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1 . Eggs-perimenting with eggs

What can you do with eggs other than eat them?

Naked Eggs

What does an egg look like without its shell? You may be picturing the white and yolk in a bowl after cracking it, but that isn’t the only way to remove the shell.

Materials: an egg, white vinegar, a bowl, a spoon

Directions: Fill a bowl with one cup of vinegar. Add the egg to the bowl, and wait at least 24 hours. When you check it after a day, you’ll notice some bubbles on the egg and a residue (残留物) in the water. Use the spoon to gently remove the egg from the bowl. Dump out the old vinegar, and add a cup of fresh vinegar. Return the egg to the bowl, and wait another 24 hours. When you remove the egg this time, the shell should be completely dissolved. What remains will be the contents of the egg.

Walking on Eggshells

Can Eggs hold the weight of your entire body?

Materials: six cartons (硬纸盒) of eggs, a garbage bag

Directions: Place the garbage bag on the floor to make any necessary clean up easier. Place the cartons of eggs into two rows of three. Make sure all the eggs are pointing in the same direction— either all pointy end up or all rounded end up. Step onto the first carton of eggs carefully. Make sure your foot is as flat as possible and that you are distributing your weight evenly. If you’re careful, you will succeed. Eggs are actually incredibly strong. The arch shape at the top and the bottom of the egg allows pressure to be distributed evenly over the egg. If you were to place the eggs on their sides instead, you’d be likely to wind up with a gooey (胶粘的) mess.

What was the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.To persuade readers to use eggs in new ways.
B.To entertain readers with funny use for eggs.
C.To tell readers some ways to experiment with eggs.
D.To inspire readers to conduct experiments carefully.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题

2 . As Mrs. Brown revealed in her award acceptance speech about her journey to creating Eden Village, helping homeless people is something personal, “I watched as my homeless friends walked off into the darkness to a hidden, wet and cold camp while we went home to a warm bed. I had to do something.”

Why is Mrs. Brown’s award acceptance speech mentioned in the paragraph?
A.To express her sympathy for her friends.
B.To highlight the influence of the village.
C.To show her sincere gratitude for the award.
D.To give her reason for setting up the village.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
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3 . Navigating growing up alongside academic demands is a difficult phase of life for anyone. “The hardest part of having dyscalculia in my K-12 experience was dealing with a disability on top of the normal aspects of growing up,” Cladek said. “Growing up with dyscalculia greatly affected myself-worth and not feeling like I am enough,” said Cladek, who is now a college student. “If I could only be able to fit in with the rest of the kids and not have this anxiety and frustration every time I look at a math problem on my worksheet, then I’ll be enough, which was a common thought I had.”

What does the author want to say by men toning Cladek’s experience?
A.Cladek has fantastic memories of schooling.
B.It’s better to have dyscalculia diagnosed earlier.
C.Growing up with dyscalculia is a big challenge.
D.Academic demands outweigh struggling with dyscalculia.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
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4 . Beer Worth Traveling For

One could give to beer the higher status of a universal human truth. Think Irish Guinness or Japanese Sapporo, each culture has a beer all its own. But in recent years, smaller, more local craft breweries (啤酒厂) have been on the rise, necessitating globe-trotting to gain a taste of the regional takes on the classics.

From well-established breweries in South Africa and California, to the growing markets in Southeast Asia, craft beer is worth travelling for.

Szot Brewery

Talagante, Chile

A Californian and Chilean husband-and-wife team established this brewery outside Santiago in 2016. ......

The Dancing Camel Brewery

Tel Aviv, Israel

Located in a converted grain storage facility dating from the 1930s and established in 2005, Dancing Camel is Israel’s oldest microbrewery. ......

Young Master Brewery

Hong Kong SAR, China

As one of the first craft breweries in Hong Kong, Young Master Ales has been a hot spot since 2013. In addition to......

Young Henrys Brewery

Sydney, Australia

In the heart of the city, this brewery is all about the community, including reducing its environmental impact.......

Where does the text probably come from?
A.A travel guidebook.
B.A science magazine.
C.A biology textbook.
D.A wine advertisement.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
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5 . Special Food Places to Try In Singapore

It’s an unpleasant fact that local food places are usually meant to cater to meat-eaters. It can be difficult to find a tasty food place that caters to meat-free diet. Here are some options to show you don’t need meat for a satisfactory treat.

Who is the passage intended for?
A.Those who want to lose weight.
B.Those who don’t eat meat.
C.Those who can’t go without meat.
D.Those who prefer home-made food.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
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6 . In his latest Twitter shake-up, Elon Musk has decided to temporarily control how many tweets users can read each day.

On Saturday, Musk announced the daily limit, with some accounts restricted to 300 posts. Musk said verified users would be able to read 6,000 posts per day, while unverified and newly created unverified accounts would only be able to read either 600 or 300 posts per day.

Where is this article most likely to occur?
A.In a free magazine offered on an airplane.
B.In a yearly review book concerning Internet and society.
C.In a newspaper published within one month.
D.In a literature criticism book on politics.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题

7 . When you think about it, food is an important part of our lives. Family gatherings center around food and the celebration of major life events and milestones involves food in one way or another. The same holds true for us here on the Space Station. Food is important and ends up usually being a topic of discussion for almost every crew.


Our food also comes packaged in many ways. But no matter what the form of the food though, you still have the same problem eating it- - you do not want it flying away from you and making a mess when you open it up. In this case a little bit of extra water is extremely helpful. It keeps the food kind of sticking together and to the package and to your spoon. Small things do escape from time to time, but we really try hard to minimize the random flying food problem. That is enough for now! Next time I will write about how to cook in space.

Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A food magazine.B.An astronaut’s journal.
C.A sci-fi handbook.D.A space history website.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题

8 . ......

These kids are admittedly luckier than those for whom going back home is sadly not an option. But when choosing to live with your mum is the only way of coping with an insecure job, or with the costs of renting in the city, then that’s not much of a choice. Home is still the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. But a healthy and successful society shouldn’t be sending quite many overgrown children hurrying back for shelter, and nor should it leave quite many parents feeling bad about it.

What is the author’s attitude to this trend?
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
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9 . ......

“No one can read a pamphlet (小册子) about cars and suddenly expect to drive,” said Rollins. “Driving is a skill that requires education and practice. The same is true of responsive parenting. Public health professionals, clinicians, and researchers must collaborate to help families develop psychosocial assets, including responsive parenting and a structured home environment. This could improve childhood obesity rates and other important quality-of-life outcomes,” she continued.

Which of the following would Professor Rollins agree with?
A.Kids’ early exposures to family psychosocial assets are hard to measure.
B.Kids’ academic success largely depends on family psychosocial assets.
C.Responsive parenting is the most important family psychosocial asset.
D.Developing psychosocial assets is a joint effort of experts and families.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
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10 . Of course, all of these are predictions. Scientists have said it’s almost impossible to truly predict how evolution will unfold. As we go further and further out, the prediction is less accurate. And it’s even more difficult to predict whether another species will develop human-level intelligence, Some think that it could happen. Others, however, are less optimistic because they don’t think nature will make mistakes twice.

Which of the following best describes the future of other species filling the same role as humans?
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
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