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Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot (吉祥物) of the Beijing Winter Olympics, is a cute panda whose     1     (外形) is full-body “shell” made out of ice. It has     2     (使留下深刻印象) people with its wonderfully     3     (生动的) appearance and become popular in China.

Have you ever wondered why it is called Bing Dwen Dwen? In Mandarin (普通话) bing has several meanings, though the most common is “ice”. The character also symbolizes purity (纯洁) and strength, while dwen dwen means “strong and lively”.

Do you know why the mascot wasn’t named Bing Dundun in English? To read Bing Dundun correctly, you would have to be familiar with the pinyin system, which is       4     (难懂的) for foreigners, or the resulting pronunciation would be       5     (与……大不相同) the Chinese pronunciation. Moreover, “dun” is a word in English meaning “to ask someone to pay what they owe you again and again”. It also means “a dull greyish-brown color”. Both meanings don’t show goodwill. So, the Chinese Olympic Committee decided to change the name in an entirely new way.

There are some immediate advantages. The biggest is that the tone has been mixed into the spelling of each syllable (音节). The transliteration (音译) of Bing Dwen Dwen this time does work and is     6     (值得做的). It     7     (确保) foreign athletes and fans call Dwen Dwen “d-when d-when”, which is as close to the original “doon-doon” as an average English speaker can get.

7日内更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:Units 1-3 词汇练习- 2023-2024学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 自从2022年冬奥会在北京和张家口成功举办,奥运精神和热爱运动的精神一直在中国传递,假设你是李津,请给你的笔友John写一封信,谈谈有关运动的话题。内容包括;
(1) 多运动对人们的好处;
(2) 举例说明你是怎么运动的;
(3) 呼吁大家多运动, 传播奥运会精神。
参考词汇: 冬奥会: Winter Olympic Games
注意: (1) 词数: 不少于100词
(2) 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
(3) 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear John,

Since the 2022 Winter Olympic Games were successfully held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, the Olympic spirit has been widely spread all around China.



Li Jin

2024-04-16更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市瑞景中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 听下面一段较长对话, 回答以下小题。
1. Where did the woman usually watch the 2022 Winter Olympics?
A.On her cellphone.B.On TV.C.On the computer.
2. What did the news say about the 2022 Winter Olympics?
A.It might be the best in history.
B.It was widely watched in the US.
C.It promoted streaming services.
3. What sports is Leonard most interested in?
A.Figure skating.B.Freestyle skiing.C.Ice hockey.
2024-03-27更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:高考英语听力标准训练(10)(含音频及听力材料)-【启航英语】2024版高三英语听力标准训练基础篇
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Dear Peter,

Thank you for your email, from that I can feel your greatly interest in the mascots for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games—Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon.

As for all the message that they convey, please allow me give a brief introduction. Bing Dwen Dwen looks like as a giant panda. It also resembles a astronaut, which is a nod to our astronauts’ selfless devote and their exploration of space.

The image of Shuey Rhon Rhon are a combination of snow and a lantern in the color of Chinese red. Not only does it imply tolerance, harvest, warmth, but they also represents friendship, courage and strength, reflects the fighting spirit of the Winter Paralympic athletes.

Best wishes!


Li Hua

2024-03-27更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省张掖市某校2023-2024学年高三下学期模拟考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The conclusion of the recent Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics on Feb 20 also marked the end of the volunteering work of Armenian twin brothers Vahan and Hayk Gehamyan, both of     1     are Fudan University undergraduates.

The brothers served as translators for Team Armenia during the Games and also    2    (offer) assistance to athletes.     3    their busy work schedule, the brothers enjoyed their time in the Olympic Village. They even made friends with their    4    (neighbor)---athletes from Finland and Ukraine---and cheered for these athletes when they competing.

“It’s    5    great honor to serve as Olympic volunteers. We    6       (impression) by the charm of winter sports, such as the beautiful freestyle skiing and figure skating,” Hayk said.

“Moreover, we saw people from across the world    7    (live) under the same roof. It showed how the Olympic spirit of unity shines    8    (bright) throughout the games and beyond, which reminds us that people worldwide belong to the same human family,” he added.

Hayk said that they     9    (draw) to China as they wanted to experience the country’s fast     10     (economy) development and culture. “We’re glad we made the decision to come here,” said.

2024-03-24更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市金陵中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题

6 . Although the weather is very hot now, the carnival of ice and snow is getting closer. The preparation work for Beijing Winter Olympic Games, which are expected to begin on Feb 4, 2022, has entered its final stage. In January, 2021, the ice-making work on the “Ice Ribbon”, a landmark venue for the Beijing Winter Olympics, was completed.

In the Winter Olympics, where races can be won or lost by a small-time gap, tiny imperfections in the ice can make a big difference. “It’s not just a hunk of ice like you’d normally think of, like ice cubes sitting in your freezer,” told Kenneth Golden, a US mathematician who studies the structures of ice. “It’s a much more fascinating and complex substance than people would normally think.” ① ________

The first step for building any ice rink is to purify the water to remove dissolved (溶解的) solids like salts and minerals. Such impurities don’t fit in the regular hexagonal (六边形的) structure of ice that forms as water freezes. ②________ . The more pure the water is, the more consistent the ice surface.

③________. As one of the most advanced technologies for winter sports venues, a carbon dioxide (CO₂) cooling technology has been applied on a large scale for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. CO₂ is not new when it comes to ice-making. However, it has been gradually replaced by the man-made refrigerant, like Freon.

With increasing attention toward climate change, the old refrigerant has come into use again. ④ ________ . As an element of the atmosphere, CO₂ doesn’t damage the ozone layer. Although CO₂ is a greenhouse gas, its greenhouse effect is much lower than that of other man-made refrigerants. The Winter Olympics venues adopted CO₂ instead of Freon as a refrigerant in ice-making, which will reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

“We believe these technological innovations will bring Beijing 2022 to spectators all over the world in a more impressive way,” told Gao Bo from the Media Operations Department of the Organizing Committee of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

1. What is the result of impurities in water for ice-making?
A.The water isn’t able to freeze completely. B.The quality of the ice will be affected.
C.The ice surface will be more consistent. D.It’s likely for athletes to fall on the ice.
2. Why has CO₂ cooling technology been applied for the Winter Olympic Games?
A.It’s the most advanced technologies for ice-making.
B.CO₂ is more efficient than other refrigerants.
C.CO₂ is more environmentally-friendly than Freon.
D.CO₂ has already existed in the atmosphere.
3. What is Gao’s attitude to CO₂ being applied to ice-making?
A.Unclear. B.Opposed. C.Doubtful. D.Favourable.
4. Which is the suitable place for the sentence “In addition to the need for excellence in the raw materials of ice-making, technology is also very important.”?
2024-03-20更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市第二十七高级中学2021-2022学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. Where does the woman usually watch the 2022 Winter Olympics?
A.On her cellphone.B.On TV.C.On the computer.
2. What does the news say about the 2022 Winter Olympics?
A.It can be the best in history.
B.It’s widely watched in the US.
C.It promotes streaming services.
3. What sports is Leonard most interested in?
A.Figure skating.B.Freestyle skiing.C.Ice hockey.
2024-03-06更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届湖北省荆荆宜仙高三2月联考英语试题听力精听
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

“OMG! It’s so cute!” Since posts with such descriptions spread on social media in which a lovable panda is waving and smiling, Bing Dwen Dwen     1     (become) a star in the Olympic Villages, venues, and almost everywhere. After     2     opening of the Beijing 2022 Olympics, Bing Dwen Dwen, like hotcakes, incredibly went viral overnight. The craze has also become a trending topic on social media platforms. Actually, Bing Dwen Dwen     3     (select) to be the mascot of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics in 2019 from more     4     5,800 entries submitted from 35 countries.

Many people wonder     5     the mind-broadening ideas behind its design are. Insiders comment that Bing Dwen Dwen is a great combination of Chinese culture and the Olympic spirit. ‘Bing’ in Chinese means ice, standing for purity and strength, while ‘Dwen Dwen’ represents     6     (sincere), liveliness, and health. Plus,     7     (wrap) in an “astronaut’s suit”, Bing Dwen Dwen has a face designed to be a sports expert who     8     (come) from the future, representing a perfect mixture of winter sports and modern technology. The head is circled up with colorful floating lines, a reference to Beijing’s National Speed Skating Oval, directly     9     (show) skating tracks and 5G technology. Hence, Bing Dwen Dwen is a giant panda with a high sense of science and technology.

    10     (hopeful), the cute, witty, hi-tech Bing Dwen Dwen can become a classic and countless lasting will stick in Olympic history.

2024-02-28更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省咸阳市实验中学2021-2022学年高二下学期阶段性检测(一)英语试题

9 . The Olympics are always a thrilling event, with comeback stories, impressive performances and more. Here is a look at the records broken at Beijing Winter Olympics:

Nathan Chen

Four years after a disappointing showing in PyeongChang, United States figure skater Nathan Chen set a new record during the men’s short program at Beijing Winter Olympics. His 113.97 marks were over two points higher than the personal-best score he set during the figure skating team event.

Nils van der Poel

Sweden’s Nils van der Poel was already the record holder for the men’s 10,000m speed skating, but showed that he can beat even his own record. He finished with a time of 12 minutes and 30.74 seconds, shattering his own previous record of 12:32.95 set in February 2021.

Johan Clarey

France’s Johan Clarey took home the silver medal in the men’s downhill alpine(高山) skiing, and at 41 years and 30 days old, he is the oldest Olympic medalist in alpine skiing. “When you are a medalist, whether you are 20 or 41, it doesn’t matter; it’s just an Olympic medal and this is the best feeling. The record of the oldest is not that I don’t care, but is not the most important point,” Clarey told Eurosport after the race on 7 February 2022.

Ireen Wüst

Qualifying for one Olympics is a big feat, but Speedskater Ireen Wüst of the Netherlands has won an individual gold medal at five different Olympics, the first athlete in history to do so. The 35-year-old attended her first Olympics in 2006. Since then, she has 12 medals, six being gold.

1. At Beijing Winter Olympics, who broke the record he/she had set ?
A.Ireen Wüst.B.Nathan Chen.C.Johan Clarey.D.Nils van der Poel.
2. What do we know about Johan Clarey at Beijing Winter Olympics?
A.He didn’t win a medal.
B.He doesn’t care the record of the oldest.
C.He is the oldest alpine skier to medal at Beijing Winter Olympics.
D.He was the quickest in the men’s downhill alpine skiing.
3. What do the four athletes have in common?
A.They all participated in many Olympics.
B.They all set a new record at Beijing Winter Olympics.
C.They all won gold medal at Beijing Winter Olympics.
D.They all competed in multiple events at Beijing Winter Olympics.
2024-02-26更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:【名校面对面】2022-2023学年高二大联考(8月)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 语法填空

Build Bridges of Friendship

When we refer to cultural differences, negative ideas like “conflicts” or “divides” may come to our minds.     1    , the Beijing Winter Olympics showed us that cultural diversity (多样性) could be     2     (benefit) to people from different countries. As the most active force in the world, the young generation is taking the lead in bridging the gap to promote global     3     (communicate).

Trying a different country’s cuisine (美食) is     4     challenge for some people. But many international athletes in the Games chose     5     (accept) the differences. Malta’s snowboarder Jenise Spiteri is an example. The 29-year-old even got a name “Doubao Sister” because she took a big bite of Doubao while     6     (wait) for her score.

The Games also saw young people help and appreciate others,     7     their cultural background is. Alexandra Pozhidaeva, a Russian performer in the opening ceremony, said what impressed her most is the     8     (friendly) from the Chinese people. So did many other athletes from all over the world.

“The cultural     9    (different) should not be reasons for conflicts but sources for peoples to learn from each other for the common good of humanity,”     10     (note) China Daily.

2024-01-14更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023-2024学年高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册单句语法填空
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