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| 共计 3 道试题
1 . Girls manage to ___________ different flavours more easily.
2 . 从所给方框中选择适当的单词完成句子 (每组有两个多余的选项)。
A. attributed        B. reversed        C. persisted
D. altered        E. claimed        F. posed        G. differentiated
1. Thanks to increased numbers of protected areas and education programs, the number of snow leopards was ________ to increase to 8,745.
2. Gretel had been told time and time again that she wasn’t allowed to call him stupid but still she ________ with it.
3. Experts ________ the champion swimmer’s success to her mental determination.
4. For decades, habitat loss and hunting ________ a huge threat to whooping cranes of North America.
5. What ________ this successful attempt from Nyad’s four previous attempts?
2022-06-12更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市师范大学第二附属中学2021-2022学年高一下学期英语6月测试英语试题
3 . Efforts will be made to______ new teaching models to exploit the students’ potential.
共计 平均难度:一般