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1 . It was July 15, 2021, and my friends had helped me celebrate my 31st birthday in the basement apartment of my sister’s home, where I lived.

Earlier in the day I had prepared for the unlikely event of a flood. We are about a third of a mile from the banks of the Ahr River. It had been raining that week, and authorities had issued a flood warning, though not for where I was. Still, I’d placed sandbags on the floor outside my garden door and piled clothing on tables. Before my friends left, they laughed at me for doing that, but I thought, “Why take a chance?”

As I went to sleep, I was awakened by the sound of rushing water. When I swung my legs off the bed, I was shocked by the sensation of cold-water lapping against my knees and rising fast. The Ahr River had violently burst its banks. And I had to get out fast!

The water was now up to my waist. I started to wade to my only escape: the door that leads upstairs to the rest of the house. Finally, I made it to the door. I managed to make a gap of about a foot, just wide enough to squeeze through and make it into the hallway. I leaped onto the stairs and ran to the third floor.

The river had drowned the neighborhood. What was once a lovely, cozy street was now a waterscape. More than 180 people died, and parts of villages were entirely washed away. Many of the houses around us were destroyed. Not everyone got out.

I came close to drowning that day. But rather than dwell on that, I prefer to recall what my mother told me afterward, “Christian, don’t remember the day when you lost everything. Remember the day you survived.”

1. What does the underlined word “that” refer to?
A.Celebrating a birthday.B.Managing the garden.
C.Warning friends of a flood.D.Preparing for the flood.
2. Why did the author try to open the door?
A.To let the water out.B.To keep things being swept away.
C.To reduce the flow of water.D.To escape to the upstairs.
3. What is the main idea of the fifth paragraph about the flood?
A.Its cause.B.Its damage.C.Its scale.D.Its process.
4. Why did the author quote his mother’s words?
A.To show his hope for the future.B.To indicate the loss of everything.
C.To highlight the power of flooding.D.To stress the role of good luck.
2024-05-04更新 | 74次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省台州十校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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2 . I’m in a coffee shop in Manhattan and I’m about to become the most disliked person in the room. First, I’m going to interrupt the man reading quietly near the window and ask for a drink of his latte. Next, I’m going to ask the line of people waiting to pay if I can cut to the front of the queue. This is how I chose to spend my last vacation. Here’s why.

Growing up, all I ever heard about was “EQ.” It was the mid-1990s, and psychologist Daniel Goleman had just popularized the concept of emotional intelligence. Unlike IQ, which tracked conventional measures of intelligence like reasoning and recall, EQ measured the ability to understand other people — to listen, to empathize (共情), and to appreciate.

My mother, an elementary school principal, prized brains and hard work, but she placed a special emphasis on Goleman’s new idea. To her, EQ was the elixir (万能药) that separated the good students from the great after they left school. She was determined to send me into the adult world with as much of this elixir as possible.

But when I finally began my first job, I noticed a second elixir in the pockets of some of my colleagues. It gave their opinions extra weight and their decisions added impact. Strangest of all, it seemed like the anti-EQ: Instead of knowing how to make others feel good, this elixir gave people the courage to do the opposite — to say things others didn’t want to hear.

This was assertiveness (魄力). It boiled down to the command of a single skill: the ability to have uncomfortable conversations. Assertive people — those with high “AQ”— ask for things they want, decline things they don’t, provide constructive feedback, and engage in direct confrontation (对峙) and debate.

A lifetime improving my EQ helped me empathize with others, but it also left me overly sensitive to situations where I had to say or do things that might make others unhappy. While I didn’t avoid conflict, I was always frustrated by my powerlessness when I had to say or do something that could upset someone. This is my problem and I’m working on it.

1. Why did the author act that way in the coffee shop?
A.To improve a skill.B.To test a concept.
C.To advocate a new idea.D.To have a unique vacation.
2. What do we know about the author’s mother?
A.She thought little of IQ.
B.She popularized Goleman’s idea.
C.She was a strict mother and principal.
D.She valued EQ as the key to greatness.
3. What does the word “it” underlined in the fourth paragraph refer to?
4. According to the passage, those with high EQ but low AQ are likely to be ______.
A.successful leadersB.people pleasers
C.terrible complainersD.pleasure seekers
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3 . As kids’ behaviour reaches crisis points after the pandemic, many schools are facing pressure from critics to rethink their approaches to discipline.

Approaches such as “restorative justice” were adopted widely in recent decades as educators updated the policies that cut off students’ access to learning, such as suspensions and expulsions (停学和开除). But more students have been acting out, and some school systems have faced questions from teachers, parents and lawmakers about whether a gentle approach can effectively solve problems that disrupt (扰乱) classrooms.

According to federal data, instances of misbehavior have been increasing since students returned to classrooms from the pandemic. A National Center for Education Statistics survey found 56% of respondents said the pandemic led to increased classroom disruptions from students’ misbehavior and 48%said it led to more acts of disrespect toward teachers and staff.

Rachel Perera studies education at the Brookings Institution. “There’s a lot of pressure on schools right now,” she said. “Schools also say they don’t have the resources to address more behavioral problems, and I worry that that will cause schools to fall back on old practices that are not effective in terms of supporting students in the way they need.”

Using restorative justice does not mean a school cannot remove a disruptive student from the classroom, said Thalia González, a professor at the UC College of the Law. But unlike other forms of discipline, restorative practices aim to deal with the root cause of students’ behavior and reintegrated them into classroom.

“That’s the problem with punitive discipline such as suspensions and expulsions,” González said. “You get removed and then you just come back. There’s nothing done to reintegrate into the community and rebuild the climate, the sense of safety, all the things that we know are so important to young people learning.”

1. What do we learn about “restorative justice” according to Paragraph 2?
A.It cuts off students’ access to learning.
B.It’s favored by both teachers and parents.
C.It’s less serious than suspensions and expulsions.
D.It’s more effective than suspensions and expulsions.
2. What did the survey by a National Center for Education Statistics find?
A.An increase in students’ misbehavior.B.Ways to deal with students’ misbehavior.
C.An improvement on students’ performance.D.Resources to address behavioral problems.
3. What was Thalia Gonzalez’s attitude to suspensions and expulsions?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Why are schools relying on restorative justice?
B.Is restorative justice an effective problem-solving approach?
C.How do schools make use of restorative justice?
D.What sets restorative justice apart from other discipline methods?
2024-05-03更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省台州十校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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4 . Right now, summers are getting hotter, winters colder and the polar ice is melting at an alarming rate. Extreme weather events and natural disasters frequently occur. The climate time-bomb is ticking. Strict measures must be taken to tackle the problem.

It reminds me of how the lives we live seem to follow roughly in the way put forward years earlier by the writers of science-fiction. I guess it’s “life imitating art”. When I was young there were stories about rockets going into space and even going to the moon, although there had never been a rocket into space at that time. Years later, Russia launched Sputnik, the first man-made object to go into earth orbit and later the US landed people and even a car on the moon.

When I was growing up there were also science-fiction stories about governments looking for solutions when the world’s natural resources were being over-extended, such as they are in the case of climate change. The solution in the stories was to assume that the cause of the problem was over-population and the solution, therefore, was to limit the number of people. Various plans were put forward for doing that, from limiting the birth rate to killing off anyone over a certain age. That age, if I remember correctly, was usually about 60 and when you reached that you were supposed to turn yourself over to a government facility where you would be put to death.

Still, a look at the old science-fiction stories provides an interesting and somewhat chilling approach to what is acknowledged to be a very serious and worsening world-wide problem. There is general agreement that urgent action is needed to stop us from literally making our world unfit to live on. The answers, at least so far, concentrate on managing those resources and the ways in which we use them However, I wonder if the day will come when life will imitate the art of the old science-fiction stories and someone will propose limiting the number of people on the planet as a way of making it more suitable for those who are left. It’s a grave thing to predict.

1. What does the author say about climate problems?
A.The problems can be tackled in a scientific way.
B.The problems are in urgent need of being resolved.
C.The explosion of extreme climates is under control.
D.The loss of natural resources leads to climate changes.
2. How does the author clarify the concept of “life imitating art”?
A.By giving examples.B.By using quotes.
C.By giving definitions.D.By making contrast.
3. What possible solution to climate problems concerns the author?
A.Removing overpopulated species.B.Getting rid of seniors.
C.Over-extending natural resources.D.Moving onto the moon.
4. What’s the author’s tone in the passage?
2024-05-01更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州西子实验学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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5 . Just by typing a few keywords and waiting a few seconds, a picture comparable to that painted by a human artist appears on screen.

AI art generators have seemingly swept the Chinese Internet. In some paintings created by AI, an elderly man can be shown as a young animated image, and pets can be turned into adorable cartoon girls or boys.

Huang Ge, an illustrator from Shanghai, said that it usually takes him several hours or days to complete one illustration. But with AI art generators, the efficiency is greatly improved. “Also, the generators have many modification (修改) modes, and the picture can be modified directly in the painting software,” he added. Ding Jiao, a comic artist, considers the popularity of AI art generator s reasonable as many people who are not good at drawing can create great works through them.

So is Al painting gradually replacing human painting? In the hot topic “Using a picture to prove that human artists will never be replaced by Al” online, many netizens uploaded their paintings to prove that humans are better than AI. “Though Al technology has developed rapidly, AI cannot fully replace humans. The warmth and inspiration in human creations are irreplaceable,” said Ding Daoshi, an independent analyst.

Another controversial issue is that there is no consensus (共识) of who owns the copyright of AI art. Some users have openly sold their AI paintings and earned money, but it is still a gray area about whether these artworks belong to users, the digital tool developers or even AI.

Ding Daoshi noted that the various sides should get together to debate the issue and come up with some accepted rules as soon as possible because AI is already penetrating deeply into the lives of human beings.

1. Why does the author mention “an elderly man” and “pets” in Paragraph 2?
A.To show the popularity of AI art generators.
B.To illustrate the disadvantage of AI art generators.
C.To prove the significance of AI art generators.
D.To present the powerful function of AI art generators.
2. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The efficiency of AI art generators.B.The benefits of AI art generators.
C.The popularity of AI art generators.D.The functions of AI art generators.
3. What is a controversial issue about AI painting besides its copyright?
A.Whether human artworks will be replaced by AI artworks.
B.Who AI artworks will really belong to.
C.Whether human artists are better than AI art generators.
D.How AI painting can play a supportive role.
4. What does the underlined part “a gray area” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.A done deal.B.A give-and-take attitude.
C.An ill-defined situation.D.A hard-to-get game.
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6 . I was surfing the Internet, planning for our 15th-anniversary trip when a perfect spot attracted me: The Shire of Montana, a “hobbit house”, which Jim my husband had dreamed about. I knew he’d be impressed. And our six-year-old daughter, Aurora, would like it, too. I was about to book our reservation when I saw a note on the website: No kids allowed. That ruined everything!

Luckily, there was an email address on the site. I plucked up the courage to contact the owner. Soon, a reply arrived, saying, “If you promise that your daughter is responsible and will not touch, she can come.” I was relieved, thinking Aurora was a good kid. “This will be okay,” I wrote back.

The day finally arrived. We piled into the car. I couldn’t help being excited, imagining Jim and Aurora’s reactions. We passed a sign that read, “The adventure begins …” Turning onto the Hobbit Lane, I felt a pan g of anxiety. As soon as we got out of the car, I pulled Aurora aside. “Children aren’t usually allowed here,” I said. “So you have to be very, very careful. You can look at everything, but don’t touch.” I explained the rule and how terrible it would be to damage anything. Aurora’s eyes widened at my no-nonsense tone. “I promise, Mom,” she said.

Obviously, my concern was superfluous. We spent several days at The Shire. Aurora was delighted at each discovery but she never disturbed a thing. She took her responsibility to protect the owner’s work seriously. It turned out that respecting boundaries didn’t take away the beauty and wonder, it allowed The Shire to remain beautiful and wonderful into the future.

Not so different from a marriage, I thought. Now I understood why we went to this place to celebrate our fifteenth anniversary. Jim and I moved through life side by side as a couple, and we’d learned to accept each other’s individuality and boundaries as well. Marriage is full of surprises, challenges and adventures. The key to making it work is respecting each other.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.The author met a problem while planning a trip.
B.The author and her husband had been married for 6 years.
C.Aurora didn’t want to take a trip to The Shire of Montana.
D.The trip was ruined because the author didn’t reserve a room.
2. Why did the author feel a pang of anxiety?
A.She felt it a burden to take care of her daughter.
B.She doubted if her daughter would behave well.
C.She worried her daughter wouldn’t be admitted.
D.She wasn’t sure whether her husband would like the place.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “superfluous” in paragraph 4?
4. What does the author want to convey through the text?
A.Don’t give up until you try your best.
B.Good role models are essential for teaching kids.
C.Respect contributes to a happy and lasting marriage.
D.Obeying the rules is important when dealing with people.
2024-04-23更新 | 128次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省三锋联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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7 . The pandemic has affected nearly all aspects of modern life, from the clothes we wear to the food we eat. There is one thing, however, that has remained almost unchanged: the emojis we send.

According to data from the Unicode Consortium (统一码联盟), nine of the 10 most-used emojis from 2019 also ranked among the top 10 this year. The tears of joy emoji ranked No.1, despite members of Gen Z deeming it uncool.

“It speaks to how many people use emojis. If emojis were a purely Gen Z thing, then you wouldn’t see it so highly ranked,” said Alexander Robertson, an emoji researcher at Google. “Because of the large number of people using emojis, even if one group thinks something is lame, they have to be a really big group to affect these statistics.”

And it makes sense that Gen Z would think that certain emojis aren’t fashionable. It’s part of the “teenager experience of creating a sense of subculture where there’s a right way and a wrong way of behaving.” Plus, there is a range of laughter that can be expressed: There’s light chuckling. There’s acknowledgement laughter, which is just a marker of empathy. Using emojis, such as the skull face (“I’m dead”) or crying face ( uncontrollable tears of laughter), can help to illustrate that range.

“It basically indicates that we have what we need to communicate a broad range of expression, or even very specific concepts,” Mr Robertson said. “You don’t necessarily need a Covid emoji.”

“We did see a rise in the use of the virus emoji. But it wasn’t made remotely into the most-commonly used ones because we still had plenty to laugh about and plenty to cry about, whether it was because of the pandemic or not,” said Lauren Gawne, a senior lecturer in linguistic at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia.

“Even in the midst of this massive global pandemic that preoccupied so much of our time,” She added. “We still spent a lot of time wishing each other happy birthday or checking or laughing about some new and unexpected elements of this slow-burning weirdness.”

1. Why does the tears of joy emoji ranked No.1 despite the dislike from the Z generation?
A.The emoji is a purely Z generation thing.
B.The Z generation are too young to influence the rank.
C.Though they dislike it, the Z generation vote for it ultimately.
D.The Z generation take up a very small portion in emoji users.
2. What does the underlined “it” in paragraph 6 refer to?
A.the virus emojiB.a Covid emoji
C.the use of the virus emojiD.the rise in the use of the virus emoji
3. Why wasn’t the virus emoji popular according to Lauren Gawne?
A.The massive global pandemic has come to an end.
B.The pandemic has little influence on people’s daily life.
C.We have a broad range of expression for communication.
D.Some new and useful emojis are created to replace the virus emoji.
4. What is probably the best title for the passage?
A.The Pandemic and the Emoji.
B.Gen Z, the Emoji Generation.
C.The Emoji of the Year.
D.The Rise of Virus Emoji
2024-04-21更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省绍兴市上虞区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末教学质量调测英语试题(含听力)
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8 . When opening certain mobile apps, users often find disruptive (有干扰性的) open-app advertisements that impact their experience. Open-app advertisements are advertisements that appear in between contents or during transition screens, such as when an app is loading the next page. Some of these advertisements can redirect users to another app if the phone is shaken, causing a lot of frustration for consumers.

These open-app advertisements function as gateways and become more common during online shopping festivals, redirecting users to shopping platforms such as Taobao and JD. Most smartphones have a gyroscope sensor (陀螺仪传感器) to detect shaking, leading to unintentional redirection. Many users not only find it annoying to find themselves on an advertisements page, but also have trouble disabling the gyroscope feature since sometimes their phones lack the choice to do so to avoid this issue.

In response, authorities have introduced detailed regulations on shaking advertisements gateways. A regulation published in December 2022 outlines specific rules for the design of “shake-to-open” advertisements. It says that these advertisements can only be “clicked through” if the phone’s rotation angle exceeds 35 degrees, with an action time longer than three seconds.

Additionally, in February, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology emphasized that pop-up or open-app advertisements should not disrupt users’ experiences. A regulation introduced in May states that advertisements must include a clear button for users to close them.

Government enforcement of these regulations presents challenges, as the number of apps and developers is great. However, this should not be an excuse for internet platforms to break the rules, as this behavior causes far more harm than good. A survey by the Jiangsu Consumer Council showed that over 90 percent of users strongly dislike open-app advertisements, feeling that their rights are being threatened.

While these advertisements might lead to more clicks, the fact is that the advertisements may harm the credibility of the platforms that the advertisements lead to and weaken the users’ willingness to use the platforms. Platforms can achieve a mutually beneficial (互惠互利) solution only if they respect users’ choices and provide suitable advertisements that users are willing to accept.

1. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about concerning open-app ads?
A.The benefits of open-app ads for online shopping platforms.
B.The lack of regulations governing traditional advertising methods.
C.The effectiveness of open-app ads in increasing users’ engagement.
D.The negative impact of disruptive open-app ads on users’ experience.
2. What was regulated in December 2022 about “shake-to-open” ads?
A.They can be clicked through without any restrictions.
B.They can only be clicked through on certain conditions.
C.They should have a clear button for users to close them.
D.They should appear for only three seconds on the screen.
3. How can platforms reach a win-win solution as mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.By ignoring users’ choices.
B.By respecting users’ preferences.
C.By presenting more irrelevant ads.
D.By flooding users with more profitable ads.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The Preferences of Shopping Platforms.
B.The Challenges of Online Shopping Festivals.
C.The Role of Advertisements in Improving Users’ Experience.
D.The Battle against Disruptive Advertisements on Mobile Apps.
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI)人格测试中的“I”(内向)和“E”(外向)两种类型。文章指出,尽管人们通常被归为某一类型,但在特定情况下可能会暂时表现出不同的性格特点,这被称为“掩饰”。作者反思自己可能也是这种会在不同场合表现出不同性格的人。

9 . Are you an “I person” or an “E person”? These two personality labels in particular are widely discussed online. They are part of a popular personality test called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI. There are 16 personalities in all, of which “I” and “E” refer to “introverted” and “extroverted”, respectively.

Even if someone is typically quiet, many online discussions suggest that an “I person” can still act outgoing at times. For example, when an introverted person is with a group of introverted friends, they might become more social like an “E” person.

According to psychologists, this idea of temporarily switching personalities is called “masking”. That is hiding your true personality in specific situations. “Human beings want to feel they belong, and they might become people-pleasers to do so,” wrote the MasterClass website.

Thinking on this, I may actually be the kind of person that these people are discussing. Most times, I just wish to make the atmosphere more interesting and exciting and show people that I’m easy to get along with. But deep down, I mostly enjoy being alone and quiet.

Using the MBTI result to identify and describe someone’s personality seems fun. However, I went too far at one time. My sister was excitedly making a day-to-day travel plan when I remembered from an article that a “P person” doesn’t like to make or stick to plans, so I said to her, “You don’t seem like a ‘P person’”. “Why?” she asked back. “Since when do I need to follow what my personality test tells me to do?” It was then that I realized that I’d taken the result too seriously.

The MBTI personality test may show something you don’t know about yourself and can even be a fun ice-breaker question when meeting new friends. And that’s all it is—for fun. Knowing someone’s MBTI result doesn’t mean you really know this person.

1. An “I person” tends to ________.
A.reflect on problems aloneB.enjoy gatherings with friends
C.be active in social situationsD.try to chat with complete strangers
2. Why does an “I person” act like an “E person” sometimes?
A.Because he/she wants to be like others.
B.Because he/she needs a sense of belonging.
C.Because he/she dislikes to embarrass others.
D.Because he/she is actually an “E person” deep inside.
3. What does the writer mean by saying “I went too far” in paragraph 5?
A.She pushed her sister too much.
B.She failed to help her sister follow her plan.
C.She believed blindly the result of the personality test.
D.She discouraged her sister to make a detailed travel plan.
4. What does the writer think about the MBTI?
A.It is supposed to be strictly followed.
B.It tells you everything about your personality.
C.It’s an interesting way to start a chat with a stranger.
D.It’s a reliable approach to telling what type of people a person belongs to.
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . On several occasions, I arrived at the Starbucks drive-through window only to find my bill already paid by a kind stranger. _________, I now keep an eye on my rearview mirror, looking for some one deserving of this _________.

One morning, I spotted a (n) _________ middle-aged woman in a shiny sports car behind me. I smiled to myself, “No way does she need me to buy her coffee!” But somehow a voice _________ inside that I should. And so I did. I knew I had trusted that little voice and that was all that really _________.

When I returned to my car, the lady was there. “Hi,” she said. “Thank you for the coffee. I never _________that.”

“You’re welcome. I was just ‘_________.’”

Surprisingly, she _________ to cry, revealing her struggle with _________ bankruptcy (破产) following a business crisis and the recent __________ of her son due to cancer. “I needed a __________ that everything would work out. When you bought my coffee this morning, I knew that was it.” Now I was the one who was choking back tears. I told her that I could __________ her suffering. I, too, had recently lost my son.

I sat in my car for a while, my heart kind of __________. I believe I gave her much more than a cup of coffee. Next time I am in the drive-through and feel the __________ to pay it forward — there will be no __________.

A.stopping byB.taking careC.dealing with itD.paying it forward
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