped me off at the school gate about five minutes before the bell. A little blonde (金黄色的) girl got dropped off at the same time and started waving (招手) at me. She ran over and told me her name was Abigail. She was very nice and we became close straight away. We spent all morning together and began to talk to another girl called Stacey. The three of us sat together in class all day and we even made our way home together! It went so quickly. Our teacher told us that tomorrow we would really start learning and developing new skills.

I cannot wait until tomorrow and feel as though I am really going to enjoy my time at my new school. I only hope that my mew friends feel the same way too.

1. How did the author feel the night before her new school?
2. What happened on the author’s first day of school?
A.She met many nice people.B.She had a hurried breakfast.
C.She learned some new skills.D.She arrived at school very early.
3. How did the author go to school according to the passage?
A.On foot.B.By bus.
C.In her mother’s car.D.By train.
4. What can we infer (推断) about Abigail?
A.She disliked Stacey.B.She was shy and quiet.
C.She got on well with the author.D.She was an old friend of the author.
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10 . One aspect of the clean-energy change will happen inside buildings. Many homes and businesses burn natural gas for heating and cooking. Natural gas gives out greenhouse gases as well as other pollutants that can harm health. Gas appliances (家用电器) can be replaced by electric versions and tap into clean electricity.

Panama Bartholomy is the director of the Building Decarbonization Coalition. His group, based in Petaluma, Calif., focuses on limiting gas emissions indoors. “We assume the electric grid (输电网) is getting cleaner over time, which it is. So, we want more and more of our heating to come from electricity.”

It’s much easier to make these types of transitions when governments recommend them, says Beth Miller. She is an ecologist and consultant with Good Company. Based in Eugene, Ore., it helps companies and communities reduce their carbon footprint. Some states are already taking steps to make these changes. On September 22, for instance, California decided it would ban the sale of gas-fired space heaters and water heaters by 2030.

After homes and businesses make the switch to electric alternatives, they will be more comfortable, says Bartholomy. They will be safer and cleaner, too, he adds. Instead of a gas furnace(燃气炉), an electric heat pump could both heat and cool a home. Gas heaters and stoves won’t be pumping pollution into a home’s air. And cooks will have even more control on a modern electric cooker than on a gas stove says Bartholomy.

Getting natural gas out of your home is probably the largest positive impact you can have for the planet, Bartholomy says. “We all need to fight for a livable climate. There is no way to meet our climate goals while still burning gas in buildings. For a livable future, we must take measures to stop burning natural gas, though we know we have a long way to go.” And the bonus: It now looks like doing that should also save people a lot of money.

1. What is the clean energy change?
A.Using natural gas for heating.B.Using natural gas to boil water.
C.Using electric cookers at home.D.Using electric lights inside buildings.
2. What does the underlined word “transitions” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?
A.Homes will be safer.B.Gas stoves will be replaced soon.
C.Homes’ air will have more pollutants.D.Cooks prefer to use traditional cookers.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Clean-energy ChangeB.Electricity Use
C.Make Use of Natural GasD.Save Your Money at Home
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