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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要说明了一名警官C. B. Fleming由于善良得到了孩子们和父母的喜爱,而C. B. Fleming也乐于和孩子们玩耍,给人们带来快乐。

1 . Protecting and serving is more than checking for imminent (紧急的) danger. One officer in South Hill, Virginia, makes it his mission to make people of all ages feel safe after giving the all-clear, starting with the younger generations.

And because of his kindness, many parents and their children look on C. B. Fleming as something of a superhero. 28-year-old Mom, Lesha Roper-Boswell said that the neighborhood kids need someone “larger than life” they can depend on to protect them and their town, and Fleming fits the role beautifully. “He’s awesome. That’s the only word you can really use to describe C. B.,” she told reporters. “It’s just amazing — the bond he has with the children.”

Recently, residents in an apartment complex had a scare when emergency crews came to investigate a gas leak. Though he could have just left the scene after making sure the leak wasn’t harmful, Officer Fleming made sure everyone in the building felt safer.

Seeing some kids play outside with dolls, he sat down and joined them, reassuring them that everything was going to be okay. The kids were happy to have another playmate, regardless of his uniform. Impressed and grateful, Roper-Boswell took a video of the kind act and posted it on Facebook, where it’s gained thousands of views from people living all over the country.

Fleming, who is celebrating his 15th year on the force, said he’s always desired to do more than fine people for violating (违反) parking rules. “It’s something I’ve always tried to do,” he said about also looking out for the children. “When I got into this job, I knew there was something different, other than just writing tickets and being the ‘bad’ person all the time. I figured if I could be that bright spot in someone’s day, then that was all that mattered.”

1. What kind of role did C. B. Fleming play according to Roper-Boswell?
A.A risk-taker.B.A superhero.C.A decision-maker.D.A teacher.
2. What about Fleming impressed Roper-Boswell at the scene?
A.His devotion to work.B.His professional skills.
C.His striking uniform.D.His connection with kids.
3. What does C. B. Fleming consider a top priority in his life?
A.Bringing joy to people.B.Performing his duties.
C.Looking after the kids.D.Raising people’s awareness.
4. Which of the following may be a suitable title for the text?
A.Neighborhood Spared from Fire Thanks to Crews
B.Police Officer’s Kindness Rewarded by Residents
C.Police Officer Becomes Hero to Neighborhood Kids
D.Police Officer Aims to Reduce Residents’ Violations
今日更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省高中毕业班阶段性测试(八)英语试题
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2 . After the first half-day of kindergarten, Abe had something on his mind. His mum, Ricki Weisberg, had made him a sandwich for lunch but Abe wasn’t having it. It was not a good sandwich. So after he stepped off the school bus, he said, “Mommy. Terrible sandwich by the way. Really terrible.”

The honest exchange between Abe and his mum was recorded on video by Weisberg. Weisberg shared it online and it became a hit and brought a lot of laughter to so many people. “It makes me happy because of the gaiety it probably brought to people,” said Weisberg. “For me, I just love that piece of that. Life is hard. So giving people laughter makes me happy.”

But most people just wanted to know one thing: What was the sandwich?

Well, the “terrible” sandwich was a hurried, thrown-together butter and jelly sandwich, said Weisberg. On Abe’s first day, Weisberg reread the school communication and realized she would need to pack him food. At first, Weisberg thought she could make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But because of food allergy (过敏) considerations at the school, peanut butter was out of the question. So she made him a butter and jelly sandwich.

Weisberg said, “I thought I made a good sandwich and I was being a good mum, so I was just expecting him to be happy. I was quite surprised when he hit me with that sandwich review.”

The butter, Weisberg would later find out, had gone bad. The sandwich tasted really terrible. “It’s really hard being a mum. You never really know if you’re doing it right. I just want to encourage parents to build that level of trust with your kids so they can be honest with you,” said Weisberg.

1. What does the underlined word “gaiety” mean in Paragraph 2?
2. Why didn’t Weisberg make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that day?
A.Peanut butter wasn’t allowed in kindergarten.B.She wanted to make something different.
C.Her son didn’t like peanut butter.D.Her son had an allergy to peanut.
3. What made Weisberg surprised?
A.Abe’s first day in the kindergarten went smoothly.B.Abe thought the sandwich was awful.
C.Abe learned honesty in kindergarten.D.Abe tried her creative sandwich.
4. What does Weisberg think of her relationship with Abe?
今日更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省名校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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1. What can you get at BooksRun?
A.Cost-free e-books.B.Free return shipping.
C.A discount on textbooks.D.Low-priced packaging service.
2. How much do you pay for using express delivery for two items?
3. What do we know about BooksRun?
A.It mainly deals with used books.B.It has a strict deadline for returning books.
C.It makes a generous donation every year.D.It operates in a sustainable way.
今日更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省郑州市新郑双语高中2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中联合英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A pet Doberman sniffed (嗅) out a “perfect” kidney donor for its 44-year-old dying owner.

44-year-old Lucy was told she had 5 years to ________ by doctors. They said the ________ of her finding a donor was 1 in 20 million. Lucy spent years on the ________ until she found her saviour by total coincidence on a Welsh beach.

She and her partner, Cenydd, had taken their dogs Jake and Indie to Barry Island Beach and Indie kept running off to a ________ about 100 yards away and would not leave her alone. Indie went over like three times, back and forward to her. Cenydd thought it was not ________ of their dog to ________ a woman they didn’t know. ________, Cenydd went over to apologize, and ________ her over to their barbecue.

The three started chatting and eating. The stranger Indie was bothering ________ to be Katie, 40, from Barry. When Lucy mentioned she couldn’t drink alcohol as she was on dialysis, Katie said she had recently joined the kidney donation register to make a(n) ________ donation. They ________ telephone numbers, and to be honest Lucy didn’t think anything else would come of it. After blood ________ and scans, the result came back: Katie was a perfect ________. Lucy was so ________ that she couldn’t believe it. The transplant ________ in October 2022 and it was a total success. Katie, Lucy and Cenydd have remained friends since the donation and have a group chat which they’ve called “the Kidney Gang”.

A.shopping listB.waiting listC.reading listD.mailing list
A.came outB.turned outC.looked outD.made out
A.speeded upB.took offC.took placeD.broke out
昨日更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省名校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题

5 . The arrival of spring always means a trip to the bamboo forest for Kaitlyn Hennacy and her family, followed by an afternoon making bamboo buns (包子). This ________ started when Hennacy’s mother and grandmother discovered ________ bamboo growing near the University of Maryland, where her mom was studying in the early 1990s. Hennacy said her grandmother immigrated to the U.S. from Zhejiang, China, where she ________ cooking with bamboo often.

The trip to ________ bamboo usually happens in late April. Each person in the group has their own bag to ________ as they get each bamboo shoot out of the ground. However, no one picks more bamboo than Grandma. The entire ________ of picking the bamboo and making the buns reminds Hennacy of how ________ her grandma is — and it ________ her own work ethic. “She turned 80 this year and still hikes up a hill,” Hennacy said.

To make buns, the bamboo has to be cut into small pieces and ________ with other fillings. Hennacy learned how to make the buns by ________ her grandma, but she had to work to measure everything and write it down because her grandmother cooks from ________.

Hennacy said she and her family are ________ to have Grandma living with them. She ________ everyone’s favorite foods and routinely ________ healthy meals. “That’s how ________ a person she is.”

Hennacy said. “She shows her love through cooking.”

A.dropped outB.came backC.moved onD.grew up
昨日更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省郑州市新郑双语高中2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中联合英语试题
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . On the choppy waters of the Bay of Bengal, a ship ________ with migrant workers returned to Andhra Pradesh. One of the workers ________ out at the waves and had a dream about the 2-year-old son he hadn’t seen since birth. The dream was filled with colors and promise.

When he ________ to his village, the man requested a meeting with the elders. ________ , the elders agreed, and the young son, Sam, became the only child in the village chosen to go to school.

“Even though many in my village hated me, and I often felt ________ , I kept going,” says Sam, who continued his schooling even when his father died,________ the family to fend(照顾) for themselves for survival.

When Sam finished public school, he was accepted to an American university. It ________ he would have to leave his mother and brother living at the lowest level of ________ in the village. He wouldn’t see them for two years. But his soul was good, and he was patient, even as his ________ hurt.

In university, his soul lit up, and he reveled in learning all he could ________ . From there, it was on to Washington, D. C. for a doctoral degree and a ________ in the Education Department.

Finally, Sam could fulfill the dream his father had for him: to bring ________ to the village. He sent most of his money back to the village to build a ________ school and pay for teachers. A brick building ________ on the dirt lot. Computers arrived, along with electricity and the internet. Sam returned every summer to work with the minister of education and invited every child to school.

“I have much,” he says. “So I give much.”

His father would be ________.1.
A.cleaned upB.went upC.built upD.took up
7日内更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省新高考联盟高三下学期模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Nostalgia (怀旧) is a powerful emotion that can be employed to create a strong emotional connection between a brand and its audience. By tapping into the fond memories and positive associations that people have with a particular brand, marketers can create a sense of familiarity and comfort that resonates (共鸣) with their audience. This emotional connection can then be used to drive engagement and loyalty, ultimately leading to increased sales.

In the case of Barbie movie marketing, nostalgia has been used. By incorporating elements of the classic Barbie brand into the movies, such as the symbolic pink color, the classic Barbie logo, and the inclusion of classic Barbie characters, the movies serve as a way to transport fans back to their childhood and relive their favorite memories.

This emotional connection is further strengthened by the marketing campaigns, which create a sense of community and excitement around the brand. By using social media to build hype (夸张报道) and anticipation for each movie, the brand has managed to create a loyal and engaged fan base that has contributed to its success.

The success of Barbie movie marketing has not been limited to the brand’s existing fan base. In fact, the movies have managed to attract a new generation of fans who may not have been familiar with the classic Barbie brand. By creating movies that are both entertaining and empowering, the brand has managed to appeal to a wider audience, including young girls who may be looking for strong female role models.

The impact of Barbie movie marketing on a new generation can be seen in the way that the brand has developed over the years. Although Barbie was once denounced for promoting unrealistic beauty standards and conventional gender images, the brand has since made significant steps in promoting diversity and inclusivity (包容性). The recent Barbie movies feature diverse actors and storylines that promote self-empowerment and self-acceptance, reflecting the changing attitudes and values of society.

1. Nostalgia is often used in marketing mainly because ______.
A.it enables a new brand to expand its markets quickly
B.it has a strong influence on people’s choice of goods
C.it brings back the audience’s positive emotions about a brand
D.it helps make goods appealing to customers of all age groups
2. What can we learn about Barbie movies?
A.They highlight the color of pink.B.They use a different logo.
C.They target children as audiences.D.They are about community stories.
3. How have Barbie movies managed to grow their fan base?
A.By simplifying the storylines.
B.By removing the classic characters.
C.By including more cultural elements.
D.By creating new female role models.
4. What does the underlined word “denounced” in the last paragraph probably mean?
7日内更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省高中毕业班阶段性测试(八)英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I will never forget that day with a woman and her beautiful singing. Several years ago, at a medical laboratory clinic in Waterloo, an elderly woman sat on the edge of a waiting room chair singing the tune “My Heart Will Go on”, a song familiar to many people. She sent her sweet voice exploding into every corner of the clinic with little effort.

I was there with my father when the woman arrived. She settled into the seat directly across from my father. Because she was so tiny, she had to sit on the edge of the chair so her feet could touch the floor. It seemed as though she was sitting forward to start a conversation with him. I was concerned about how my father would react to the possible invasion (侵犯) of his space. He was 77 and had been living with Alzheimer’s disease for several years. This serious brain disorder has been torturing (折磨) my father these years. Since Alzheimer’s has a tendency to destroy a person’s patience, Dad had had a few challenging experiences in the past. I couldn’t help but think that this woman was playing with fire.

Her singing began gently. My father was staring right at her. I couldn’t read his expression, but it seemed to be something like confusion. I wondered whether he was actually looking at her or if he was lost somewhere deep in his mind. Or maybe he was trying to discover whether this was someone he should know. That was what was happening now: no polite smile, no friendly nod. Just a stare. This lack of important acknowledgement didn’t stop the little woman one bit and her singing slowly got louder. Getting to the chorus, she was totally lost in her own singing with her eyes shut.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Still, I watched for any signs of an outburst of anger.


The woman smiled and said, “Thank you.”

7日内更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省名校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Acupuncture (针灸) is a traditional Chinese medical practice of treating various physical and mental conditions. It     1     (win) respect and interest in the United States after New York Times reporter James Reston visited China with President Nixon and needed     2     operation.

Chinese doctors used acupuncture on James after surgery to reduce his pain, and his recovery was quick. Curious about this, James was allowed to watch surgery on patients     3     received acupuncture for anesthesia (麻醉). Patients talked with their doctors during the operation and then walked back to their rooms     4     their own.

Acupuncture left James such a deep     5     (impress) that he wrote a front-page article in New York Times about his operation upon     6     (return) to the United States. “A leading medical expert     7     (send) by Premier Zhou Enlai removed my appendix (阑尾). I was     8     (wake) in the whole process.”

The National Institutes of Health began to organize some of their top doctors to visit China     9     (study) acupuncture and its possible functions in western medicine. With years going by, acupuncture     10     (be) popular across the world with magical effect so far.

7日内更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省名校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . How to Travel Sustainably in Puerto Rico

From small, farm-sourced restaurant menus to guesthouse stays, community tours and Puerto Rican cultural workshops, Puerto Rico is strengthening its sustainable tourism scene.     1    

Food trip in Old San Juan.

Sign up for a three-hour walk with Spoon Food Tours and get to know locals’ favourites for coffee, snacks and meals served at family-run businesses. The morning kicks off at Don Ruiz Coffee Shop. Try the mallorca, a kind of sweet pastry (油酥糕点), and wash it down with a cup of single origin coffee harvested from the 19th-century Ruiz plantation.     2    

Learn Afro-Puerto Rican culture in Loíza.

The seaside town of Loíza in the Pinones region, a 20-minute drive east of San Juan, is known as the heart of Afro-Puerto Rican culture. Its outdoor drawings feature Afro-boricua women in colourful headwraps and loose dresses, while the interior shines with an open stage for dancing.     3     At the back, a boardwalk attracts hikers and bikers.

Join Local Guest’s community experiences.

    4     Founders Carmen Portela and Monica Perez’s aim is to direct visitors towards culture and nature-rich communities, in turn providing the areas with a sustainable income. Unique experiences include caving, taking a pottery workshop or kayaking Puerto Rico’s longest river. Local Guest also runs a non-profit programme, which matches small volunteer groups with a variety of established community-based ongoing restoration projects for long-term impact.


An encouraging start from larger hotels, the new Puerto Rican owned Finca Victoria is a two-and-a-half-acre botanical farm guesthouse lying in the hills at the heart of the island. A 10-minute drive to Vieques’ beaches, this eco-conscious property provides relaxation, from its natural wooden house to its organic local farm-sourced vegetarian (素食者) breakfasts.

A.Explore the farm-to-table dining scene.
B.Stay at an organic farm on Vieques.
C.Here’s a guide to travelling Puerto Rico sustainably.
D.It isn’t just a typical dance but a heritage.
E.In-season fruit juices and desserts are also part of this food trip.
F.A women-led tour company, Local Guest offers special experiences.
G.You could not find a restaurant serving deep-fried pies filled with meat.
7日内更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省名校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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