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1 .

Charles Darwin

Personal information:
Date of birth: 12 February 1809
Date of death: 19 April 1882
Nationality: English
Education: Edinburgh University, Cambridge University
He put forward the theory of evolution by natural selection and published On the Origin of Species in 1859.
His theory of evolution by natural selection has greatly influenced the development of biology.
Interesting fact:
Darwin was such a scientific man that before he made up his mind to get married, he made a careful list of the advantages and disadvantages of marriage.
1. Where was Charles Darwin from?
2. When was Charles Darwin born?
A.In Feb. 1809.B.In April 1809.C.In April 1882.D.In Feb. 1882.
3. What did Charles Darwin come up with?
A.The Origin of Species.
B.The advantages of marriage.
C.The development of biology.
D.The theory of evolution by natural selection.
2024-04-19更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏嘴山市第三中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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2 . My community and state are still recovering from the disaster that hit the area recently. A wall of storms with hurricane force winds _____ late on a Friday evening knocking down trees, _____ roads, damaging homes, and destroying power lines. Hundreds of thousands of people suddenly _____themselves in the dark without water, electricity, air conditioning, telephones, internet, and television. They were _____ from the modern world suffering unbearable 90 degree plus heat with no help and no idea _____ it would be over.

The most _____ thing happened, however, as the reality of the crisis sank in: it brought out the best in us. While there were a few acts of _____ and stealing, they were overwhelmed (压倒) by the wave of _____ and compassion that came from the hearts of so many. People shared their food, ice, and gasoline. People who still had _____ opened their homes to those who had none. People rushed out to _____roads and homes of fallen trees. Selfless power crews worked around the clock to repair the damage and _____ electricity.

Life’s disasters strike all of us from time to time. No one is _____. We all get hurt. We all get _____. How we respond to them, though, is up to us. We can let them bring out the worst in us or we can let them bring out the best in us. We can _____ them like devils of selfishness or like angels of love. May you always bring the best from your heart and soul to whatever life may _____ at you then. May you live all of your days here with so much love that you sing and smile.

A.cut offB.called offC.torn downD.taken off
A.weigh onB.react toC.take inD.care for
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3 . In the late afternoon, Brandon finished his farm work and went home. As they often did, his two sons, Louie, 6, and Everett, 3, _________ him.

As they headed for the house, the two boys ran ahead of him, who stopped to close the gate. Louie _________ at an old well. The _________ covering the well was brittle (脆弱的) over time. When Louie stepped on it, it was _________ and the boy fell in the well. Brandon quickly _________ what had happened.

He ran to the well and heard Louie _________ the water and screaming. Without _________ , he jumped in. As he _________ the well, he grabbed a thin pipe, which slowed his _________ and kept him from hurting his son.

Brandon hit the __________ water at the bottom of the well. He grabbed Louie, who was __________. Knowing they could not __________ in the freezing water too long, Brandon carried his son onto his chest as he __________ his own legs and back against the narrow walls for __________. Then he asked Everett to go back out to the road and get help.

About 15 minutes later, Christi and Mark, nearby farmer, noticed Everett stood __________ by the side of the road, waving. They asked if he was OK. He told them the __________ accident. The couple put Everett into their car and drove onto the farm, and the boy __________ to the well. Mark called the police while Christi called another __________, Dan, who sped to Brandon’s farm with his son and a __________ rope.

With the neighbors’ help, Brandon and Louie were rescued __________ at last.

A.gave upB.turned toC.met withD.fell down
2024-04-09更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届宁夏银川市普通高中学科教学质量检测(二)英语试题
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4 . My son asked me months ago if he could switch from his mainstream high school to a   ________ school. At that time, I was unsure and a little ________

He wasn’t doing well in his school, and I knew the best thing for him was to ________ to another learning environment to complete his study. But my heart hurt a little that he would not walk the same graduation ________ that I had walked, and also the scenario (设想) I had created was no longer beneficial to his ________ .

My son is extremely ________ and had a small friend group. Large groups are complex for him. A school of over 2,500 kids can be difficult for anyone, let alone my boy with social ________ .

Then, we decided the vocational school (职业学校) was an option with the same general curriculum ________ by our state to graduate high school. The ________ he had already earned would carry over, and he could graduate early.

By allowing him to go there, we have watched him ________ ! The difference is astonishing. He ________ friendship, he was productive and participated in a life skills course to help himself with real-life studies, and he ________ with his teachers.

The most significant change was that he would come home ________, enthusiastic about his day, and excited to ________ how his day had gone.

As his momma, it is all I needed to know that my son has chosen what was ________ for him.

A.got awayB.made upC.lined upD.got along

5 . Elizabeth lived with her six children in a small house. One winter, there was a big ______, and quite a few houses were washed away, but Elizabeth’s house was high enough to ______ it.

Elizabeth ______ one of the families which had lost everything. She shared her home ______ the family could build a ______ house. Elizabeth’s friends could not understand her since she already had so many children to ______.

“Well,” Elizabeth ______ to her friends, “At the end of World War II, there was a poor ______ in a town in France. Her husband had been ______ in the war and she had a lot of children, just like me now. The day before ______, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be ______ to have much for Christmas. I’m going to get just one ______ for us all. Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back with a little ______ who had no parents.‘Here’s our present.’ She said to her own children. The children were more than ______ to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl ______ and she grew up as their sister. I was that Christmas present.”

A.devote toB.attend toC.bring toD.relate to
A.New YearB.ThanksgivingC.ChristmasD.National Day
2024-04-04更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市金凤区北京师范大学银川学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
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6 . Mice were given a memory test in a lab at the University of New South Wales, in Australia. Scientist Margaret Morris set them in their usual box, but she rearranged the objects in the box. Some mice smelled them curiously, but others just moved on. They didn’t remember the objects were once in a different place.

The mice with sharper memory were fed with a regular diet of low-fat, healthy food. However, the mice that ate lots of junk food for two weeks – such as cake, meat pies, chips, and cookies – were forgetful.

Food can have the same effect on people, too. “If you’re eating junk food regularly, and not eating enough fruit and vegetables,” Morris said, “the changes inside your body may be affecting brain function.” Changes inside the body can affect a person’s overall health, too.

Scientists have long known that the brain communicates with the stomach to control digestion. Recently, they have found that the stomach talks back. It may even tell the brain what to do.

Foods with too much salt and sugar affect the microbiome (肠道菌群) in your body by killing the right bacteria (细菌) in it. These bacteria protect you from illness and keep your mind sharp. Lacking them can lead to being overweight and depression.

Robert Knight is a scientist at the University of California, San Diego. He suggests eating yogurt, because it is packed with healthy bacteria. Does that mean no French fries? “Having them sometimes is okay,” Knight says. “It’s the long-term habits that really matter. Being good to your microbiome over the next six months is a lot more important than what you ate yesterday, or what you eat tomorrow.”

1. In the memory test, some mice moved on because ________.
A.they are forgetfulB.they eat a lot of food
C.they are not curiousD.they eat low-fat food
2. Fatness and depression can be caused by ________.
C.too much salt and sugarD.yogurt
3. Which of the following is true about Robert Knight’s advice?
A.People must not eat French fries to protect their mircobiomes.
B.Eating yogurt for six month is good for body health.
C.It’s necessary to maintain long-term healthy eating habits.
D.What you eat tomorrow is the most important thing.
4. What is this text mainly about?
A.The effects of food on memoryB.The effects of food on mice
C.The effects of microbiome on healthD.The effects of food on health
2024-04-04更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市金凤区北京师范大学银川学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
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7 . Espionage (间谍活动)! Secrets! Suspense(悬念)! If you’ve ever dreamed of being a spy, Max in the House of Spies written by Adam Gidwitz is for you. New York Times bestselling author of Wonder, White Bird, and Pony strongly recommended this book for teenagers, saying Max in the House of Spies is everything you could hope for in a book.

Espionage and courage are at the heart of this historical novel about Max, an 11-year-old boy sent to London as Germany became ever more dangerous for its Jewish citizens. Max has lots of questions, not the least of which are why the Nazis hate him so much, and why teachers and other adults are saying terrible, hurtful, things about Jewish people as if they are facts. Humor comes in the form of two little sprites from German and Jewish folklore (民间传说), who are forever weighing in—and arguing—about Max’s decisions and desire to return to Germany to save his folks. Fantastic characters and important topics for conversation make this a top read.

Max Bretzfeld doesn’t want to move to London. Leaving home is hard and Max is alone for the first time in his life. But not for long. Max is surprised to discover that he’s been joined by two unexpected traveling companions, one on each shoulder, a kobold (精灵) and a dybbuk (恶灵) named Berg and Stein. Germany is becoming more and more dangerous for Jewish families, but Max is determined to find a way back home, and back to his parents. He has a plan to return to Berlin. It merely involves accomplishing the impossible: becoming a British spy.

Max in the House of Spies is a thought-provoking World War II story as only acclaimed storyteller Adam Gidwitz can tell it—fast-paced and hilarious, with a dash of magic and a lot of heart.

1. Who is the author of Max in the House of Spies?
A.WonderB.Adam GidwitzC.White BirdD.Pony
2. What kind of story is Max in the House of Spies ?
A.High-fantasy novelB.FolkloreC.historical novelD.political novel
3. What do we know about Max Bretzfeld?
A.Max is an 11-year-old boy born in London.
B.Max is sent to London for further study.
C.Max is quite interested in Jewish folklore.
D.Max wants to save his folks in Germany.
4. Which part of a magazine is this text most likely from?
A.Health CareB.Sports EventC.Cultural InsightsD.Book Review
2024-04-04更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市金凤区北京师范大学银川学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题

8 . Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival, is a traditional festival celebrated by all Chinese people. Not everyone celebrates the festival in the same way, with the biggest differences between northern and southern China.

Festival Foods

In the northern cities of China, people generally eat dumplings. They are called jiaozi in Chinese, which means the turn of a lunar new year. Additionally, because they are shaped similarly to a type of ancient money, jiaozi are also regarded as a symbol of wealth.

As compared to the north, people from some southern areas traditionally eat rice cakes (niangao in Chinese), which are made of sticky (黏的) rice flour. Niangao can be interpreted as that people move up to a higher position year after year.

Festival Decorations

It is a common tradition to put up Spring Festival couplets (对联) and “Fu” characters, but some decorations differ a bit between northern and southern China.

In the north, the red “Chinese knot (结)” is also hung, representing happiness. However, in the southern areas, people like to use kumquats, a fruit like a very small orange, for decorations. Due to their yellow colour, they are usually a sign of wealth and harvest.

Red Envelope

In northern China, people usually give red envelopes to the children of their relatives or close friends only. However, people in southern China not only give red envelopes to the children of their relatives and friends, but also to their colleagues and acquaintances. In some southern areas like Guangdong Province, a company manager or a shop owner may also give red envelops to staffs on the first working day of the New Year, wishing for a fortune and giving them a strong sense of team spirit.

1. Why are dumplings seen as a symbol of wealth?
A.They look like a type of ancient money.
B.They have the meaning of getting to a higher position.
C.Only rich families could afford them in ancient times.
D.The name for “dumplings” meant money in the past.
2. Which celebration might NOT be practised in southern China?
A.Making and eating rice cakes.B.Hanging red Chinese knots in the room.
C.Giving red envelops to colleagues’ children.D.Placing kumquats in the room.
3. Why do company managers in southern area give red envelops to their staffs?
A.They want to award their staff for their good performance.
B.They wish to encourage their staffs to work harder.
C.They wish that they all will make a lot of money.
D.They want to show their companies are very rich.
2024-04-04更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市金凤区北京师范大学银川学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题

9 . The rapid increase of the oil price has brought the world to its senses. Scientists are seeking suitable alternative (替换) but so far in vain. They are considering how they can make better use of the two other major fuels, coal and natural gas, but they have found that neither can replace oil in their economics. In recent years, there has been a growing concern for the environment and coal is not a popular fuel with environmentalists. Natural gas, the purest of the three fuels, is also the most limited in supply.

The answer would seem to lie in nuclear power stations. They need very little fuel to produce enormous amounts of power and they do not pollute the atmosphere. Their dangers, however, are so great and the costs of building them are also high. Not only could one accident in a nuclear power station spread as much radioactivity (放射物) as a thousand Hiroshima atom bombs, but the radioactive waste from these stations is extremely dangerous.

Scientists have recently turned their attention to natural sources of energy: the sun, the sea, the wind and hot spring, of which the sun seems the most promising source for the future. Houses have already been built which are heated entirely by solar energy. However, solar energy can only be collected during daylight hours, and in countries where the weather is unreliable, an alternative heating system has to be included.

However, many scientists are optimistic that new ways of generating large amounts of energy will be successfully developed, but at the same time they fear the consequences. If the world population goes on increasing at its present rate, we may, in fifty years’ time, be burning up so much energy that we would damage the earth’s atmosphere. By raising the temperature of the atmosphere,we could melt the Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps and change the pattern of vegetable and animal life throughout the world——a frightening possibility.

1. What does the underlined phrase “in vain” in Paragraph1 mean?
A.without doubtB.without resultsC.in progressD.under attack
2. The natural gas cannot take the place of oil because       .
A.it is too pureB.the source of it is limited
C.its price is increasingD.it may cause more pollution
3. Which of the following will cause pollution to the environment?
A.coalB.natural gasC.wind energyD.solar energy
4. Nuclear power cannot take the place of the oil because       .
A.it may pollute the atmosphere
B.it cannot generate large amounts of power
C.it may use up enormous amounts of fuel
D.it may cause great danger to us if not properly handled
2024-04-04更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏嘴山市第三中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

10 . It has been heard for years: technology is ruining our lives. We are often told that it weakens our eyes light and productivity. I don’t buy into that mindset(心态) because we all have free will and can limit our technology intakes responsibly. However, one of the strongest bad effects of the technological age has been the downfall of reading books.

Before we had phones, books were sources of entertainment. I know I’m not the only one who spent nights as a child with a flashlight hidden under my covers so that I could finish a book when I was supposed to be sleeping. I still remember one of my favorite novels was Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, from which I learned about the value of friendship.

Reading a book often feels even more pleasant than watching a movie. We create our own worlds, pictures of the characters and views of the events described. Reading requires complete focus, so it pulls us out of our daily lives, our fears and our problems. Reading a book brings us into a state of peace and adventure, letting us dive into others’ worlds.

Reading a book takes time and requires attentions, which is almost impossible in a world in which plenty of distractions(使人分心的事) exist at the mere opening of a phone lock screen. Many people even report feeling distracted by their phones while watching TV. If people are feeling distracted when watching TV shows, how can they focus on reading a novel, a task that requires complete attention?

I was recently on vacation and found myself on an eight-hour plane ride with no Internet access. At first, this seemed unbearable, but then I remembered I had packed a book in my bag. I started the book, and within minutes, I was totally absorbed. I spent the rest of my journey reading it.

I advise anyone wanting to rediscover the joys of reading, to simulate(模拟) the environment I was forced to enter into by getting on the airplane. Turn your phone off and find a quiet space. Pickup an old favorite book from childhood or a new one. Then, sit down and begin to create your own world.

1. What can we know about the author?
A.She was into reading in her childhood.
B.She suffered from sleeping problems.
C.She prefers watching movies to reading books.
D.She thinks technology is bad for her health.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The decline of reading habits.
B.The influence technology has on reading books.
C.The benefits of reading books.
D.The reasons why people are less likely to read books.
3. How did the author feel about reading a book on the plane?
A.It drove her mad.
B.It failed to bring her peace.
C.It made her stay focused.
D.It helped her fall asleep quickly.
4. What’s the author’s suggestion on reading?
A.Reading a book aloud.
B.Creating an undisturbed environment.
C.Finding an electronic book.
D.Practicing your attention and patience every day.
2024-04-04更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏嘴山市第三中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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