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1 . 2024 Xiangshan Environmental Protection Public Welfare Tour

Provide outdoor emergency and environmental protection knowledge as well as practical guidance for the majority of volunteers, especially volunteer families. Through the project, volunteers can strengthen their health, master basic outdoor skills, and can effectively deal with emergencies. At the same time, let volunteers establish environmental protection concept, and make a contribution to our planet.

Details of the program

Departure: Sunday, July 7th, 08:30(please sign in 15 minutes in advance). Gather at the small square next to the gate of Xiangshan Post Office.

Time on the mountain: about 7 hours.

Distance: about 10km.

Task: Pick up garbage along the way, and do a good job in garbage classification to keep the road clean. As some sections of this line are dense bushes, hilly, non-leisure, anyone who signs up must take care. No fireworks and no alcohol.

Equipment requirements

Please wear comfortable clothing, hiking shoes or sneakers and gloves. Bring layers for changing weather and a raincoat in case it rains. Bring drinking water and food high in calorie according to your own needs.

Bring your own garbage bags(big bags like those in supermarkets are OK). If you have litter picker, that is an advantage. The team also provides necessary tools.

Attention: After the registration is approved, please enter the activity group — the administrator’s WeChat: 18801189401.

1. What is the aim of the Environmental Protection Public Welfare Tour?
A.To discover natural resources.B.To develop new wildlife parks.
C.To classify garbage.D.To protect the local ecosystem.
2. What is forbidden on the tour?
A.Alcoholic drinks.B.Fabric gloves.
C.Pocket tissues.D.An additional coat.
3. What are the volunteers expected to do?
A.Take at least three meals.B.Wear a team uniform.
C.Work regardless of the weather.D.Build roads with their own tools.
2024-09-16更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南高级中学等校2024-2025学年高三上学期9月份联考英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . During a trip to San Diego, my husband Dan and I came across two stars, Gracie and Billy, at the Bahia Resort Hotel. Gracie and Billy were actually two harbor _______. I later learned Gracie had a severe visual disability and Billy was _______. Despite their limitations, they lived joyfully, playing and moving gracefully in their pool. I _______ them daily, fascinated by their enthusiasm and joy.

“Come on, Gracie,” her attendant called one day during feeding time. Gracie,_______ the attendant’s presence, swam towards him, only to _______ under and swim away at the last second. Billy joined in the _______, creating a delightful scene of water joy.

As I spent hours _______ Gracle and Billy, I couldn’t help but feel a deep _______ with them. Dan noticed my _______ and said, “You’ re falling in love with them, aren’t you? ” Indeed, I was. Their ability to ________ and find joy in their circumstances left a permanent impression on me.

Two years later, I faced my own battle with my ________. Terrified of losing my vision, I recalled the seals’ ability to thrive despite their blindness. “________ what you can do,” I reminded myself, inspired by Gracie and Billy’s ________ for life.

I ________ simple pleasures like preparing and enjoying meals and rediscovered my love for exercise. As my body ________, I realized that Gracie and Billy’s lives became a guiding light during my darkest moments, teaching me to find joy in the present.

A.Leave behindB.Focus onC.Account forD.Put off
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

 People say there seems to be so much negativity in this world, but there are good people out there and sometimes we are made aware of them when we least expect it.

My family had been planning a yard sale for several weeks. Our five-year-old son, Braxton, asked if he could set up a lemonade (柠檬水) stand during the yard sale. He wanted to make a little money and save up to buy a set of Lego bricks, which might add up to $100. “I will earn it myself!” he declared proudly. He had been talking about it almost non-stop and couldn’t wait for the day to finally arrive.

Two days ago, we put up the sign “Yard Sale” in front of the driveway, telling neighbors about the time and items. On the very day, Braxton woke up early at 6:00 am and couldn’t hide his excitement. After setting everything out for the yard sale, he made the lemonade and baked some cookies to begin his business adventure.

After about an hour or more, we had several customers, but Braxton still had not sold any lemonade. He was a little sad. Then a young woman walked up with her baby to browse the items. While making small talk, we told her about Braxton’s plan to save his money for his little dream. She then selected a couple of baby toys for just $6 and paid with a $10 bill. “Keep the change, boy!” she said gently. Braxton offered to give her the lemonade and cookies he made. He couldn’t have been happier to receive his first little bit of money for the day.

The woman left with the baby toys, the lemonade and some cookies. We didn’t give it much thought after that, but the story didn’t end there.


Several minutes passed and the woman returned.


Holding the envelope and the bill, we were so moved.

语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

An exhibition titled “Learn from the Past and Know the Future: China’s Archaeological (考古学的) Achievements in the New Era” is taking place at the National Museum of China. Nearly 400 of the most recently     1     (unearth) cultural relics from the collections of 43 museums and archaeological institutions are     2     (current) on display.

The exhibits cover a wide range of periods     3     include a variety of fields. The exhibition vividly describes the history of human origins, the     4     (form) of Chinese civilization and its development within the boundaries of China. One striking part of the exhibition is the hand axes (斧),     5     are fundamental tools that were created and used by early humans. They are characterized by both their aesthetic (美学的) and practical     6     (function). Bronzeware is another eye-catching part of the exhibition. A bronze box     7     Yuncheng, Shanxi Province that     8     (date) back to the Spring and Autumn period is famous for its elegant design. And a string-patterned stove vividly reflects the significant role that the Silk Road played in     9     (connect) China with the world.

It is also worth noting that the design of the exhibition hall was inspired by the unique spatial (空间的) structures of the archaeological sites, offering audiences the chance     10     (understand) the relationship between archaeological work and its outcomes better.

阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Sustainable travel is now one of the fastest-growing movements. Its goal is to meet the needs of the tourism industry without harming natural and cultural environments.     1     Here are some concrete ways to reduce your environmental impact as a traveler.

    2     Travel doesn’t have to be about going somewhere far away. It’s the art of exploration, discovery and getting out of your comfort zone, all of which can just as well be nearby. Find somewhere nearby you haven’t been, get in your car, and go for a visit. You never know what you’ll come across.

Make greener transportation choices. After walking, public transportation is the next best way to explore new destinations.     3     When it comes to longer distances, buses and trains are your best way of getting around, both of which can be quite an experience in and of itself.

Avoid over-visited destinations. If you can, avoid places with over-tourism. You’ll find fewer crowds and lower prices, and you also won’t be putting as much pressure on local communities struggling to keep up. And, from a personal-enjoyment point of view, who wants to deal with crowds or long lines? No one.     4    

Take a nature-related trip. If you want to better understand and appreciate the natural world, try taking a trip with the single purpose of connecting with nature.     5     I promise that when you come home, you’ll have a new viewpoint on why we’re all so focused on being environmentally friendly these days.

A.Stay close to home.
B.Find an ideal place to explore.
C.Sustainable travel can be useful to support communities.
D.Not only is it better for the environment, but it’s cheaper as well.
E.Get in touch with the world in a way that sitting at home doesn’t.
F.If not managed properly, tourism can have incredibly negative impacts.
G.Visiting less-visited destinations can be much more enjoyable and rewarding.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Having a glass of wine with dinner every night has been regarded as a relatively harmless way to relax. However, a recent study suggests that there may be no “safe” limit for alcohol and that not drinking at all is the best way to protect your heart.

The researchers examined data from seven international studies on drinking and high blood pressure, involving over 19,000 people from the US, Korea and Japan. The participants were asked how much alcohol they drank each day, and this was compared with their blood pressure readings over a follow-up period averaging five years.

Blood pressure increased as people aged, but the most rapid increases were seen in heavy drinkers, defined as those who drank about three glasses of wine per day. The researchers said they found that people drinking at lower levels also saw a significant increase in blood pressure over time, compared with those who were teetotal.

There has been fierce debate over whether moderate (适量的) alcohol consumption can be beneficial to health, with some studies linking wine and lower rates of heart disease. However, this new study supports the idea that even small amounts of alcohol can be harmful to the heart.

Marco Vinceti, lead author of the study and a professor at Boston University, said, “We were somewhat surprised to see that consuming an already low level of alcohol was also linked to higher blood pressure changes over time compared with no consumption — although far less than the blood pressure increase seen in heavy drinkers. That means moderate alcohol consumption isn’t a beneficial choice at all.”

High blood pressure puts a burden on blood vessels, the heart, and other organs, such as the brain, kidneys and eyes, and can lead to a number of serious health problems including heart attacks, strokes and vascular dementia.

Alcohol is certainly not the only driver of increases in blood pressure. However, the findings confirm it contributes in a meaningful way. Limiting alcohol intake is probably not enough — it’s better to avoid it.

1. How did the researchers arrive at their findings?
A.They analyzed data from several studies.
B.They tracked 190,000 people for over five years.
C.They made observations in a controlled lab setting.
D.They carried out some experiments nationwide only.
2. What does the underlined word “teetotal” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What is paragraph 6 mainly about?
A.The cause of high blood pressure.B.The harm of high blood pressure.
C.Common serious health problems.D.The terrible results of heart attacks.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To prove a glass of wine every night is beneficial.
B.To recommend a relatively harmless way to relax.
C.To urge people to stay away from alcohol completely.
D.To show moderate alcohol consumption is well received.
2024-09-14更新 | 93次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届陕西省教育联盟高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What kind of animal has been most commonly drawn in the cave?
A.The bull.B.The horseC.The fish.
2. Why was the cave closed in 1963?
A.Some pictures had been destroyed.
B.The tourists had drawn pictures on the walls.
C.Few people had visited the cave.
2024-09-13更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省咸阳市武功县普集高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
8 . Why did Mr. Green knock the girl down?
A.He was driving fast.B.He was drunk.C.He didn’t see the girl.
2024-09-13更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省咸阳市武功县普集高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Four Popular Christmas Songs

Jingle Bell Rock

This is my favorite and I just opened this list and saw it! Even though Jingle Bells, Waiting for Christmas and We Wish You a Merry Christmas are pretty good, too, I like this song best! It’s sweet, upbeat and catchy and is lovely to listen to. It’s fun to dance along with as well. It makes you get in the Christmas spirit! Truly it’s the greatest song about this holiday ever written! Now I have the song stuck in my head.

— Robin

All I Want for Christmas Is You

I really love this Christmas song from Mariah Carey, who is well- known for her perfect voice. I am a big Mariah Carey fan and I love to dance along. The song is so catchy and jumpy, and that’s my kind of song! This song is the golden standard of Christmas music! It is lively, upbeat and happy and gets you in a good mood. It’s no wonder that it’s played every year as soon as it starts to get cold.

Waiting for Christmas

Menowin is a remarkable newcomer with a very unique and impressive voice. Waiting for Christmas, his second single release, is a wonderful emotional ballad(民谣) and his voice goes straight to your heart. I’m looking forward to his third single in January and his first album in spring.

— Betty

White Christmas

White Christmas is the most famous Christmas song along with Silent Night. This song reminds me of last Christmas and reminds me to pray for a better future Christmas for those (including myself) who are far from home. Christmas can be a lonely time, especially for us people in uniform. This song just keeps on putting people in the Christmas spirit. That’s why every singer puts out his take on the song.

— Tim

1. Which song does Robin like best?
A.Jingle Bells.B.Waiting for Christmas.
C.Jingle Bell Rock.D.We Wish You a Merry Christmas.
2. Who is Mariah Carey?
A.A great singer.B.A devoted fan.
C.A music teacher.D.A medical worker.
3. What can be known about Tim?
A.He wants to adapt White Christmas。
B.He works in a place close to his home.
C.He has been out of work for a long time.
D.He can’t spend Christmas with his family.
2024-09-13更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届陕西省教育联盟高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Too old for child care and too young to work! When teenagers “age out” of a school- age care summer program, these 13- to 15-year-olds may be left home alone for the long summer days. This transitional stage poses challenges for both parents and adolescents.

Parents may worry about their children’s safety and well-being when left unsupervised (无人监管的). They may be concerned about the potential risks and temptations (诱惑) that come with spare time. Additionally, parents may feel guilty or conflicted about expecting their young teenagers to take on adult responsibilities.

For teenagers themselves, this stage can be confusing and isolating (孤立的). They may want more independence and freedom, yet they may not be ready for the full responsibilities of a job. They may struggle to use their time constructively and may find themselves bored or lonely during the summer break.

So, what can be done to address this issue?

One solution is to provide structured and supervised activities specifically tailored to this age group. Community organizations, schools and local governments can work together to create summer programs or workshops that cater specifically to the needs and interests of 13- to 15-year-olds. These programs can offer a range of recreational and skill-building activities, such as arts and crafts, sports, cooking classes, career exploration and community service projects.

Another approach is to encourage teenagers to pursue personal interests or hobbies during the summer. Whether it’s learning a new instrument, joining a sports team, or volunteering in the community, these activities can contribute to personal growth, develop new skills and provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Furthermore, parents can play an active role by setting expectations of their teenagers during the summer break. However, parents shouldn’t expect their teenagers to accomplish what are far beyond their capabilities. This includes setting boundaries, encouraging open communication, and providing support and guidance as needed.

Lastly, it is important for society as a whole to recognize and address the unique challenges faced by this age group during the summer. By investing in programs and resources that support their development and well-being, we can ensure that these young adolescents have a safe and fulfilling summer experience.

1. What challenge do teenagers face during the summer break?
A.Living up to their classmates’ expectations.
B.Struggling with huge academic responsibilities.
C.Feeling guilty for bringing risks to their parents.
D.Having difficulty making good use of their time.
2. What is suggested to deal with 13- to 15-year-olds in paragraph 5?
A.Providing a variety of full-time jobs.B.Joint efforts to offer suitable activities.
C.Academic examinations set by teachers.D.Cutting down their adult responsibilities.
3. How can parents support their teenagers during the summer break?
A.They must ban their access to digital technology.
B.They need to establish realistic expectations of them.
C.They should push them to only focus on academic pursuits.
D.They had better allow them to enjoy complete independence.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How to Help 13- to 15-year-olds Enjoy Their Summer Break
B.Why Parents Are Worried about Their Young Adolescents
C.What Makes a Perfect Long Summer Holiday for a Family
D.Where We Should Improve Concerning Modern Child Care
2024-09-13更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届陕西省教育联盟高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷
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