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1 . The field was not all that big. Apart from David who was just here to _________ the housework, he would have been doing at home if he had not been here. Other _________   gladly began harvesting corns and grouping them in one place where they could _________ pack them later.

Time flew away. Soon, the younger kids _________   bowls of porridge. They sat down under a shade within the _________ and refreshed themselves. After a moment, they _________till their shadows grew shorter and they started putting the _________ into their bags.

As she watched them from a distance, the grandmother was very _________by their efforts so that she started figuring out the best way to _________ them. She asked them about the remaining trips and just knew it was the last trip.

__________, David was so eager to get a present from the grandmother that while the rest of his __________ went further into the field to load their bags, he remained behind. He quickly __________some corns into his bag and hurried back, but as he __________the granary(粮仓), the grandmother asked him to __________ his load and wait for the rest to arrive. The other children __________ arrived and each one was asked to mark his or her bag and put it aside. then they gathered and enjoyed a __________ lunch which the grandmother had prepared for them carefully.

“Now, I am very pleased with your good __________,” the grandmother told them after their lunch. “You will all take with you the __________ from your last trip as a present!” All of them were very __________as they gladly thanked her and lifted their bags to take home.

David was terribly disappointed with the grandmother’s __________. He exactly knew there were few in his bag.

A.took inB.relied onC.picked upD.put down
2023-01-15更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省吉安市2022-2023学年高三上学期1月期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . There are a lot of reasons to love biking, whether it brings back childhood memories of the past, provides an eco-friendly mode of transportation, or gives you an energizing way to move your legs.     1    

What are the benefits of biking?

Biking can also help get you stronger without overly demanding your joints.     2    Biking is a non-weight bearing activity, which means it puts less stress on joints of the knees and ankles.


Just because you’re sitting down when biking, it doesn’t mean you can’t get a challenging training. There are a number of levers you can pull to level up or down your ride. This can come in the form of resistance, hills, and speed. A variety of all three at intervals is a great choice.

How many calories does an average bike ride burn?

    4     Calorie burn is completely dependent on the weight of the rider, the amount of energy they are using to ride, and the time and distance they are riding. The more power output, the harder the ride, the more calories burned.

How often should you make your bike ride?

There are no hard and fast rules on how long and often you should ride a bike, as it depends on individual fitness levels, goals, and more.     5     If you are not working as hard or have different goals like endurance or recovery, then 45-60 minutes may be appropriate.

A.What can you get when biking?
B.How do you make your bike ride suitable?
C.There’s no magic number for calories burned while biking.
D.Indoor biking can provide more control for a beginner, making him or her feel safer.
E.Cycling, whether indoors or outdoors, can benefit the lungs, he muscle, and the mind.
F.Besides, biking can also be a great practice with benefits beyond getting your heart pumping.
G.If you are doing shortly high intensity on cycling, then 20-30 minutes can get you great benefits.
2023-01-15更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省吉安市2022-2023学年高三上学期1月期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . According to a recent research in the journal of Energy and Trends, in Beijing, a city with serious smog problems, the 70,000 taxis are going electric vehicles (EVs) which are expanding in availability and efficiency all over the world. All newly registered or replaced vehicles within Belling have to be electric taxis. The cost of the program will be around $ 1.3billion. An electric taxi costs around $ 20,000 in China and they’re extremely popular.

Other Chinese cities, Shenzhen and Taiyuan, announced similar policies. Beijing stands apart as it is a burgeoning global city taking some measures with creativity to leave Western cities in the dust, or smog. China is the world’s biggest electric vehicle market. There are over 600,000 on the road.

Change won’t happen overnight. A lack of charging points in the city causes a functionality problem. In reality though Beijing’s ambitious plan is another chance to onsolidate(使巩固)advances and advantages in the EV market.

EVs currently cost twice as much as gasoline vehicles. Liu Jinliang, Chairman of ride-hailing(网约车) company Caocao, hopes the government will provide allowance to reduce the costs and firmly believes EVs’ bright future. The Chines government also relaxed its regulations on car manufacturing, a move which will actually force China’s manufacturing centres to innovate with EVs.

In fact the number of electric vehicles this policy would produce is amazing. 2015 saw 500,000 electric vehicles sold. China produces 28 million automobiles every year. Suppose production stays at 28 million, including 2.3 million EVs made annually. Who is going to buy all these?

Trade links between the EU and China mean this policy on EV production has a global effect. German manufacturers are the biggest players in the Chinese car markets, and they will obey the same rules as Chinese companies. European car companies are already planning to shift to electrification(电气化). In order to keep access to the Chinese market, companies need to move even faster.

1. What is the recent research mainly about?
A.Consumer trends.B.Electric vehicles.
C.Environmental energy.D.Availability and efficiency.
2. What does the underlined word “burgeoning” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Deep dividing.B.Gently enlarging.
C.Fast populatingD.Rapidly growing.
3. Which of the following best describes Liu Jinliang’s attitude towards EVs?
4. Why are European car companies planning to turn into electrification?
A.To sell more electric cars.
B.To innovate the power cars.
C.To enter the Chinese market
D.To adapt to the world’s development.
2023-01-15更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省吉安市2022-2023学年高三上学期1月期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . The two-roomed house is built of logs, boards and stones, and there are cracks all over the floor. A big simple kitchen standing at one end is larger than the house itself. Bush all around, for the country is flat.

The master of the house, is away with sheep. His wife, Wilkins, and children are left here alone.

Four ragged, dried-up-looking children are playing about the house. Suddenly Robbert, one of them yells, “Snake! Mother, here’s a big snake!”

The sun-browned bushwoman dashes from the kitchen, grabs her baby from the ground, and reaches for a stick.

“Where is it?”

“Here! Gone in the woodpile,“ yells the eldest boy-a sharp-faced child of eleven. “Stop there, mother! I’ll have someone!”

“Tommy, come here, or you’ll be bitten!’

The eldest boy comes unwillingly, carrying a stick bigger than himself. Then he yells, “There it goes-under the house!“ At the same time. the big black dog, who has shown the wildest interest in the happenings, breaks his chain and rushes after that snake. His nose reaches the crack in the boards just as the end of its tail disappears.

Wilkins makes the children stand together near the doghouse while she watches for the snake.

It is near sunset. The children must be brought to the pavilion (凉亭) next to their house. She will not take them into the house, for she knows the snake is there.

It must be near one or two o’clock at night. The black dog lies at full length on the floor, with his eves towards the floor. Suddenly he becomes greatly interested. The snake-a brown one-comes out slowly. The dog lies still, and the woman knows what this means, and lays her hand on the stick. The snake comes out a foot further. The dog jumps up, and bites it hard. The snake’s head rises up and down, but the dog has the enemy close to the neck. Soon it died. The black dog is great. He stays up all night

1. What did she do after Wilkins heard Robbert crying in fear?
A.She dropped what she was doing soon, and dashed out of the kitchen.
B.She rushed out of the kitchen, picked up her baby and held on a stick.
C.She dashed out from the kitchen, grasped a stick and picked up her baby.
D.She yelled out from the kitchen, stopped her child and reached for a stick.
2. Why did Wilkins choose the pavilion as their stay?
A.To take care of her kids freely.
B.To find the snake there easily.
C.To avoid the danger in the house.
D.To save the dog for her children.
3. What did the black dog sacrifice to kill the snake?
A.His health.B.His reputation.
C.His chance to play.D.His rest time at night.
4. Which proverb best matches the story?
A.One day as a teacher, life as a father.
B.People always leave their mothers in the end.
C.Mom, where are you, where is the safest place.
D.Whoever speaks in an inch of grass earns three spring sunshine.
2023-01-15更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省吉安市2022-2023学年高三上学期1月期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . If you need a reason to treat yourself to a short break this autumn, one of the latest exhibitions is sure to inspire you. The exhibitions follow a path of time and subject with your tastes.


2 November 2022-13 January 2023

To mark the 450th anniversary of one of the greatest painters. Vienne will host the world’s first exhibition for Bruegel this autumn.

Three nights’ price from £795, saving £208 at the Grand Hotel in November and December

◆Includes entrance to the Kunsthistorisches Museum

Mauritshuis-The Hague

11 November 2022-6 January 2023

Peaking in the 18th century, British landowners enthusiastically collected Dutch paintings to display in their country houses. This unique exhibition brings together some of the finest masterpieces of the Dutch Golden Age.

Three nights’ price from £876, staying at the Des Indes Hotel

◆Includes entrance to the Mauritshuis Museum

Doge’s Palace-Venice

31 September 2022-6 January 2023

Celebrating 500 years since the birth of the Venetian painter Jacopo Tintoretto, the Doge’s Palace has brought together 50 paintings from New York, London, Paris, Madrid, Vienna and Berlin here, still visible on the wall of the main hall.

Three nights’ price from £859, staying at the American Dinesen Hotel

◆Includes water taxi transfers and entrance to the Doge’s Palace.

Uffizi Gallery-Florence

December 2022-20 January 2023

To mark the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death, his Codex Leicester ,containing sketches(素描)and notes on water and the environment, has been loaned from the personal collection of Bill Gates.

Three nights’ price from £723, saving £136 at the Deli Orafi Hotel in December

◆Includes entrance to the Uffizi Gallery

1. Which of the following exhibitions is available in October?
A.Doge’s Palace-Venice.B.Uffizi Gallery-Florence.
C.Kunsthistorisches-Vienna.D.Mauritshuis-The Hague.
2. What do the four exhibitions have in common?
A.The prices include local flights and the services.
B.The price includes entrance fee to the exhibition.
C.The hotels arrange to offer help for a private tour.
D.Booking expert local guides is a must for travelers.
3. How are the exhibitions arranged in the text?
A.By popularity.B.By importance.
C.By cause and effect.D.By time and subject.
2023-01-15更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省吉安市2022-2023学年高三上学期1月期末质量检测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The craftswoman Ji Yulan, an inheritor of the intangible heritage of paper-cutting from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,     1     (engage) herself in the art for over 40 years.

She made paper-cuts of people from all     2     (walk) of life. “The paper-cutting art comes from the folk and it should return to the people,” Ji said. One of her pieces described a nurse with long, beautiful hair,     3     (wear) a mask and a white gown (罩衣). Ji was deeply impressed by female medical workers     4     cut their long hair to better themselves for their jobs. “Women are charming in long hair and it takes a lot of courage to cut it,” Ji said. She created a paper-cutting work to show the image, in which a nurse has her long hair back.

Ji has 12 students, aged from 3     5     23. “They discovered their interest in paper-cutting and came to me to learn it, “she said. She devotes     6     (she) to her career and often encourages her students     7     (create) works based on a younger mindset. Ji said, “I am     8     (extreme) optimistic about the future of the craft. Younger generation have a real sense of     9     (culture) heritage.”

Ji keeps practicing paper-cutting every day. Her works hang in her studio     10    appear in every corner of her home. She also learned to share her works on video-sharing platforms to increase her audience.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A breakthrough in electric vehicle(EV)battery design has enabled a 10-minute charge time for a typical EV battery. The record-breaking combination of a shorter charge time and more energy acquired for longer travel range was announced on Oct. 12 in the journal Nature.

“The need for smaller, faster-charging batteries is greater than ever,” said Wang, the William E. Diefenderfer Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Penn State and lead author on the study.“Because the critical raw(未经加工的)materials are short,there are not enough batteries to meet expected demand.”

In August, California’s Air Resources Board passed an extensive plan to restrict and ultimately ban the sale of gasoline-powered cars within the state.“If new car sales are going to shift to battery powered electric vehicles,” Wang explained,“they’ll need to overcome two major drawbacks: They are too slow to recharge and too large to be efficient and affordable. Instead of taking a few minutes at the gas pump, depending on the battery, some EVs can take all day to recharge.”

“Our fast-charging technology works for most energy-dense batteries and will open a new possibility to downsize electric vehicle batteries from 150 to 50 kWh without causing drivers to feel range anxiety,” said Wang,whose lab partnered with a power company to develop the technology. “The smaller, faster-charging batteries will dramatically cut down battery cost and usage of critical raw materials, enabling mass adoption of affordable electric cars.”

“True fast-charging batteries would have immediate impact,” the researchers wrote. “Since there are not enough raw minerals for every internal combustion engine car to be replaced by a 150 kWh-equipped EV, fast charging is necessary for EVs to go mainstream.”

“The study’s partner, the power company,is working to manufacture and commercialize the fast-charging battery for an affordable and sustainable future of vehicle electrification,” Wang said.

1. What is the EV battery market lacking?
A.Vital substances.B.Critical technology.
C.High-end products.D.Scientific market survey.
2. Which is a disadvantage of the current EV battery?
A.It has an ugly design.B.It’s too small to offer power.
C.It has a very short service life.D.Recharging it is time-consuming.
3. What will Wang’s technology bring about?
A.Fierce market competition.B.Wide use of affordable electric cars.
C.The disorder of the electric car market.D.The disappearance of gas-powered cars.
4. What is the power company doing now?
A.Researching and developing new EVs.
B.Looking for a new sustainable EVs market.
C.Making and marketing the fast-charging battery.
D.Identifying and producing critical raw materials.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A study published has modeled the wide-ranging impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on Australia’s food systems and supply chains, identifying potential chain re-actions including job and income loss as well as a loss in nutrient availability and diet quality. Led by Dr Arunima Malik from the Integrated Sustainability Analysis(ISA)group, the paper analyzed the climate change impacts across different sectors and regions in Australia. The researchers found that climate change and extreme weather events have impacts across communities, with rural regions the most negatively impacted.

The study also found that climatic events,such as floods, bush fires and heatwaves could affect surrounding areas by way of limiting food availability and employment. The effects of these events could be felt in distant regions due to the complex inter-connectivity of modern supply chains.

Previous research undertaken by the ISA has shown that a local disaster can impact every other Australian state, resulting in losses across primary, secondary and tertiary industries. What plays out globally seems to play out locally as well. Everyone is affected by climate change, even if they’re not in areas directly hit by extreme weather,and the vulnerable (脆弱的) are affected most.

Damages to food supply can negatively impact diet quality, through reducing the diversity that contributes to a balanced diet to unhealthy processed foods that have a longer shelf life. This disproportionately impacts vulnerable groups, who do not have the means to pay increasing prices for scarce fresh foods.

Co-author Dr Sinead Boylan, a public health nutrition researcher in the Sydney Environment Institute, said, “The research highlights that climate change may not only affect food supply in NSW, but access to healthy and equitable diets, particularly among the most vulnerable populations. These findings could help reform relief strategies to help these communities adapt.”

1. What can we learn about the study from paragraph 1?
A.The Australian government’s reaction to the study.
B.The influence of the study on the climate.
C.The principle of doing the study.
D.The result of the study.
2. What does the underlined word “tertiary” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. How is diet quality affected by damages to food supply?
A.By decreasing food variety.
B.By shortening shelter life of food.
C.By reducing the amount of food supply.
D.By reducing unhealthy processed foods.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Everyone is affected by climate change
B.Climatic events could affect surrounding areas
C.Climate threat to food supply creates chain effect
D.The vulnerable are affected most by climate change
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . No party? No problem. These people found a way to celebrate their special day that was just as fun and even more meaningful than a traditional birthday party.

On the e-vite (电子邀请函) for Mikayla Gounard’s birthday party, she told her friends that she didn’t want presents. “I didn’t really need anything,” she said. “Everything they would have given me was plastic and stuff I really didn’t need.”

Instead, she asked for donations to help the homeless man, David Sean Currey, who found and returned Gounard’s grandmother’s lost wallet. She was super inspired by that story. She wanted to pay forward the kindness the stranger showed her grandmother.

On Dec. 22, her 12th birthday, Gounard raised $479. A GoFundMe raised an additional $55,000,which Gounard gave to David Sean Currey, along with a note saying, “In a dark tunnel, there is always light.” The homeless man started crying. He was able to check into a hotel, and open a bank account.

Across the country, kids and adults are having pay-it-forward parties, skipping traditional birthday celebrations, foregoing gifts, and choosing to spread kindness and help others.

After the devastating Texas snow and ice storm, Texas State Senator Dawn Buckingham spent her birthday on Feb. 2l in Harper. Texas handed out water and food and supplies to people who had no power for 10 days. Buckingham also invited strangers into her home to use her gas stove to cook meals. It was the end of hunting season — and she had a freezer full of venison she shared with strangers. “There’s nothing better than helping those who need help on your birthday,” Buckingham said on her birthday morning.

1. What did Gounard receive on her birthday in the past?
A.Inspiring blessings.B.Unnecessary presents.
C.Her desired presents.D.Donations from friends.
2. What motivated Gounard to hold the special birthday party?
A.Buckingham’s story.B.Her friends’ requirement.
C.A homeless man’s honesty.D.Her grandma’s influence.
3. How did David feel when receiving the donation?
4. What does Buckingham consider best about birthday?
A.Receiving endless wishes.B.Inviting strangers to her home.
C.Holding an amazing party.D.Giving hands to those in need.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 容易(0.94) |

10 . Mirthy hosts over 80 online events every month. You can enjoy them from the comfort of your home. All you need to do is visit our dedicated page on the Mirthy website.

Learning to rug hooking on a budget
Friday 4th and Friday 18th November at 2:30 pm

Participants will learn a brief history of rug hooking. Participants will also be encouraged to try their hand at this multi-generational art form, have two weeks to complete the small project and then come back to the second session to learn how to finish it off and prepare it for display.

The disappearance of Heneage Bloxham
Wednesday 9th November at 7:30 pm

In 2001, Sam Eedle was approached by an elderly woman in Tewkesbury. Her uncle, Heneage Bloxham, had disappeared on the Western Front and nobody in her family was able to tell her what actually happened to him. By accessing the available records, maps and war diaries, and by taking a diversion to the battlefield while on a trip to France, Sam was able to find out what happened to the woman’s uncle.

African dance
Monday 2lst November at 5:15 pm

African dance allows us to express ourselves individually while also being part of a collective. Creative expression is encouraged and our uniqueness is celebrated. Kenzi will be reminding you that movements can be adapted and explored to find a way that works for your body and movement style. Making a wild foraged wreath Monday 28th November at 2:30 pm

In this workshop, you will be learning how to make a wreath! Through winding twigs and vines to find forest textures into a festive sampling of nature, this will be an artistic nature-based experience. The wreath is free-form and adds a naturalistic winter atmosphere to your door with a minimal, organic style.

1. Where do the activities take place?
A.On the Internet.B.In public places.
C.At school.D.In a lecture hall.
2. Who was missing?
A.Sam Eedle.B.An elderly woman.
C.Heneage Bloxham.D.Kenzi.
3. When is Making a wild foraged wreath shown?
A.18th November at 2:30 pm.B.9th November at 7:30 pm.
C.21st November at 5:15 pm.D.28th November at 2:30 pm.
共计 平均难度:一般