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1 . 假定你是李华。你校将以“A festival or celebration experience”为主题举办英语征文比赛。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

My Unforgettable Experience

Here I am delighted to share my unforgettable experience with you.

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Lost & Found

Emily was very sad because her little sister drew pictures on her science project. This was not the first time that her sister had ruined her school work. So, Emily requested her parents to buy her a study table with drawers (抽屉) where she could safely keep her books.

Emily’s parents could not afford to buy a new table. However, they agreed to buy her a second-hand table. One day after school, Emily’s mother took her to the second-hand store so that she could buy the table of her choice. By accident, she opened a drawer in an old black table. And, guess what? A small plastic bag with some dollar bills!

“Maybe I have found somebody’s secret bag. Am I the luckiest twelve-year-old? My birthday is coming up soon. With this money, I can buy myself great presents. And maybe I can even buy things for my family.” Emily thought. She stared at it with greedy (贪婪的) eyes and quickly pushed the bag to the end of the drawer. She told her mother she wanted that black table and later it was organized in her room.

When everybody left, she locked the room, quickly opened the drawer and took the plastic bag with dollars out. There was a note in the money bag. It seemed that some old lady was saving the money for her children and grandchildren. She could hear her heart beat louder and louder when finally she counted twelve thousand dollars.

But now, with the money she had, she thought that she would have to make up many lies to spend it. She would have to hide the money all the time. She thought, “This money is not meant for me.” She had felt the worst fear of getting caught from the moment she thought of stealing.

Finally, she called her parents into her room.
The store owner was quite surprised on hearing the story.
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Catherine’s nine-year-old son, Chirag, won his first silver prize at a swim meet. It seemed like he could swim before he could walk. His dad is a competitive swimmer and a former champion, so many people think it is surely in his genes.

That’s wrong! Until a few years ago, Chirag was afraid of water. It wasn’t his fault. His dislike came from Catherine’s childhood phobia (恐惧症).

One summer when Catherine was a child, she and her brother went to a pool to learn basic swimming skills. All that went well and soon it was time for class. A coach was hired and he agreed to do a trial round. He took children to the deep end and asked then to swim across the breadth of the pool. While Catherine’s brother stayed calm and made it, she, however, immediately disliked the task. It was Catherine’s first time in such deep water, and the bottom of the pool seemed so far away that she felt really frightened. She felt she was going to drown (淹死) for lack of air. At that moment, she thought that swimming wasn’t for her. After being rescued from the water, she didn’t swim again.

Fast forward to her thirties, she was a mother of a child and living in an area with a lot of rivers and beaches. Then her son, Chirag, started school, and swimming was a compulsory course. Every Wednesday, the day for the weekly swimming lesson was Chirag’s bad dream. From the previous evening, he would be anxious and teary-eyed about going to school. It turned out that Catherine had passed on her anxiety about swimming to her little boy.

She was always worried about keeping her child safe around water and was starting to realize that the best way to do that was making him learn how to swim. Words of comfort were of no use to Chirag. He still sat outside the pool during his classes. It was obvious that he needed professional lessons to help build his confidence. She needed to challenge herself to encourage her son.


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So Catherine signed up for swimming classes with her son.


To Catherine’s amazement, she didn’t drown!


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4 . 假定你是李华,上周你校艺术俱乐部举办了主题为“数字国画欣赏(Appreciation of Digital Chinese Painting)”的活动。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容包括:

1. 活动介绍(时间、地点和内容等);

2. 活动反响。


1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Appreciation of Digital Chinese Painting


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5 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Once there lived a girl named Melanie. The little girl was living with a dream. She wanted to be a ballet dancer. Her body was very flexible and she had a strong will power. Melanie’s parents never knew of the great dancing skills their daughter had until one day, they saw the little girl dancing with the beautiful steps of a ballerina.

“Isn’t it strange? Melanie is dancing so well without any formal training!” the mother said.

“We must give her ballet lessons to help her improve her skills,” her father said.

The following day, Melanie’s parents took her to a local dance training school. The teacher asked Melanie to dance. The little girl was happy and showed some of her favorite dance steps. However, the teacher didn’t seem interested in her performance.

“That’s OK. You can leave now!”the teacher said.

Melanie was shocked to hear this. So were her parents. They couldn’t believe their ears.

“The girl is common. She does not have the possibility to become a ballerina, ”the dance teacher said. “Don’t let her waste her time dreaming of becoming a dancer.”

Disappointed, Melanie and her parents returned home. Tears rolled down Melanie’s face. Her dreams were broken within a matter of minutes. Without confidence, Melanie never attempted to dance again. She completed her studies and went on to become a teacher in school.Life was good and she kept herself busy with family and work. However, whenever she happened to pass the school’s ballet room, memories of childhood dreams danced before her eyes.

One day, the ballet teacher in her school was late.
“What a performance, Melanie! You are a true ballerina!” said the ballet teacher entering the classroom.
2023-02-18更新 | 742次组卷 | 15卷引用:河北省保定市唐县第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(含听力)
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6 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Is this allIgot?” asked my daughter, Allison. “I asked for a new cellphone!”

“What kind of birthday is this?” asked my son, Blake.

Blake and Allison are twins. Every year, I gave them birthday presents. But they always felt unhappy about not receiving something on their wish list.

I knew I had somewhat spoiled(宠坏)them, but I had no idea it was this bad . I was in shock. How self-centered and unappreciative could my children be?

I was determined to do something.

I found a family living on a farm that badly needed help. There were four children in the family aged from three to eight. I began to visit them every two months.

Soon, Allison and Blake’s birthday was drawing near. I decided to introduce them to the new friends. One day, I woke the kids early and drove them to the farm.

When we arrived, I told my children to take two bags off the car, of which one was filled with food and the other with many boxes full of presents my children would never be satisfied with.

We were welcomed inside with smiles and appreciation. Obviously, Alison and Blake were shocked by what they saw. I could guess they had never expected people would live such a difficult life.

“Look! Presents for you. ”Allison was trying to make the kids happier.

With their parents’ permission(允许), the kids began to pick the boxes up, shake them, and guess what was inside. They were so excited. Allison and Blake encouraged the kids to open the boxes. They did. And there were shouts of surprise and joy: a model car, chocolate …then laughter. Then grateful hugs(拥抱)and sincere “thank-yous” .

At first Alison and Blake looked confused but soon joined the children. Before long, they were laughing, too, proud that they brought happiness there.

On the way home, Alison and Blake were a little quiet. When it was time to go to bed that day, my kids hugged me and said, “Thank you, Mum. ”

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The next year, with their birthday nearing, I asked Alison and Blake what presents they wanted.                            


I agreed and offered to drive them to the farm.               

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Back in the day when I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life, I was studying to become a firefighter. I was a volunteer fire aide in New York, and was studying at Mission College. As a firefighter, you should always think of other people and try to help other people.

One night after going to class, I was walking home and decided to stop off at a fast food restaurant. I lived in an apartment alone near my college so most of the time I used to get a take-out, I got my food and started to head home when a homeless man walked to me. He looked 20 or so. He was very dirty and obviously very hungry. He asked me for some change to buy a little food. As I was pulling some change out, I had an idea.

I decided to see if he wanted to eat a real dinner, so I asked him to follow me back into the restaurant to order food together. For someone who had been on the fringes(边缘) of society it seemed like he was very surprised at my generosity(慷慨). But to me, it was what any ”human being“ should do or at least offer. He was afraid to go into the restaurant because of shame. But I insisted. When he finally followed me and walked into the restaurant, the people behind the counter refused to let him in, but I told them that I was buying him dinner and he had a right to be there. After some arguments, they finally let him in and he sat down at the table. It seemed like he was relieved a bit to be sitting at a table, I asked him to order whatever he wanted. He only ordered a hamburg, so I had to encourage him to order whatever he wanted.


Finally he ordered three hamburgers and we began to talk.


He stood up and looked at me, open-mouthed.

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One warm, sunny morning, Marsha jumped right out of bed.

Today was the first day of summer vacation and also the last day she’d be spending with Tanya, her very best friend. Tanya was going to camp in another state. She’d be gone all summer. Marsha and Tanya always spent their summers together. This one would be no fun without her!

Marsha’s mom came in.“What’s the matter, Rabbit?” she said.

“I miss Tanya already. Isn’t that silly?” Marsha said.

“No,”her mother said softly.“Missing a best friend isn’t silly at all. ” Marsha’s eyes were wet.

“I know how you feel.”“You do?”asked Marsha. Marsha’s mom nodded.“I had a best friend when I was your age. And she went away to camp, too.”“I felt pretty sad,” Marsha’s mom said. “I wanted my best friend to think about me. So I gave her something.”“What?”asked Marsha.“I gave her my best necklace,” her mom said.

“You did?”asked Marsha.“Well,I wanted her to have it,” Marsha’s mom said,“Maybe you could give Tanya one of your favorite things to take to camp. How about a doll? Then she will never forget that you are her best friend.”Marsha wiped her eyes.“Mom, that’s a great idea!” she said.

“Are you going to give Tanya your Glenda Glitter doll?” said Marsha’s mom.“Yes, Mom,”she said.“This is the one I want her to have. But now I’m going to get Glenda all nice and clean. ” Soon, Glenda Glitter looked just like new.

Next it was time to dress the doll. Marsha ran to her room. In a flash she was back. Her hands were full of doll’s dresses. “This is the one I like best,” she said.“And I know Tanya likes it best, too.”

“Let’s see.I think I can fix this little rip(口子).” Marsha’s mom was good at fixing things. The doll dress soon looked good as new.

“Look, Mom!”she said. “Glenda looks beautiful.”

“You know, Kitten,”said Marsha’s mom, “Tanya will like this present so much.”“Tanya will be leaving soon,”she said.“We better hurry up.”Marsha and her mom walked over to Tanya’s house. They rang the bell.


Marsha hid the doll behind her back.


Tanya and Marsha put their presents in each other’s hands.

2023-01-11更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省保定市2022-2023学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Every single one of us has a different story. It is easy to judge others based on what we witness for a brief amount of time, but this is not what we should do.

Andre Owen is a policeman who works for the Sussex Police. He is a kind-hearted young officer. He is always working hard and devotes himself to his duty. And on one particular day, his shift (轮班) was proving to be one of the tough days. That day, he started to work at around 7:05 am. It was such an early start for his duty that he had no time for breakfast. He was called to a serious incident shortly after he began to be on duty. The incident was in Brighton, which meant he had to go to Oxford to take care of the matter. It was a long drive there, which took him about two hours to get there. The matter was very hard to deal with, but he managed to settle it successfully.

After his visit to Oxford, Andre Owen drove his way back, only to find another incident down the road. The accident involved a family who needed help, but the traffic was so crowded that they couldn’t get through. As a result, the officer had to stop traffic to get them to safety. At the end of it, he had 45 minutes left in his shift but he still had to drive back for two more hours.

It was such a difficult day and he almost did not get to have time to eat. At lunchtime, he finally had an opportunity to get food, so he went to the nearest fast food restaurant to buy himself lunch. Just like any other customers there, the policeman was patiently waiting for his food to arrive. A lady eating her own food, kept staring at him while he was waiting.

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It was at that moment that the woman decided to come up to him to say something.


However, Owen decided to share something on the Internet.

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A thin young boy loved football with all his heart. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played. This teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. Even though his son was always on the bench, the father was always in the stands cheering.

He never missed a game. This young boy was still the smallest of the class when he entered high school. His father continued to encourage him but made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn’t want to. But the young boy loved football and decided to hang in there. He was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he would play when he became a senior.

When the young boy went to college, he decided to try out for the football team. Everyone was sure he could never make the cut, but he did. The coach admitted that he kept him in the team because he always put his heart and soul into every practice, and at the same time, provided the other team members with the spirit they badly needed. The news thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his father. His father shared his excitement. This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college, but he never got to play in a game.

It was the end of the football season, and as he ran to the practice field shortly before a big playoff game, the coach met him with a telegram (电报). The young boy read the telegram and he became deathly silent. Crying hard, he said, “My father died this morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today?” The coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said, “Take the rest of the week off, son. And don’t even plan to come back to the game on Saturday.”

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Saturday arrived, and the game wasn’t going well.


Before long, everyone couldn’t believe their eyes.

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