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1 . For me, becoming an Olympian was not developing a gift of natural athletic ability, but an act of will.

In the summer of 1979, I started _______ for the Olympic trials(选拔赛) to be held the next year.I felt happy as I made progress towards my big _______. But then in November, an _______ situation appeared. I injured my back and couldn’t move. I had to leave the _______. Everyone felt _______ for me. Everyone but me.

I never believed this would _______me. However, my _______ was slow. With only a few months remaining, I knew I would never make it _______ I did something. So, I started training in the only way I could in my mind.

I bought films of the world­record holders in pentathlon (五项全能运动).Sitting in a chair, I _______ them over and over.I lay on the bed and imagined the experience of ________ at the trials. Some people thought I was crazy, but I wasn’t ready to ________ yet. I trained as hard as I could without moving a muscle (肌肉). I ________ this practice with all my heart.

By the time the trials actually began, I had been ________ enough to compete. ________,as I walked across the field, I heard a voice on the loudspeaker announcing my name.I could hardly hold back my ________ as the announcer said, “Second place,1980 Olympic Pentathlon: Marilyn King.”

A.give upB.break upC.keep onD.give out
2024-02-25更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:必修第三册 (人教版2019) Unit 5 The Value of Money 单元达标检测
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Running is often tiring and a lot of hard work, but nothing beats the feeling you get after finishing a long workout around the track.

But while it’s long been believed that endorphins (内啡肽) —chemicals in the body that cause happiness—are behind the so-called “runner’s high”, a study suggested that there may be more to this phenomenon than we previously knew.

According to a recent study published by a group of scientists from several German universities, a group of chemicals called endocannabinoids (内源性大麻素) may actually be responsible for this familiar great feeling.

To test this theory, the scientists turned to mice. Both mice and humans release high levels of endorphins and endocannabinoids after exercise. After exercising on running wheels, the mice seemed happy and relaxed and displayed no signs of anxiety. But after being given a drug to block their endorphins, the mice’s behavior didn’t seem to change. However, when their endocannabinoids were blocked with a different drug, their runners’ high symptoms seemed to fade.

“The long-held notion of endorphins being responsible for the runner’s high is false. Endorphins are effective pain relievers, but only when it comes to the pain in your body and muscles you feel after working out,” Patrick Lucas Austin wrote on science blog Lifchacker.

Similar studies are yet to be carried out on humans, but it’s already known that exercise is a highly effective way to get rid of stress or anxiety. The UK’s National Health Service even prescribes (开药 方) exercise to patients who are suffering from depression. “Being depressed can leave you feeling low in energy, which might put you off being more active. Regular exercise can improve your mood if you have depression, and its especially useful for people with mild to moderate (中等的) depression,” it wrote on its website.

It seems like nothing can beat that feeling we get after a good workout, even if we don’t fully understand where it comes from. At least if we’re feeling down, we know that all we have to do is to put on our running shoes.

1. What did scientists from German universities recently discover?
A.Working out is a highly effective way to treat depression.
B.The runner’s high could be caused by endocannabinoids.
C.Endorphins may contribute to one’s high spirits after running.
D.The level of endorphins and endocannabinoids could affect one’s mood.
2. Why did the scientists give mice drugs in their experiment?
A.To find what reduces the runner’s high symptoms.
B.To see the specific symptoms of the runner’s high.
C.To identify what is responsible for the runner’s high.
D.To test what influences the level of endocannabinoids released.
3. What does the underlined word “notion” mean?
4. What can we know about regular workouts according to the UK’s National Health Service?
A.They can help ease depression symptoms.
B.They are the best way to treat depression.
C.They only work for those with serious depression.
D.They can help people completely recover from depression.
2024-01-03更新 | 312次组卷 | 17卷引用:甘肃省甘肃师范大学附属中学2019届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The Price of a Dream

I grew up poor. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, they could still afford a dream. My dream was athletics.

By the time I was sixteen, I was good at baseball and football. My high school coach was Ollie Jarvis. He not only believed in me, but taught me the difference between having a dream and showing conviction (信念).

One summer a friend recommended me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket — cash for dates with girls, certainly, money for a new bike and new clothes, and the start of savings for a house for my mother.

Then I realized I would have to give up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach Jarvis I wouldn’t be playing. I was afraid of this, but my mother said, “If you make your bed, you have to lie in it.” 

When I told Coach Jarvis, he was as mad as I expected him to be. “Your playing days are limited. You can’t afford to waste them,” he said.

I stood before him with my head hanging, trying to think of the words that would explain to him why I dream of buying my mom a house.

“How much are you going to make at this job, son?” he demanded.

“Three point twenty-five an hour,” I replied.

“Well,” he asked, “is $3. 25 an hour the price of a dream?”

That question exposed the difference between wanting something right now and having a goal. I devoted myself to sports that summer, and within the year I was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates to play rookie-league ball, and offered a $20, 000 contract. I signed with the Denver Broncos in 1984 for $1.7 million, and bought my mother my dream house.

1. Why was the writer grateful to Coach Jarvis?
A.Because Coach Jarvis made him set a goal.
B.Because Coach Jarvis supplied him with new clothes.
C.Because Coach Jarvis gave him financial support.
D.Because Coach Jarvis helped him show conviction.
2. What did the writer want to do when he was offered a job?
A.Balance summer baseball and the work schedule.
B.Refuse the job offer for summer baseball.
C.Give up summer baseball for the job.
D.Ask his coach Jarvis for advice.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined part “If you make your bed, you have to lie in it.” in paragraph 4?
A.You must eat the bitter fruit of your own making.
B.Believe in yourself, but above all be patient.
C.You must rely on yourself first, then others.
D.A good beginning makes a good ending.
4. What did the writer do at the end of the story?
A.He failed to buy his mother a house.
B.He succeeded as a sportsman.
C.He became a successful businessman.
D.He made some money in the summer job.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . There are many weird sports that are present around the world. From each region of the world, along with the very popular common sports, there are also those really popular but very weird kinds of sports.

The Ultimate Test Between Man and Horses

This is indeed a very strange kind of sport that tests your stamina (耐力). You will learn how to be agile (灵活的) while competing against a horse. This game originated in the Welsh town of Llanwrtyd Wells. This sport really has to do with strength. You will require great agility and strength in order to take part in this. Marathon human contestants are put to compete against those mounted people. This is how the marathon testing takes place.

Love Locked Races

This is a sports event that was first introduced in Finland. This is all about a male competitor racing with a female in a certain way. There would be many obstructions and blocks on the way which would definitely bring you challenges. The person to win would have to finish the race without losing his female partner in the course of overcoming the obstacles even for once. This race takes place really fast and the obstacles are set that way.

The Toe Sport

This is yet another weird sport that welcomes you to use your toes. This is quite the same kind of sport that you used to play as a child which involved toe wrestling. This has now been turned into a major sport that even has a World Toe Wrestling Competition. It first originated in a pub of Derbyshire.

The locals took this sport with great enjoyment and then made this so popular that it soon had its own championship. The individuals who participate have only got to use their feet and then this is tougher than it may sound.

The Mud Pit Belly Flop

This is a kind of game where even the spectators (观众) get splashed with mud but in fact that is quite the fun. The very annual Summer Redneck Games in East Dublin bring about this game and bring about some of the greatest hubcap-discus throws with it. This is also a great sport to show the strength and dexterity of your feet.

1. Which sport requires couples to participate?
A.The Ultimate Test Between Man and Horses.B.Love Locked Races.
C.The Toe Sport.D.The Mud Pit Belly Flop.
2. Which statement shows the popularity of the Toe Sport?
A.It first originated in a pub of Derbyshire.
B.The locals took this sport with great enjoyment.
C.It has a World Toe Wrestling Competition.
D.Even kids are fond of the sport.
3. What kinds of people are likely to take part in the Ultimate Test Between Man and Horses?
A.People with agility and strength.B.People with companions.
C.Marathon runners.D.Horse riders.
2023-11-29更新 | 21次组卷 | 6卷引用:四川省成都外国语学校2018-2019学年高二12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

5 . “Barefoot Mike” gets a lot of attention when he shows up at the beginning of a race. He loves to run and has been running since he was a kid. He loves to and often competes in 10K races. But That’s not the reason he gets so much attention. People notice him because when he runs, “Barefoot Mike” runs barefoot.

Running barefoot has become a huge trend in the world of running. “I didn’t set out to be a trend setter,” laughed “Barefoot Mike”, otherwise known as Mike Whitaker. “I’ve always been a runner, but until a few years ago, I always wore shoes. Then one day I was running after a rainstorm. I stepped off into the grass to avoid a puddle (水坑) on the sidewalk, and accidentally stepped into a huge muddy puddle that had been hidden in the grass. I tried to keep running, but the wet and dirty shoe made it really hard. I figured the best solution was to just get rid of the shoes.”

Mike took off his shoes and dropped them into the nearest trash can. “Then I started running. At first I went really slowly because I was watching out for rocks or other things that could hurt my feet, but there really weren’t any problems.” He started going faster. “It felt so good!” Mike said. “My knee, which always ached, didn’t ache. My foot was able to spread out so I had better balance. And my feet didn’t feel all hot and sweaty. It was awesome!”

“There are actually potential health benefits to running barefoot” said Dr. Nancy Bower, a podiatrist (足科医师).

A recent study agrees. A team of researchers recently videotaped several people running—first wearing shoes and then barefoot. In almost every case, when wearing shoes, the runners tended to land on the heel of their foot, which they call “heel-striking.” Many runners have impact injuries such as knee pain. Heel-striking may be the cause of these injuries or may make an existing injury worse. When running barefoot, the runners tended to land on the middle part of the foot. The force is spread out throughout the foot. The ankle, shin (胫部), knee and hip don’t get the shock of a hard landing with every step.

1. Why does Mike receive a lot of attention while running?
A.Because he runs very fast.B.Because he loses his shoes.
C.Because he wears no shoes.D.Because he wears strange clothes.
2. According to Paragraph 2, why did Mike run barefoot years ago?
A.He liked running barefoot.
B.He was advised to run barefoot.
C.His shoe became very uncomfortable.
D.His dream of becoming famous motivated him.
3. After running barefoot for a while a few years ago, Mike ________.
A.was very tiredB.was badly hurt
C.gave up runningD.felt unexpectedly great
4. According to the recent study, heel-striking ________.
A.is bad for one’s health
B.is caused by existing injuries
C.happens when one runs barefoot
D.can be avoided by wearing sports shoes
5. What is the text mainly about?
A.How to choose shoes.B.Why people need shoes.
C.Useful tips on running barefoot.D.The advantages of running barefoot.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Smartwatches and fitness trackers (健身追踪器) have gained popularity recently. These tools can record your daily steps, heart rates, etc.     1     . If yes, it might be a sign that you’re addicted to your fitness tracker.

    2     . If you keep setting unrealistic daily goals that involve working out for too long, and if you begin to ignore friends and responsibilities to make time for your workout, then you’re most probably addicted to your fitness tracker.

It’s a struggle to overcome the addiction to fitnesstrackers.     3     . For example, the number in your smart watch showing how far you’ve come can give you a sense of achievement.

Of course, failing to meet your daily goal can be discouraging. You might focus on your shortcomings rather than your progress. Another problem is that you might find yourself paying too much attention to the step number rather than how your body feels.     4       .

Therefore, if you’re spending too much time looking at your smartwatch, limit your daily step count to a comfortable level.     5     . For example, concentrating on your hobbies or socializing with friends can be a great way to keep your mind on other things.

A.Don’t overuse your smartwatch.
B.It doesn’t convey what you’re really feeling.
C.After all, reaching a daily step count can be so appealing.
D.How can you tell whether you’re addicted to your fitness tracker?
E.Actually, this addiction to step count can be risky, mentally and physically.
F.However, do you find yourself checking your steps and heart rates too often?
G.Besides, you can find other things to do that don’t involve checking your fitness tracker.
2023-08-16更新 | 279次组卷 | 29卷引用:北师大版(2019)选择性必修一 UNIT 3 单元测评
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Have you ever wondered how your favorite NBA team received its famous name? All NBA teams have an interesting story or a history behind their names. Some of the names reflected the city’s culture or history, others came from previous owners and many were selected through “Name the Team” contests.

For teams like the Los Angeles Lakers and the Utah Jazz, the names were not always a reflection of the city. Even though Los Angeles has no lakes, the Lakers name has been a city treasure for almost 40 years. Before going to Los Angeles, the team originated in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In1947, team officials changed the name to the Lakers to reflect the Minnesota State’s nickname, “Land of 10,000 Lakes”. The team name went unchanged after moving to Los Angeles in1960.

Because the Utah’s team originated in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was called the Jazz. In 1974, New Orleans club officials chose the name to represent the city for its reputation as the “Jazz Capital of the World”. The name stayed with the team even after they found a new home in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1979.

The original owner of the Chicago Bulls, Richard Klein, named the team the Bulls. He picked the name because a fighting bull is relentless and never quits. Klein, who founded the club in 1966, believed these qualities were necessary for a championship team and hoped his Chicago athletes would live up to the team name. The Bulls, the winner of the six NBA championships, has definitely followed the belief.

In 1967, the Indiana Pacers selected their team name in a different way from most other teams. Their decision was based on what they wanted to achieve in the NBA. Team officials chose the Pacers name because the organization wanted to set the “pace” in professional basketball.

1. Which can be the best title for this passage?
A.The Long History of NBA Teams
B.Interesting Stories about NBA teams
C.Excellent Qualities of NBA Team Officials
D.Stories Behind the Names of NBA Teams
2. Why is the Los Angeles’ team named “the Lakers”?
A.The name was selected from a “Name the Team” contest.
B.The name shows that Los Angeles is a city with various lakes.
C.It was named after a city treasure, which had a long history.
D.The team got this name in another state, which had a lot of lakes.
3. Which of the following refers to the “Jazz Capital of the World”?
A.New Orleans.B.Salt Lake City.
C.Los Angeles.D.Minneapolis.
4. Why did Richard Klein name the Chicago’s team the Bulls?
A.He had guessed the success of the team.
B.People in Chicago used to like watching bullfighting.
C.He wished the team to have the qualities of fighting bulls.
D.Chicago was then a city famous for fighting bulls.
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What sport does the man like best?
2. What kind of music does the man like?
A.Classical music.B.Pop music.C.Jazz.
3. What does the man do with friends to keep friendship?
A.He hangs out with them.
B.He plays sports with them.
C.He shares music with them.
4. When will the woman’s movie begin?
A.At 2:30 p.m.B.At 3:30 p.m.C.At 3:00 p.m.
2023-08-02更新 | 197次组卷 | 4卷引用:2019年新课标Ⅰ卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话4)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the woman interested in now?
2. Who runs the fastest?
3. What is true about Lily?
A.She swims fast.
B.She will take part in the long jump.
C.She is in the same class with Amy.
4. When did the man win first prize in the long jump?
A.Last week.B.Last month.C.Last year.
2023-08-01更新 | 44次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话4)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why does the man seldom do exercise?
A.He lacks motivation.
B.He has a heart problem.
C.He works all the time.
2. What does Jacob Sattelmair probably do?
A.He’s an athlete.B.He’s a researcher.C.He’s a journalist.
3. Why does the woman speak of a study?
A.To encourage the man.
B.To recommend an exercise.
C.To support her findings.
4. How much time will the man probably spend exercising weekly?
A.300 minutes.B.150 minute.C.75 minutes.
2023-07-21更新 | 126次组卷 | 2卷引用:2019年江苏卷高考真题变式题(听力长对话4)
共计 平均难度:一般