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1 . Pennsylvania is full of mysterious places! One of those is an old turnpike (收费高速公路) _______ for decades. My dad loves history, and he learned it was open to the public. _______, when I was 14, we took a bike trip to _______ this road!

My dad chose a 16-mile _______ of the road for us to ride. Part of it included an old tunnel called Sideling Hill which is over a mile long! To _______, we checked our tires and made sure our lights had batteries. In the morning, we loaded our bikes into the car and set off. As we approached the tunnel, I felt _______ as it was absolutely black inside! But Dad encouraged me. He said he would be beside me. He reminded me to stay _______ and keep my light on!

When we _______ the tunnel, the sound of our bikes was heard through the darkness. I shined my flash light around and saw walls _______in graffiti (涂鸦).And I felt like I was being __________! I was pretty scared, but __________ on following Dad helped me relax. After riding half-way through, I could see light coming from the other end, motivating me to keep going. And I was so delighted to ride out into the bright afternoon!

Whenever going through __________ in life, I remember this trip. It reminds me that my father is always beside me. He turns on the light of hope in my __________, as well as gives me __________ to keep riding through life's   __________ tunnels.

2020-07-02更新 | 1066次组卷 | 14卷引用:Unit 5 On the road 单元模拟检测卷 -2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第二册
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

A young and successful manager was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out (窜出) from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick hit violently into the Jags side door! He stepped on the brakes and backed his Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown.

The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, “What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?”

The young boy was apologetic. “Please, mister... please, I’m sorry but I didn’t know what else to do,” he explained. “I threw the brick because no one else would stop…” With tears rolling down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. “It’s my brother,” he said. “He rolled off the sidewalk and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up.” Now sobbing, the boy asked the astonished manager, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.”

Moved beyond words, the driver cooled his anger.


The driver watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假如你是李华, 你远在英国的朋友Smith从网上得知“移动支付”改变了中国人的生活方式, 他想了解一些更详细的移动支付情况, 请你根据下面要点提示, 给Smith发一封电子邮件。
要点:1. 生活中的具体体现;
2. 好处;
3. 有待改进之处。
参考词汇:移动支付mobile payment
Dear Smith,

I’m Li Hua,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Don’t know where to enjoy yourself? Here are some choices for you.

Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park

PopUp Picnics in the park return for the fourth summer in a row, taking place on Thursdays. Take a break to enjoy tacos (墨西哥玉米薄饼卷). Prices change from $ 2 to $ 10. Cash only.

144 School Street June 13-August 15   Start at 11:30 am and end at 1:30 pm

The Crow’s Nest

Each summer on Thursday evenings the Crow’s Nest offers its Summer Beach Party series on the beach. The party starts at 5:30 pm each week and goes until sunset. Families are welcome, and there is no entrance fee. After the sun sets, the fun begins with dancing to the best live music of local bands.

2218 East Cliff Drive May 30-August 29   Start at 5:30 pm and end at 8:30 pm

Bargetto Winery

Join us for a beautiful weekend of art and wine. Bargetto Winery will be hosting their yearly gathering of artists and foodies(美食家)at their amazing Soquel winery. No entrance fee. Wine tasting with purchase of $ 15 festival glass. 3535 North Main Street

July 20 - July 21     Start at 11:00 am and end at 5:00 pm

Chaminade Resort & Spa

Chef Page takes guests on a journey showing the area rich fruits, vegetables, and meats. Dinner begins at 6:30 pm with a five-course menu and good wines. Seating booked is not a choice, as all guests are seated at large, connecting, beautifully set tables designed to invite open conversations among guests. Ticket price: $ 90 per person. Tickets can be gotten online.

Chaminade Lane     July 26       Start at 6:00 pm and end at 9:00 pm
1. What can we know about PopUp Picnics in the park?
A.It lasts two days.B.It is held on Thursdays.
C.It has been held twice.D.It can be paid in credit card.
2. What can people do in the Crow’s Nest?
A.Enjoy tacos.B.Talk with artists and foodies.
C.Watch the sunrise on the beach.D.Watch the performance of the bands.
3. Which activity can be booked on the Internet?
A.The Crow's Nest.B.Bargetto Winery.
C.Chaminade Resort & Spa.D.Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . More and more travellers in China nowadays prefer homestays rather than traditional hotels, as they seek private living experiences. The house-sharing model was first introduced by the website Couchsurfing.com in 2003. It is still the largest website for travellers to find accommodation (住宿) without much money to spend.

Encouraged by her great experience of homestays in France, Maggita, 30, considered short-term hire as her first choice in her future trips. She later went back to her hometown Shanghai and ran a "shared accommodation" business.

The short-term hire idea has been a win-win business model. For travellers, they can rent a special room at a reasonable price and also enjoy a firsthand experience of the local culture, compared with traditional hotels. For owners, they can gain much with daily rental. Now Maggita has quit her last job in an IT company and become a host of some 20 homestays, which enables her to earn a monthly income of around 40,000 — 50,000 yuan.

In recent years, China has seen many homestay booking websites such as Xiaozhu and Tujia. Chen Chi, the founder and CEO of Xiaozhu, said the model is to share rooms or apartments that are not in use with people who need them. Instead of the traditional view that Chinese people feel uncomfortable living with strangers, Chen found that a large number of travellers got along well with house owners.

However, experts have pointed out a series of problems brought about by the fashion. Lacking supervision (监管) to those accommodation sharing websites, the service quality and accommodation safety cannot be guaranteed (保障).Experts suggest that the online websites should closely work together with communities and local police stations to improve the services.

1. What can we learn about homestays from the first paragraph?
A.They started in China.B.They offer the best service.
C.They can be money-saving.D.They are popular with the youth.
2. What does the underlined word "quit" in the third paragraph mean?
A.Taken up.               B.Given up.
C.Looked for.D.Gone for
3. What does Chen Chi think of this sharing model?
A.Useless.                 B.Relaxing.                                      
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Homestays need to be improved.
B.Some experts don't support homestays.
C.Lacking supervision is the biggest problem of homestays.
D.The police should manage the homestay services.

6 . A single cigarette sold on a street corner may not cost a lot; however, the whole costs of smoking are huge.

First, consider the cost of human life. The World Health Organization says about 10 people die of a tobacco-related disease every minute. That speed adds up to almost six million people dying of such diseases every year.

Most of these preventable(可预防的)deaths happen in low-income and middle-income countries. The World Bank says each of these countries has a total national income(收入)of less than $12,746.

The World Health Organization says tobacco kills 6 million people yearly — a number that is expected to rise to 8 million by 2030 unless immediate action is taken.

For most people, stopping smoking is hard. Many began smoking as teenagers. They are used to it. Also, tobacco contains the powerful drug nicotine.

Studies show people who want to stop smoking can do so with different treatments. Some get help from electronic cigarettes, medicine or nicotine patches that reduce their desire for the drug.

But smoking costs more than the life of a person. It can affect the health of the whole country. The World Health Organization says low-income countries depend heavily on taxes from cigarettes. They use the money, in part, to pay the costs of health care for tobacco-related diseases.

But the illegal trade in tobacco products is further testing the economies of low-income countries. WHO officials say the illegal trade earns about $31 billion every year.

Douglas Bettcher is the director of the WHO’s Department for the Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases. He calls the illegal trade a monster with many heads. He says the trade enables young people to buy cigarettes at low prices, become addicted to tobacco and suffer from serious health problems. It also increases crime and reduces taxes.

The World Health Organization is strongly suggesting that the United Nations member states sign an agreement to end the illegal trade in tobacco products. Eight countries have agreed to the agreement. But the agreement of 32 other countries is still needed for it to become an international law.

1. According to the passage, people dying of a tobacco-related disease are mostly from ______.
A.developed countriesB.high-income countries
C.less developed countriesD.the United Nations
2. Which of the following about the whole costs of smoking is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Destroying the environment.B.Being bad to human life.
C.Affecting the whole country’s economy.D.Causing the illegal trade.
3. What’s the main idea of the last but one paragraph?
A.Some action has been taken by the WHO.
B.The harm of the illegal trade in tobacco products.
C.Young people who are addicted to smoking may commit a crime.
D.An agreement to end the illegal trade in tobacco products is being signed.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Smoking Costs More than You Think
B.Different Ways to Stop Smoking
C.The Illegal Trade in Tobacco Products
D.Immediate Action to Stop Smoking
2019-12-30更新 | 121次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 6 单元检测-2023-2024学年高一英语外研版(2019)必修第二册
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 容易(0.94) |

7 . When her classmates were having a good time, Molly sat at the picnic table alone. She remained embarrassed around her classmates. She seemed unsure of what to do or say, yet I could see her eyes longing for acceptance. Many students had already decided that her friendship would not be worth(值)the energy required to overcome the embarrassment. Others laughed at her. Most ignored her—except for one.

Brianna was making the other students laugh, as usual. “Brianna, do you see Molly down there? Would you mind walking down there and inviting her to come up here with the rest of us? I said.

Brianna sighed. I could tell she didn’t want to waste her precious time to do what I was asking of her, but I also knew her heart. She often thought of others before herself—a rare character for anyone, much less a kid.

Knowing this choice was hard for her, I pulled out a D-buck, our class currency(货币). Though this was not the ideal way to deal with this situation. I needed her cooperation(合作). “Here, I’ll pay you for your time.” I said to her. She offered an insincere smile, grasped the green paper, and headed down the hill.

As the rest of the children screamed and laughed, my eyes locked on Brianna as she neared the picnic table. Molly could be difficult to get along with, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if she sent Brianna back alone, refusing her invitation. When she encouraged herself to a standing position, I sighed with relief.

Minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Here. Mrs. D.” Brianna handed me the D-buck. “Why?” I asked. “I shouldn’t keep this.” Her eyes fell to her feet, guilt showing from her quiet voice. “I don’t want Molly to think I only went to get her so I could earn the money. She’s my friend.”

A moment later, they were all laughing again, and who should I see among them, laughing for the first time that week? Molly.

1. According to the author, what was Molly like?
A.She ignored the jokes from other kids.
B.She felt embarrassed at being laughed at.
C.She desired to be accepted by other kids.
D.She had no interest in making friends.
2. What made Brianna different from other kids?
A.Her talent.B.Her cooperation.
C.Her honesty.D.Her kindness
3. How did the author feel as Brianna walked to Molly?
4. What was the purpose of Brianna’s returning the D-buck to the author?
A.To avoid losing it one day.
B.To get a pure friendship with Molly.
C.To make friends with her teacher.
D.To escape from being punished by her teacher.
2019-12-30更新 | 315次组卷 | 5卷引用:Unit 6 单元检测-2023-2024学年高一英语外研版(2019)必修第二册

8 . Have you imagined that planting trees can make a big difference? People say that one man can’t make a difference, but Abdul Samad Sheikh, a 60-year-old rickshaw (人力车) driver from Bangladesh, has proved that doing a small thing over a long period of time can mean very much. He has planted at least one tree every day since he was 12 years old, which means that he has so far planted a small forest of over 17,500 trees. Imagine if everyone followed his example.

Abdul has worked as a rickshaw driver for most of his life. He makes a little money from his job, which is only enough to put food on the table for his family, but he somehow tries to also buy at least one tree every day. He considers it his duty to the world. Mostly he plants them on government land so nobody can cut them down later. He also waters them, and if he sees anyone cutting a tree, he blames them.

Abdul, his wife Jorna, and four of their children live in two old houses, on a piece of land that is owned by the Faridpur deputy commissioner’s office. They have no land of their own.

Sometimes, she commands him not to plant trees but he doesn’t listen. Abdul’s 30-year-old son, Kutub Uddin, has never told his father not to plant trees, because he thinks his father does a good thing for society.

Abdul’s neighbors all know about his daily habit, and praise his work. Whoever can ask of him anything, he will do his best to help. Therefore, Abdul is loved by neighbors.

For his efforts, Abdul Samad Sheikh was recently honored by The Daily Star, and given $1,253 to help him build a better home for his family. The Daily Star wished everyone to follow his example, and protect the environment.

“I can’t do it alone. I need the help of you all,” Abdul said in his speech.

1. What do we know about Abdul?
A.He doesn’t support his family.B.He plants trees with his own money.
C.He makes a living by doing different jobs.D.He plants trees to win his neighbors’ praise.
2. Why does Abdul plant trees on government land?
A.To get money from government.
B.To set a good example to people.
C.To protect them from being cut down.
D.To get a place from government to build his own house.
3. Which of the following can best describe Abdul?
A.Poor but helpful.B.Rich and reliable.
C.Uncaring and stupid.D.Active but dishonest.
4. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Driving a rickshaw.B.Planting trees.
C.Making big money.D.Building a better home.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . As life in cities worldwide becomes more expensive, urban designers are using modern technology to help citizens avoid traffic jams, and shorten the time needed for bus waiting and other things. Technology is also used to cut costly waste.

In Santander, a Spanish port city, parking is easy to find. As one car drives away, an underground sensor shows that a parking space is now free. 400 sensors send messages to signs on streets, and GPS devices direct drivers to the nearest available parking spaces, reducing traffic jams. Trash is collected only when the bins are full and bus stop signs show exactly when the next bus is coming. The public parks are watered only the soil gets dry. All this is made possible by 20,000 sensors installed on buildings, street posts and even buses. They are part of the “smart city” project, launched by the University of Cantabria seven years ago.

University researchers like Luis Munoz regularly meet with locals to discuss how to make their city even smarter. “They propose when they have ideas and sometimes even develop by themselves. Here, we give them the opportunity to see these ideas happen in real life,” said Munoz. For example, the university helped a woman create an app that outlines the easiest route for walking with a baby stroller. Another provides information to residents about their water consumption and sends an alarm to their phone if there is a leak.

The Santander smart project is attracting the attention of larger cities in Europe and elsewhere that are looking for smart solutions to urban problems.

1. What is the life like in Santander?
A.It is meaningful.B.It is full of freedom.
C.It is likely to change fast.D.It is effective and convenient.
2. How can residents help Munoz’s job?
A.By offering some original or fresh ideas.
B.By showing him around the city.
C.By installing sensors themselves.
D.By using as little water as possible.
3. What does the underlined word “Another” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.A university.B.A phone.
C.An easy route.D.An app.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.A Worldwide ProblemB.A Smart City Project
C.A Creative ResearcherD.A Trend in Urban Design
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Basic Study Manual Hardcover: $ 37.50

Future Success depends on the ability to learn. Here are the answers to the questions most often asked by parents,teachers,business trainers and by students themselves. Read this book and learn:

●What the three barriers to study are and what to do about them

●What to do if you get tired of a subject you are studying

●Twenty-six simple drills to help you learn how to study easily, rapidly and with full understanding

Buy and read the Basic Study Manual and use it to dramatically improve your ability to study.

Study Skills for Life Hardcover$31.99

L.Ron Hubbard’s study technology for teenagers opens the door to their future success by giving them the ability to study and learn. Fully illustrated(插图)for easy understanding.

Learning How to Learn Hardcover$24.99

The basics of effective study for 8 to 12-year-olds,fully illustrated. Children who read and apply the materials in this book regain their liking for study and their ability to apply this knowledge in life. Get this book for a child you want to see win at his studies!

How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children Hardcover$34.90

In spite of billions of dollars spent on “educational research”. Children are not taught the most basic skills of leaning,even the most basic of these:how to use a dictionary. In fact,a search of educational books for children found no book that told them how to use a dictionary or that one should. Written for children 8 to 12-year-olds,this fully illustrated book will teach your child:

●How to find words in a dictionary

●The different ways that words are used

●What the different marks and symbols that are used in a dictionary mean

●How to use a dictionary to correctly pronounce words

It includes a section for parents and teachers showing you how to use this book with children. Buy this book and give it to your children to unlock their education. What’s more,you’ll just pay 50%for it before September 10, 2019.

1. According to the advertisements,the four books are all intended for         .
2. Some of the four books were illustrated in order to         .
A.help readers understand themB.persuade readers to buy them
C.reduce the cost of themD.make them suitable to different readers
3. Which one is the book written for 8 to 12 years old to use a dictionary?
A.Study Skills for Life
B.Learning How to Learn
C.How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children
D.Basic Study Manual
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