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1 . When I was young, my understanding of life was simple. This made it easier for me to deal with the world around me. As I grew up, things seemed more ________, which made life more challenging. Now, middle-aged, I find my ________ of the world is returning to the simple.

When I try to teach my daughter important ________ about life, I will ________ complicated things into small pieces. One of those basics is ________, for yourself, and for others. I teach my daughter to ________. To fail makes us feel bad, certainly, but not to have tried contributes to feeling ________, because you can’t respect yourself for it. And as the saying ________, if you don’t respect yourself, no one else will.

When I was seven or eight, I played at my cousin’s house with his toys. His family was better off, and he had many more toys. There was one in particular that I’d always desired, and I ________ it into my pocket. But a moment later, I ________, even at that age, that I would never enjoy playing with the toy. I would always know I had ________, and my evaluation of myself would ________. When his mother dropped me off later that day, I shamefacedly ________ out the toy and gave it back. She knew, I’m sure, what had happened, but she thanked me and never spoke of it again.

I hope to help my daughter ________ similar mistakes. She first has to gain self-respect before she can start respecting others. I believe in respect, because without it we’re all ________. I’m far from perfect in this regard. But I try my best, and I respect others for trying their best in this changing world.

A.put downB.cut downC.break downD.turn down
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2 . It was Jennifer Williams’ mother who got her interested in books. As a librarian, Williams’ mother read to her three children every day. “From when we hadn’t gone to kindergarten,” Williams told vadogwood.com, a local news site, “until we went to college.”

When Williams, who is now 54, became an elementary school teacher and tutor in Danville, Virginia, she wanted her students to be falling in love with reading just as she had. But early on, she realized that some kids had little chance to get enough books to read.

To Williams, the solution was simple: give kids books. In 2017, she donated (捐赠) 900 used children’s books over three days. “I wanted to do something that’s going to continue my faith,” she said.

So she started a new project for herself: give away one million books. It sounds like an unreachable number, but as Williams posted on Facebook: “Don’t complain in the stand if you aren’t willing to work hard out on the field.”

She got to work, first by persuading her friends to donate books or money to buy books. Before long, as news of Williams’ project spread, strangers started leaving varieties of books on her front walk way. As quickly as the books came in, Williams gave them to local schools—free of charge —and also supplied 41,000 books to little free libraries around the city just over the North Carolina border. She also hosted a book club for prisoners in the local prison.

Over the four years she’s been doing all this. The Book Lady, as Williams has come to be celebrated, has given away more than 78,000 books—only 922,000 more to reach her goal! And she’s not slowing down. “Reading can take you anywhere,” she told CNN. “You can travel in time and space. If you can read, you can learn almost anything.”

1. What made Williams decide to give away books?
A.The requirement of teaching.
B.The shortage of kids’ books.
C.Her mother’s faith in reading.
D.The desire for being famous.
2. What did Williams do to encourage people to read?
A.She hosted a book club locally for prisoners.
B.She persuaded her friends to donate only money.
C.She gave all the books collected to local schools.
D.She invited strangers to leave books in her house.
3. What does the underlined word “celebrated” in the last paragraph mean?
4. Which of the following best describes Jennifer Williams?
A.Humorous and confident.B.Independent and smart.
C.Curious and professional.D.Kind and influential.
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3 . Some people, regardless of what they lack—money, looks, or social connections—always show with energy and confidence. Even the most doubting individuals find themselves attracted with these lovely personalities. These people are the ones you turn to for help, advice, and companionship. You just can’t get enough of them, and they leave you asking yourself, “What do they have that I don’t? What makes them so attractive?”

The difference? Their sense of self-worth comes from within. Attractive people aren’t constantly searching for value, because they’re confident enough to find it in themselves. There are certain habits they pursue every day to keep this healthy view. Since being attractive isn’t the result of dumb luck, it’s time to study the habits of attractive people so that you can use them to your benefit.

Get ready to say “hello” to a new, more attractive you. Attractive people treat everyone with respect. Whether interacting with their biggest shoppers or a server taking their drink order, attractive people are unfailingly polite and respectful. They treat every one with respect because they believe they’re no belief than anyone else.

They follow the golden rule. One person loves public recognition, while another hates being the center of attention. The golden rule is to treat others as they want to be treated. Attractive people are great at reading other people, and they adjust their behaviors and styles to make others fell comfortable.

Bringing it all together, attractive people have simply perfected certain appealing qualities and habits that anyone can adopt as their own. They think about other people more than they think about themselves, and they make other people feel liked, respected, understood and seen. Just remember: the more you focus on others, the more attractive you’ll be.

1. Why are the people with lovely personalities different from you?
A.Because they show confidence and energy.
B.Because they maintain their healthy view.
C.Because they get along well with doubting individuals.
D.Bemuse they don’t lack money, looks, or social connections.
2. What does the underlined phrase “dumb luck” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Bad luck.B.Study habit.
C.Valuable belief.D.Good fortune.
3. What will an attractive person probably do when having dinner with his leader?
A.He will comfort his leader and the waitress during the dinner lime.
B.He will treat his leader properly and help the waitress when necessary.
C.He will make the leader focused when the leader prefers to stay alone.
D.He will just care about his leader rather than the waitress when ordering.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Intelligent PeopleB.The Golden Rule
C.The Attractive PersonalitiesD.The Different Qualities
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4 . An 89-year-old man, Manfred Steiner, has reached a goal he spent 20 years working toward and nearly a lifetime thinking about: earning his Ph. D. And now he is a physicist

Steiner values this degree because it is what he always wanted and because he overcame health problems that could have affected his studies. “But I made it, and this was the most satisfactory point in my life, to finish it,” he said.

When he was young, Steiner wanted to become a physicist after reading about Albert Einstein. But his mother and uncle persuaded him that studying medicine would be a better choice. He earned his medical degree in 1955 and moved to the US soon after.

Steiner studied hematology(血液学)at Tufts University and biochemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He became a full professor and led the hematology department at Browns’ medical school from 1985 to 1994. Steiner helped establish a research program in hematology at the University of North Carolina. He directed that program until he retired from medicine in 2000.

Steiner found medical research pleasing, but it was not quite the same as his interest in physics. “It was something like a wish that was never fulfilled, that always stuck in the back of my head,” he said. At age 70, he started taking undergraduate classes.

Physics professor Brad Marston was surprised when Steiner entered his quantum mechanics class. But he became Steiner’s adviser for his dissertation(学位论文)after realizing how serious Steiner was about the subject and how hard he worked. “He has written many papers in medical science, more papers than I’ve written in physics,” Marston said. “One thing that’s really true about Manfred is that he perseveres.”

After the university published a story about Steiner on its website, people across the US contacted him to ask for advice on how to go after their dreams later in life. His advice is: Do what you love to do.

1. Why did Steiner value his degree in physics?
A.Because it solved his health problems.B.Because it was his long-pursued dream.
C.Because it met his mother’s expectation.D.Because it was inspired by Albert Einstein.
2. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Steiner’s contributions to teaching.B.Steiner’s researches after retirement.
C.Steiner’s achievements in hematology.D.Steiner’s performances at Tufts University.
3. What impressed Professor Marston most about Steiner?
A.His taking undergraduate classes at 70.B.His writing more papers in physics.
C.His sticking to becoming a physicist.D.His being a role model for Americans.
4. Which of the following can best describe Steiner?
A.Active and open-minded.B.Enthusiastic and easy-going.
C.Intelligent and warm-hearted.D.Perseverant and hard-working.
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5 . The following are four once-in-a-lifetime mountain hikes.

The Inca Trail, Peru

The Inca Trail offers a seven-day hike focusing on unique Peruvian culture. Led by our well-informed guides, you'll see some historical villages, visit an old-fashioned coffee farm, and attend a traditional offering to "Pachamama". After a long day on your feet, relax with a traditional Peruvian meal and have a night's rest in a local cottage(村舍)

The Dolomites, Italy

The On Foot Holidays' self-guided hike through the Dolomites covers the grassland of South Tyrol, the famous peaks of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo and the amazing town of Cortina d'Ampezzo. You'll climb from the Falzarego Pass, cross through to the Col dei Bos and up Mt. Lagazuoi, with its network of World War I tunnels.

Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

More than 19,000 feet above sea level, Mount Kilimanjaro, an inactive volcano, is Africa's highest mountain. Climbing it is a multi-day trip through five climate zones. Duma Explorer offers several different routes(路线)up Kilimanjaro—the most popular are the seven-day Machame route, eight-day Lemosho route and a nine-day trip via the Northern Circuit. Hikes include camping equipment, meals and guides.

Chilkoot Trail, Alaska

In 1897, the Chilkoot Trail was changed from a sleepy trade route into a busy road, as part of the Gold Rush. The rush dried up within a year, but you can follow in the boomers' footsteps with Alaska Shore Hikes, through thick forest and up the Sainly Hill. Then it's a peaceful raft(木筏)ride along the Taiya River. A six-hour hike provides tourists with transportation, safety equipment and guides.

1. Which of the following is suitable for hikers without guides?
A.The Inca Trail, PeruB.The Dolomites, Italy.
C.Chilkoot Trail. AlaskaD.Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
2. What can we know from the text?
A.Chilkoot Trail used to be a busy road.
B.Hikers will cover five climates zones in the Inca Trail.
C.It just takes six hours to finish the Chilkoot Trail route.
D.Hikers can visit an old-fashioned coffee farm in Mount Kilimanjaro.
3. From which is the text probably taken from?
A.An encyclopedia.B.A geography bookC.A science report.D.A travel brochure.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Among the world’s waste-recycling pioneers, Germany is the leader. The country has quite a detailed way of sorting their waste-down to the color of glass waste, the type of paper, the separate bin for metals, etc.

Here below are what you should know about Germany’s waste sorting system:

◇You are expected to gather your waste in your apartment/housing area’s local public garbage bins.

◇There are commonly several types of public garbage bins available in the German’s apartment/housing areas:

Blue bin — for paper and cardboard

Green and white bin — for glass, different bins for differently colored glass, not available for holiday decorations and lights

Yellow/orange bin — for plastic and metals

Brown bin — for goods that can be changed naturally by bacteria into substances that don’t harm the environment, like leftovers, fruit and vegetables

Gray/black bin — for everything else that can’t be recycled such as used cat litter and animal waste

◇Some items don’t belong in these public garbage bins. Items like used batteries, electronics, unused paints, and lights must be returned to the special agent/locations so they can be properly recycled. Other items such as clothes, shoes, and oversized rubbish and furniture are advised to be donated or sold.

◇There’s this thing called Pfand in Germany, a certain part of the price for a bottled drink that you get back if you send back the bottle to certified (有资历的) shops. German law requires shops over a certain size selling bottled drinks have a Pfandruckgabestelle, or place for bottles with deposits (押金). These bottles usually made of glass or plastic will be refilled. Of course, there’re strict health regulations.

1. Which bin should the fallen leaves be classified into?
A.The blue bin.B.The brown bin.
C.The grey/black bin.D.The green and white bin.
2. How can Germans deal with some used sneakers?
A.By returning it to special agents.B.By placing it in a specific location.
C.By giving it away to those in need.D.By donating it to a Pfandruckgabestelle.
3. What is the aim of Pfand
A.To collect money for some shops.B.To help shops reuse plastic or glass.
C.To reduce the broken bottles.D.To encourage bottles to be returned.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Maaseik, a city in Belgium, has opened an exhibition of about 200 relics and treasures of the Tang Dynasty(618 AD - 907 AD), showing China’s golden age of ancient civilisation (文明) .

The exhibition, which opened on May 11 and will continue until Oct. 20, is part of the city’s effort to create a centre of Chinese culture. Belgian Princess Mathilde formally announced the beginning of the exhibition, titled: China’s Golden Age: Treasures from the Tang Dynasty”.

The items, including gold plates and silver wares for royal families, Tang Dynasty tri-colour glazed figurines (小雕像) of women and paintings, have recently been on exhibit in the Dutch city of Assen.

All of the exhibited items are from Shaanxi Province, China. Its provincial capital Xi’an was the most populous (人口众多的) city in the world and once the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

The Tang period is generally regarded as a high point in Chinese civilisation-requal to, or better than that of the earlier Han Dynasty(202 BC-220 AD), a golden age of Chinese culture.

Several years ago, said Dirk Verlaak, vice-mayor of Maaseik, his city and Assen teamed up to host history and culture exhibitions of China’s first two imperial dynasties, the Qin (221 BC-207 BC) and the Han. The Chinese relics and treasures attracted 350, 000 visitors in Assen and 190, 000 in Maaseik.

“Westerners don’t know much about China’s ancient civilisation and history, and we hope the new exhibition in Maaseik can attract more visitors,” said Verlaak.

1. Maaseik held the exhibition in order to ________.
A.make moneyB.educate people
C.attract foreign visitorsD.spread Chinese culture
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Dirk Verlaak is interested in Chinese history
B.All the items in the exhibition are from China
C.Assen attracted more visitors than Maaseik several years ago
D.This is the first time that Maaseik has held such an exhibition
3. What's Dirk Verlaak’s attitude toward the exhibition?
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Tang Dynasty Treasures Exhibited in Belgium
B.Tang Dynasty Treasures Discovered in Belgium
C.Chinese Culture Goes around the World
D.Chinese Civilisation Attracts Foreigners
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Mount Hood is the highest mountain in Oregon, a state in the western United States. At 3, 400 meters it is attractive to many people, some of whom, of course, run into trouble. Each year 25 to 50 people have accidents or get lost on Mount Hood and need rescue(营救). Although most of these are understandable accidents, a few result from careless risk-taking.

In one recent case, three experienced climbers went hiking in the middle of a snowstorm in December. Most hikers climb Mount Hood in May or June when the weather conditions are good. But in December, the mountain is covered in snow and ice. Winds up to 135 kilometers per hour blow the snow around, making it difficult to see. Temperatures can drop below freezing. As one rescue worker put it, "What were they thinking? They were just asking for it. "

During a rescue a few years ago, a helicopter full of rescue workers crashed and the rescue workers were almost killed. Linda Carle, who lives in the Mount Hood area, asks, If someone made a muddled decision, why should rescue teams have to risk their lives to save them? Why do people take unnecessary risks and do things that aren't right if they know that they can get into trouble? "

Most of the Mount Hood rescue workers are either volunteers or part of the local police department There is no charge for these rescues. It is the taxpayers who pay the bill. Linda Carle suggests that people who take careless risks and need rescue should ay for the rescue. She fees it is only fir that costs for things like damaged helicopters and medical care for rescuers should be paid for by the people who take the risks. What would you do if you were the local police officer at Mount Hood?

1. What can we learn about Mount Hood?
A.It lies in the west of the United States.
B.It is the highest mountain in the United States.
C.The best time to climb the mountain is from May to July.
D.Hundreds of people get lot in the mountain every year.
2. What does the underlined word "muddled" in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?
3. According to Linda Carle, who should pay for he costs of rescues?
A.TaxpayersB.Risk takersC.GovernmentD.Police
4. What will probably be written in the following part?
A.Advice on stopping people from climbing Mount Hood.
B.Other serious accidents in Mount Hood.
C.The requirements of becoming a volunteer.
D.Some possible ways to solve the problem of rescue costs.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . I’m an American-born Chinese. I wouldn’t say I’m more American than Chinese or vice versa. My character was equally molded by both cultures. For a long time, I was comfortable with being from two cultures. I was fluent in “Chinglish”.

However, as I grew up, something unexpected rose, causing a parallel tension between the two corresponding cultures. During Chinese events when I was in China, the host would sometimes make fun of America. My relatives would look at me and laugh, asking me how I felt. But how could I respond to a question like that? If I said I was uncomfortable, it would just make me seem even more American in their eyes. But I couldn’t pretend to laugh either. So, I often just stayed quiet and smiled.

Sometimes, I’d leave China feeling less Chinese than when I went in.

This past summer, on my way back to Rochester, a man at the airport kept asking my father and I where we were from. When I told him I was from the United States, he didn’t seem to believe me.

He then went on to ask the terrible question, “But like where are you really from, like, where were you born?” And no matter how specific our answers were, the man still seemed a little doubtful. He then went on to ask us if we knew where Tampa, Florida was and if we knew anything about it. It’s moments like these when I realize that sometimes my appearance makes it hard for me to seem fully American.

These experiences made me question if I was more Chinese or American.

I felt like I was neither. So, if I wasn’t completely one culture or the other, what was I? In China, I would feel more American, while in America, I would feel more Chinese. There was no balance between my two cultures.

But this doesn’t mean that I don’t embrace (拥抱) both my identities. I love both my Chinese cultural identity and my American one. I just need to learn to love them together.

1. How did the author feel about his identity at the very beginning?
2. Why did the author feel less Chinese when he left China?
A.Because he found it hard to remain quiet and have a big smile.
B.Because he was unable to speak fluent Chinese at his hometown.
C.Because he had lost face in front of his relatives and friends.
D.Because he was treated as an American by his Chinese relatives.
3. What made the man at the airport keep questioning where the author was from?
A.His cultures.B.His experience.C.His look.D.His air tickets.
4. What could be the best title of the passage?
A.Being Culturally HomelessB.A Boy with Two Identities
C.A Chinese Boy Born in AmericanD.Better Chinese than American
2021-12-25更新 | 472次组卷 | 6卷引用:Unit 2认识自我,提高自我
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Music influences your emotions. In turn, your emotions influence your behavior. One of these is your food intake.     1     What does science say about this subject?

Researchers at the University of Arkansas studied how music influences people when they eat in a restaurant. For the study, they used four types of music: jazz, classical, rock, and hip-hop. Their results showed that people had more appetite when they listened to jazz music while they ate.     2     This has a lot to do with emotions. For instance, when you listen to music with harmonic rhythms like jazz, you feel happier. This increases your appetite.

However, another study published in Psychological Reports suggests it isn’t only increased appetite that causes people to eat more.     3     A more stimuli-filled environment makes you eat more. In fact, they tend to urge you on to eat and even “encourage” you to eat faster. On the other hand, if the atmosphere in the restaurant is relaxed, you’re likely to feel more relaxed and spend more time enjoying yourself. For this reason, you’ll tend to eat less.

Besides, the study conducted by the Journal of the Academy suggests that the volume of music can also have an effect on how you eat. More specifically, the study states that, with low-volume music, you eat better because you make healthier choices. On the other hand, the study claims that music at high volume increases stimulation and stress.     4    

For this reason, restaurants should consider the fact when thinking about the optimization of their products and services.     5     They equip themselves with the technology needed to provide memorable experiences through music, greatly strengthening their relationship with the customer.

A.Does music influence how you eat?
B.Being in a rush to eat also plays a part.
C.Does your emotion boost your appetite?
D.However, they had less appetite when listening to hip-hop.
E.In fact, many catering establishments have already taken action.
F.This could prove to be quite an interesting concept for restaurants.
G.This means you’re more likely to order comfort food or other unhealthy options.
2021-12-19更新 | 1077次组卷 | 11卷引用:河北省石家庄市翰林学校2023-2024学年高一年级下学期四月月考英语试题
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