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1 . When I retired, my wife Peg said “Great! You’ll have time to clean the garage!” After 30 years’ ________ as director of a radio station, I would finally have more time for housework, but I worried I’d lose the sense of________ I had felt in my profession.

I pushed at the garage’s wooden doors, but they were as ________as I felt in this new stage of my life. I finally got the doors open and started to empty the shelves. Then my hand hit something ________. It was a common old metal can. I ________ the cover and found a ________ envelope with a postmark of May 13, 1940 inside. ________, I opened it and found some flower seeds in it, “ Eighty years old! I wonder if they’ll still grow. ”

I ________the seeds in a plastic pot. I checked it every day, but nothing happened. “I guess they’re just too ________to be any good, ” I told Peg in ________ . I picked up the pot to get rid of it, but something made me ________. I changed my mind and set it aside. Meanwhile, I was keeping ________, buying some books to improve my photography skills and teaching my granddaughters everything I knew about gardening and dogs.

Six weeks later, I was out in the yard when I ________ to notice the pot. A new bit of green-a leaf had ________. I proudly showed it off to my granddaughters. “Look, girls, even something this old can still ________ for its purpose and be pretty cool. Just like your grand- papa!”

A.showed upB.fallen offC.taken offD.dried up
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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章是Marist School写给孩子要申请该校2024——2025学年6年级和8年级的家长的,希望他们注意申请时应该注意哪些方面,尤其是各个事项的截止点。

2 . Apply for the 2024 –2025 School Year

We are thrilled you are considering Marist School for your child’s next chapter. Marist has two primary entry points for students in 7th and 9th grades to which we typically accept 150 and 50 students respectively.

Marist School utilizes Ravenna, an application management system, for all aspects of the admissions process. Through Ravenna, parents can access the Marist application, submit supporting materials, track application status, and view admission decisions. Our application for the 2024 - 2025 school year will be available late September with a January 22, 2024 deadline.

Importantly, Marist continues to require the SSAT as part of the application process. On Saturday, January 6, 2024, Marist will serve as a community test site for the SSAT. This is the last national testing day prior to our application deadline when a first set of SSAT scores is due.

Important Dates

September 2023 - March 2024

Marist School admissions events

Late September 2023Marist 2024 - 2025 application available in Ravenna
October 2023 - January 2024Required SSAT testing
December 3, 2023Open Heuse
January 22, 2024Deadline to apply to Marist; preliminary application and fee, parent and student questionnaires, and a first set of SSAT scores are due
February 1, 2024Deadline for Marist to receive any outstanding supplemental materials;     transcripts, teacher and administrator evaluations, and parish/church verification form are due
February 12, 2024Deadline to submit separate tuition assistance application
March 30, 2024AAAIS common notification date
April 11, 2024Deadline to respond to offer of admission
1. Who is this article mainly intended for?
A.Students in all grades.B.Students in 6th or 8th grades.
C.Parents of children in 6th or 8th grades.D.Parents of children in 7th to 9th grades.
2. What do we know about Ravenna?
A.It deals with entry applications.B.It promotes school management.
C.It is accessible the whole school year.D.It monitors the admissions process.
3. Which can be a possible date for applicants to submit teacher evaluations?
A.August 30, 2023.B.January 26, 2024.
C.February 3, 2024.D.March 30, 2024.
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3 . Is future you? It might seem like a strange philosophical question. But the answer to how you think about your future self could make the difference between decisions you ultimately find satisfying and ones you might eventually regret.

The brain patterns that emerge on an MRI (核磁共振成像) when people think about their future selves most like the brain patterns that arise when they think about strangers. This finding suggests that, in the mind’s eye, our future selves look like other people. If you see future you as a different person, why should you save money, eat healthier or exercise more regularly to benefit that stranger?

However, if you see the interests of your distant self as more like those of your present self, you are considerably more likely to do things today that benefit you tomorrow. A paper in the journal PLoS One revealed that college students who experienced a greater sense of connection and similarity to their future selves were more likely to achieve academic success. Relationships with our future selves also matter for general psychological well-being. In a project led by Joseph Reiff, which includes 5, 000 adults aged 20 to 75, he found that those who perceived a great overlap (重叠) in qualities between their current and future selves ended up being more satisfied with their lives 10 years after filling out the initial survey.     

So how can we better befriend our future selves and feel more connected to their fates? The psychological mindset with what we call ”vividness interventions“ works. We have found, for instance, that showing people images of their older, grayer selves increases intentions to save for the long term. Besides, you might try writing a letter to-and then from-your future self. As demonstrated by Yuta Chishima and Anne Wilson in their 2020 study in the journal Self and Identity, when high-school students engaged in this type of ”send-and-reply“ exercise, they experienced elevated (升高的) levels of feelings of similarity with their future selves.

Letter-writing and visualization exercises are just a couple of ways we can connect with our future selves and beyond, but the larger lesson here is clear: If we can treat our distant selves as if they are people we love, care about and want to support, we can start making choices for them that improve our lives-both today and tomorrow.

1. What’s the function of paragraph 2?
A.Generating further discussion.B.Introducing a research result.
C.Showing the effect of the finding.D.Concluding various viewpoints.
2. How does the author prove his statements?
A.By offering relevant statistics.B.By using quotations.
C.By referring to previous findings.D.By making comparisons.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Benefits of befriending our future selves.
B.Ways of connecting with our future selves.
C.Methods of changing psychological mindsets.
D.Possibilities of us becoming our future selves.
4. What does the article want to tell us?
A.Making future plans makes a difference.
B.Our future selves look like other people.
C.Getting to know your future self benefits.
D.Your choice affects the fates of strangers.
完形填空(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Age is truly just a number if our hearts are young. Lee Minor, an 85-year-old retired psychologist, has________this by finishing his 600th marathon race with 32 members of his family by his side. “Runners don’t have a________line. We just keep going,” he toldGood Morning America. “I felt________running with my family.” Minor has been running three days a week since 1969, and his heart is filled with enthusiasm for running.

“I like to run in all kinds of________. It is so childish as the rain touches your face. And I love to come here after snow and you watch your________as you go along.” he concluded.

Minor’s enthusiasm for running is________. “It is my joy. And I want to live as long as I can. And I mean live, not________.” His words ring true for Ron Robert, a man diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease who decided to ________ a three-year bachelor of artsprogram at King’s University College in London, Ontario. “I was always taught early in life that the brain is like the most ________instrument we have in our body,” said Robert.

Last fall, Robert graduated from the university, despite the challenges of his illness. “When I went across the stage, and as I’m getting my________, the kids all stood up andyelled and clapped,” he________. “I had to hold back the tears. It was something else, just wonderful.” He hopes that his story will give hope to others facing________difficulties. “There will come a time when I won’t be able to, and I fully________that. Butin the meantime, I’m living a full life.”

The stories of Minor and Robert are reminders that age and illness need not________us. We can choose to pursue our________and live life to the fullest, no matter whatchallenges we may face.

A.slid awayB.gave upC.broke inD.choked out
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5 . Although we all experience failure in our lives, we don’t all react to it in the same way. An interesting research has emphasized the notion that there are some people who embrace challenges and disappointments as opportunities to re-focus their thinking. These are people with a growth mindset. Then, there are other people who see failure as a complete failure. They believe that they never had the talent anyway, and they probably never will. These are people with a fixed mindset.

Psychologist Dweck has studied these mindsets and provided evidence that most people intentionally place themselves in one of those two groups. The group to which you assign yourself frequently determines how you react to challenges. If you experience failure and give up, you have conveniently assigned yourself to the fixed group. If you experience failure and regard it as a stepping stone, then you have placed yourself into the growth group.

According to the research, people in the growth group tend to generate more creative ideas than those in the fixed group. To illustrate, consider Thomas Edison. In the 19th century, Edison attempted to improve the light bulb and experimented with numerous materials. Over a thousand trials, he managed to discover an element sustaining light. A reporter once asked him,“It seems as though you’ve tried many times and continue to fail each time. Why is that?”Edison answered,“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10, 000 ways that won’t work.”

In studies of creative people, psychologists discovered that a distinguishing feature separating them from the non-creative is that they make lots of mistakes and continue to work through them. Most people consider success and failure as polar opposites. In reality, they are both parts of the same process.

1. What might people with a growth mindset agree with?
A.Challenges are welcomed.
B.Mistakes can be avoided.
C.Success is due to good luck.
D.Only talent leads to success.
2. What does the underlined phrase “a stepping stone” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.A road to nowhere.
B.A challenge in the way.
C.An outcome to expect.
D.A chance to advance.
3. Why does the author mention Thomas Edison in paragraph 3?
A.To make a prediction.
B.To present a fact.
C.To support a viewpoint.
D.To clarify a principle.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.How people interpret failure often determines their creative output.
B.Learning from success plays an important part in improving creativity.
C.Growth mindset people see challenges differently from fixed mindset ones.
D.Which group people put themselves in decides how they react to challenges.
2023-01-10更新 | 949次组卷 | 7卷引用:河北省石家庄市第二中学2022-2023学年高三下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Open Days at the University of Warwick

We’d love to meet you. Find out what Warwick’s all about. We will have a huge range of activities to choose from, to give you a deeper insight into student life here.


Get a sense of what it will be like to live on our fabulous campus. Our accommodation trails will guide you to residences which will be open for you to look around from 10:00 a. m.-4:00 p. m. Many of our current students will also be opening their rooms for viewing and happy to share their experiences of living on campus.

Academic Talks

Learn more about our courses by attending department sessions, and speaking to our academics and current students who will contribute to your student experience at the Information Fair from 9:30 a. m.-4:00 p. m. We’d particularly recommend booking onto our“Why Warwick?“ session. It is popular so make sure you reserve your place.

Sports and Societies

Visit our Sports and Societies Fair to chat to students from a variety of clubs and societies, who’ll talk to you about all the exciting experiences and activities outside of study, and start your thinking about what clubs and societies you might like to join as a student.

Campus Tours

Head over to our campus tour tents, where our friendly student ambassadors will be ready to take you on a guided tour from 9:15 a. m.-4:00 p. m. Visit our central campus sites, including the Warwick Arts Centre to see what you could get involved in.

Click on the boxes below to find out more about our Open Days and find the answers to some of our frequently answered questions. Once you have booked, we will send you more detailed information, to help you prepare for the day.

1. Where can you get to know about the courses at Warwick?
A.Accommodation Trails.B.The Information Fair.
C.The Sports and Societies Fair.D.Campus Tours.
2. What can you expect to do on the day?
A.To experience living on campus.B.To make a reservation for a course.
C.To learn about extracurricular activities.D.To appreciate artworks on campus by yourself.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A website.B.A journal.
C.A guidebook.D.An advertisement.
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . In many ways, Gitanjali Rao is an ordinary 11-year-old, lively and chatty, yet her scientific spirit makes a huge difference. Last month, she ___________ the top prize at the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge for her invention.

What ___________ Gitanjali’s work was that her city faced a water emergency with too much lead in its water. “The idea didn’t ___________ to me until I saw my parents try to do water tests. The test strips may show inaccurate results, which weren’t very ___________.”

She recalls. She then searched for suitable materials with continued efforts and ___________ found that carbon nanotube (纳米管)sensors can be used to sense chemicals. Gitanjali ___________ to build a small blue housing using the 3-D printer at her school with computer chips and a battery inside. A free app, which Gitanjali designed under ___________ from her computer science teacher, gives instant ___________ and sends the data to a linked phone through an attached device.

The process of designing her project wasn’t always ___________, though. Kathleen Shafer, a scientist paired with Gitanjali as her teacher in summer, ______________ along the way. In the award ceremony, Gitanjali also ______________ her parents with constant support and ______________ to try “crazy ideas”. Gitanjali received $25, 000 to further develop her program along with the great ______________ of winning the contest. According to Shafer, who ______________ Gitanjali, “she shows a lot of motivation to solve ______________ issues through science”.

A.keeps up withB.gets along withC.takes care ofD.speaks highly of
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真题 名校

8 . Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday.

While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children’s lives, and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading.

According to the report’s key findings, “the proportion (比例) who say they ‘hardly ever’ read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.”

The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children, ages 2—8, remain largely the same. But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined, from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.

When it comes to technology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.

The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading. Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books purchased for them, parents who read more often, and parents who set aside time for them to read.

As the end of school approaches, and school vacation reading lists loom(逼近) ahead, parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore.

1. What is the Common Sense Media report probably about?
A.Children’s reading habits.
B.Quality of children’s books.
C.Children’s after-class activities.
D.Parent-child relationships.
2. Where can you find the data that best supports “children are reading a lot less for fun”?
A.In paragraph 2.B.In paragraph 3.
C.In paragraph 4.D.In paragraph 5.
3. Why do many parents limit electronic reading?
A.E-books are of poor quality.
B.It could be a waste of time.
C.It may harm children’s health.
D.E-readers are expensive.
4. How should parents encourage their children to read more?
A.Act as role models for them.
B.Ask them to write book reports.
C.Set up reading groups for them.
D.Talk with their reading class teachers.
2018-06-09更新 | 6539次组卷 | 46卷引用:河北省石家庄北华中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Musk在受Jamie Oliver演讲的启发后,创立百万个家庭花园,鼓励和教授人们自己种植自己的食物,来让自己吃的食物更健康。

9 . On the day he almost died, Kimbal Musk had food on the brain. The Internet startup talent and restaurateur had just arrived in Jackson Hole from a conference where chef Jamie Oliver had spoken about the benefits of healthy eating. This was something Musk thought about a lot- how he might make a difference to the food industry—but beyond expanding his farm-to-table movement along with his restaurant, Musk hadn’t yet broken the code. Then he went sailing down a snowy slope (坡) and fell over, breaking his neck. The left side of his body was paralyzed.

Musk eventually made a full recovery, but it involved spending two months on his back, which gave him plenty of time to come up with a plan. Since then, he has launched an initiative to put “learning gardens” in public schools across America; attracted Generation Z to the farming profession by changing shipping containers into high-tech, data-driven, year-round farms; and this year, is kicking off a new campaign to create one million at-home gardens.

Aimed at reaching low- income families, the Million Gardens Movement was inspired by the pandemic, as both a desire to feel more connected to nature and food insecurity have been at the forefront of so many people’s lives. “We were getting a lot of inquiries about gardening from people that had never gardened before,” says Musk. “People were looking to garden for a bunch of reasons: to supplement their budget, to improve the nutritional quality of their diets, or just to cure the boredom that came with the lockdown.”

The program offers free garden kits that can be grown indoors or outdoors, and will be distributed through schools that Musk's non-profit, Big Green, has already partnered with. It also offers free courses on how to get the garden growing and fresh seeds and materials for the changing growing seasons. “I grew up in the projects when I was young, in what we now call food deserts,” says EVE, one of the many celebrities who have teamed up with the organization to encourage people to pick up a free garden. “What I love about this is that it's not difficult. We are all able to grow something.”

1. What inspired Musk to be devoted to food industry?
A.An accident.B.Jamie Oliver’s speech.
C.The pandemic.D.The farm-to-table movement.
2. What can we learn about the Million Gardens Movement?
A.It has mainly attracted young generations.B.It has just accomplished its target.
C.It may be stimulated by a lack of food security.D.It increases economic burdens for the poor.
3. Which of the following best describes Musk?
4. Why is EVE taken as an example?
A.To demonstrate the program to be non-profit.B.To share his experience in a food desert.
C.To encourage people to start a free garden.D.To clarify the reason why he loves a garden.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Get ready to start your journey to the best public university system in the world-with just one application.

Apply for more than one UC campus

This will significantly increase your chances of being admitted to the UC system. While you may not receive an offer of admission from your first-choice campus,all of our campuses-without exception-provide outstanding opportunities for you to learn and grow.

Apply on time

You can fill out the application in as many sessions as you want. Just remember to submit it by November 30 for the fall term.

Create an account

An email address and password are required in order to create an account. You should use the email account you use for all applications, just to make it easier to remember. We also recommend you use a non-school issued email account e. g. Gmail, Yahoo. Campuses send important and time-sensitive correspondence to applicants, so you should check your email regularly to follow up on your application.

Save information

You should click “Save & Continue” at the bottom of each page to save any entered information-there is a 20-minute inactivity period after which the application will automatically sign you1 out. If you’ve successfully answered all required questions, the page will be marked with a checkmark on the right-hand side.


Once you’ve submitted your application, you’ll see a confirmation page with important reminders and your UC application ID number which is used to access the various campus websites and, in many cases, to access your admission decisions.

1. What should students do to increase admission chances?
A.Submit applications on time.B.Apply for multiple campuses.
C.Open more than one account.D.Decide on one ideal campus.
2. How can students learn about the latest application process?
A.By checking the email.B.By visiting the campus.
C.By making phone calls.D.By signing up for Yahoo.
3. What will students get after completing the application?
A.A checkmark.B.A confirmation call.
C.A “Continue” button.D.A UC application ID number.
共计 平均难度:一般